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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. first off, I felt that it was about time we got a favorites option for Companions. it feels odd to literally have more companions then I do vehicles, yet I can favorite my vehicles and filter them. Along with this I would love to have a filter option in companions. It get reeeaaalllly tiring when I'm doing comp gifts and I have to constantly open up my alliance window, and scan through dozens of contacts. so much like our filters for other windows, give us some generic options to just make the other sompanions not show.


    Secondly, on a similar note, it would be wonderful to be able to assign hotkeys to companions, as well as have a "favorite" hotkey, again, similar to Vehicles. it would make dealing with the huge pool of companions you've given us much much easier. To be honest, If i had to piick from one of these two, I'd pick the hotkeys. faster and simpler solution. But both would be wonderful.


    Lastly, please PLEASE get rid of that horrible warning pop-up we get every time we drop something into a mail slot. Yes, I know that if I mail something to someone else, I won't have it anymore and thus can't trade it. That is elementary. Seriously, it's borderline insulting to my 3rd grade edumucation to warn me about that.

    And on top of that, it's not just a warning. it pops up EVERY TIME i drop something into my mail. EVERY time. and it's one of the ONLY safety valves that doesn't allow us to toggle it off. Do you do that to irritate us? I can't figure it out. At LEAST give us the option to toggle the stupid thing off.

    Yeah, I know, seems like allot of irritation for a small message. but when you have to click the damn thing 20-30 times a day when mailing stuff, it gets really old really fast, and just serves as a irritation rather then a warning. After even just a dozen times, a 6 year old would get the message. thank you, please give us a toggle. or just get rid of the damn thing.

  2. I completely support learning fights myself, but at the same time I do understand the OP's concern. the sheer lopsidedness of that one choice is far too profound. It's as simple as that.


    I've ran both decisions, and it's a literal difference of cakewalk vs. extremely challenging fight with multiple wipes and lots of frustration. considering that they lead you up to this with EZ brainless mode combat in every stage of the story, it's a bit drastic to throw players into that w/o support. They should have at least made combat progressively harder and give players more opportunities to learn tactics. but instead, you go from sleep mode to extremely challenging fight.


    But if you keep the NPC alive through a dark choice, then it's EZ mode just like the rest of the story. So yeah, learning difficult fights should be something worth doing. But in this case, it bars you from finishing a storyline. and again, if you choose dark side choice it's EZ mode, the difference is just too stark. They should just either give him to you either way (different conversations to reflect your earlier choice), or tone down the fight so that the choice matters less. It's not the difficulty really, it's the nature of how they punish you for making the choice.

  3. very nice thread folks! there's some great ideas and tips in this thread...I almost wonder if these tips shouldn't be dropped into the new players forum.


    Since release the balance between silvers/golds has been a bit odd. I think the backwards adjustement of classes in 3.0 just made it more pronounced. Biggest issues with silvers has always been:


    1) Higher levels of damage, PLUS special abilities. Also, due to them being a "lower tier" then golds, you can often see even 2 of them. Golds, due to their nature of being a "higher" tier, often don't even have the weaks, and are just a solo mob. I actually tend to look for golds now. easier to kill then the silvers, and they drop more money!


    2) they tend to come attached with 3-5 weaker mobs. Those weaker mobs can take seriuos chunks out of your health fast, even prior to 3.0. now that damage levels have been changed in 3.0 (i remember a few threads about people worrying about early levels), the balance is even more out of whack.


    prior to 3.0, i would usually allow my comp to focus fire on the silver, while i take out the adds. still a good strat, but the damage the silvers do is crazy. still, companions are basically a re-useable meat shield...have them work on the tougher mobs till they die while you finish off the weak ones (if there's two tough mobs CC one, and MAKE SURE YOUR COMPS AOE's ARE TURNED OFF). if comp dies then release and resummon. fast as that. dont' bother trying to heal them after a fight...hop on your speeder or use rocket boost if you got it...they appear after it's over with full health.


    Nowadays, the only time i heal my comp is when i specifically WANT them to survive the encounter...usually when they're tanking a tough fight that I would otherwise die. then I tend to try to keep them alive if possible.

  4. Personally, I think its just a silly idea. as many have stated already, you just don't use it if you don't want to. I do find it a bit interesting that even people that say it was a bad filler and bring up the skills they'd much rather use still USED IT when it was there. Why? because it WAS THERE. and it filled a purpose. It gave you options you didn't have before.


