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Everything posted by Absit

  1. Are you complaining that your DoT tree doesn't have a super bursty top tier skill like the burst tree?
  2. Making precision a buff off the GCD would be a massive improvement. Having played both (but preferring Combat 'cause everyone and their mother plays Watchman) I support this. Too bad it'll never happen.
  3. Absit

    World PvP

    I did play DAOC, great PvP system, we're not getting that. But out of your wall of text, my point remains. PvP for fun, go to the world. You say no one goes back except to help friends. That's what I'm relying on. People have alts by now, call your friends. You brought up Ilum, I never mentioned it, screw it. What it comes down is you need a reason to PvP. PvPers I don't.
  4. Absit

    World PvP

    I don't think it has as much to do with gear as it does with the kind of people playing the game. I'm indifferent toward PvP gear and rewards beyond the same thing a PvE guy can get. I like the idea of a stat that helps in PvP so PvPers have an advantage, but it does encourage PvP grinding. That said, it doesn't discourage random world PvP at all. There's no reason you can't do your dailies while or before hitting some random planet and wrecking someone's day.
  5. Absit

    World PvP

    Thank you, you're a perfect example of the kind of person that's not a PvPer, maybe a PvP grinder, but not a PvPer. Also, I can go to Alderaan, Tatooine, and Hoth and find Imperials instantly. Who wants to kill lowbies you say? I'm a griefer you say? You might not understand how social structures work. But generally, if a lowbie at this point gets killed by a 50, they either hop on their alt, call their guild, call in general/PvP chat, or all of the above. Next thing you know you have a massive group coming your way. This builds until people stop coming back.
  6. Absit

    World PvP

    Why have so few people discovered world PvP? This forum is filled with complaints about warzones and Ilum, gear progression etc and lack of things to do beyond dailies. Did you know there's world PvP? What's that? You don't want to because there are no rewards? What's the point you say? Fun. PvPers PvP for fun. Stop saying PvPers are bored, we're having a blast causing all kinds of crap around the galaxy. PvP grinders are bored.
  7. Absit

    Voidstar spawns

    I agree. Nothing's worse than hearing that buzzer while you're in a spawn point. Just make everyone still in the spawn zone move to the next one when the buzzer goes off.
  8. I don't see an issue with this other than tanks roflcoptoring medals. DPSers can't get healing medals without consumables (unless they run a certain spec and get a bit lucky), but healers almost always get damage medals. It's those dang tanks that get ridonkulous medals in warzones, which I guess is fine, incentive to play a tank, I'm still jealous.
  9. Absit

    Republic Liars

    El oh el. It does happen, but it's rare, and it's usually against the other faction at least. Huttball is probably a 1/6 warzone for me.
  10. I'm playing Combat now from Watchman, I'm lowbie, but I've noticed my overall damage numbers are lower, but I tend to kill my target more often. So, less overall damage, but more effective damage. I like it - and my damage can't be cleansed.
  11. Turning Combat into more burst and Watchman into something like the Warrior Priest/DOK from Warhammer would be pretty cool. I honestly don't know which I'd play then..
  12. In a PvP game, if others use something unfair to gain advantage, it affects everyone else. This should be pretty basic knowledge.
  13. World PvP - it's the most fun you'll have in a game like this. Go camp some level 30-ish planet and kill people with guild tags.
  14. I had a ton of fun on Alderaan last night in world PvP on my 28 Sentinel, ran in to five or six Empire guys back to back. I lost to a 32 Juggernaut (dropped the ball on his healing companion) and 38 Powertech (but CLOSE on the Powertech) but killed a few Sorcs and some other garbage - all higher level than me. It eems people die a LOT easier in world PvP than in warzones, maybe they're not PvPers. It's not like I could stealth up to them.
  15. Absit

    PVP Knockbacks

    If you're leap is up, sometimes you can leap back up to them. Otherwise, know your surroundings better.
  16. Because PvP is fun? Why do you play the game at all? Maybe you should post your criticism in a reasonable manner, rather than dog-piling a known issue?
  17. I think the assist medals are important. 1 medals for passing a ball if the immediate receiver scores, 2 medals for scoring. 1 medal for being on a cap/plant point when it's capped/planted, 2 medals for capping, etc.
  18. Are you sure he was tank specced and not Focus? Sounds like a Focus Guardian..
  19. This. If you focus on the healer you're splitting your damage via guard and losing 30% more via taunt, you'll never win like that.
  20. Gear based games get stale and start adding stupid stuff like arenas. If you emphasize CONTROL of the map, the game can last much longer without silly gimmicks. You can do this without changing the current PvP gear. Control Ilum, don't grind it.
  21. So we're all agreed, if they introduced an XP lock, no one would ever PvP in the 50 bracket. But wait, then we're limited to warzones.. Screw that. What if..WHAT IF...they removed the 50 bracket and made bolster account for at least some expertise? This way, gear still matters for world and Ilum PvP, but the warzones (which we do to grind, let's face it) are balanced. Fact is, gear would still make a difference in warzones because at 50 you could have 50 purples, whereas the bolstered guys are more like 50 greens/blues, particularly if their gear isn't 100% up to date. I don't like the idea of removing expertise entirely unless the PvP gear gets a decent buff in stats to make it worth having over the PvE gear. I think the real problem is the way PvP gear was acquired, not the Expertise stat itself.
  22. Plenty of warzones already in game, just go to a planet that's over level 20.
  23. Closer than warzones, but I'd say if you PvP in say, Nar Shadda through Voss, that's PvP.
  24. The issue I'd have is now my team is a guy down for 2-3 minutes rather than having someone else hop in that was queued and ready to go. That can lose you the minigame.
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