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Everything posted by bellok

  1. Good luck with the nerf to your class in 2-3 months.....
  2. Well it is valid to say that resolve does not work everytime, because it doesn't. You can blame people all you want, but when the system doesn't always work properly then that is to blame as well. Thus making part of his argument valid. There is no doubt he, and his group was partly to blame here, but let's get honest here.
  3. Nope. I still get stun locked with a full resolve bar, and I do use it correctly, breaking stun after resolve is full.
  4. This is exactly why I refuse to grind another lvl 50 character, who knows where their heavy hand lands next? I guess the only good thing about this game is you can grind up the 8 different classes and never worry about it again......No thanks.
  5. Yeah because resolve is working........
  6. Yeah because there is only 1 marauder in a warzone..........
  7. Roffles, speak of adapt or die, when you yourself had it handed right to you on a silver platter. Hint, melee never had a hard time killing sorcs/sages unless they were stupid, and all implications do apply here.
  8. Kiting only works against 1 melee generally, and how do you kite something exactly when your healing, and dps ranges are 30m's when their gap closer is about that range as well. Yes hybrid sors/sages can have a further dps range, but I am a full spec healer. Not to mention there are 2-3 of these melees with that gap closer that only attack the healers, and nothing else really. There are in fact dedicated melees who make it their point to attack me, and only me in a wz.
  9. not sure if serious.......
  10. Oh so you think that it's okay for your gap closer to span 30m's in any direction including from up to down in less than 1 second while at the same time not be subject to a push back, and then when a force run is started to have the ability to root that force run immediately completely getting rid of all possibilites to prevent you from closing the gap? So in other words you are unreasonable and dishonest. Got it.
  11. What you fail to understand is the fact that Bio Ware did change the "core" of the game in a way, and shifted it to something else. Pre 1.2 healing was the "core" of pvp, not so much now. People say that a dps is more important now for pvp than a healer is, and I sadly agree with them. Healers are still important to some degree. CU, and NGE were actual overhauls of SWG, there is no going around that, however the overall underlying issue with those changes were the changes to the many professions in that game, and the massive nerfs that happened to them. Those changes turned off people overall with that game and consequently they started to **** can it. So yes you can in fact compare the two. The ui improvements to that game in CU and such were improvements I liked, however the nerfs to the professions were what killed me with that game. Once they made changes I found that I wasn't satisfied with the current profession I was in and so I had to make changes accordingly. I'm kind of burnt out with that type of game model, and that is FOTM model every 2-3 months.
  12. I play a sage..........Yeah. Suffice it to say I will be checking into Guild Wars 2. I just don't feel like rolling more characters in this game and putting my time into that only to have everything changed on me. Too much of that happened to me in SWG and I'm sick of that kind of thing. Of course you know all about the pre-cu, cu, and nge...
  13. Yeah 9 days left for my subscription unfortunately. PvP in this game has been a real let down. I had so many hopes for this game, and there are so many possibilities but quite frankly Bio Ware is just too stupid to do the right thing.
  14. In theorey yes. In reality no, but if you want to be taken seriously it helps to use the right terms.
  15. Woot to a former guildie from OE!
  16. Run as fast as you can from the pvp in this game....
  17. Troopers do not have tracer missiles....
  18. Kehtal did you ever play on the Kettemoor server in SWG?
  19. People playing melee don't even have to be competent at this point. Just mash buttons.
  20. Not to mention the uber damage you do. Yeah that has nothing to do with anything.
  21. Yours is below average for agreeing with someone who put out a comment that is only half right. IE yes marauders/sents have mostly been unchanged, however most other classes have been nerfed fairly hard. On top of that we have an overall damage boost that is inane.
  22. bellok

    Teams of Marauders

    This is actually shaping out to being worse than the teams of sorcs pre patch 1.2. I have 13 days left on my subscription. If nothing is changed I'll just wait for Guild Wars 2. For the record the 1.2 patch was a way too heavy handed change in the name of "class balancing". If rateds come out before nothing is done about this I predict game over for SWTOR.
  23. How to kill a marauder: undo all of the terrible "class balancing" that was done in 1.2......
  24. Icing on the cake would be that EA goes bankrupt, especially after what they did to SWG. So there goes two star wars games down the toilet because EA sucks.
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