    Was it the greatest skill since sliced bread for PT's? no. But it filled a gap...unless you run a tank build, you really don't get a gap closer, especially early on. and it allowed early rotations to not feel so empty. now we'll fill them with auto-shot. fantastic. well, i guess that will be about the only ability that will even show our crystals anymore.


    You know...I wonder if they shouldn't just take the pistol away from the PT. Give them a techstaff like Torian. I've often appreciated the look of the heavy merc armor with the techstaff. it certainly would fit the concept better. or just take away the weapon completely...were the "Suit of armor" class anyways...all of our abilites save autoshot now come from out armor.


    I am also a fan of giving jet charge to all specs. again....removing Unload killed one of our only decent early ranged options. pulse cannon/flame thrower is 10m. I guess we have missile blast...but still, jet charge is so much more effective. You don't realize what your missing till you have it and can use it.


    Is it just me, or is 3.0 really beginning to feel like the death knell of interesting AC's? bit by bit they are killing what made each different AC feel interesting to me. This is the first expansion where I honestly wouldn't mind if they rolled back the whole thing and gave us 2.whatever, and just made minor tweaks from there.

  5. Wondering what this "better" might have been out of curiousity?


    At first i chuckled at the thought :D. But then I thought it through logically...and if you think about it from a crafting perspective, when we RE things, we have a chance at learning a "better" schematic (with vendor schems). So I can see the thught process of the OP. Truth be told, however, being able to get a higher tier item from a raid token would be severely unbalancing, hence what we have now.


    That's more for the OP then anything else. It's due to game mechanics, not crafting design OP. Nature of the beast.

  6. The thing is, all six FPs are packaged into a single "60 HM FPs" category, while one of them contains hard dps check from a different universe than the rest of them. The problem is not the difficulty in and of itself, but the recommended gear for it (which is the same for the required 8000 and 5200 dps checks) and the fact that GF is basically a lottery. There is a six hundred pages long thread next door that deals with the kind people GF can spit at you.


    The best you can get is a person who has done the content and is familiar with their spec above the usual random button pressing. You can get the old 60s done with that. Rakata can be entirely done with HK (in Yavin gear) as the second dps. Funnily enough, it can be easier with a companion dps/tank, as several mechanics do not apply to them (companion doesn't get targeted by Rakata Chief's molotovs, doesn't get damaged by second boss's heavy telegraphed attack at all, no damage from bonus boss's unstable barrier) and the cherry on top - I have seen HK roll away from Darok when he got the circle, which was a greater display of skill than some GF starlets are capable of.


    Compare with first boss of Bloodhunt, where there is zero room for carrying, unless one dps is just mindblowingly good (in which case, the chances of them pugging it are slim in the first place). Requiring a 50%(!!) dps increase without increasing the recommended gear level and putting it together with the rest of the 60 HMs is bad design at best.


    So yeah, increase the enrage timer, lower the HP of adds, remove one add, make adds spawn at longer intervals, make a separate category for Bloodhunt, anything would work. But as of now, for vast majority of people it will just be a massive NOPE.


    Yup. exactly. It's been mentioned before, but ill repeat it for the sake of the argument. When Lost Island and Kaon Under Siege were introduced in the game, they were in a totally different HM FP tier. I can't remember if they were called Tier 2 or something else, but ill refer to the as Tier 2. They were a step above the rest, and Bio even admitted they made them (especially LI), for players who were on progression content, but wanted a 4 man option when the raid team wasn't playing. LI was TOUGH...even in gear above the level requirements, the timers and mechanics were tight enough that most PuG's couldn't do it. But then again, they were in TIER 2.


    Tier 1 was all the good Old Hm's that were really a solid progression step for the entry Ops. Black Talon, Battle for Ilum, False Emperor, Directive 7...they gave you the comms you needed to do the Entry Ops, and they were difficult enough that players had to start learning mechanics or wipe.


    Honestly, i feel that we only have one current HM FP that meets those same requirements: Manaan. its difficult enough that you have to stay on your feet as a PuG, but if you pay attention to mechanics, you can make it fine.


