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Posts posted by Archaar

  1. Instead of QQing about Sent/Mar you should wake up and do better math. They don't live any longer than tank class/specs where they have more HP so live the same amount of time as a sent/mar. All you have to do is CC a Sent/Mar and it is over, all they get is ONE cc breaker and it is a 2 min CD. So, once they use their CC baker once they are now screwed for the next 2 min. A cent/Mar might get in 5-7 CC breaks in one WZ. So, most of the game they can't get out of CC's. You CC them and they die fast bc they have medium armor, they might pop those 3 Defensive CDs but they will still die just as fast as a tank (ie Jedi Shadow tank or Guardian tank) and both of those tank classes/specs do a good amount of dmg too. All you guys see and get pissed off about is the fact that you see them with no HP and start QQing bc they don't die ASAP, but instead die 5 sec later. So, they pop that stupid 99% reduction for 5 sec, there is a VERY good chance there 2min CD CC breaker is on CD so just CC them and wait the 5 sec out and kill them with one shot after that. It really isn't that hard. Also, before QQing so much about them you should first play them and find their weaknesses and be able to kill them


    So what you are saying is, don't QQ about Marauders because they die just as fast as a tank?

  2. 1. Healer

    2. Anything with low health

    3. My personal grudge list, mainly containing Sorcs as they are the most annoying class in the game, they need to die, constantly lol

    4. Marauders, especially FOTM lowbie re-rollers, I find it my personal duty to wreck them, normally in such a way that they feel humiliated.

  3. I waited 1 1/2 hours for a Warzone pop on my Sage alt (level 50), when huttball finally popped, it was an Imp premade (consisting of Mara's and PT's just to really put the stinker in) and we got destroyed lol so 1 1/2 hours to get rolfstomped by a Premade..


    I re-rolled onto another server, with a population.

  4. Demonstrated some skill -


    I personally did not enjoy the editing of blacking the screen out and coming back in seemed like every 20 seconds, i'll assume you were fastforwarding through non important stuff, but it was just too often.


    I felt the same way, in fact it got so annoying I just turned the video off. It seemed like it was every 5 seconds and for no reason, there must be a reason?

  5. I believe there is too much work to be done with Ilum to ever make it work, besides the game engine will never handle it. I think they need to do things similar to the Rakghoul outbreak on Tatooine, I went there and had some fantastic open world fights up at that wreckage site, even one a couple of 2v1's, now THAT was fun, however it did not count for anything. They need to do more events like that, on different planets, but allow open world kills to count for *something* what that something would be I don't know, but that is where I would be heading with the game.


    There is potential for events on places like Alderaan, where you join one house and the imps join another, then you fight it out over the planet in different areas, make it dynamic. You can do a similar thing on other planets, it does not always have to be on Ilum. I think the biggest problem would be the game engine though, I just do not think it would be able to cope, at all.

  6. The more important thing people need to realize is that maybe the other guy whipped their *** because he/she is simply better than they are....


    So powertechs out bursting any other calling at the moment are more SKILLED than everyone else are they? It's their SKILL that's allowing them to kill players in 4 seconds? Good too know :rolleyes:


    Bioware broke PvP with the expertise buffs they added in 1.2, the TTK was drastically reduced, you cannot hope for any kind of class balancing when PvP is as borked as it is now.

  7. Maybe they are doing a sneaky Blizzard move, you know like they did, released the WotLK with their own little norse theme just shortly after WaR was released with its norse themed norscan chaos lands and such.


    Maybe BW thinks rated BGs will compare or have the slightest pulling factor that GW2 WvWvW PvP will have? So they wait and release around the same time GW2 is released.


    Sneaky sneaky schemers.


    And no one will play SWTOR over GW2. If they aim to release at the same time they will be embarrassed, I played in the GW2 Beta and it was great fun, WvWvW PvP was a hoot, they have character transfers from the get-go and NO monthly fee. SWTOR will never, never beat GW2 in the world PvP dept. If Bioware are concentrating on the LFG tool, well that's another sill mistake they will make. Who am I going to be looking for when my old server at peak time has less than 20 players in fleet?


    Server mergers / character transfers NOW, before anything else.

  8. I am actually enjoying all these FOTM Mara re-rollers. I rolled a scoundrel on a different servers as my main server died, I quite enjoy killing these dudes. I'm only level 32 though so granted things will be different when I get to level 50, but as an example yesterday, I kited a level 41 mara all over voidstar while picking him off, he can't do much if he can't hit me, happy days indeed. The only thing that really bothers me about them is the broken range, they seem to hit me with things like ravage upto 10m, so I think that needs fixing.


    The REAL problem, is Pyro Powertechs, they are just plain nasty and the REAL fotm. The burst they can put out even in the lowbie PvP bracket is just nuts. A mara can be kited, it's a lot lot harder to kite a Powertech, their effective range is 0-30m, the only real tactic is to try and LOS them and out heal the dots before they can regain LOS and RS me to death.

