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Posts posted by Archaar

  1. I don't know how to say this without being blunt.


    BIOWARE DO NOT CARE. It is pretty obvious they don't. No response from ANY staff member on an issue that will contribute to players NOT PLAYING and LEAVING THE GAME. Do you understand this Bioware, people are getting frustrated and that means they stop playing your game, you stop getting money.


    It is that simple. I have stopped playing due to frustration caused in that bracket. You simply cannot compete. So I have stopped playing. Other friends I used to play with are now playing other games.


    I like Star Wars, pre to 3.0 I leveled my character's in PvP, I had fun, it was competitive now there is literally no point once you get out of that lower bracket. So I have cancelled my rolling sub and I will wait until Bioware wake up and address this. I urge others to do the same.

  2. haha wow.... lets talk about how many gap closers/30 meter range abilities a melee has? For example, a warrior (leap, saber throw, endure pain(kinda)). Sorcs not only have "lets call them gap extenders" such as roots, stuns, and force speed, but they have almost every damage dealing attack at a 30 meter range. It is soooooooo much easier for a ranges class to spam at 30 meters than it is for a melee to keep the gap close. Not to mention, sorcs have heals, an immunity bubble, and another bubble that absorbs damage., A highly skilled sorc vs a highly skilled melee will win every time. There is absolutely no person on earth who can argue with that.


    You really have no idea do you? The immunity bubble only prolongs death against anyone who isn't brain damaged. I just wait with a stun ready because they will either try to knockback to disengage or more than likely force speed away. Either way, I can still stun them and kill them. The normal bubble takes 1-2 hits to pop. Any melee who knows how to use his slows, CC and INTERRUPTS (important!!) can beat a sorc/sage and make it look easy. Especially Juggs/Guardians and AP PT's/VGs.


    The only people who cry about sorcs and their bubbles are bad players who don't know their own class and cannot be bothered to LEARN how to counter other classes.

  3. I have seen Mara's do 1.5mil+ damage. I saw a balance shadow do 1.7mil+ damage. Yes sorcs/sage's can do 1mil + damage, but it's splash damage, especially from balance.


    Any GOOD player, who know's how and WHEN to use his interrupt(s)/knockbacks and any other CC available can wipe the floor with a sorc/sage. Watch a good jugg/guardian (or PT/VG) player absolutely rip a sorc/sage to pieces then come back and say they are OP.


    Think about how to COUNTER something instead of calling it OP.

  4. Something needs to be done. It is virtually impossible to PvP once you get into that higher bracket unless you get lucky and get a team of lower levels or get carried by your team out-leveling the opposition.


    PvP pre-30 is fun, once you get into that upper tier you will can can get 2-3 shot by level 55+ fully PvP geared and augmented players. I took my level 32 vanguard into a voidstar and was camped at the spawn and repeatedly farmed by a level 58 Operative, who would kill me either within the duration of a stun or in 2-3 shots. The damage he was putting out was ridiculous, was just seeing 6k/7k/8k hits and just for good measure he was corpse jumping me and gloating about it in /say.


    It is nowhere near balanced and I've stopped playing now, I multiple chars that are between lvl 30-40 that I would love to level in PvP but it's just not fun. I can't be the only one thinking this and not playing.


    Someone posted a suggestion earlier on which would fix the problem. Bolster scaling needs to scale lower level players to a level where they can compete with the 55+ geared players. The higher tier players do not get bolstered if their gear put's them over a certain threshold, thus bringing some balance and allowing the lower level players to be more competitive.

  5. YEP. I've seen it. It did it and then they have apparently optimized it even further.


    I''ve had 100's of players on my screen at a steady 42 -45 fps.


    On Ilum with about 30-50 players on screen I had between 2-5 fps.


    Guild Wars 2 is an example of how to build a game engine capable of delivering large scale World vs World PvP. Swtor is an example of how to pick the cheapest game engine out there and expect it to handle more than 20 people on screen at once, embarrassing really.

  6. Until they completely re-work or replace the game engine used, there will be no ilum revamp, no open world PvP at all. Simply because the game engine in it's current iteration will never handle it. Therefore rendering any discussions, dreams, thoughts, plans for ilum or world pvp completely mute.


    I even remember when they made a big announcement saying that they "toned" down the big cannon animations in a bid to increase players frame rates, people were still getting somewhere between 2-5 fps. The whole thing was a mess, I don't even have to bring up the ridiculous valour changes they kept on making meaning players could farm 20-30 valour levels in days. Ilum is an embarrassment to this game, even the concept was flawed and ill conceived.


    To call it an Open World PvP Zone was a gross exaggeration.

  7. Check out Rift if you want to get excited about something. I don't know if you played it previously, but their next expansion is pretty impressive and significant. I will be taking a break from SWTOR to check things out when their xpac is launched.


    As I've stated before, I played GW1. Enjoyed it, but didn't love it. I have the patience to let GW2 simmer some before I take the plunge into that game.


