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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. Lulz :D I came back, got a Jugg to 55 around new year's and tanked a bunch of HM FP's in veng spec. Tanking gear obviously, I was just too lazy to respec. Anyhoo, probably not wise to do it if you don't know the class well (I had a few months' experience at top tier tanking/dps on guardian before I quit so I knew what I was doing, and built a strong set of 66/69 tanking off-spec gear pretty quickly after hitting 55) and I wouldn't really recommend it for Ops unless you strongly outgear them, but 'can't' is certainly the wrong word here.


    I think realistically if you have a good party and good enough gear you can tank 55's with a DPS class (can anyone say maurader?). there are even a few vids of one guy soloing HM 55's on his mara. doable? sure. but...


    The moral of the story is....many things are doable. but if you are going into an HM at level cap, and you are not specced for the role you queue for, you are putting a big strain on the party. emergency situations are very different (tank quits, almost done, etc etc). I honestly would vote kick a tank in vengeance spec in an HM....especially if im on my juggs and guards, because i have a tank set, i can switch gear and spec in about 45s, and it makes the run allot easier on your team.


    Now...among friends and guild members it's a whole different story. prior to 2.0, my regular raid members and I would challenge ourselves in HM's....I'd run as venge spec and venge gear, and the healer would run as a hybrid spec (I think...it wasn't full heal spec, but wasn't full DPS spex, he had some weird thing...). the Sorc and I would see who could keep aggro through damage alone :) fun stuff...but we vastly overgeared the stuff we were running at the time.


    In Queues....It's extremely rude to others, as they have to work harder to make up for what you cannot do because you are unwilling to do exactly what they did...spec and gear for their role.

  2. Im a pure PvE player, and i still agree with undying. threat is not an isolated mechanic, and i always thought it strange that people think all we need is threat, not DPS. damage is threat. period. if you gave us 2000% threat bonus, and zero damage...we would have zero threat. they work together. damage is synchronous to threat, though its not AS critical to us as it would be to a DPS player.


    But it simply is needed. and having a tank lower then the others means that not only is the group that runs with us getting less damage then they would with another tank class, but they are also getting less threat from us.


    It's not like they'd reduce our mitigation skills or our threat bonuses just because we got more damage. I fail to see the argument behind this concept.

  3. Do you really believe that the Devs are sitting around and waiting for you to come up with an idea that has been around since before the game was in development?

    Surely they thought about this during desing and decided against it.

    Just because the OP starts demanding it doesn't mean they'll change their minds and completely redesign their entire appearance system.


    The Devs have changed their minds about allot of things. And if they're willing to put as much effort into designing a space combat system that not everyone plays, they should be willing to put effort into a cosmetic system that allot of people will take advantage of.


    I played LotRO, and they're system is much like what the OP is asking for. and I know plenty of peeps in that game (including myself) that never thought they'd use a cosmetic system until an easy one was dropped at their door. and yes, I did invest real currency to unlock more then the free ones. its a system that many have asked for, many more will probably use once its in place, and ts another avenue for CC purchases.


    Keep in mind that they don't make money off of us building and spending credits...they make money off of us spending CC in the store. This option would not reduce spending CC at all...it would increase it. It's a win/win for both sides really. PLUS....with more people having more creds freed up, they may also be more willing to spend them in the GMT on cartel market purchases, further motivating people to spend more real money on the market.

  4. I have a good memory ;)


    But in all seriousness, I think they don't necessarily mean opposite things. The system could be like this with such (good) rewards because they can't technically make the helix's as BOL. But I would still like some clarification on this.


    Not necessarily...if you look at eric's quote he said that they specifically wanted the gree tokens to be earned, not traded or sold or whatever. BoL isn't trechnically doable right now, so the only option is to go out on toon at a time and earn. and Jesse's comment doesn't conflict with that. She's saying that they wanted you to EARN them per character so someone with limited charectars wouldn't have a significant advantage. no matter which side of the cow your looking at, Bio still wanted them as BoP.


