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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. You give me a good laugh too. But Suckafish gives me the biggest laugh of all.
  2. Greetings Gorband. When I said world first hm ec kill ever I really meant ever. You obviously weren't following pts progression during the 1.2 time period, because we were the first to down it on the pts, thus making us the first ever. During 1.2 I was unlucky enough to be on the most dead server in the game, and my marauder had not even been made yet. But I do know that our 16 man group in June/July/August was 10x better than the progression group during 1.2. I believe that someone who was in the group told me since they killed it on pts world first that they didn't feel they had anything to prove in live. Maul is always in everyone's mind, and don't be making fun of that haircut, I have the same one.
  3. Where is your video for 4 manning it? Oh right there are only 2, one from 1 month ago, and Ambients from 4 months ago. The enrage timer is fairly tight with only 4 people that were severely undergeared at the time. Have fun undermanning your story mode operations. BTW mechanics on tfb or ec for that matter are still very simple mechanics.
  4. saw the ss on your website, updated and grats
  5. bump for people still trying to post in the outdated thread
  6. Lol ok. Try doing it with a merc healer/commando healer and see how you fare, while you are in 61's/58's.
  7. You guys should try annihilator droid aka first boss in ev, on NiM. Of course it will be a lot easier in 63s than it was for us in 61s and 58s
  8. I'm not trying to say you are worse than me. I want to be included in this thread though, because everyone on my server believes that parsing on the dummy is stupid. over 2k dps is not dependent on crits, however over 2.1k is.
  9. You can't go into the middle of the minesweeper with the new mechanic because of the fact that you can only have one green square up at a time.
  10. Vexo, king of the dummies here, and I would like to agree with Mauull the merciless on this point. This scrub muffin is quite cute. #kingofdummies #highestsingletargetdeeps #get@mebros
  11. I heard that PvP is hard on the Badtion.
  12. Vexo, king of the dummies here, saying that I created a new thread.
  13. Its ironic how you switch to combat right when I put one of my logs in these forums..
  14. I parse against the dummies to refine my rotation. Then I get a damn good parse and put it up. Also, I'm number one for the bastion on NiM kephess, and the terror from beyond. (destruktions parse on the tfb is irrelevant because he used the void disturbance debuff, bringing his REAL dps down to 1479.9) #boom #boss #themdeeps
  15. No one knows who you are nor cares. Go unsub, then give me your stoofz. #you'restillbad #noteventrolling #thisthreadispointless
  16. You're means "you are" and he only said your one time. If he changed it to you're it would mean "you are grammar is bad" Go back to 6th grade english dumb ***
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