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Posts posted by Archaar

  1. I see this more and more often, warzones start with 2 less players. It's a guaranteed loss. Why don't these warzones end early?? What normally happens is people start to quit, then the warzone timer starts and more people join therefore dragging out a losing warzone even farther.


    It's clearly imbalanced. Change the grouping mechanism so it is either 6v6 or change it so the warzone ends early if it's 6v8.

  2. In my opinion people are not playing ranked because they don't like stomped. On my server [the red eclipse - most populated pve server in EU before transfers] there are two good republic guilds and one good imperial guild [there was one other guild but half of their players did not renew their sub]. Unfortunately one of the two republic guild is too strong a pretty much does not lose unless there is a d/c.


    Now if the strongest republic guild queues, it only takes two or three games [or stomps] to stop other guilds from queuing because the skill and gear gap is too wide. Sometimes another guild enter ranked, get stomped and stopped queuing altogether. If there is a pug [which by the way takes about hour to assemble], then half of the pug quits after getting stomped and there are no more queues for the day. They simply do not wan't to play because they will always get the best guild as their opponents. Why is that? Because let's say the best republic guild is 2300 elo, the second best is 1900 elo and the pugs are 1200 elo. See nobody can expect a 1200 team, or a 1900 to win against a 2300 which leads me to the point - not enough teams = not enough games because the skill gap is too wide.


    This is why ranked warzones should have come with cross server queue. This would lead to

    a] more teams being in the pool which means more accurate ranking and faster queues

    b] more teams being in the pool which means more variety in the teams / matches


    Another reason for people not playing ranked, at least as far as serious pvp guilds go, is being a "bad" class. I can say that in my guild, the ranked team comp is pretty much this - Vanguard tank or Shadow Tank, Vanguard DPS, Vanguard DPS or Sentinel DPS, Commando Heal, Sage Heal, Sage Heal or Sage DPS [depends on who is online I guess] and a Sentinel DPS [combat]. Playing a DPS Guardian? Too bad. Gunslinger you say? Sorry but no. Scoundrel DPS? Haha. Infiltration Shadow? Anyone playing those at all?

    You can not blame anyone though, because the classes picked [especially the DPS classes - vanguards and sentinels] are simply much stronger [ damage wise] than every other DPS class while offering more utility at the same time [speed, taunts, pulls et cetera].


    To sum up, the reasons are

    1] not enough teams on one server to create truly competitive environment

    2] too much of a gear / skill disparity

    3] very narrow selection of usable classes


    This pretty much nails it. The dedicated PvP'ers I *used* to queue up with all left the game. I have 3 Republic level 50 chars only one of them my shadow is viable for RWZ's. My only imp character is my Merc and no one want's a DPS Merc in a warzone when a Pyro PT will do everything better and bring more utility.


    I have been tempted to join a pug group but I know that we are going to get stomped and I mean stomped, so I feel there is no point. If they add solo ranked queuing I still won't join it because you are going to get stomped. Even if you *think* you might do well because people will be like yourselves thinking they are good enough for ranked, when all you are is a slightly glorified but still uncoordinated pug, you will get stomped.

  3. Unless it is some rare, undocumented, and unwitnessed bug happening, systematically Resolve ALWAYS works as intended, exactly as it should.


    You're welcome to prove this wrong by submitting actual evidence. This SWTOR version of "the James Randi Challenge" has been now running for something like 8~9 months, and still, upto date, not a single proof has been submitted that Resolve has exceptions, or fails to work at times.


    People tend to have very self-serving/warped memory when it comes to disgruntling events -- I doubt you are an exception.


    True and in the "heat of the moment" I am sure some people will take things out of proportion and over-exaggerate things that occur in game. I have played this game since the very 1st beta event, I have multiple level 50 classes and I understand fully how resolve *should* work.


    There is no way you can prove that it ALWAYS works, the same that I cannot prove that sometimes it does NOT work as it is supposed to. In this instance it definitely was not working as it should.

  4. i Think is just L2P, i see a lot of ppl tryeing to stun me after i leap on then with my vigilance guardian [ when i leap for 5 sec i cant be cc'ed ] or using force stasis on my gunslinger while i have hunker down. Then they dont know what it is and say ''bug i stunned him and he didnt stopped attacking me''


    If it's the 1st time you have attacked me then I'm gonna try and knock you back, I have no other way of knowing whether you have specced unremitting or not until you leap to me. Once I know I can't knock you about, I mark you so I don't try and CC you for 4 seconds. I doubt most players even think about things like that, I often have players try and stun me / knock me back when I'm at full resolve, when resolve is working of course.

  5. Resolve does not work properly all of the time. Just did a huttball and the rep team had 3 guardians. I was hit with Awe 3 times in a row, the first time It hit me I was all ready at full resolve. Each one ticked for the full 6 seconds and there was nothing I could do. How is this fun for any player? There is too much CC in this game and not enough ways to break out of it, that's the problem. 1 CC breaker is not enough.
  6. unfortunately the only people either reading these forums or interested in investing time or effort to improve this game are the players..

