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Everything posted by MysticTrunks

  1. I've been using Diplomacy and my LS points have been going down. If they aren't, petition it.
  2. Nar Shadda is the underground version. It connects both Rep and Imp, but it's not connected to the one on the fleet. They're two seperate GTN's. Supposedly this will be done away with in the future.
  3. I put on my Jedi robe and wizard hat... and a flame retardant suit. It's a nice thought bud, but honestly, it is what it is. People on the net don't think the natural way of the world works. The vast majority that talk that way here or the net, don't have the real guts to be this mean spirited and blunt in the real world. So they come here, hide behind false name, and puff up their chest in a semi-manly way. Just don't read there drivel and move on, you'll be happier. Think of this too. At your own job, when people act like fools, do you pay more or less attention to them? I know in mine, the louder they get, the more we ignore them when they have no legs to stand on and are just being pointlessly mean. To a BW employee, it's the same thing. They are people too after all and they learn to tune out the white noise just like anyone else.
  4. PS. Game is great fun, especially for RP. Does it have flaws? Yeah... but then, so does everything. Unlike people though, this game can get better.
  5. And now you dislike it so much, you post on the forums still. Good to know.
  6. You have been judge, unworthy.
  7. The great thing about SW is that while some things are over the top (Amidala) most everyone is sensible. BW, you do NOT need to follow the current trend WoW, EQ2, Rift and others are on with "more and bigger is better". You don't need to redesign the universe. There are so many great armors and clothing in the EU via comics and books that there's no reason or need to take outside sources like other MMO's as inspiration for designs. Yes, people will complain either way, but I can say I and many others would not complain with "less is more"
  8. Yes, you can not take the ones on the side and put them to the bottom. Use the editor to shift the line of boxes per line from 1 to 12 and it'll lengthen it out horizontally.
  9. I use Force push constantly to keep them from the goal. I always aim it. I love nothing more than to push people into fire or the acid pools. Even more than pushing them to the pit off the catwalks. As for aiming. It really is just a latency issue between clients. I don't think there is anything they can do, especially between you and someone with a way slower PC. I know client side should even this out, but the client side can only do what it can when it gets it and if their PC is processing it just a quarter second slower... you get wonky force pushes. Just my opinion on the matter and what tech I know of from people smarter than me.
  10. Hey hey hey.... They don't go poking holes in your plot lines, don't go poking holes in theirs. Honestly, officially, I don't remember her really ever being handed over to you by that point in any of the quest series. Maybe it was a behind the scenes wink, wink, nod, nod moment between you and Kiwiiks.
  11. For a game your claiming you want nothing to do with... you sure post an awful lot about it. Maybe you need more hobbies?
  12. Well said. Bioware, take note. I'm probably a casual PvP person and for the most part think hardcore PvP people are quick to flare with little sense or reason. This however is an issue I think any and all that PvP can agree on. Bite the bullet, admit a mistake was made and correct it.
  13. HA. I highly doubt it. A lot of people i see in PvP that are REALLY into it, have some nasty anger issues and also don't take criticism well. They also seem unable to admit when they make a mistake, all things that don't get you ahead at most jobs outside of WWF or Wallstreet. Of course it's the individual person that matters. I enjoy PvP but I also enjoy and am happy with the money and place and responsibilities I have at my job, which I enjoy as well. Like all things PvP and your job are what you make of it.
  14. Well, since I didn't assume what they had planned to include and actually READ what was coming, it's exactly what i had thought minus only the Ranked PvP. Which if it wasn't ready I'm glad they pulled instead of putting it unfinished and able to be exploited or not work properly. Had they put something in half assed, people would be complaining now that "OH, Biofail should have waited!" "Why'd Biofail rush this?!" and "RAGE QUIT BLAH BLAH BLAH" If you and your friends expected more because you thought it should seem that you wanted more, that's your problem, not theirs. If your friends are leaving and you aren't having fun. Stop giving them your money and go away.
