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Everything posted by Zetara

  1. I agree. I've been PVPing for about 12 hours in total in the last 3 nights after work, I've had maybe 5 warzones that weren't sith v sith Huttball in 14 hours of PVP. It's getting tiresome now. I'd rather the longer queues.
  2. But the point is, they don't need tweaking because anyone who spams it, is only harming himself by doing less damage than he should be doing when he has better options available. You should want all the BHs on the other team to spam tracer missile because it means that you'll take less damage than if they didn't.
  3. It really makes me laugh at people who think getting valour and the battlemaster rank, actually does anything significant.
  4. Like I said in another thread, if you die to a BH spamming tracer missile, you will die even harder and faster to a normal BH. You should be happy when you see a BH spamming tracer missile, because it means he's dishing out less damage than he should be doing.
  5. That's the wrong perception. Tracer missile does not hit 2500k consistantly, it hits 1.5k and crits anywhere between 2.5 and 4. If you die to a tracer missile BH, you will die even harder to a BH using his abilities properly. You should love it when you see a BH spamming tracer missile because he's gimping himself.
  6. Ah of course, same faction. Obviously, duh me. Thanks. Tbh I was more disappointed that I couldn't kill the level 18 considering he shouldn't have been there. Before visiting Ilum for the first time I was under the impression the whole planet was open world PVP. I'll report any I see in the future.
  7. Are you asking me for proof, that an operative has lower armour than me, has no knockdowns than I do, and doesn't have abilities that hit as hard as a bounty hunter does at range? Are you trying to say that an operative has heavy armour, ranged DPS and a gap closer? Are you really believing that? Because if you need me to give you proof on that to dispel something that isn't even up for debate because it's fact then really you're getting ridiculous now.
  8. Only an idiot would ask for proof of why a class that has lower armor than others, doesn't have the protective shields that others do for starters or a gap closer, and does less damage at range than other classes, would be more squishy than a class with heavier armour, more ranged DPS and a knockback to put them at that range. That's why they have insane dps at meelee, because they are rubbish at range and they are squishy and die fast. That's why my issue with IAs is not their damage, because hey after all, that's their purpose, but the factthat they can get this damage off while you are kissing the floor without having much of a chance. If my CC break is off cooldown and I can pop it, then the IA had better start saying his prayers. It's common sense, one does not have to prove common sense. It's supposed to be common, I guess it isn't. If you require further proof, go and test it. Seeing is believing.
  9. You are disagreeing with me, which means you are claiming the opposite of what I am claiming. Thus if you are hell bent on having to have proof to make a claim, then by your own logic you must have evidence to back up why you disagree. If you don't want to provide figures, then that's fine but it means you can't question my lack of figures if you yourself have none. It's a double edged sword. If anything I say is dismissed without figures, then so are your posts.
  10. Out of interest what are they doing? On my first trip to Ilum back when I was 49 to see what it was all about I had a quick look around and left, but I noticed a level 18 there. From my understanding you can't farm the resources unless you have a skill to 300 and get the components, or you open chests that are usually guarded by high level npcs they can't kill. What exactly is it they are doing and benefitting from? I'd have reported the person but I thought at the time, well he won't even be able to gather those resources at that low level.
  11. Your post just smacks of ignorance. How about you post your information that shows that an Operative isn't more squishy than other classes, sorcerer, bh, commando, sentinel etc. They are burst DPS. Burst DPS do not get survivability. They have stealth because they have no survivability. Go into a WZ and then shoot one, there's your information right there. Your own eyes. It's not just my experience, it's the experience of probably the vast majority of people you'll find who speak about what happens when they get to shoot an operative. They have less armour for starters, not sure on the mitigation because I don't play that class, they don't have the bubbles that other classes have to name a few. Go and look at the ability trees. They have great damage, as they should have. The issue about operatives is that they can render you useless while thy get all their damage off. What would be fairer is if they kept the DPS but didn't just render you useless, so you could actually fight against them each time and get your DPS off as well.
  12. No, he wants an easy reroll because he decided to play the class he wanted, and now YOU guys don't like it and are crying on the forums for help because it's too hard.
  13. I don't take any more damage than other classes, you're doing that thing that you tend to see around here where you pick out information you want to read and discard the rest, mainly the part where I said I wasn't an IA and have been talking in 3rd person rather than first person.
  14. That's fine, I can adapt. I don't rely on 1 ability and have a rotation I go through. My class has enough to adapt to a change to one ability. The problem is the cloakers don't. Take away the only reason they exist, is a bit silly. The problem is not their damage, but the fact that whilst they dish out their damage you can't do much in the way of retalitating. Well, some of us can. But most it seems cannot and that's who the devs cater to. If you don't think you should die while standing still and somebody else repeatedly attacking you then there's something wrong. That should happen. Any class who stands in front of another class and lets them damage them should die. What shouldn't happen, is you standing still while they do that, not the damage, but the act of just letting them do it to you. That's what needs to be changed. To give the people that do have a hard time against Operatives more time to react to their opener.
  15. Have you ever shot an IA/Smug in a warzone? I take them down in seconds. I rub my hands when I pop my CC breaker and hit them with a 4s stun to get myself in gear and anticipate the shafting I'm about to give them.
