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Everything posted by Darkshadz

  1. You do know I'm not talking about their DPS but about their defensive cooldowns right? 50% increased CD on shield probe is NOT a buff. Engineer snipers got brutally murdered by BW. No more double roll or double shield probe. That's not a buff. So that leaves 2 specs that are playable, lethality and marksman. Let's not forget that you can no longer cleanse dots. That's not a buff, that's a huge nerf. And what spec do you think is the most popular in the game? So tell me again, how is sniper's survivability better than pre 3.0? How is the class better than pre 3.0? I never once said that snipers are unplayable in group ranked but they do need SOME love. But anyway, group ranked is a joke in this game because BW pay little attention to this form of pvp.
  2. Learn to read patch notes, I'm not doing it for you. Snipers are not doing fine in 3.0, in fact they are doing worse than before actually. Once the season starts, let's see how many snipers you'll see in group ranked
  3. You are clueless about all the new utilities that other classes got to counter sniper's roots/stuns/knockbacks. Welcome to 3.0, buddy.
  4. Snipers have survivability issues wether you're doing group ranked or not, BloodDevistaor.
  5. Matchmaking is not the problem, it's the broken bolster that needs to get fixed.
  6. Even if you didn't know that wearing 186 gears would gimp your expertise, you SHOULD'VE KNOWN that queuing for ranked without a full pvp gear set is a recipe for failure. You have no excuses.
  7. Hey buddy, getting killed while questing is part of playing on a pvp server. Starting zones were meant to be sanctuaries. Don't "boohoo" because you'll actually have to leave the starting zone to kill people. I know, you'll have to work a bit harder for your kills now
  8. This has nothing to do with getting ganked in the starting zone.
  9. This guy gets it. If I'm not wrong, this is more or less how it works in WoW. I've never seen a single comment from a dev about this simple solution. It would also fix the temporary but annoying issue with lvl 30-59 pvp too. I'm sure it is doable even if the engine is crap.
  10. Unless you're playing on a dead server, no it's not hard to find people to kill.
  11. If you wanna see a pretty good madness sorc play, watch Itchyeyes. He was already pretty hard to beat before those ridiculous buffs to madness sorcs/sins. You'll understand why madness sorcs also need to be toned down after you see him play
  12. Sharpshooter is my goto spec, it's just too good imo. 15k aimed shot crit followed by a 7k crit trickshot? That's sexy Just like a lot of people said, the saboteur discipline is garbage. I liked how it was pre 3.0 but BW decided to butcher it. Too bad because I was really looking foward to play that discipline The rotation is too awkward for my taste.
  13. Wait, so the Yavin gear you buy from the basic lvl 60 gear vendor is not good for pvp at all (until you get your whole pvp set)? Damn
  14. You need cross-server queues and/or cross-faction pvp for that to work. The population is too small right now.
  15. Sad All my condolences to his family.
  16. Please Musco, sign me up too #BibleThump
  17. On top of that, he got the genders wrong XD @Snave: thanks for the interview! I don't think Musco and his team will change either but who knows?
  18. Well it can happen (very very rarely though). No game are free of bugs.
  19. It's a WoW/Wildstar clone, actually. Why reinventing the wheel when the wheel that currently exists is pretty damn good?
  20. Isn't fadeout in the utility tree, which is accessible to all specs?
  21. My mind is blown.... nice job guys with that new system! This was a great stream, lots of good info. David Demaree should be streaming with you guys more often imo. Is it December yet? XD **COUGH** can I get a PTS invite please?
  22. Please, tell me this is a joke and no one said that. Please edit: welp that wasn't a joke. There is no hope for good things to happen for pvp. Whoever told them that cross-server would kill the game's economy deserves to get fired.
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