  15. ((What happens below comes from RP. The character Teenah is not my own creation but a real players. The RP came from that and this was the result. I did my best to stay true to the major players of the Jedi Council and hope I managed to make it believable. Thanks Edit. Apparently the SWTOR board does not like their own characters name of K I W I I K S... So fill that name into all the ****** spots in the story. Go figure. Of all the council members in the Jedi Order Xallis disliked Jaric Kaeden the most. Yes, the man was strong in the Force and considered a “living weapon” when it came to lightsaber combat, but there was a greasy Hutt like quality to him he just never cared for. Also the fact that he was yelling at him currently didn’t help matters. “That wasn’t your place, Jedi Xallis. Destroying nearly a billion credits worth of equipment and possibly our chance to get an edge over the Sith and the Empire, you had NO RIGHT!” There was spidle in that last statement as the Jedi Master jabbed a finger in his direction. Xallis stood his ground ringed around him were the many members of the Jedi High Council. Jaric Kaeden, Orgus Din, Bela *******, Syo Bakarn, and of course, Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan. The remainder of the council were off in the galaxy on missions, so it would be these that decided his fate. Orgus din spoke up, his voice the usual calm of stone being tumbled by by gently flowing water. “Master Kaeden, please, let Master Xallis speak. He can hardly defend himself if you keep interrupting him every time he begins his explanation.” There was a tense moment as the two locked gazes and the Force thrummed with agitation. Finally, Jaric Kaeden nodded curtly and crossed his arms over his chest. Satele Shan nodded and looked to Xallis, “Now, Master Xallis, please explain why you felt the need to do what you did.” He inclined his head in respect to his Grandmaster, “Of course Master Satele. I won’t bore you with the details leading up to our discovery of the the machines that created Teenah. So, I’ll cut to the heart. These experiments started with the Empire as you know. My team and I discovered that unusual tech was being transferred from various posts in the field after Republic forces took Imperial installations. Those were then confiscated and placed in the ruins of our Jedi Temple where is where we went and discovered the abandoned lab.” Xallis crosses arms and places his hands into the opposite sleeve, “It was abandoned in a hurry and some of the machinery was still working. What I thought was the consciousness of an Imperial soldier was still living in one machine. As it turns out it was an AI copy, though the machine did not know it. It was scared. That combined with the synthflesh tech we found led us to some fairly uncertain and disturbing conclusions.” “That was when we found the com link in the rubble. It linked directly to you Master Satele.” She nodded in confirmation. “An oversight by Jedi Udin,” she said in reply. “Perhaps that or perhaps the will of the Force, Master Satele,” he countered. There was a sharp spike in the Force and Jaeric was off again, “You come before us and talk of the will of the Force as your reasoning behind your act of sabotage?! That is more gall that even I expect of you, Xallis.” The lack of title was a slight be deliberate insult. One that did not go unnoticed by Xallis. Nor by Masters ******* and Orgus given their brief glance at one another. Syo Bakarn spoke now, his Corellian accent and over confident manner that seemed to be the stable of all Corellians in his tone, “Really, Master Xallis. You expect this council to believe something as simple as a dropped com link was the will of the Force and not that of an Jedi Knight in a hurry to sweep a secure location making a simple oversight?” Xallis jade eyes looked from the face of Jaric to Syo and shrugged his shoulders, “What the Imperials started and what we have finished in this Jedi Teenah, is no less than a miracle with in the Force. A sentient droid with the outer appearance of a human and more amazingly, the ability to connect with the Force. Tell me where in this entire scenario does the Will of the Force not play a role in the creation of life? For life is needed to use the Force, Master, as I’m sure you’re aware of. That fact that this life is artificial has no bearing.” Syo did not reply, he just gave a slight nod. Jaric crossed his arms and gave a grunt of annoyance. Master ******* spoke now her red and white Togruta face furrowed, “So then, Master Xallis, if you believe she is a miracle in the Force, why did you destroy the only equipment that could keep her in repair should she be damaged?” Lowering his head as in a show of gathering his thoughts he damped down on his emotions to hide the half truth he was about to tell. Confident he had full grasp of his emotional out powering in the Force he answered, “I am sorry for that. That she’ll have no way to repair herself should severe injury occur. However the ability to create a droid army capable of using the Force is too much power for any one side to hold. Even the Jedi.” Jaric Kaeden began to stand, his presence in the Force a volcanic blast of indignation and outrage. As his mouth opened to speak there was a transparasteel rattling BOOM as the Force was exerted to superheat a meter length of air in the same way a bolt of lightning would. Kaeden