    And as stated previously, there are other weapons available from other fractions that are always available. so it's not a rarity thing. it really just boils down to this :


    Even if we were to somehow convince Bio that Jesse and eric were making up reasons why Bio did it, it should be obvious at this point that BIo meant to do it.

  5. Enrage idea. Not bad only issue is the bonus would have to be measured against it's CD. If your comparing directly to other tanks Offensive CD's, ours is only half of theirs (or less). And i don't think the actual offensive bonus should be universal. This could easily throw off the balance of DPS in the other trees. So perhaps a talent addition that would increase damage by 3-4% (this would also increase threat as well).


    Note on Defenses: We don't need any more. Prior to the last update we were often the tank of choice already do to our stable mitigations, plus our MULTIPLE DEFENSIVE CD's, which neither other class has really (PT has one, as does assassin for the most part). Most Jugg's who never played the other tank classes may not know it, but assassins/shadows were hurting quite a bit prior to the mitigation changes. were quite solid from a DR point fo view. The only thing I'd suggest to Bio is to work on mitigation coefficients more.


    The extra damage we would do would handle most of the threat issues as well. The only other thing I'd add to the mix is possibly a skill higher up that would reduce our shockwave CD on successful shielding or something like that. some way to cut down the CD a few seconds so we can get access to the AoE threat from smash a bit sooner.


    Honestly, aside from the creeping threat issue (which has plagued us since day one really), were in a great spot as tanks. probably one of the best balanced specs in the game Imo. Doesn't mean we don't need tweaking...I'm still not sure why they cant just add 3-5% more threat gen to Soresu...but meh. I like the above ideas within reason, and i do agree with you on our limitations.

  6. for those who don't think that male4 looks like a powerlifter you guys need to go see some shots of serious professional powerlifting. there are guys with guts there. most top end powerlifters (not cross train or max train or fittest man in the world or any of that stuff) will have some extra cushion. there's some very solid physiological reasons for it too (not going to get into them here but they are there).


    male4 actually reminds me very closely of a friend i had in the military. you'll never guess what his profession was before he got into the military....powerlifting. And he was good. and he had a gut. The onlyl thing missing on male4 is the glutes. most pro lifters I've seen have a solid stack of glutes on them....you don't get a skinny butt from doing deadlifts and cleans your entire life.


    aside from that...I don't see any reason why they shouldn't have an out of shape version for the fembots. I honestly think the reason they have the 4 models they do now is DUE to fan service...not due to a lack of. but at least the concept of male4 and female4 are both relatively close to each other...the performance body with a bit extra. to add a "fat" female they really would have to add a "fat" male. think guyboobs and pear shape for the guys. Which is exactly what male4 is NOT.


    I think ultimately they chose the 4 forms they have now because those are the ones they got the most positive responses from (i assume from a range of other options).


    EDIT: I personally dislike all the body styles. with the exception of #1, they all look unrealistic in most ways, with odd little additions tagged on to push teh "attractive" buttons. im just commenting on the discussion at hand, not approving any specific body style.

  7. Consider all sides of the equation, otherwise we end up with class changes that benefit one group and yield absolutely nothing for another (eg the Ravage root, which helps a bit in PvP and does jack squat for PvE)


    The last thing I want to do, is make intelligent people my enemies. I apologize if my desire to focus on arena gameplay came across as elitist. By all means we need to pool our resources and work together for maximum mutual benefit.


    Please allow me to edit the initial paragraphs and allow me to invite you pve players to compile your data with us arena jugs. I beg you.


    Thank you Undying. It wasn't a rejection of your ideas as much as how your initial quote came across :) I greatly appreciate that you cleared that up. I definitely have no issues with PvP and the need for changes. and your right....great discussion so far in this thread.


    quick comments on Ravage:


    I've seen some great ideas in other threads, my compilation of these ideas would be 1) change Rampage to a CD reduction every time we hit one of the mentioned skills (instead of the proc reset), and 2) add to a talent in the tree the ability to reset the CD every time you use Enrage. This would make the use of ravage a regular use instead of emergency procs (that rarely line up well), and also gives you a bit of extra burst on demand when needed. leap/sunder/ravage/enrage/ravage. or whatever.