    All the others are really just too easy, or too hard. Some balancing is needed, or at the least, the LEAST, BH and Rishi should be put in a Tier 2 category, like we had before. bump up the comms rewards a bit (perhaps add a few elites in there..3-5 or so...). give people a reason to run those. and keep the rest as the "entry" level FP's.

  7. I don't understand this as well. Now almost everyone seems to be trying to do the new OPs & FPs, and NO-ONE seems to be interested in older content - except Karagga, of course. Karagga is and has always been kind of an "entry-.point OP" for learning for Newbies to OPs.


    I think the big issue here (and don't get me wrong, they are good "training spots"), is that about 99.9% of the casuals and noobs (reference noob, not newb) have already done those a gazillion times. and the problem with most of them is that you still can ignore 90% of the mechanics. with the exception of HM an up ,where you can only ignore 75% of the mechanics. and I note, they have all done them a gazillion times. AND....


    there really feels like there's a gap on the progression process. entry level op gear is almost too easy to get, and oversimplifies even many of the new HM FP's. but the new raids are a step above. it feels like there's no middle ground. I'm either pugging content that can be done with half the team there...or running pug Ops that constantly fail.


    Although i wonder in retrospect if its part Bio's fault for making too many things too easy for too long in the game. people dropping a pug group after one wipe tells me that we have a huge bunch of quitters and people who want an easy comm night. its like living in a city with 24 hour stores and malls, and then moving to a small farm town where all the shops close at 5 so everyone can go hit the pub. There's going to be a transition conflict there :) .


    But...at the same time, after playing this game for 3+ years, this is the first expansion that really felt clunky in terms of end game progression. half the HM FP's are steamroll (literally...), but 2 of them make just about every pug group quit when it pops up. back in the LI days, this was solved with 2 tiers of FP's (regular HM and high level HM). but they've thrown that concept out of whack...as the 'new" low tier is SOOO ungoldy easy, that it literally deskills people (tacticals). Most horrid idea in MMO gaming IMO. the new HM FP's should really be the baseline, with Rishi and BH being a "tier 2".


    Gear is lopsided as well. It's so easy to get the initial tier of Op gear that people don't even think about it...then they hit a wall. progression beyond that is running lvl 50 and 55 dailies to get your elite comms going while you struggle through HM FP's that are all mixed up. gear progression should start lower, and stage things more effectively. But again i think Bio shot themselves in the foot with the Class skill redesign, AND a stat and gear redesign both in the same expansion where they also added 5 new levels. End result is we didn't gain much in power and abilities, many classes got borked (and they're still working out the issues), and with all the energy put into those items, it left little Dev time for new content. And balancing new content effectively (staging here folks, not just Ops difficulty).


    The planets are great. but end game is borked atm. I really think that until they hash out class balance a bit more. eradicate the bugs in the current new Ops, and the gear progression smooths out a bit...it will be hard to say if the new ops really are unbalanced. i get the feeling its more like the progression path, classes, and token acquisition are unbalanced, and the current crop of FP's are NOT preparing players for what to expect in Ops if they are new to the whole performance thing.

  8. They are definitely tough no doubt. They really require a lot of coordination. It's tough. The rewards are out of whack for a lot of things to be honest. I would love for BW to reinstitute a flashpoint tier system. LI and Rakgoul were in a tier of their own, and LI even rewarded players with a raid level set bonus chest piece I think, and Rakgoul gave out a raid level headpiece. They weren't even the lowest level at the time I think. The lowest was Tionese, and those hard modes gave out Columi pieces. The gear in the 3.0 expac is truly terrible. My only explanation regarding as to why they are so worthless across the board is that they sped up the gearing process in 2.0 but it got a bit out of hand so we're kind of suffering through the slow period until things go back to a more manageable rate. I totally agree that regardless of which hard mode flashpoint we're talking about that the rewards and just awful. I actually wouldn't be opposed to seeing Rishi and Blood Hunt drop a 192 raid level piece like LI and Rakgoul used to back when we had to walk to school in 10 inches of snow yada yada yada.


    this in Spades. I was around for LI's first inception, and man what a reality check. unless you vastly overgeared it, even progression people had difficulty. BUT...it was a tier 2 FP, and for good reason. I wouldn't mind one bit if the re-instituted that. they could slide BH and Rishi into a tier 2 setup, with a boost in comms overall, and keep the other 4 as "standard" HM FP's

  9. Ultimately it will boil down to this:


    Biowares pocketbook.


