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Everything posted by Tricky-Ha

  1. People ask me to do this ingame sometimes. I don't like it, man.
  2. sorry SPOILERS sorry As as Bounty Hunter, we get many titles. My favorite is Homewrecker. I got that from wrecking the marraige(sp?) on Alderaan in our class story. Us Bounty Hunter's don't get a Mandalorian title yet tho, but the story Dev said we might. We do get to meet Mand'alor the Vindicated in our class story, he even crowns us as his Heir to the crown so that he can move on because of the stories he'd heard about our battles during our class story. The NPC's in this game know what we've been doing. Did any of you get a TITLE at this point in your story progression? I don't think I did, not a new title anyways. Y'see, Erickson answered a question in this week's Q&A for us Bounty Hunters that would like to have the Mandalorian title. DevTheSith: Can Bounty Hunters get a [Name] The Mandalorian title (or if it’s already in game, where is it)? Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): Currently, there is no such title available for Bounty Hunters. It may be added as part of a future content update, but we’ve got no current plans to add it to the existing game. Pretty boring answer, wasn't it? If he was going to add the Mandalorian title into our class story & was looking for the place to put it in that would take the least amount of effort, like right now...that place could be after our Bounty Hunter class story scene where we're having a drink with Mand'alor, the Defenestrator, Jew'la & Bloodworthy. That would be perfect, Kandosii!
  3. *pretends that Matte_Black had asked me* Oh, I wouldn't care. I'm just glad to finally have the look I wanted & I'm sure that other person is equally as glad as I, so that is all that matters. Since we're in a Mando themed guild, now lets see if we can convice other members to go to the GTN or work with our crafters to get these same sets of gear so we can have a "Mando guild uniform" thingy going on, Kandosii!
  4. Yeah, but c'mon, man... Didn't you want a customization system that offered the same amount of options that an a-tab would've given us, namely being able to conveniently mod more than one set of gear around.
  5. I know, right? Getting your reward costs you credits to use your reward the way that you want to use it, we're paying a massive amount of credits just to do a simple thing as appearance customization.
  6. So that is the definition of "entitlement"? Thanks. That word gets tossed around these forums so much, it lost all meaning, but now that you've applied it to me...woah! Thanks. So, obviously you have no plans to remove the mods from your PvE & PvP 1.2 gear cause you absolutely love the looks of every set of them, right?
  7. It's not a question of the amounts credits my character can generate ingame, it's a question of professional quality & integrity of BioWare. I thank you very much. Obviously I'm sending a message to somebody, when I am removing mods from the highest level gear in the game & putting those mods into gear I got at level 10. I'd really like that person to get the message. The message? I think the art design on your 1.2 PvE & PvP gear looks terrible.
  8. Oh I know that quote very well Deewe, unfortunately it cannot be construed as an *official* BioWare promise. I've tried to shove those words into Steph's face so many times & someone in charge finally responded to me in an PM, very harshly I might add, letting me know what the real deal is. Message was personal so I'll keep it that way, but I got the point very clearly.
  9. Y'know, just as a good faith gesture that you've heard our complaints about the un-Star Warsy looks of the 1.2 armor sets & that you do understand the frustration of your paying playerbase, what do you say, BioWare? It's not a question of the amounts credits my character can generate ingame, it's a question of professional quality & integrity BioWare. How is yours?
  10. Can you make this happen BioWare? Just on the first complete set of either PVP or PVE 1.2 armor set that I get when 1.2 is live, can you allow me a free 1 time offer to remove the mods free-of-charge from that armor so that I can place those mods into my custom orange armor set that I really wanted to wear all along since the very 1st day I logged into this game?
  11. Matte is right. BioWare never made any promises of anything like an a-tab. That's all been us, trying to push the idea onto them. Still trying to force the idea onto them.
  12. It's going to cost alot of friggin credits to remove mods from endgame gear & put it into Oranges. Bioware seems incapable of finding a middle ground, a compromise that can probably make the most amount of people happy. They always nerf something too far in one direction I think. Color match doesn't work at launch? Get rid of it & get rid of half of the gear in beta too cause it's too much gear & the players might get confused. I'm still really cross that I'm expected to pay much too much credits to use what is basically BioWare's version of the appearance tab in MMO's. Every other MMO I played that had an a-tab, it was free to use it to customize the look of my character how ever I wanted to. I wonder if BioWare's once again taking notes from Blizzard's playbook? I'll bet they are NOT charging their playerbase as much equivalent gold to transmorgrify their WoW gear, so that 2 armor pieces meld into one better looking piece. I'll bet ya, we're getting charged more than Blizzard charges their playerbase so they have access to appearance customization.