    The only thing Rift are trying to do, is three faction PvP and Rift still has horrible, horrible balance issues. Their PvP Rift ideas failed, they have by far the worst buff/balance rotation that I have seen in a game yet. No world PvP and the same repeated warzones. It offers nothing drastically different and is failing like a lot of other MMO's out there, remember Rift is also a PVE game first and PvP is an add-on.

  8. Jesus christ what are you? following me around? i can't post a single thing related to GW without your panties curling up in ur junk.


    If it helps, ive been lookig at this too...



    Thats even more balanced right? Im sure this one just screams balanced.


    Why do you lot care so much? Do you think posting the odd youtube video claiming balance problems in a game which has yet not even released with save swtor? What are you trying to prove? Are expecting people to go...wait a minute!! He's right!?? Let's all log into fleet, stand there and do the same four warzones, over and over and over and over....


    There are video's for EVERY game that will show people either being exceptional or horrible at any given class, it proves absolutely nothing.

  9. I was doing voidstar. First round I get stunned by a BH. Stun wears off, but I can't move. The stun animation is still showing on on my toon. I use force jump to move about, but I still can't move only attack. STUN Animation is still firing. I die and everything seems back to normal... Wrong. Sage runs through a wall. I force jump to him only now with no force run used and In the middle of casting what seems to be a heal. Slides far left of me mid force jump.


    This happened to me multiple times on my Merc tonight. In a huttball I was faceplanted to the ground by a Scoundrel and that's where I stayed. Only able to use abilities, unable to move at all. I eventually was killed, I respawned and thought yeah that was weird then boom happened again. In total this happened to me 7 times in one huttball match.


    It happened 5 times in a voidstar, this time it was a guardian triggering it. 6 Times in a Civil War and once in a Novare coast, all tonight.


    it's these sort of bugs they need to fix, happening frequently to lots of players and going un-fixed. I also went invisible 5 times in different warzones, even after death / respawn still could not see my character. I have been knocked back in huttball and jammed into one of the walls next to the jet booster things.


    I have lovely fraps footage of teleporting vanguards, me perma-rooted to the spot after a knock down, warzone lag / stutter. Abilities not firing properly i.e tried 2 knockbacks and one stun against a commando with an EMPTY resolve bar, he just kept on running. The list goes on, I know have fraps ready to record the numerous bugs / weird things that happen, just to prove that I'm not losing my mind.


    Bioware, fix these bugs. You will not encourage people to pay for this game if it is still littered with bugs almost 1 year after launch.

  10. if they ever dare to change that,

    i'll quit, no matter GW2 is online or not,

    lots idiots think PT is melee,

    then what's the point about RANGED tank,

    u cant tank a HM EC boss at 30m is already ridiculous,

    now BW u want to nerf them into more melee?!

    is ranged dps a joke?

    or entire EA is a joke?

    science swtor cant kill wow, maybe it can be better, a EA killer.


    Someone's upset that your finally going to get toned down...balance is a kicker ain't it.

  11. You are kind of right. Bounty Hunters can wear heavy armour so they probably should wear it, but if you're a Mercenary (or Powertech PVE DPS) then your armour rating is kind of irrelevant. Now I know the min-maxers out there will be flipping their keyboards in rage, but if you are getting hit by bosses then you are probably doing it wrong.


    Wear whatever you like the look of basically. Personally I find some of the Imperial Agent longcoats quite nice so I wear one of them on my Mercenary.


    Also, endurance is not a main stat for a Mercenary and should never be taken into consideration when gearing a non-tank.


    I have never seen such bad advice in a post before. Do not listen to this person.


    Go heavy armour and focus on the main stat (Aim) while you are levelling, don't worry about the other stats just concentrate on Aim, you can worry about the other stats at later levels. Do not wear medium armour or gear you "like the look of". You will spend a fortune re-modding the gear you are NOT supposed to wear and you can't always go with the "assumption if your getting hit your doing it wrong" that is awful advice.


    Wear the gear that is designed for your class.

  12. I haven't experienced post-50 as a mercenary, but I regularly play pre-50 wzs as a merc and really enjoy it and pretty much always do well, often doing double the damage or 100k more damage than other players.


    I'm pyro specced at level 37 at the moment, with all orange gear with blue gear apart from my main hand barrel, which is a purple, with augments on all gear, so I am probably better geared than a lot of people I play against, but even so, I think mercenaries do take more stick than they deserve.


    The key advantage mercs have over powertechs is that powertechs are designed to do their damage (and it is a lot of damage) at close range whereas mercs can do maximum damage from 30m away. If you've got a powertech flamebursting and rocket punching you in the face, it's clear who is attacking you, but mercs can be a bit sneakier and use LoS and high mobility to try and stay unnoticed.


    Once you do get noticed, it is going to hurt, but kiting towards your team mates and taking advantage of heals (something that snipers can't do) can help to keep that dps over 300k.


    Good god. Your experience pre level 50 MEANS NOTHING. Stop playing a character in low levels and then turning around to the community and saying "Mercs are awesome in pvp" when you have NO experience of how the class plays at the level where it matters. I used to do 300k damage and 20+ KB's in literally every warzone between level 40-49, I even racked up 36Kb's and 390k damage @ level 45...IT MEANS NOTHING.


