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Everything posted by Darkshadz

  1. Ok and where are lvl 10-54 who want to group with their friends suppposed to go? Yes it does, wether you want it or not.
  2. It doesn't take very long to get your full obroan set so what's your point? You can farm comms before lvl 55 on top of that. It would be great if they could remove the cap on comms since you can "dodge" it by buying/refunding pvp weapons though. But for those who prefer waiting at lvl 55 to farm comms, they can be competitive with ilvl 156 gear, like I said in my previous post. There's always Guild wars 2 if you hate grinding for your gear. Good premades (and players) in SWTOR usually win because they are good, not because they have better gear, BRO. Get used to be called a bad player, then.
  3. Out of argument? Thought so. You failed to prove that separating queues would encourage people to participate in pvp and exaggerated about how many MMOs separate queues in pvp. I've been playing SWTOR since launch, premades are not an issue in this game. The issue is that people like you give up so easily when there is some decent challenge. This game is not incredibly hard to play and there are more than enough resources to know how to play your class in pvp. Losing is part of the game but when you lose because most of your group decides to give up, it is infuriating. You don't like facing half premades in pvp? Play solo ranked pvp or stick to scripted PVE fights. Are you talking about WZs or solo/group ranked pvp? WZ queues are not very long in general depending on when you play. Can't say the same about group ranked pvp though. On what server are you playing? As for the gear disadvantage, I suggest you read L-Randle's sticked post here. You can be competitive even if you don't have your full Obroan/brut gear yet.
  4. Here's the thing, buddy: some servers are more populated than others. Harbinger has a much higher population than Jung ma for example. Now imagine if we had separate queues because backpeddlers don't like challenge.... Without x-server queues, forget about separating queues. I'm sure of 2 things: 1) servers are not equally populated 2) AoC is a failure. Separating queues didn't save that game. So why using the worst example possible to prove that separating queues is the way to go? If I remember well, the game started strong but epically failed a few months after right? So next time, please talk about a game that is still decently populated. I'm sure that there are not much premades in AoC for obvious reasons I still queue even after getting roflstomped by better players/half premades.
  5. What is so damn hard to understand? Let's say that AoC has 300k players and SWTOR too. AoC has 3 servers, SWTOR 11 in total. Why do you think AoC can afford to separate queues? If you can't answer that, I don't know what to say. WoW has far more players than SWTOR (and cross-server queues) and even there they don't separate queues in random BGs. I don't care about how many servers AoC had in the past, we're speaking about the present.
  6. Thanks for purposely not reading the part where I said that AoC has only 2 active servers for the whole game. You also faiiled to prove that the population increased after they separate queues. I never said that SWTOR has less players than AoC btw.
  7. Age of conan only has 2 active servers and 1 almost dead server (according to what's written on their forums). They can afford to do separate queues. SWTOR doesn't have that luxury unless they add x-server queues. Since you said "games" in plural, what are the other games that separate premades and solo queuers?
  8. Can you prove that? Name of the game + link proving that the population increased because they separate solo queuers and premades.
  9. No, it's because arenas suck in SWTOR. This game needs x-server queues but Musco said NO. On what server are you?
  10. I fail to see how less RNG is bad
  11. Ah, interesting XD I stopped playing on JM a long time ago. So I guess QQers play late at night, when there is a higher chance that they face a premade. I wasn't saying that the smash spec was really amazing but like you said, it's not terrible either. I never really liked that spec anyway.
  12. Anything that is not faceroll easy is considered trash here. There are exceptions, of course. I don't get those premade QQ posts though. Is the OP queueing at like 5 AM in the morning or something? Or are they playing on low pop servers like Jung ma?
  13. What is this?! 838k damage with your marauder in your first screenshot?? NERF MARAS!! XD It looks like our friend Kalispa is nowhere to be found. He has yet to reply
  14. An extra 30 minutes in queue for a chance to be in a team (or facing a team) of backpeddlers? No thanks! I always solo queue btw.
  15. Look at the healing done by the other team, pal Those screenshots don't prove that madness sorcs/sins are OP. It's not really hard to achieve 1 million damage for DOT specs with healers pumping 1 million total healing. This is nothing exceptional and nothing new for anyone who played the game since a while. What's your point?
  16. While they nerfed Ops for no good reason, they overbuffed enranged defense/focused defense XD I can't understand BW's logic sometimes.
  17. Did they even explain why they removed the knockdown?
  18. Indeed. I don't see why the Devs wouldn't test ranked 8 v 8 WZs on the PTS. With DOT specs being powerful now, that would likely force people to forsake the turtle comp. It's definitely worth a try. So... DOTs specs were the laughing stock of the game for 2 years (except for pyros) and all of a sudden they are OP? It's not that they are OP, it's just that a lot of people are using those specs. Someone already mentioned that in the thread but I don't think so. We just have to adapt to the new changes.
  19. I would like them to bring 8 v 8 back but as long as they find a way to prevent turtle comp vs turtle comp WZs. It shouldn't be too hard for them to prevent such comps to be the way to go in ranked 8 v 8. Designing new maps different from Novare and Alderaan would be a good start. I'll think of something later but right now I have business to attend to
  20. 6.8M more precisely Once people stop buying CM items, maybe we'll have x-server queues. Good luck with that!
  21. Implementing x-server would probably require BW to pull a FFXIV and shutdown the game for a period of time to revamp the engine. Not happening anytime soon. Don't quote me on this though.
  22. I prefer the gunslinger's sound and battle animations. Same goes for scoundrels. As for commandos/mercs, I like both equally.
  23. You're clearly new to the game and this is what you say about people who know SWTOR better than you? Do you want to be better in PVP or not?
  24. Are you serious, pal? Because the video is a parody.
  25. Such skills, much special effects, very impressed, wow XD edit: did you manage to win a few solo ranked last night? You and Fay't didn't have it easy with all the trolls queueing
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