  8. Honestly, do what you like. I would advise against using a rifle in assault because it screws with the main rotation but i've seen people messing around with that sort of build (not having much success but for sh*ts and giggles in regs why not?). I personally play gunnery with a rifle and I have no complaints about my damage output. I realize it would be higher with a cannon but its high enough with a rifle to make me viable on my PVE servers regs and solo que arenas so I have no complaints. For concrete PVE numbers, in my current auged conqueror gear i'm doing a sustained dps of about 2.1k with a rifle. Not astronomical or anything to write home about but its enough to clear every HM flashpoint in the game and most HM ops.


    As for people ripping at you for doing something different or inefficient, MMO communities have never been known for having any sort of manners or patience. Good grief, a while back I posted a just for fun video on these forums and the sheer amount of flaming I got for it convinced me to never bother sharing anything with this community again.


    Moral of the story is, nobody is gonna delete your character if you use a rifle. You want to use it, its your character and your game. You'll be less effective but if you want to make the tradeoff then its your call. Also, if anyone intends to flame me for this, save yourself some time and don't bother. I'm not going to try to justify anything to you.


    QFT. Do what you like. /endthread

  9. There was a guide floating around here on the forums...hopefully someone else can find it, too tired atm :).


    quick tips:


    1) don't backend your shiv's. what I mean....shiv is your #1 resource for gaining Tactical Advantage (TA). if you set up all your bleeds, then hit it, your going to be dry after you burn that initial TA. so hit shiv early in the fight, and almost always on CD.


    2) I say almost, because if you already have two stacks, its a wasted TA. so 0-1 stacks, hit it on CD (which is the norm). 2 stacks, hold it until you can burn one (which should be next priority)


    3) keep bleeds up, dont clip them if you can help it. tough to watch for your bleeds when the boss has 500 debuffs on him already, so get used to timing the bleeds from GCD's. or be more simple like me and keep track of how many skill presses you can get in before bleeds have to be refreshed. I like to try and space them out when i can so i can get in shiv's and cull's inbetween them..refreshing them both at the same time can throw off your ability to use shiv when needed.


    4) weakening blast on CD. that ones pretty easy, treat it like a bleed, but I think its lower in priority then the others.


    What I usually do (im a lazy agent, but this works for the most part)

    Open with Hidden strike if you can (gets you one TA). shiv, bleeds up, weakening, cull, shiv again, cull (another cull in there if you get fatality to trigger). from that point i just watch CD's and refresh and cull as necessary, always trying to alternate skills so im not refreshing all my bleeds at once. backstab will be a filler in there when you are open, shiv is on CD, and you want something to fill the space (you'll end up using it allot in boss fights, not so much in solo work).


    theres a much better guide here in the forum, but those can essentially get you by.

  10. Couple of generic reason why you see that (generic as in it applies to all classes)


    1) stat distribution on a piece of gear (or mod) isn't a balanced approach. the stats are set up to provide you with what you need no matter what your spec is. Go take a look at the end game gear from the PvE vendors...they often will have 1.5x more end then primary stats. some will have more, some less. This is by design. So don't expect your primary stat to always be higher...they aren't placed against each other as a comparative...they are individually scored based on level and output needs.


    2) Bio has specifically stated that generic mods and gear you get via questing are slightly unbalanced ON PURPOSE. they do that to encourage those who want to optimize their class to look to other resources. Adn in all honesty, many players like that aspect of the game. I prefer to craft most my mods and hilts/barrels so i can optimize my characters. You don't have to, but they set up gear that way so it's an option.


    but by all means...if you don't like the endurance heavy barrels you get in your leveling gear ( I know I don't) then optimize...but just be aware that it takes a bit more work to do that. you'll cruise through the game fine, whether you ar endurance heavy or Cunning heavy. the approach is up to you

  11. Mauraders (and to a lesser degree, snipers) have a lower initial skill threshold. This isn't a bad thing...to get really good results from both classes you stil need to really focus and optimize your skill. but since the threshold is lower, it's easier for those who don't wish to put in the effort of complete optimization to get "satisfactory" numbers from them.