    Because if they're numbers drop too much, they're grand idea of upping the stakes will change. No mater how much casuals whine, no matter how much progression players drink in the agony and laugh..if enough people stop paying subs they will change it.


    This is one of those items that is really easy to tell the results of. it unfortunately takes time, but we will eventually see.


    Who knows...they may have plans in the near future to nerf SM anyways...they have done it countless times in just about every stage of raiding and HM FP's in this game. it's just a question of when

  10. However, it is a thankless job for a player to do. Like healing, tanking is a support role. It is not all flash and bang like dpsing. Rarely are you thanked for doing your part right and spot on. However, if you screw up or that mighty dpser aggro's every mob within eye shot and dies, it is the tank or healer's fault. Tanking, like healing, is a mind set. You put the team before yourself. It takes a rock solid team oriented player to fulfill these roles. That and the responsibility that comes with these support roles is a big deterrence for many players.



    I think this pretty much sums it up. Not only do they expect you to be perfect, and just know the fights before your have ever done them, but after all that's said and done, it's very much a thankless job for the most part. It is true...rarely do the DPS pat themselves on the back, but in a position of the tank and healer they almost need it...lots of work, very high expectations, and very little reward. and the penalty for making a few mistakes is often 30m of people treating you like a half-human thing. Part of it is personal expectations, I'll be honest...but those expectations are often wired in after a few bad sessions with the worst players.


    And then you run a DPS position. it's easy...it's relaxed, you can miss on occasion and people don't get all in a hissy, you can talk to your friend for a second while you do it... almost no expectations during the whole process, and on top of that, you can watch big numbers float by.


    I've been playing MMO's since the DAoC days, and tanking in most of them. And at some point you just get tired of it all, and decide that hanging back and being a quiet, efficient DPS spec actually makes your limited play time enjoyable. I'm that quiet DPS guy that rarely gripes at a tank, prefers to offer decent advice when needed in whispers, and likes to congratulate them at the end. probably because I did it for many years. Those runs often end up with everyone feeling good, you included. Honestly, if you had to choose between those two options, stress filled run with occasional gripe and people doubting your abilities, or a nice smooth run where you help people, crack a few laughs, and come out on top...which one would you choose? when your DPS it rarely matters...when your the tank it's like rolling the dice.


    I have no problems tanking with guild. ill even do PuG's for standard 4 man HM content. Ops? nope. I get enough pressure from work and everyday life of trying to keep my kids alive and healthy...last thing i need is a hormone driven teenager calling me whatever just because i missed a move on BOSS X and he had to take a bit of damage.

  11. Honestly, I don't think it's that bad. Go and play FFXIV for a bit, and then tell me if it's bad over here. the AI they use for targeting in this game is pretty decent compared to others.


    seriously, 9x out of 10 ill target the mob i wanted to in this game, or close. if i don't, then im usually close. I think they base it on field of view here (of the screen, not necessarily the character). and it often goes closest to furthest.


    Honestly, if you think it's bad here, you need to try a few others out there. It's not perfect, but IMO it's decent enough that it shouldn't be their top priority to fix. far more items out there to work on then the targeting system.

  12. I always found discussions like this funny. Guard reduces threat. if someone is having an issue with threat, you guard them. I wont even turn on guard most the time, unless a DPS is pulling threat regularly. if someone asks for it, i give it to them. I don't consider it a law, and I don't judge others who like to abide by different approaches.


    Read the skill description, learn how to apply it effectively to every situation that comes up. Improvise, adapt, overcome. If more tanks lived by THAT code, then we'd have more good tanks in the game.


    And there will always be baddies. gotta learn to shrug them off and move on.

  13. I've been moonlighting in FFXIV lately, so i bring up an example from that game:


    during part of the end game story-line, you are forced to run through what they call "guildhests". These are simple 4 man operations that are very small, and are specifically designed to teach you group mechanics. As an example, the first one (at level 10...they scale your level in that game, so even if you go in at 50, your a lvl 10 in skills and stats), you have to work on dealing with and controlling groups of mobs without excessively pulling aggro.


    It's not perfect, but it goes a long ways towards teaching people the basic group mechanics. and they are available from lvl 10 onward. So by the time you get to the endgame group content, you have no excuse to NOT know your role (knowing the dungeon is a different story).