  9. I used to love yanking someone down into the pit at the last minute before they score, never get's old!!! While all these things can be annoying, knockbacks, pulls, leaps etc... they do add an element of strategy to the game. You can counter things like the sage pull, for example if I'm going against a team that I know like to pull people with the Sorc/Sage pull, I move to intercept that Sorc/Sage, I knock them down, pull them down, basically do whatever I have to do to put them in a position where they cannot pull someone up while the rest of my team nukes the ball carrier.


    Other things are reliant on players being situationally aware, i.e. not standing on our goal line or putting themselves in a position where someone can just leap to them for an easy score. Or saving a root ability for when someone is over a fire pit,even when there resolve bar is full. Other things you can do, try not to use your breakfree ability in case you get the ball and someone tries to CC you over a fire pit or trying to position yourself so that your not an easy target to be pulled to your doom.


    Everything does have a counter, of course some classes are a lot harder to stop than others, for example a Sin/Shadow with Force Speed + Resilience + Deflection (they don't even really need deflection) is almost guaranteed to score if they get onto the top section, I've done it a gazillion times.

  10. I get this all the time on my Scoundrel, stuck in combat when I've been hiding somewhere for 20 seconds plus (if I don't hide, I have an army of Marauders on me). This will probably get fixed, after Bioware have finished adding more Legacy stuff! Cos yeah we all want that!
  11. Really. In the last week or so its been announced that character transfers are definitely happening in the near future. In the latest podcast they mention ranked warzones also coming soon.


    The NEAR future...SOON...all words Bioware like to throw around to keep people hanging on. The NEAR future and sometime SOON will be entirely TOO LATE. Instead they are making announcements that extra developers will be assigned to PvP sometime SOON and the PvP will be the focus.


    Why aren't they announcing that Server Mergers and Character transfers are the PRIORITY, this game is haemorrhaging subscriptions at an astonishing rate, that needs to be the companies focus, that's what they SHOULD be telling the community.

  12. How about just give everyone recruit gear that ques into a WZ. Then make valor really mean something by giving abilities or buffs based on it. That would still reward those that played a lot of PvP and stop the whining about under-geared pugs.


    The people would just complain about the higher level players having access to things they do not. It's the theme around here, people cried that BM gear cost too much and that the valor grind was too much, so Bioware started handing out Warzone Comms and Valor ranks like Candy.


    Then people STILL complained, so Bioware comes out with the Recruit set, removed valor restrictions from gear etc... etc... and people are STILL complaining. Now the gear is too expensive or still doesn't give them that easymode that they require. When my Sage hit 50, It took me about 1 day to get enough credits for the Recruit set, it's not difficult for crying out loud.


    Seriously GO AWAY, these people that have been on this crusade to get gear handed to them and things made so easy that they don't have to try as hard are contributing to the downfall of this game and boy are they doing a good job, forcing Bioware to make stupid changes which in turn drives people away in there droves.

  13. 400,000 subscribers lost since March and I am sure that number is increasing, the people left on my old ghost server have cancelled their subs, they don't want to be forced to re-roll on another server to play this game. It's not like a Character Transfer is a new and un-thought of thing, it's not like every other MMO in the world offers character transfers.


    As for those that say "Complaining doesn't get you anywhere, you should offer constructive feedback", well just after 1.2 landed; people tried constructive criticism and Bioware decided to delete the posts and delete the re-posts of such constructive feedback. So instead of listen to players offering feedback, they spent their time erasing said posts.


    Bioware need to act fast, GW2 is on the horizon it offers things this game does not including Character Transfers and there is no monthly fee attached...

  14. When GW2 launches all the people who wanted PvP in Swtor will be playing that, it offers character transfers from the start, the PvP was fluid and fun (in the beta at least), not tied to gear nor a silly pvp stat (*cough* expertise) and they offer WvWvW PvP which was an absolute hoot, they managed to get more than 10v10 fighting in the same place at the same time without it turning into a slide show, why can't you Bioware? With GW2 you get all that for....NO MONTHLY COST.


    I never wanted SWTOR to fail, I had such high hopes for the game, it had the best levelling experience I've encountered in any MMO and some features are nice, but it falls down in so many areas, Bioware have made so many mistakes, so many players have left, I find it difficult to believe anything Bioware come out with. Players need to see ACTION not words, when are the server mergers every going to happen? What about character transfers? Rated Warzones? Proper class balancing? What about character transfers onto the PTS so players can actually test the content you plan on delivering properly. The list of things you should be doing NOW is huge, spouting drivel about re-focus onto PvP just makes you look like you have no clue what you are doing.