    Add to that the simple attraction of big number classes (big boom fun!), and add to that the nature of FotM players to funnel to whatever is reputed to do the most damage....and you tend to get alot of players who are there because someone told them it was a good class.


    Interestingly enough, I tend to base my opinion of the FotM classes by how many players ask for advice in fleet ("can anyone tell me what spec is best for damage?" is common). right now, the two classes that i see that the most for are mara's and bounty hunters.


    Mara is also one of the only two AC"s that are pure DPS. again, attracts those who otherwise don't want to have to think beyond mashing a few buttons for pretty numbers on the screen. This in no way discredits those who seek perfection of their class...I've seen some downright wicked mara's and snipers. but that's the price you pay for being an easy to get teh basics down DPS class.

  12. technically, endurance is important, but not as important as mitigation stats. in this game, they all work in a balance. a mitigation heavy tank with poor health will take less damage overall, but will be more in danger of heavy hits taking them down too fast for the healer to keep up. an endurance heavy tank will suffer the same, but from a different perspective. he will seem to have a ton of health, but the lower mitigation stats will cause him to take more damage, and eat that health up fast.


    many other players in other MMO's have coined the phrase "effective health" to describe the interaction between actual health and mitigation stats. I don't see it too much here in the forums, but overall you still have to balance all of them out.


    and as stated above, the only time you should be worrying about threat is when your losing it more often then you should. And unfortunately, I can guarantee that as gear levels rise in comparison to skill thresholds (which is usually later in the meta game cycle like we currently are), threat is more of an issue. then when expansions come out, and the gear cycle resets (you level up again, skills get more powerful, etc), and threat is a non issue...until gear levels rise too high once again.


    Short and skinny: at this stage in the game, you wont' be able to stack enough offensive stats to keep up threat with raw "damage" without sacrificing critical mitigation stats to do so. this would directly undermine the second part of your job...surviving the mobs once you have threat. and our taunts are not zero sum...they build a threat advantage ahead of whoever is highest on that mob, so in themselves they are an effective threat tool. So that's essentially why we don't worry about threat as much...and when we do, we look more at rotation, or class balance, or simply asking our DPS to lay of for a few seconds longer on the pull.

  13. unfortunately OP, no matter how articulate or intelligent your post is, it's still a PvP elitist thread.


    1) you name it and preface it as if PvP were the "real" game in need of changes. I love how you don't specify PvP in the title...you don't find out until a few paragraphs in.


    2) you trivialize the PvE aspect of the game (naming someone that I've never heard of as a mentor, no disrespect to him , but it hardly qualifies you to speak for the public)


    3) you then indicate that arena is here to stay, and that somehow qualifies it as having priority over other aspects of the game for change.


    Hate to break your bubble, but Arena is a small aspect of PvP. and PvP is a small aspect of the game. especially now that space battles are out. hardly qualifies it as getting special consideration. Id probably respect your opinion more if you didn't trivialize the opinions of the populace at large in your post before breaking down the changes you want for your narrowly focused playstyle. However, after over a decade (and more) in the MMO world (both PvP and PvE), that is something I've come to expect from PvP elitists. One of the reasons I don't play PvP anymore.


    You need to change the name of the thread to "The REAL hardcore Arena PvP players concerns thread". Because that is all it is.

  14. I think the reason they indicated there are no "current plans" is simply because the MMO forum communities tend to like making mountains out of molehills. So they are always on the pessimistic side when it comes to releasing info. that being said, I think this initial release is to get a feel for the communities response.