    IMO, This is what the Tacticals should really be. they should lead players through, forcing them to engage in group tactics in a learning fashion. OR....we should have a learning set of Tacticals, DESIGNED to emphasize specific group actions, with training points along the way. Instead, as many have stated in this thread, what we have is a UN-TRAINING tool. people are taught to be lazy and not care about role...when in HM runs (and Ops) roles are critical.


    SWTOR can and should learn from other games, just as other games should learn from SWTOR.

  14. been a guard(juggernaut) since early release. haven't been as involved in the new patch, but they honestly haven't changed much. if anything, they have gotten easier.


    if you don't have the additional companions (treek), get Doc, gear him up the kazoo, spec vigilance, and your golden. guard has almost no self heals....unless you pick up a comp that has them, eventually you have to slow down to recover. I leveled my toons back when juggs/guards were the underdog, and did fine. right now they're in a much better spot. get the rotation down, learn how to maximize your skill dispersal, and you'll be fine. Example:


    group of 3 mobs, one silver: don't gun down the silver first. leap in, smash (stuns them) target a weak mob first, take them down. I'll even wait on my smash until my healing comp pulls a mob due to healing aggro (you'd be amazed at how long a healing comp can tank a mob). use your stuns and interrupts to take down the weak mobs first...they die fast. learn to recognize when a 2-3k hit is overkill on a mob that has 300 health...hit the guy next to him with the 3k attack, and then finish the first guy off with an auto attack (or smash if it's CD is up).


    small things like that make a big difference on a guard/jugg. you don't have the luxury of healing damage dealt, so you have to be a bit more careful with controlling who does damage to you. but if done right, the guard jugg can rip through mobs pretty fast. mazimize your spec bonuses....as an example, for vigilance, use your master strike often and early...it will reset fast, so no reason to hold onto it.


    On my guardian, i actually ran with the ship droid as my main companion up until i got Doc...it's heals were enough until the 30's to keep me up (it really starts to fall behind in the early 30's). but IMO healing comp is best comp for guard/jugg for overall efficiency. you can use anything really (I have), but if your looking for a smooth and efficient leveling process with minimal downtime, go vigilance/vengeance and a healing comp, you wont be disappointed.

  15. in the sense of undoing the "nerf", they indeed retracted the changes that they made previously. If you felt those were a nerf (most people did), then yeah they unnerfed it. And i for one am very happy. it was actually irritating to use smash as a veneance or immortal spec. and the fact that they killed a smooth feeling skill because of a bunch of FotM PvP players really got my goat. so im glad it's back and i don't even have a single tear to shed for the old lolsmash build. at all.


    I think most lolsmash players forget that smash is a default skill, and used by all 3 specs. and while they indeed nerfed it further for focus/rage builds, they added a monster of a single target ability in the same tree. most people i read up on playing it say the new ability makes up for the change in spades. focus/rage is now a flexible build useable in all circumstances. it still has a higher damage smash then the other 3 specs. it simply isn't borken-overpowered AoE with horrible single target. it's now a solid blend of "higher" Aoe (higher then the other builds) with solid single target direct damage (compared to the DoT oriented damage of the vangeance/vigilance trees).


    Lolsmash players will just have to get used to the fact that their OP EZ mode killing build in PvP is gone. it was never supposed to be. good riddance.

  16. not only is it a 4 sec hard stun, but we also still have one of the faster CD's for our interrupts. Everyones CD's got increased for their interrupts. its a mechanics change, not an adjustment to our class, so everyones impacted. IMO we are impacted far less due to the changes to choke (and a naturally faster CD on interrupt).


    yeah, the few extra seconds sucks, but overall we shouldn't see a loss.

  17. Operative/Scoundrel healing got cut back a bit, and healing dynamics got a bit more difficult.


    Someone else pegged it. you just got used to healing on an OP EZ-mode class. i heal on all 3, and Op had it so easy it wasn't funny. healing on an OP class will make even a good player lazy unless they watch what they are doing. so now you have to work like the rest of them. Oh well.


    it'l take a bit for the dust to settle and people get used to the classes, and then well really know where each one sits.

  18. Well, most specs saw one of their old attacks replaced by a new and improved version of it for hotbar purposes. From what I noticed there were also a few utilities that are brand new to the game. We defiantly got some new stuff.


