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Posts posted by Archaar

  1. So....I re-rolled a scoundrel a while back and levelled purely through PvP, I never at any point felt like I could not contribute or did not have a chance of winning a fight. I've been playing a Scrap/Bones hybrid (slightly more offensive than usual, i.e. no emergency medpac) and went through warzones getting upwards of 20Kb's, top damage and rarely dying and I mean rarely.


    So I ding 50, bought myself a full Recruit set and War Hero main hand blaster, I'm sitting at about 978 expertise and feel....useless. My damage is horribly low. What gives? The difference between Recruit -> BM surely cannot be that much that it will make a significant difference to my damage output? I get absolutely walloped by other classes and I mean walloped, my health bar just vanishes. I pop adrenals hit them back and barely break 1k on crits, I just don't get it.


    For a point of reference, I went on my Shadow which is full BM and I haven't played that char in almost 2 months (got bored of it), came up with a balance hybrid spec and wrecked a warzone was seeing constant high crits after adrenal popping, I'm pretty shocked how ineffectual I feel on my scoundrel and bioware is slightly nerfing the class again in 1.3. Is it purely a gear thing or are scoundrels really in a horrible place DPS wise?

  2. True test of PvP skill? is what exactly? Concealment Operative is hardly at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to PvP. In fact ANY class in the hands of someone who know's how to kite, interupt, gaurd, heal, move, los, etc... etc.. can be good. I've wrecked level 40+ players on different level 10-12 characters, not because those characters are OP it's because I don't Rambo into the middle of the group and expect everything to die like I see a lot of players do.


    Play smart and you can turn any "bad" class into a good one.

  3. LOL after this weekends gw2 beta this game has no chance in hell lol. Once again with the should coulda woulda team. One things for sure people dont believe anything till its in game ranked wz's need i say more.If they spent the same amount of money on actually developing the things they talk about we would have something. Glad i unsubbed just way to much talk.


    6 months in same 4 wz's bold face lie about ranked wz's. 2 billion interviews about shoulda coulda woulda


    Ea should hire jay and silent bob to promote swtor it would literally be the same but a hell of a lot cheaper.


    Keep in mind this is the guy who thinks a lfg tool is new game content just saying


    After playing WvWvW PvP in this weekends stress test, Swtor will NEVER match GW2 in any way shape or form, there were so many things that made me think about how badly swtor tried to implement "World PvP", it's a horrible joke in comparison and the most glaring difference? NO LAG, there was a sea of red trying to bash down a gate and a large group of defenders, no lag, no slide-show, ilum was / is just a such a horrible joke it's not even worth discussing anymore. GW2 / Arenanet are offering things in beta that SWTOR are not even coming close to offering in 6 months of being live. If you want proper warzones and proper world PvP, then GW2 is where you should be looking, not swtor.

  4. Situational awareness, positioning, target selection, when to use interrupts, knowing how to kite, use los when necessary, try and predict burst damage onto yourself, knowing your rotations, understanding CC, How to defend effectively, where to stand etc... list goes on really.


    I do all of the above and on all my characters I get very good results, so much so that I can embarrasses high level players on my low level alts. Just yesterday, soloing a level 49 sorc on my level 11 vanguard :)

  5. Well talents and new spells are about 80% of pvp, I mean you can go into a wz as a lvl 10, but you're gonna be fodder for level 37+'s (Unless they're absolutely terrible.)


    WRONG. Player skill is more important than talents and new spells. Terrible players at any level can be rolled over if you know what your doing, the decent players regardless of their level will be a challenge.

  6. I have PvP'ed on all my characters from level 10, I am often top of the warzone charts and regularly outplay level 40+ players, my trophy kill was a level 49 Marauder killed by my level 11 Powertech. As someone else has stated I would rather have level 10-15 players who know what they were doing rather than a group of 40+ players who are utterly clueless.


    Here's some advice, the good players and I mean really good players don't need to be high level to beat people and contribute, good players will Kite, use los, not run into the middle of the zerg like Rambo and get insta gibbed, position themselves properly, use stims, buy medpacs, throw the huttball, guard a door, call incomings etc... etc.... Your not just automatically deemed good because your over a certain level.