    If more peeps are interested in more gameplay, then they'll add more. simple as that. I thought the fighter PvP was a great idea. I'm not a fan of mixing PvP and PvE, so having PvP a separate "mini-game" IMO is the best solution period.


    PvE? could take allot of work. It would be fun to see...but id like more of an exploration kind of addition, and they seem bent on instancing everything. but i wouldn't argue with a PvE aspect for it at all. id love to build a ship like i build my PvE toon. fly manually from planet to planet. picking random hyperspace jumps with unknown planets out there to explore...


    Sounds fun. cost prohibitive, but fun. either way, im glad space combat is here. got the right kind of PvP in the game Now we need some PvE attention...lots of adjustments to make in classes right now.

  15. I'm actually the reverse. I like the Scoundrel animations. the agent/smuggler was one of the last toons i leveled, and the only reason i got one to 55 was i enjoyed how the scoundrel moved.


    IMO the stabby stabby is boring. I enjoy the varations with the scoundrel, and as long as the damage is applied consistently, and im not losing any time outside of GCD, I'm just fine with the animations.


    I second the vote for more cool shotgun effects, but I'm also OK with the way it is now. Although...an animation to replace suckerpunch that made the scoundrel whip out his shotgun, spin it around, and smack them with the butt (like a club) could be cool lookin too.

  16. How did you think of this idea? :mad:


    Now that's a silly question. it's easy to figure out how he thought of this idea. the Jugg has always been a slow growing class. What the means in simple game play is they feel weaker early on due to lack of damage/utility/mobility etc. This is a feeling and has infused the class since beta. and it's pretty obvious when you look at the skill layout why. most our important skills are higher up.


    The class is also often tagged as "bloated" in the upper levels...too many skills doing too many things. I personally love the class (3 juggs and a guard myself), but I do (and did) feel the lack at lower levels. there is absolutely no reason why they can't migrate a single skill to the late teens/early twenties to compensate.


    When i started my sniper (finally got around to doing one) I was totally shocked that they got their execution skill at lvl 18! and its awesome at that level as well. but we don't get ours until.....46? Many people have said that the sniper/slinger is the most "balanced" spec out there (aside from the too high damage levels at 55), and I can understand why now that I play one. the skill distribution is much better balance then a juggs. were simply top heavy on skills, that's about it.

  17. I think this is a symptom of the jugg Iand guard) development during it's leveling curve. I remember even during beta people were saying that the jugg/guard had a gap early in its growth...it was a "slow starter". after playing most the other classes I can safely say that....not to mention the dozens of threads I've read about people coming to the jugg class after playing other classes and complaining about the jugg feeling "weak" in early levels.


    While most of us jugg lovers have learned to tolerate it, it's not something that we should just accept IMO. this thread is a symptom of that. so question is, how do we juggle the skills to make early leveling smoother?


    discussing end game "boss" fighting is largely irrelevant, as this is about getting it earlier in the curve. and I can tell you...at lvl 18 or 20, juggs can use all the extra skills they can get. saber throw would be one more skill thats useable during a low level pull that we don't have right now.


    But either way, I think we need to shuffle some skills around. most our really beneficial skills are at higher levels, when they don't have to be:


    1) our execution style skill is at lvl 46. assassins get theirs in their 30's, and snipers at 18! this skill is a huge QoL boost for solo play, and a great DPS addition in group play. we dont' get ours until were almost done with the leveling. I didn't realize how nice this was early on until i leveled a sniper


    2) one of our primary AoE skills, sweeping slash, is 32. early jugg tanks suffer allot from lack of AoE. this could also be moved up. PT's have 3-4 AoE skills to tank with before their 20's, Assassins are similar to juggs (though their early AoE is better due to lower CD and regular application), but they do get their second big AoE at 26, and a third in the tanking tree.


    3) we are one of the few classes with skills that have close range limitations, making them less effective no matter when we get them.