    Bioware has left the building.

    please feel free to spend your 15 bucks a month, they will take what we can get.


    This pretty much. They have stuck their heads in the sand... In contrast GW2 beta forums are full of dev comments and replies, they even were talking to me an others in one of my posts about some of the elementalist signets. How nice to actually see a presence from the dev team, but also get to speak to them.

  7. It was broken. Heres an idea (that i stole)


    Make ilum a timed warzone. Every 2.5 hours a battle will be staged, 100 per side and no more. You hafta que in. several cannons to control that will target the other sides base. once base is destroyed, victorious side gets access to a vendor that has cheaper prices on weapons,off-hands, relics and consumables ONLY (no armor)


    Also theres a ship that takes you to a dungeon where you can fight a boss that drops pvp WH gear.


    When there is no fight, there are creatue/robots/people that can be farmed for raw crafting mats that are better than all the other worlds and the winning side additionally can shoot down "enemy NPC scout ships" that will give even larger crafting bonuses.


    BAM ilum is fixed. werd


    It will not work. Read what previous posters have put, THE GAME ENGINE CANNOT HANDLE IT. It can barely handle 16 players in the same warzone. Face it, any world based or large scale pvp will never ever happen, people need to just forget about it and realise your stuck with the same 4 warzones, nothing more.

  8. So are we never going to see something similar because the engine sucks balls?


    Basically, yes. Whatever changes they make to ilum or anything they add to the game to allow/encourage any kind of open world PvP or PvP outside of warzones will never work due to the game engine being so poor. They spent £100's of millions of dollars on developing this game and they cheaped out on THE most important component, the game engine, this is the result.


    In contrast I have been playing the GW2 beta weekends and doing WvWvW PvP the GW2 engine is absolutely amazing, 100's of players on screen at once, maxed out graphics all particle effects flying about and it's lag free. They have clearly put a lot of work into the game engine and it shows. The thing that shocked me more, is that the game engine that works so well in beta, is not even the final optimised game engine!! Bravo arena net.

  9. I have come to the conclusion it is pointless, Bioware are not even responding to people with genuine complaints over balance, we are wasting our time. They are more interested in trying to save this game than balance it, the fact is people will leave if the game is unbalance and some AC's are incredibly weak compared to others.


    Even though I do like this game I am talking with my wallet and have un-subbed, I won't even play this game when it goes free purely because of these balance issues. When things are balanced, and they look at fixing Mercs/Commandos and tweaking some of the other underpowered (DPS Sorcs)/overpowered classes then I'll probably re-sub, maybe.


    Good luck trying to get them to even acknowledge the problem let alone address it. Just for comparison, during the GW2 beta weekends I raised some balance issues on the forums and I had TWO developers responding to us and explaining what their thoughts were around class balance. They were active in other threads too, now that is what you want to see from a game developer, interacting and talking with the community, not completely ignoring them.

  10. There was an idea someone mentioned in here a few weeks ago, that i really thought was interesting. How about making TM an instant cast, but on a 3 second cooldown. This way a merc can gain some mobility by being able to build TM stacks while being mobile. PvE wise this wouldn't change much as it would take a simillar amount of time to max ur TM stacks. What do you guys think?


    I think this is a good idea, it would fix our mobility issues. Another option i thought of was changing jet boost so it roots for 5 seconds instead of snares if you put 2 points in Jet Escape, basically mirror the sorc ability or modify Afterburners so that rocket punch roots for 2 seconds with 2 points in the talent.


    I honestly dont get why it is taking them so long to fix mercs when there are so many really good suggestions going around the forums. I have 4 classes @ level 50 and my merc is by far my favourite, i just wish they would fix it.

  11. What is... I dont even... I'll give you the plant humanoid (tree), and the cat (charr), not even sure *** the Asura is supposed to be, and the other option is human or a large human (norn). But considering you guys are getting a cat race yourself, Cathar. I guess now SWTOR can attract noobs and furries.


    The Asura race is absolutely awesome, their designers should win an award for the effort they put into those little guys. I'll be playing GW2 for the open world PvP personally, SWTOR has literally nothing to offer me anymore and isn't worth the sub, in my opinion.

  12. To those people that say you should just kite Maras/Sents/Juggs/Guards, YOU CANNOT KITE THEM. And to those that say just CC them when they pop their immunity (god mode), you can't CC them because you have already used your CC to try and keep them off you.


    Mara's/Sentinels need adjusting NOW. They are incredibly OP against classes like Mercs where you simply cannot do anything to keep them off you if your Arsenal spec, you might as well just let them kill you and WHY do they have stealth with a speed boost to boot? I just don't get why they haven't been toned down yet.

  13. You think solo ranked will be any different? And your valor level does not automatically make you good, all you would end up with is the same scrubby players in ranked warzones with you, but this time you will be going against organised premades and it will be 10x as bad.