  7. Someone in this thread said powertechs were not easy to play, so I rolled one, level 15 at the moment and it is by far the easiest of all the AC's I have played so far. It also gives me the biggest return for the least skill investment, even at this level I am getting 220k - 270k (Highest so far is 295k) damage in warzones and racking up kills. I can see why people are drawn to it, without being insulting (lol) it's an easymode class, I take down level 40+ targets all the time.


    The only class that gives me trouble is a good scoundrel who get's a stealth opener on me or another PT/Vanguard. I just bait people to follow me around pillars etc, which they do because I'm level 14 and I burst them down some mara's can be trouble, but I don't have my slow yet, once I do I think it will be even easier to melt them.


    Heat management can be a problem though no heat = no burst = death....sometimes.


    Mara's do not need a nerf, they should be left as they are. People just need to learn how to counter them (which I do just fine on all my toons), it's the one's trying to facetank them with their light armor class that are crying on the forums.
  8. I have problems going against PT's/Vangaurds on my Scoundrel, I get that they are "meant" to be glass cannons, but they do that much burst that's it's hard to survive against them long enough to kill them and that's the problem. You are immediately on the back foot because 1/2 your health bar is gone before you know it and when you do engage one, they are not as "glass" as people make them out to be.


    They are not as easy to los and disengage from as say a sniper, where you can easily counter them, they are extremely mobile, can apply pressure DPS even when you los them via dot's and can lay more burst down than any other class at the moment. Even if I spam cleanse on myself, the dot's is re-applied next GCD and I do try and stay out of that 10m kill zone.


    I did roll one just for lols, so I can see how they "work" at level 11, I did 300k in a voidstar. Silly amounts of damage.

  9. I often draw 4+ players away from the ball carrier in huttball, like in a match earlier, I must have annoyed them that much that they were just gunning for me and not our ball carrier or trying to score themselves, I didn't even get one mvp for distracting 1/2 their team for the majority of that warzone.


    I agree that contribution should be awarded if another player assists on an objective through smart / proper use of CC.

  10. This is already being worked on... watched one of those guild summit vids one day while bored at work and they're re-working Ilum from the ground up.


    By the time they come out with whatever they think ilum should be, this game would be long dead. Not to mention the cheap game engine they opted for just cannot handle it. It does not matter what they do to ilum if the game engine cannot handle more than 20 people on screen at a time and there is no one left to play it.......

  11. I am actually shocked that this thread has not been closed yet, bioware normally try and squash these type of posts. Honestly when you think they cannot sink their game any faster, they go and do something like this. Bioware it seems will do anything to discourage world PvP, if anyone actually believed their latest statements about PvP now being extremely important, this shows that it is not true. I am glad I cancelled my sub and I cannot wait for GW2 where they won't threaten to ban you for playing the game. Utterly ridiculous.
  12. I have no problem killing Powertechs / Vangaurds on my 43 Smuggler, yes they can hit hard and the good ones are really, really tough to take down, but I spam cleanse myself and their damage is not nearly as scary, but not every class has a cleanse :p


    Oh and the other day when bored, I took my level 10 Operative into a warzone, got top damage, top KB's (10 I think) for zero deaths, that does not mean Operatives are OP, it means the people I was playing against were bad....

  13. I re-rolled onto another server, rolled a scoundrel and wish I had played one from the start, awesome fun. I would not say it is difficult to play, managing your energy levels can be quite difficult in the thick of a fight, but If you play the class properly you can do some pretty sick stuff. Granted I am only level 42 at the mo, but in a huttball match earlier, was fighting against a Jugg + Merc (2v1 they were both level 40+), killed them both including killing the merc twice as he re-spawned pretty quickly and I was fighting them down in the pit near their goal line. I honestly don't think I could have done that on any other class.
  14. I re-rolled from a Shadow to a scoundrel and I love it!!! Yes you do have to put in effort to get reward but the reward is a lot of fun. I have to watch my positioning constantly, try and stay off the radar. The energy issues are a pain though, I am constantly worrying and watching my energy bar, much more than I've had to do on any other class.
  15. I dislike the map because it let's republic shine at being terrible, having the majority of your team camp the south base while 2 or 3 try and defend either west or east get's old real fast. They just don't seem to understand the warzone at all, mind you the same could apply to all the other warzones too.
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