    The new rule of thumb for any class/spec; if you see a line at the end of an ability that states "shares a cooldown with XXX", always remove and replace the "XXX" ability with the new one.


    EDIT: herpderp, no we didn't get a new level 57 ability as I previously stated. Invincible is now level 57 :doh:


    Right. This expansion was less about "new" things with the classes, and more about a restructuring of the current with new "options" open instead.


    LIke now a tank can take the utility skill that resets your CD of leap, throw, and enrage when you leave combat. so you can start out with a ton more rage then you used to have, and always have a throw and leap available. This was a skill that you previously needed to be in the early 40's on a vengeance juggernaut to have, but you can now pick it as any spec. And let me tell you, i can't count the number of times I've ran up to a group as a tank, and pressed my throw button only to remember that I wasn't vengeance, and I'd have to wait X more seconds for it to be available. VERY nice utility, and now tanks can get it as well. So can Rage juggs, totally cool.


    So...not a lot of "new" stuff, but the availability to previously locked powerful utilities? I'll take that over a new skill any day of the week...well, unless the new skill is really cool.


    The other thing that is sort of "new" is those redone skills. the "replacement" skills. it does 2 things: one, it allows then to tailor a skill to a specific spec (in this case, it's the sunder strike for the tank spec), so they can make it viable to that spec without having to sacrifice a multitude of skill points to (which we previously had to do).


    Secondly, it allows them to create new visual effects. some, like warding strike, are just a bit more interesting. some, like teh new vengeful slam (replaces smash for the vengeance jugg) is so awesome looking id almost level that spec just to be able to use it.


    All in all, not much new for most classes, but so many things reworked and so many previously limited skills opened up completely, it feels very new. good enough for me.


    Oh, and there are a few very new things for the class, but they didn't lock them into a spec. they are utilities. 50% speed boost for yourself, or you can pick the one that boosts the speed for the entire party when you use chilling scream. VERY cool raid bonus now from a previously useless (or mostly useless) skill when you are tanking a boss. that's new a quite nice, but they decided to make it accessible to all specs instead of just the tank or Venge or Rage tree. it's one of the reasons I like the new disciplines.

  19. Currently doing the run from 55 to 60 as Vengeance (Vigilance). I agree...so far it feels much like my old vengeance but with some nice extra options in the utilities field (speed increase on Endrue pain ftw!). but with the changes they made to Focus/Rage, i was actually interested for the first time in really trying the spec. I only play PvE, and i never really enjoyed the Rage/focus tree, but it looks far more flexible now then it was before.


    the new age of Juggernauts/Guardians has come. for the first time since early launch, I feel that all 3 of our specs have significant balance and playability. Only downside is were going to get a huge burst of FotM players now, especially those who are in exodus from the Sent/Mara field. oh well...they will always come and go. been playing a jugg since early release, doubt ill change that now.

  20. Yeah, laggs during new expansion is ok... but because of their poor decision with Solo mode flashpoints I even can't reach new planet. I can enter the game I have nice ping but I can't go to the new planets and that is very disappointing. Look there isn't much players who plays SWTOR now, just look at WoW new expansion problems people were having problems to log in. In SWTOR there isn't any log in problems so not much players is playing right now but most of them can't get to the new planets because of Solo mode not working. Poor planning... they must predicted such problem. Really they don't have that much population to have such instance laggs it's only their fault.


    It may not be population though. That's usually they layman's reasoning, but in technologies like the ones they're using, there's a ton of things that can go wrong that create a spiraling effect that have nothing to do with population. Not defending their position, just pointing out that the issue is not usually the easiest one...those are often planned for. it's the oddball things that cause problems.


    Like logfiles filling up on virtual servers due to certain messages that shouldn't be there, but are for some reason, and causing the Database to max it's capacity and start to drop traffic. That was an example from my own personal experience mind you, no correlation to this situation, but just points out that often the cause of these issues are not simple things that players can think up with 15 seconds of brain activity.

  21. Experienced the issue on tython.


    Always sucks to have release day issues, whether your the player or the tech who has to ID and fix the problem, it always is a pain. but I've played enough MMO's to be quite used to this.


