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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. *** is this.. last night it was a cluster **** there
  2. lol what? I just don't want to update this thread because I don't PvE anymore.
  3. Yo broseph.... dps sins aren't tanks.. most dps sins that run rateds on this server run full deception/infiltration, or waka's wakajinn spec. Plz go back to your ****** server and get off our forums
  4. Sorry bro, but DPS>Damage. Just because you 'obliterated' his damage, doesn't mean you, or your dps are better than him.
  5. sorry bros i'm done updating this thread... feel free to take whats already here and make a new one
  6. lawl bro you have no idea what you're talking about. Almost every single one of the guilds that queue on the bastion stream so you would see if they were 'hacking'. I also hope you realize that the only reason anyone trolls Into the darkness is because they leave q's and waste peoples time, when they could be trying to get better, and learn new strats etc. Most of the good guilds on the server have actually encouraged them to get better etc.....
  7. Wth are you doing posting scandalous pictures of me and you on the Internet!? I thought that was private.
  8. its true i was too embarrassed to show his damage cause it was far superior to mine
  9. idk i'd say 1450 is pretty damn good considering the 5th best in the game so far is 100 dps ahead of 1450
  10. check this deeps out http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=35aq0ia&s=6
  11. all of those parses except vorgrath are on torparse, and i just uploaded the vorgrath one.
  12. http://www.torparse.com/a/97111/time/1357933939/1357934292/0/Overview happy?
  13. Lmao why do you care about bt so badly? It's a tool that you should be using in raids, not using it is only hindering you. Oh and also I looked your dumb *** up on torparse and only saw a 1783 dummy parse and some really ****** turn numbers. I'm not sure where you got the idea you could pull 2050 lawl.
  14. Tomorrow ill do a parse just to prove you wrong lawl.
  15. I don't care that much about dummy numbers, and actually I have some of the highest parses for marauders on a few fights, I just haven't uploaded the logs yet. You post in these threads more than I do, so I could say YOU care more about dummy numbers than me.
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