    ANY class is viable through the level 10-49 bracket, some are late bloomers some are good from the start. Once you hit level 50, you try doing the same stuff against geared (WH Aug) opponents and you will be singing a different tune. You lack utility and mobility, both of which are necessary for a AC to do well @ Level 50. Any player who know's how to interrupt will be able to kill you easily.


    Good luck trying to kite melee with no reliable root or slow. Good luck trying to kill a healer without an interuppt, the list of problems goes on. Come back once your level 50 and then give the community advice.

  13. On my shadow ill yank ball carriers, healers, PT's, Maras/juggs into fire and acid at every available opportunity. sometimes if I time it right i can yank a ball carrier onto a fire pit for an easy score, i dont care if you lot think its gimmick play or makes me a "bad" player, if it results in me or my team scoring or preventing a score then it makes me a "good" player.


    What do you think people should try and do? Try an kill the guarded and healed WH augged Jugg using normal methods when i can just pull em and yoink the ball.


    When I am on any of my other 50's and i know there is a puller on the enemy team, i position myself so i am not an easy target to pull or so i cannot be pulled at all, its quite easy to counter.

  14. i find my level 41 Arsenal merc rocks in pvp, sure you have to pick your moments but the damage output can be insane and left un checked i can rinse through 3 toons at least , in short skill being smart and gear count for alot


    I would finish top damage / top kills on my merc post level 50 often scoring 300k+ damage in warzones with 15-25kbs in literally every single warzone on my merc from level 40-49. it means NOTHING. once you hit level 50 no matter how good you may think you are any competent geared player BM/WH will rip through you if they have a vague clue what they are doing.


    Example, my BM geared shadow can kill ANY arsenal/pyro merc easily regardless of their gear or what they try and do.

  15. Remember how OP mercs USED to be, Way back in the day, Well sooner or later Mercs are gonna become strong again, its just a matter of time


    Mercs were never OP in the first place, it was a learn to play issue from people who never used or knew they had an interrupt. The class was essentially ruined because people were too lazy to realise they can push ONE button and shut down an Arsenal Merc easily. Probably the same people who cry about healers and make no effort whatsoever to interuppt / disrupt their casts.,

  16. the community cried about it like everything else so they stopped it and are "working on a revamp" of it.


    Just like our community to cry hard enough about something that wasnt really a problem in the first place.


    It was and still is a problem,, people had every right to cry. Not only did they make so that people would rank up insanely quickly by farming valor in a way they were never supposed too but the entire area was unplayable due to lag. The turrets would also bug out daily, they messed up the valor mechanic so you had buggy valor returns on kills and people were forced to farm the centre of the map trying to pick up a few armaments.


    What part of that was not a problem?

  17. Force Camo is a gap closer and really their only way to counter a sniper/GS at all. It lasts all of 4 seconds (can be talented to 5 I believe) and breaks if they enter combat early (most likely because they used it to break a root or avoid a casted ability or something). This is hardly a game breaking ability and doesn't function as an escape like op/scoundrel or shadow/sin where you can permanently restealth. Take it as one of many tools and it may paint another picture, but this is not the one I would choose to complain about with the 5 seconds of immortality out there.


    It's used as an escape though and it works very, very well. I've lost count of the times I've seen a mara/sent almost dead then use this ability to get away and heal up. BUT from a countering sniper/GS point of view I can see why you might need it.

  18. Nah, I just find absolutely nothing fun about the idea of fighting people using implements or extra-personal weapons. Trebuchets, arrow carts - even the Engineers turrets to a degree - boring.


    I would never even use the turrets on Ilum, and they're nowhere near as strong as some of these WvW things. I just like to PvP to fight other players with my character that's all.


    Well that's what so good about having a large scale open world are to fight in. Don't want to zerg it around keeps? Go roaming with a small skirmish group, take supply camps, harass the enemy. That's what I plan on doing :)

  19. Or you could head over To Ilum, alert a few guilds that your starting a fight, and FIGHT, World PVP in Swtor is alive, you jsut have to make it happen


    It could not be more dead and you could not be more wrong. The game engine simply cannot handle it and more than likely never will be able to handle it unless they are doing some kind of massive game engine re-design that the community is unaware of.


    There is no World PvP in Swtor and there likely never will be.

  20. I can't even log into SWTOR anymore let alone queue for WZs, GW2 has ruined me. 3 more weeks :(


    Same for me too, I just cannot think of a reason why I would log into swtor.


    I keep thinking back to the midweek stress test, when I was in WvWvW and we were *trying* to take stonemist. I had some amazing fights on the walls of the keep once we'd mashed the main gate in with 2 siege golems :) There was one warrior who was trying to 100 blades me, I absolutely love dodge rolling out of big attacks and them promptly handing someone there backside.


    I could log into swtor and play my merc, spend a few hours doing the same 4 warzones and spend the entire time trying to hide from OP Marauders/Juggs/Powertechs that all kill me with ease lol or spen the entire time cursing my computer screen cos I am constantly, stunned, mezzed, rooted, knocked back, knocked down pulled and pushed all over the warzone, yeah that's fun.


    Roll on headstart!!

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