    I think the easiest solutions are (not all are needed, these are just brainstorming ideas):


    1) move a skill earlier up in the tree. either Sweeping Slash, or Saber throw, or Vicious throw. personally, i prefer vicious throw. huge QoL addition that could be earlier... it's position is irrelevant if they scale damage appropriately.but any of those would work just fine. I really feel like my juggs (have more then one) are missing a skill early on. and at end game we are almost bloated, so moving a few up wouldn't kill us.


    2) eliminate the silly close range limitations. on a ranged class I can see the logic...but on a melee class its simply irritating. both leap and throw should be 0 - 30 period. they can change our set bonus (which in current form is too necessary for the class. leap at least would be a little funky at 0 feet, but there isn't any reason why saber throw can't be 0 +.And on a shorter CD. 20s would almost be perfect.

  18. Pick your poison.


    Merc - great solo. great DPS end game, Great Healer end game (I see less of them for some reason)

    PT - great solo. good DPS end game, great tank end game.


    biggest differences :


    PT = melee DPS (mostly), melee tank (mostly). most attacks are instant (no cast times) one gun, no heals (small heals high in a few tree, don't really matter in the long run)


    Merc = Ranged DPS (turret style, lots of cast times), two guns, Is a healer.


    I play both, both are fun in their own ways. pick based on above info plus what you would prefer as a secondary spec end game. No matter what you do, most people end up tinkering with their secondary roles. so which would you prefer, tank or heals? that and the above will determine best one to pick. neither is better then the other


    EXCEPTION: if you like to PvP allot, the PT is in a much better spot at the moment them Merc. That is all.

  19. I would SOOO love the Jump native. I too started as DPS PT, and after trying out jump...can't go back. I even run a hybrid just so i can get the leap (solo only...).


    although ATM Im simply running tank .it kills fast enough for me that I don't worry about it. But I too am a supporter of Jump being native, and grapple being tank tree only.


    only reason i tank on my PT atm is jump. i switch into DPS gear for more DPS solo.

  20. couple of questions on that Eric:


    1) you indicate that you will give preference to those classes that haven't been changed yet. What about those that may have had a single, almost impacting change, but yet have had none of their original questions dealt with? and example would be the scoundrel/Op. lots of questions and concerns about energy and sustainable damage, yet they ended up getting a nerf to their cover.


    2) how are the questions going to be structured? im sure theres a few classes that are frustrated with a lack of information on their first 3 questions....are they going to have to waste their new questions asking about the old ones? are the devs going to continually provide info on the first 3 questions, or are we going to need to ask them again to make sure the issues that are critical to players are getting handled?


    I personally feel that if Those in charge of this process feel that it's important to "professionally" structure their communication with the players, then I feel that they should professionally deal with the questions. giving people ambiguous responses like 'we really want to work on X classes DPS/heat/whatever" don't really answer a question. As an example...it's good to recognize that the merc is squishy in PvP....what are the devs thoughts on it? if you know about it, what are some of the brainstorm ideas? why would you think that X class has OK DPS, when players really don't think they do? the "answers? probably need more detail in them....or at least a structure so we can expect certain things from them.


    When I deal with issues at work. we structure our conversations. we include 1) the issue 2) the details 3) the possible resolutions, and 4) the challenges/resources needed for those solutions. perhaps doing something like this for the answer sections would help? if players new what to expect on the answers, I honestly think that they would be more direct and forward in their questions, and also be more accepting of the answers.


    And in all honesty, there needs to me more information given at times then I think the Dev's are "comfortable" with. in my business, we hold people accountable for resolving difficult issues, and we expect communication from the in that regards. half the time I feel like the answers given by the dev's are based on what they want to say....not what the player base needs in regards to information.


    you posted a thread in the scoundrel/Ops forums that was a great idea...the DPS brainstorming thread. it TOLD players that you were interested in making changes. Merc's haven't gotten anything like that yet. we just need some more communication on those things. same with Jugg/guard. we got a root that impacts about .0005% of your average players gameplay. that isn't a change...