    Hope you guys can get it fixed soon! in the meantime im playing FFXIV...can't progress in the story without Tython done, and can't do Tython when there's no objectives or even mobs on the map.

  22. You have to find something that can be refunded and can be put into legacy storage.

    Still, we were told that no coms are lost. Is there even a need for an overflow-cap and tricks to avoid it?


    Let's see, how would I exchange the coms...

    With everything on the cap we can have 2800 coms right now.


    Planetary coms ought to be converted 1:1 for those that still are leveling without the 12x rush, have gathered 100 planetary coms and plan to spend them at the next odd level. +100 basics


    Classic coms are pretty pointless right now: when you have gathered enough of them to buy a piece of gear, you've already outleveled it. Of course, some f2p that still have the level 50 cap may have a use for them, but they still won't get over level 50 in 3.0 and can just as well spend the coms right now. +500 basics


    Everyone seems to assume that Basics are converted 1:1, but that would increase their value considerably: right now, they become obsolete very quickly and are only used to buy isotope 5, so no big loss here +500 basics.


    Gaining Elites took some effort, they still are of some value if you haven't geared all your companions yet, and have a lower cap than basics, so I guess those will be converted 1:1 +400 basics.


    Ultimates buy right now, what basics will buy in 3.0. So they should be converted 1:1, but since exchange rates will be both above and below 1:1, I guess those will convert 1:1.5 +450 basics.


    So our 2800 mixed coms would be converted to 1950 basic coms.


    my opinion is not exactly the same, but close.


    I don't see classics or planetaries as being converted. they will still have the same use as they currently do...with the only exception perhaps of classic purchasing a tier or two higher then they currently do (i.e. the classics will buy lvl 55 162's or so. perfect for 55, but not enough for 60). planetaries won't convert, as people will still be leveling on the planets after expansion, and considering you can get planetaries by running lvl 12 heroics at lvl 55...yeah, they won't let you get ilvl 180 gear for that.


    basics could transfer actually at a lower ratio then 1:1. considering the ilvl of the gear you'll be getting will be jumping from 156 up to 180 for basics, holding onto them will be far more profitable then using them now, even at a lower ratio. So I expect either >1:1 or at a maximum 1:1 for these.


    Elites and ultimate will be greater then 1:1 IMO. again, mostly due to them being harder to get then basics. For Elites, yes, they may be "easy" comparatively to get now, but they still are accumulated at a slower rate then basics, so i see them having a slightly higher ratio. at worst, they'll be 1:1 like you said. ultimates will obviously be higher, but not sure by how much. you can only have 150 at one time...so they won't break the bank even if you get a 2:1 ratio, or higher.

  23. Go with HK if you want to kill things faster...


    Actually, based on the parses I'm seeing, It's probably safer to say that in equivilant gearing, HK does more single target damage. but the regular Comps (and Treek) have a greater potential through higher gear capacity + AoE's, and melee comps in general simply do more damage. based on the numbers in Pav's links, HK in top gear does mid 900s in DPS, while Vector (Agent Companion), can get upwards of 1400 DPS.


    But I think as you level it's safe to say that best comps overall are:


    Heals : Treek

    Tank: any (Treek has better overall specs though, plus some self healing, so I'd say Treek wins this one)

    DPS Single target: HK

    DPS 2+ groups and overall : any Melee DPS - specifically use their DoT stance over the Armor Pen stance. it seems like the light armor comps do a bit better overall in this category, but it may just be the parses available.

  24. Mild necro....


    Only downside with these results is Companions are used most often on world trash. 3/4 of the fights we are in involve 2-3 or more adds, thus AoE on companions needs to be taken into account as well (though this is hard to parse on a dummy).


    So while these are definitely interesting results from a single target/high health target, It would be interesting to see how HK does with traditional comps in larger add groups, where much of his burst damage is wasted on low health mobs and he simply takes more time.


    I personally think that in larger groups the traditional Comps with AoE skills will outpace HK in overal time, but HK leads the pack on single targets with larger health pools.

  25. Treek is a superior healer in comparison to the default healers. It was already proved on the forum and I see it myself in the game.


    You should find those threads interesting:




    thats pretty cool Pav. I use Treek mostly due to not liking many of the default healing comps...and the fact that treek is one of the few (if only) healing coms with an AoE attack available while in healing form. It's also good to know that she tops healing comps in healing as well!

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