  16. On a side note, the devs have said so themselves that PVP is situational. Certain classes ARE supposed to have a distinct advantage over others in certain circumstances. However I didn't say that all classes should be as simple as A > B. I said if you stand there while an IA does all his damage, you should die. This goes for all classes, and does go for all classes. So the issue is that the IA doesn't allow you to do this, you effectively do at the moment, stand there and let them do their damage as if you just walked up to a SI and said 'hi kill me please' that's what it's like. That's the issue, if they didn't smack you on your face and you took ages to get up, you'd have the time you needed to engage them properly after they hit you with their opener, you realised what just happened and snapped into gear before they could finish the job. Their damage is fine, it's supposed to be like that because they have nothing else. I see comments like 'lol I can only crit for 4k, what makes you think you can crit for 5?' well er let's see, because that's their job? To do more damage than you? Duh? The issue, is that they can do it while you are incapacitated. If you had a chance to sort yourself out then it wouldn't be so bad and there wouldn't be half as many complaints on these forums because people would just react. That;s the majority of complaints, that they are dead before they get up or before they pop out of stun. That's the issue. I'm dead too if I stand there while a SI sends all his attacks out on me. The difference is I can choose to do something to that SI where as you are a lot more limited when an IA hits you with his abilities. It's the faceplant that's the issue, not the damage.
  17. I agree really that the only thing an operative needs changing is the knockdown. It's common sense and anyone trying to deny the following is just lacking in intelligence. They are a burst class, they are supposed to do massive masive burst damage. Yes that should include almost all your health. IF YOU WERE TO STAND STILL AND LET THEM DO IT. Now the issue is the current knockdown/stun doesn't allow you to have any choice in the matter. Yes IA should kill you if he gets in your face and fires off all his abilities. Yes he should. Don't try to deny it, it's his job. Any class should die if someone stands there and lets all the abilities hit. I'm a BH. If you stand there and I get all my rotations off, you will die. End of story. If I stand in front of a Sith and he sends his lightning to me and I do nothing, I will die. However, the knockdown doesn't allow for you to have any chance. This is the issue. If you had a chance, you could react and do something but when you're stunned for as long as you are considering their damage, then you don't have much change. Therefore the knockdown faceplant taking forever to get up is what needs to be sorted out. Having that as it's working at the moment, is just like me standing in front of another class and saying 'hai gais.... unload on me and kill me plz!' and if they sorted out the knockdown and the stuns then the IA would have to use a little more skill to get their kills off rather than being able to do it comfortably if they see someone on their own. They'd open up, do their massive damage, and with no damage tha they can do after that, the other class has a chance to get his rotations off on a weak class before the IA can finish the job, or the IA gets his other attacks in first to finish the job against an opponent that can fight back, but due to the squishyness of the IA, the odds are more even as one player has full health that goes down super fast with not much DPS to give out, and the other player has low health, but a lot of DPS to dish out to a squishy opponent. That's what I think anyway. TL;DR Bite me, I have no time for kids who come to a forum where people write things, who have no intention of reading anything. You can't be constructive with troll posts or ignorant 'I'm not reading that' and therefore don't belong here.
  18. There is. No. Grind. People may quit, but for every person that quits, 100 or more maybe do not. The people that quit are insignificant. You're making it out to be a big problem when it's not. Just do your class missions and space. You do not have to do all the side missions. You've been told this about 5 times, I don't know why you keep ignoring it. This game is too fast, too easy, it should actually take a lot longer to get to level 50, like 6 months to a year rather than 2 weeks to a month.
  19. Sounds like the OP rolled a sniper got to level 50 and found out he couldn't play the class and now wants an Operative or SI to 50 by tomorrow so he can PVP with it.
  20. No. The story already goes to level 50 without a grind. I hit 50 on Belsavis with 1.5 planets left to go, and I skipped half of Tattooine because I outlevelled the side quests. If you just stick to class quests, your story will level to 50. You're asking exactly for what you say you are not. A way to set your own XP, so you get a lot more XP for missions than you should do, which will enable you to hit 50 much faster than anybody else. Can you imagine how many people would just put it to max so they hit 50 quicker for PVP purposes? This game is too easy. It takes weeks to hit level 50, it should take a year. It takes a couple of hours in between levels, it should take days.
  21. I'd take increased XP pre-determined by Bioware and not by the user with majorly increased dfficulty for the missions you're running, but then I'd also rather every mission was harder than it is anyway with the current XP gain, then I'd just do the class quests on an alt but have them much much harder. But no way do I want anyone able to slide their XP to get what they want so they to level 50 before they get off Hutta. That's ridiculous.
  22. LOL what a troll. The screenshots must be fake. I must have drawn them on MSPaint or something. Grow up. Your trolls just make me laugh. I get it, your server sucks for Republic population, open your eyes and acknowledge it's not the same on every server.
  23. See my screenshots that prove you wrong. It happens on some servers, and not others. Unless you're suggesting I photoshopped a load of Imperials out of the pictures I posted, then you're chatting bubbles. Just accept it, it happens on some servers, it doesn't happen on others. How you can deny it when faced with screenshots is pathetic.
  24. There is thread after thread of Republics posting how they are having good games in Ilum. It's you that can't handle the harsh realities. This happens on some servers and not others. Get over it.
  25. I take it you ignored the screenshots I posted of an equal game where we had them out of their base? Yeah I thought so.... troll somewhere else please.
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