    I don't know...the Q&A thing seems more oriented towards shoehorning the players into a box and keeping them busy than real interaction. I HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING NEW OR BENEFICIAL COME FROM THE QUESTIONS THAT WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED ANYWAYS.. it's simply silly...the changes you have made are still making players scratch their heads half the time, and I thought the Q&A was supposed to help that? hasn't yet.


    Imagine trying to manage a relationship where you could only ask them 3 questions...and they would only give 3 replies. not very effective, no? how long do you think that relationship would last? and before people start saying that's a bad analogy....it isn't. MMO games and development ARE about relationships. and ANY relationship cannot survive on stoic Q&A sessions, especially those limited to 3 questions. I feel like im in a legal proceedings for goodness sake. plaintiff....it's your turn to question the witness....

  21. My favorite leveling build is healing/conc hybrid


    Just enough points in the Medicine tree to get Surgical precision, and the rest in Concealment up to Culling. fantastic build, you can heal with it in FP's and do enough DPS solo to regularly pull off your tank comps (if you use one, i prefer my DPS comp).


    the key with this build is keeping your HoT on you and comp at all times (to maximize UH procs), use your channeled default healing skill to regain energy when needed, and when healing isn't needed, spam Lacerated till you puke. fun build, always lots to do. your instant heal is for burning extra UH charges (Honestly, you really DO have extra charges in this build...lots), and to keep your comp up during tough fights.


    What tree you start in is purely a matter of preference. I started in the healing tree on both my Operative and smuggler (since the healing comp is further along in both stories), but if your starting with treek going up the Concealment tree first is just as viable.


    You could go full concealment, but in all honesty, in solo play most your damage is from Laceration procs anyways, so I actually find with this build that A) I can get off more Lacerates back to back then full Conc, and B) i have more energy available, and C) when the bantha fodder hits the fan I can keep just about anyone alive and still dish out decent DPS.


    The downside is it does require you to spend some time healing you and/or your comp. but really for the most part its keeping the HoT's up, and an occasional channel. i find it far more engaging then either full DPS build.... ***For solo play***


    Full DPS builds are better for end game HM's and Ops. they really can put out better DPS in the long run. But in solo play this chews through the mobs.

  22. its a polarizing boss. people have huge issues with it until they get the interrupt timing down. for those having a hard time...keep a keen eye on the life drain and tentacle....even a tick or two of the life drain will heal back a hefty amount to him...


    He usually goes in cycles. get used to the cycle and when to expect the next life drain. keep a ranged attack available for the tentacle.


    I've ran this on every class in the game...if your smart with the interrupts, and use your defensive CD's, you should be fine. I prefer to use a healing comp, though I see many with other comp types. I run it as vigilance mostly. out of all my classes, i have the easiest time with this one on my guard and juggernauts (followed by my scoundrel and Operative).


    Also, if you have legacy, don't forget the legacy companion defensive CD....its a huge damage reduction for almost 12 seconds...worth keeping on your hotbar. These solo bosses are designed to test and push your limits of your class (unless you drastically overgear them). I find them quite challenging and enjoyable, and have even switched specs before to beat them on certain classes.

  23. I can see where your coming from. But I think it's dangerous to try and compare direct skills from another class, since most classes are not designed around one or two skills. i.e., our overall DPS and potential are based on only one debuff of that sort, whereas the PT needs talent points in different areas (and they aren't complimentary btw), and are balanced around those being in place.


    Plus Crushing blow is already an amazing talent. even if the debuff didn't exist. creating a separate debuff would necessitate reducing its other bonuses, which I am not OK with. I do understand your frustration with the "wasted stack" though, but the problem is they couldn't really add more to CB...they'd just end up taking something else away, so I'd rather just keep the debuff.


    perhaps add something different to another talent? like increasing our persona damage to any target affected by our sunder by 5% in soresu form? then it's double good to make sure that sunder is on as many mobs as possible. but they can't add it to CB. already too many good things in it.

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