  13. I know, but do I want "new powerful gear" or do I JUST want an "blank augment slot" put on the subpar gear that I already have, how about that? We're not asking for much are we?
  14. Belsavis- can't stand a prison planet Hoth- too damn WHITE! I just don't like them 2 planets, the rest is ok.
  15. I know. Of course Matte provided a valid & totally bullcrap reason for why BioWare would not add augments to current orange gear, still doesn't make it right.
  16. It won't, it would've been one of the best decisions BioWare had ever made if they did just go ahead & retroactively put in the augment slot into all of our present orange gear. From then on, then we can work on the economy & work with the crafters & the rest of the community. First we should have to take care of ourselves, dammit! /edit Now instead I'm turning into an armormech this coming 1.2 patch & will probably end up destroying 2/3's of my orange items trying to RE them so I can get the schems that I'll have to keep on RE'ing again like another 20 times until I eventually get a crit that finally will grant me one of the pieces of orange gear I originally had except this time it now has an augment slot on it. It's a worse case scenario that I'm not looking forward to at all & y'know what, this is not appearance customization. Not yet anyways, it's PREPARATION to appearance customization & the PREPARATION part is going to be very expensive, very failure dependent & very time consuming. Once again I'm giving BioWare a chance, but I already know that I do not like where this is going. It's heading to a bad place.
  17. Has she sent in a bug report ticket to customer service?
  18. Star Wars it up by calling your vampire an Anzati instead. Behind the scenes In The Essential Guide to Characters, it is stated that Anzati only consumed a victim's luck, and that a victim could survive.[12] This, however, is contradicted by almost every other source where an Anzat appears in.[3] Nonetheless, the The New Essential Guide to Alien Species does state that the Anzati had a range of names for their meals, among them "Soup", "Luck", and "Sea of Memory".[1] Anzati appear to have been based on vampires - mythological undead monsters who subsist on and create other vampires through feeding on the blood of the living - and this is even referred to in their "snot vampire" moniker and the "myth" that their victims also became Anzati. They retain many of the typical characteristics of vampires in fantasy depictions: they feed on the "life force" of sentient beings, have incredible longevity, no pulse, irresistible powers over lesser beings, heightened senses, incredible strength and stamina, and are frequently intellectual and cultured despite their ******* inclinations, with the exception that feeding does not make a victim become Anzat in turn. As you can see, Star Wars lore has already firmly placed the Anzat as Star Wars answer to Vampires so theres no need to try & add real stupid blood drinking, sparkly skinned pansy ones in also.
  19. I don't like well working pre-mades either, but they're necessary so that I don't have to wait forever to que for the next wz. As bad as the server populations are cause there are just too may servers, I just don't think I need any road blocks put in place to slow things down more than they are, no :PvP level range brackets, no only solos vs solos & pre vs pres & the kick feature in 1.2 better have no impact on the regular que'ing thing that regularly brings new players into warzones in the 1st place. Man, the kicks feature better not be a buggy mess.
  20. I don't think that was a very wise move. Every week BioWare is just losing that much more cool points.
  21. After the forum re-roll, we lost our forum polling priviledges to vote on anything ever again because the freedom to poll/vote on things gave us a visual power that the forum mods & Devs just could not ignore. So now any kind of forum voting tools are gone, forever! Can't even star rate threads anymore. Ha ha ah. A perfect example of this used to be the old Appearance Tab poll thread, it's voting poll always had about a steady 85% yes votes & it's last count of roughly polled 4800 forum voters & in all that time BioWare was defiant in not wanting to have an a-tab here in SWTOR no matter how much the fanbase demanded it. Now with the polls gone, BioWare never has to know how much of the fanbase wants BioWare to still put a-tabs into SWTOR.
  22. In another year SWTOR might have some real sci-fi MMO competition with Blizzard's TITAN & WH40K Dark Millenium Online, if those MMO's ever come out.
  23. It would have been nice if our STORY guy could have told us a STORY about WHY our Bounty Hunters cannot have the title of Mandalorian ingame, what kind of role player are you Danny? You do remember the Blog that you wrote telling us how we'd probably not be Mandalorian Bounty Hunters here in SWTOR......Well the class story that you've written for my Bounty Hunter has Mand'alor the Vindicated crown me as his heir to the crown & officially adopt me into the Mandalorian clans, so I'm all Mandalorian in everything (including armor) but title, even my guild is Mandalorian. Why are you keeping me back from fulfilling my SWTOR fantasy, Danny?
  24. I'm stoked too. I tend to hide it behind this veneer of hate, but I'll take what BioWare is giving if it's all they are capable of doing to the best of their ability. I've tested color match on the PTS & it's amazing, better than it was in beta even.
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