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Everything posted by Tricky-Ha

  1. Thank you tons for speaking up Matt, I really enjoyed hearing you speak up as AdeptStrain on the SWG forums & am glad that you are finally talking here , I hope to see more of your posts in the future.
  2. I wish they would. I'm going to beta The Secret World today & I already know that I'm going to spend quite alot of time just messing around with it's character creator & mentally comparing it against TOR's & finding fault w/TOR's just cause I'll be able to actually create a face in The Secret World as opposed to just picking a face like in TOR.
  3. /+1 for a thread worth my time to lurk out on. Good feedback, I hope BW is paying attention.
  4. Hey Jo, redo that link, mistype error man.
  5. I'd also love to see Ranked WarZones added to the Group Finder, that would be very cool & very useful for us PvP'ers who at this point feel very left out of this whole group finder business.
  6. Well our so called Lead Game Designer is an admitted roleplayer, yet he's the one fighting against most of the communities' roleplay requests with excuses about "later", "you'd be confused by playing a freak alien" or "it's too hard", so I just call that guy a liar instead & don't trust anything he ever says. Yeah, SWTOR is about as anti-SWG as an MMO can ever try to be, it's pretty sad considering that so many ex-SWG players migrated here with hopes & dreams of making this their new permanent virtual homes.
  7. Adaptive Social Gear does not adapt to Battlemaster set bonuses, why is that BioWare?
  8. I do like level 50 War Zone PVP & would like to dress how I wanted to there & not wear a uniform like everyone else that's a Bounty Hunter, can't do that cause I'd lose the set bonuses on my battlemaster gear. Adaptive Social gear changes nothing at all for me here cause once again, battlemaster set bonuses...
  9. I'm not using my "real" last name as my Legacy name, are you? I've edited the OP, I see the confusion I wrote out in my frustration & didn't mean to complicate things by insisting that we use our "real" last names, sorry about that guys. Legacy last names.
  10. ...we have a first & last name so that there's a much better chance that each player has a unique name? Why can't you do this BioWare when so many other MMORPG Developers can? You allowed us to have LEGACY last names for a reason, so why won't you let us use them as our real player character last names so that we can keep our original character 1st names when we move for server transfers? There's obviously a reason why, can you just take the time & tell me what the reason is? /edit My player character name is Cassius Haran. If that was my whole character name, then I'd never have to worry about changing my name Cassius, when I move to another RP server since I've just checked out all the other RP servers & found out that the name Cassius is already taken on them all.
  11. You are too cool, thanks for backing off on that "soon" thingy.
  12. Yep, pretty sure they did. I had 1 toon on PTS & now I've got 2.
  13. I got Error code 3002 server currently unavailable.....boring
  14. 'Snot your fault. It's not like BioWare reps got on the forums & officially corrected anyone of that assumption. Peoples asked them to come on the forums & give details about what was revealed at E3, but they didn't seem to want to.
  15. I'd like character creation, I'm getting annoyed at the massive credit sink that Legacy unlocks are becoming.
  16. Yeah I did, I had to fly pretty far out but eventually I was told to turn back around.
  17. That's pretty standard for space games actually, man.
  18. From their FAQ.... Will There Be a Day/Night Cycle? Yes there will. Not only will it get darker at night, but NPCs may despawn or move locations at different times of day. You may see something similar to Fireflies at night time in some locations. Lights and Signs may also turn on or off, and some shops will close. Dayum, pretty amazing for a F2P MMO. Thanks for letting me know about it, man.
  19. Hey, I'm with you man, know exactly what you mean. It's silly tho, plenty of ex-SWG Devs are now working at BioWare yet BioWare did their damn best to make SWTOR the anti-SWG Star Wars MMORPG. I doubts there will ever be player bounty hunting in this game.
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