    If you want to play with people who will treat PvP as something other than a sideshow, you need to play another game. Swtor is designed for casual players, proper PvP'ers need not apply.

  14. I quit out of warzones, I don't rage quit its a logical thought process, if my team is making no attempt whatsoever to play the objectives and I am the only one trying why should I stay?? I don't quit if people are trying to win, I stay till the bitter end as long as people TRY. If people are not even trying then why should I waste my time??


    And to those people preaching, no one likes a quitter, honestly who cares its a computer game, just dots on a screen

    I don't quit where it matters jn real life.

  15. I quit out of warzones, I don't rage quit its a logical thought process, if my team is making no attempt whatsoever to play the objectives and I am the only one trying why should I stay?? I don't quit if people are trying to win, I stay till the bitter end as long as people TRY. If people are not even trying then why should I waste my time??


    And to those people preaching, no one likes a quitter, honestly who cares its a computer game, just dots on a screen

    I don't quit where it matters jn real life.

  16. What I think we need is the following changes to make Arsenal more viable. Replace the snare on Jet Boost with a 5 second root if you put 2 points into Afterburners, basically giving us the equivalent of the Sorc/Sage root on knockback. Increase the slow from Pinning Fire from 2 seconds to 4 seconds and fix Unload so the slow applies at the START of the channel, not 0.5 or 1 second into the channel.


    I think those small changes would help Arsenal Mercs deal with Melee more effectively.

  17. BUT im the WEAKEST class, they should all owned me... Right? isnt that what this topic is all about


    I don't get what you are getting at here. You played a map where as an Arsenal Merc you have a terrain advantage over melee, you were playing against a bad pug and were ignored the entire warzone, therefore able to rack up a few kills.


    If you were going against competent players, you would not be able to stand there free casting abilities down on people. If I am on my shadow and I see an Arsenal Merc, they die first because I know they cannot do anything to stop me and If I leave them alone, they can do some significant damage. Any decent pug group with people who know how to play, would shut you down and kill you with ease.

  18. The time I held a bridge in Voidstar against 5 I waited till they had got the bridge then picked up the speed boost in the middle, got 3 of them with my knockback (lol), the 4th I rocket punched off, the 5th I kited till rocket punch was off CD and then boing!!! He was off too :)
  19. That sounds great in theory but what did mercs get for getting gutted. Hell, when this game came out they described merc as a spec that the best defense is a good offense, now they are just training dummies. They got nothing added to their defense, so I don't think bioware would agree with ya. Anyways mauraders don't need a nerf in the slightest, if anything certain classes need a buff and that would make the overall community happier. All nerfs do is make people cry and quit the game.


    Yes they DO need adjusting. I've got 4 characters at 50 ranging from my WH Aug Shadow to my recruit geared Merc. My other 2 characters a Sage and Scoundrel are BM geared. Marauders/Sentinels need adjusting, they should not be able to do that much damage whilst retaining that much utility and defensive CD's something has to change. UR/Gbtf needs to be changed so the Sent/Mara cannot be healed when it's popped AND they need the speed buff removing from their stealth skill and the CD on said stealth skill increasing to 60 seconds. They can use it in combat way to often.

  20. 1st that was before the server mergers an 2nd he wasn't even a a group what idiot does open PvP solo and how is it BW fault that the republic are wimps and wont pvp?


    PvP is down to the players if there not doing it theres no PvP end of story


    WRONG. It is down to the GAME ENGINE not being able to handle any kind of large scale PvP. Bioware acknowledged this themselves, that's why they killed off the area.

  21. everything is there for open world pvp ilum its a open zone where you can pvp you just wont go there because theres no rewards, if you want rewards go do raids where you get loot drops pvp is about killing other players NOT REWARDS


    People don't goto ilum because it is broken, it does not work and NEVER will not matter what changes they make for it because the cheap as chips game engine they decided to use for the game will never, never handle it. The game engine can barely handle 16 players in the same warzone let alone 50 vs 50 large scale PvP.


    This is why GW2 is picking up so much interest from PvP'ers, some have played the beta and experienced WvWvW PvP, with hundreds of players fighting in the same area and NO lag. They are also fighting over meaningful objectives, not a bunch of armaments in the middle of the map. There are supply camps, NPC Camps that assist you if you help them, Towers/Defensive positions, Keeps/Castles, Siege Weapons all on a massive scale.


    It has opened peoples eye's to what can be achieved for a AAA title if the developer puts the work into the game engine, after all it is one of THE most important aspects of ANY game. If the game engine is poor and lags, players will quite rightly not enjoy the game and the game will fail.


    In bioware's defence, swtor launched as a PvE game with a side spattering of PvP, they never expected it to be anywhere near as popular as it turned out to be. They probably should have just launched as a PvE ONLY title and left out PvP completely. They came out with statements regarding the focus on PvP and re-shifting it, but the problem is; most PvP players have already left, the one's that are still here WILL leave for GW2, it's a case of too little too late whatever they try and do.

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