jumped and bit his teeth together. The other Masters started slightly save for the Grandmaster who only looked with cool eyes upon Xallis. He spoke firmly, “I’M. NOT. FINISHED.” There was no anger in his voice only a firm resolute assurity. The Force glowed around him for the briefest of moments as his jade eyes held firm until Kaeden who did not look away, but did not speak. “The Force is at war. If we used this to our advantage it would taint and ruin the Order. Maybe not today, but one day. We’d have a subclass of Force users that would be treated with as little dignity and respect as modern droids are. The difference is that these beings... yes, beings... would have a life essence in the Force.” Looking to each master, making eye contact with each one. “I did what you should have done the moment you found the Imperial technology. I destroyed it. Teenah will go on and she will learn the ways of the Force as is her right as a living being, no matter her origins. For the tech I destroyed. Bill me.” There was a smirk from Orgus Din. Master ******* was nodding. Kaeden was looking sour faced. Syo looked to be contemplating something. And Satele Shan was an unreadable wall, until she nodded slightly. “My fate is in your hands Masters. I go know that no matter what you decide, I have done as my conscience, my morals, and the Force have bid me. At the end of the day, how many times can we claim to have done all that? May the Force be with you.” Master Satele spoke, “We will inform you of our decision Master Xallis, please wait outside.” He heard the arguing begin before the doors to the chamber even finished closing. He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t admit some part of his was nervous. Given his past and the way he came to the Order, as well as many other incidents throughout his life as a Jedi, things were not as sure as he would hope they could be. Still, he meant what he said. He’d done the right thing. Besides, he also had the majority of the data to replicate the process on the datapad he had taken. However they did not need to know that. It was some hours later when Master Satele came to him. Her hair braids swinging on either side of her face and her movements as graceful and sure as ever. She spoke in a casual tone to him, hopefully that was a good sign, “You really did it this time, Xallis. Kaeden and Bakarn want you out of the Order and placed in prison. Orgus and ******* you managed to sway, though honestly they were not on board fully with this project from the beginning.” “And what of you, Master Satele? Where do you stand on this,” he asked. “She is a miracle of the Force, to be sure. Just as you followed the Force in what you did, so did I. The series of events went as it was meant too. You will not be removed from the Order, Xallis.” She grinned slightly at the audible sigh of relief. “You will be on probation. Another act such as this and it you may not get off so easily. As it is, I want you to watch after Teenah as well. You and that team of yours seem to have her best interest at heart and I believe for her to have a chance she will need to be away from the scientists that are requesting to take her apart as if she was only a mere droid.” “I had wondered of that. Thank you for seeing what others may not, Master.” “Seeing has nothing to do with it. You can feel the spark of life within her. As curious as I am to how this has happened, the answer can not come by way of her death. Now go.” He stood, bowing at the waist to her. “Oh, and Xallis? Don’t use the Force like that in my Council chambers again.” He gave her a lopsided grin and inclined his head, “I promise Master, not like “that” ever again.”
  16. Also along with the tattoo'd face guy is what Ship said about there being more Sith out there than just the Lost Tribe. I have to say I enjoyed this series a lot and liked the ending a lot better than rushed ending with Jacen. That was was good until the last book which just felt like they tried to tie up to much to fast.
  17. I thought it was pretty funny. Good job guys!
  18. Slightly better last one. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa151/NomAnor01/SWTOR/ecjbejhf.jpg
  19. My character Xallis. I thought it was a neat succession of pictures http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa151/NomAnor01/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-03-24_20_02_22_780050.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa151/NomAnor01/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-03-24_20_01_51_922285.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa151/NomAnor01/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-03-24_20_01_53_459373.jpg
  20. All and none. Love Star Wars... read/audiobook all the books save for a handful here and there that slip by. Loved KOTOR as well and I'm a fan of BIOWARE thanks to their work there and Mass Effect. That all said, I also love the game itself. It has flaws but a lot of them that are my least favorite are 1.2 fixed and other things like housing (ships) and guild halls are on the pipeline. I also RP and a game like this is just great fun to RP in. I said from the days of SWG, if ever make a MMO based in the Tales of the Jedi (Comics with Nomi Sunrider) period, it would be a far bigger success.... so long as Raph Koster is kept the hell away from it. So far, I'm happy and plan to be around for years to come.