  15. I am getting better at fighting Mara's on my lowbie scoundrel (level 31 at the mo) one thing I am noticing, is their range seems to be a bit broken. For example, when I try and kite them I am definitely beyond the 4m, in fact I am normally at the 10m mark as I know it's channelling and the ability STILL hit's me for it's full amount, other abilities too seem to have a more range than they should. I don't think it happens all the time, yesterday I was kiting a level 41 mara all over Voidstar until I finally got him. Then other times other mara's will be hitting me with melee abilities at beyond their 4m range.
  16. Top: Good Players

    Mid: Average Players

    Bottom: Poor Players


    Good players will do well no matter what class they play and certain classes have advantages on some maps compared to others. In 1v1, sure, some classes may be ahead, but this isn't a 1v1 game...


    This pretty much. I used to wreck warzones on my Shadow, so I re-rolled a scoundrel, I wreck warzones on him too, I even can sometimes wreck warzones on my recruit geared sage IF the imps don't notice me....


    Good players are good players regardless of the class they play, I know some people who re-rolled from another class and they are still good on their new class.

  17. It's amazing how accelerated the rate is at which this game is tanking. I've never seen anything like it before. And I must say, it's really all on BW. Their horrible mismanagement of PvP and complete lack of quality control is what has lead us all to the current state of horribad PvP in the game.


    It's so disappointing because I think most of the peeps that gave this game a shot wanted to love it for years. Instead, we will be fortunate to be around for months.


    I have played quite a few MMO's and I have never seen an MMO before SWTOR tank and lose this many subs as fast as this game has. It's not even made it too the 6 month marker and nearly every server in the EU is a ghost server and it is all down to Bioware's mis-management, mis-communication and failure to recognise multiple issues raised by it's playerbase.

  18. I'm gobsmacked that they have not announced anything about character transfers. My main server is dead, the only people that are left on it do not want to be forced to re-roll to play the game so are un-subbing. Do Bioware honestly expect players to sit on dead servers for months? Or is the response re-roll? I am sure I read a comment from a Bioware Dev saying the solution to a dead server was a re-roll.


    In the EU servers are dying, mergers and character transfers need to happen NOW, while you can retain some of your playerbase, because if you don't do this before Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 launch (GW2 offers character transfers FROM LAUNCH) people will leave for those games and will not come back.

  19. I stopped guarding healers in pugs as I never got heals in return, I would peal players from healers and they just use me as a damage sponge / decoy whilst happily healing themselves. I only guard healers I know or guildies who I know will heal me back or need guarding to try and save them, as for taunt I use it constantly, it's literally free and helps to relieve pressure.
  20. They have yet to give a response and thats why I am not giving them my money anymore, I unsubbed last night and it killed me to do so being I was such a huge fan of this game pre-1.2. My server came to a crawl after 1.2 but still tolerable, after the GW2 beta my server was completely dead and has remained so. How is BW going to justify a $15 a month sub when GW2 releases and has significantly more PvP content at a much higher quality for no monthly fee? BW owes it to its player base a long explanation and prove to us this product is worth sticking around for. I have 115 days left on sub lol, that should be more than enough time for BW to come up with something truly great to make me regret my unsub, if they dont well there is plenty of other games out there.


    This pretty much sums up where I am too, Bioware need to give us as customers a reason to keep giving them money. The Guild Wars 2 beta surprised me on many levels, the PvP focus / content and...character transfers from the get-go, how Bioware have not or cannot implement something as simple as a character transfer is mind boggling. The people that I speak too that are still hanging around this game have stated they are waiting for Diablo 3 and GW2, they cannot see anything on the horizon worth sticking around for.

  21. Mine too, I re-rolled onto the one EU server which still has a population left and guess what, I've noticed that is starting to dip in numbers! It's ok though, Bioware are probably working on more legacy features!! That will save this game, I don't think I have seen any other MMO fail so spectacularly in under 6 months.
  22. I totally back merging servers. 50 people on fleet at peak hours is a damn joke. And that's if we're lucky. I shouldn't have to wait 15 minutes to play a wz (which 9 times out of 10 is against my own faction). My alts can't do most of the flashpoints at this point and I could just forget about Heroic missions at this point. BIOWARE MERGE SERVERS!


    50 people on fleet? Lucky if I see more than 10 on my server. Waited an hour for a warzone pop and just gave up, logged off,


    I think it's entirely too late, server mergers or at least transfers were needed before 1.2. My old server is dead, the only people still left on that server are a few that do not want to be forced to re-roll, some don't even see the point. The sentiment I get from people is, even if they offered transfers there is no point with Diablo 3 and GW2 on the horizon.


    The damage has been done, I just don't understand why there are no mergers, I don't understand why you cannot transfer a character. You allow people to transfer characters onto a server with any kind of population and it would invigorate their interest as they can actually play the game.


    Bioware have completely and utterly messed up this game, in under 6 months 95% of EU servers are dead, there are only about 4 or 5 with any kind of population. I really wanted to see this game succeed, but I think I am out of reason's to defend it.

  23. You made the right call, I would have spiked the ball too. If I knew some of the people I was playing with and had heal support I probably would have kept it or passed it too someone I knew and tried to play my way out, but in that circumstance, you definitely made the right play.
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