  21. Jedi Holocron Entry It’s been an interesting set of weeks to say the least. Training lessons with some of the younger Jedi goes well for the most part. It’s hard to believe I was that young sometimes, at least I don’t feel the anger and pent up rage I know my Masters felt in my training. One or two get frustrated easily and agitated but that’s to be expected in any learning experience. My own padawan, Daylyn is coming along splendidly in her use of the Force, however her understanding of it seems to have been skewed along the way. Her questions seem to point that she believes every small detail is predestined by the Force itself as if it was some great sentient being looking down and playing dolls with the galaxy at every moment. The Force is forged by us. Our wills and our choices and the beating energy of what makes up life. Natural disasters and tragedy happen not because the Force pushed the “Untimely accident” button but because forces in nature and events brought it to that moment in time. Her and I will be having a long talk on this and I believe I may make this the lesson of the next training session. Jedi scholars have been struggling with the meaning and origin of the Force since it was discovered all those millennia ago on Tython. I can’t expect them to grasp what is known so easily without questions I suppose. A side note. It’s funny to listen to those not raised in the Jedi order to spout our code and the preconceptions about the part of, “There is no emotion, there is peace.” So many believe this means we are supposed to be emotionless droids that can never be frustrated, upset, angry, happy, and so on. That and that we are all celibate and never been with another. Ok, sure, there are those Jedi that do take that route but our they don’t understand that the “no emotion” is when we fight and use the Force or make important choices. If they ever had the chance to watch a Council meeting on a hot topic I imagine we’d have to have a load lifter to pick their jaws off the floor at how heated even the Council can get. “I demand you reconsider” I heard more than once. In fact were it not for Master Satele I believe a few of them would lunge at one another. *He laughs. On the holocrons recorder he takes a long sip of caf before continueing* On this subject of emotions. Love. It is not an easy concept to wrap around their heads for most Jedi. It can and has lead to the dark side.... well, at least the attachment it has lead too has. Fear of loss is the danger in love. It is not easy to separate that natural ease at which most sentients are given to love from that of eventual loss of that love. All things die. All things are lost eventually. It has to be accepted if a Jedi is to love another. It’s no easy task. Now that’s not to say you don’t defend and fight for what you love. Jedi do that daily for our love of freedom in the Republic against the oppression and tyranny that will be the Sith Empire. However defending an ideal like the Republic and freedom are far different from defending the love that comes in the form of blue skin, long legs, and lekku. My old time friend and partner, Sibh have finally taken that leap. I have to say I missed the feel of a woman. It wasn’t something I realized until we were together but it was, very nice. Private and intimate. She’s a fantastic and strong willed woman and we’ve saved each others hides more times than I care to think about. I know many in the Order will not approve and their concern is noted. Many great Jedi throughout history have had this connection with another. Nomi Sunrider, and her daughter Vima. As well as Bastilla Shan and Revan are just among a few. I believe that if the fear of attachment can be overcome, the love is between two people only strengthens a Jedi’s own connection of to the Force. Few would agree I know, however this is what I believe. It’s not the reason I enter into this with Sibh but it is something to consider as we grow closer together. I can already feel a bond with her through the Force. Even now if I close my eyes and concentrate hard enough I can feel a warm glow out there among the stars of the galaxy of her growing just brighter than any other individual. She’s light years away and I know without a doubt at this moment, she is safe. It is an... amazing feeling. May the Force be with you, until next time.
  22. They are very annoying. I think the speed bonus minus the flying city bus would be a good middle and to ONLY do it on the fleet. It's really the only place it matters or gets in the way.
  23. Just responding to subscribe. They really need a better tool for this.
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