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Everything posted by Tigalo

  1. I will most likely keep playing for another 3 months, because my sub doesn't run out until mid august. But, the one thing to implement that is the safest bet to keep my subscription active is more character slots per server. Before my sub runs out, it is more than likely that all my 8 chars is 50. In one or two weeks all 5 of my imperials are 50, and then I start working on my 3 pubs. I am tired of deleting chars (deleted two lvl 20, 2 lvl 18, 1 lvl 17 and two lvl 16s) and wont be doing that anymore. My problem is when all my chars are 50, all there is left is FP, dailys and most importantly, WZs. But, if I do that all day, and doesnt mix it up with some alt'leveling I get bored really fast.
  2. Ok, if we are to assume you are correct, one of my brothers in full WH gear and my other brother in partial BM partial WH gear should be just as durable as before. But, they are not, and that is not because there are more dps on the other team. It is simply because one damage dealer does more damage to them now than before. So: 1) it is because of the expertise changes or 2) its because of these secret underlaying changes either way, the results are the same, this current patch favor damage dealers, and in those times damage dealers with the best defensive mechanisms are the preferred class.
  3. I dont have a 50 operative healer yet, so I cant comment first hand on those, but I have a friend that do, and he agrees with me, that have/had both a sorc and merc healer, its much harder to heal now. If nothing has changed as you claim, why is that? Have you played a healer in pvp both before and after 1.2? Have you even pvped before and after 1.2? If you have, and still claim nothing has changed, then... well, I dont know what to say. Look around this board perhaps, it seems more people claim something has indeed changed. Either way, even if you are mysteriously correct, that make maur/sent even better, as they are the best class to close down healers with 6 sec CD interrupt and healing debuff.
  4. I am a bit tired, so my logic might be faulty, but I have seen no counterargument regarding my reply to the OP as the reason to why mara/sent is now top dog in pvp. Ofc they are, but, they should, by statement after statement by the devs only be max 5% above others. There are now a few very strong dps classes, mara/sent among them. But in the current pvp environment, with short TTKs, having strong defensive CDs is very important, both from a kill before beeing killed POV and from a "bring people back from the brink of death" POV. this brings them a bit out of line in hands of a competent player, not much, but a bit, in my highly personal and biased opinion. Mara/sent is the only class I do not have myself so I cant speak from experience of beeing one, only from experience of having faced them a lot, both before and after 1.2, and they seem stronger now than before. They were good before 1.2, they are even better now (in the hands of a good player).
  5. I see you both conveniently forget to mention healing, when my point was that dps >> healing the way the system works now. Also, by the same math you use, dmg is now stronger than it was pre 1.2. Where it now cancel each other out, before it got reduced (100+10%=110 110-10%=99). So, my point stands, dps classes are now stronger than pre 1.2, healer classes are weaker. Add to that TTK is shorter, two out of 3 healing classes got nerfed, and you still get the same result, dps >> healing. Add to that the fact that since TTK is now shorter, beeing able to pull someone back from the brink of death is hard, but since mara/sent give the healers an extra 5 seconds to pull that off, they become even stronger yet.
  6. O'rly? Is the tooltip on my expertise wrong them? I am only partial BM/recruit, so these numbers will be even bigger difference to all those in full WH gear: 1077 expertise gives: Damage done to other players: 20,98% Damage reduction from other players: 17,34% Healing boost during pvp combat: 11,56% Pre 1.2 this would have been the same number, f.eks dmg 10% redcution 10% healing 10% So, clearly you are wrong, or the tooltip is wrong.
  7. Short answer to the OP: Expertise damage buff got a boost Expertise healing buff got a nerf So, dps >> healing + dps with superior defensive CDs >> other dps = mauraderf/sentinels is now a very strong PvP class
  8. Well, as I currently play the same as the OP, both sorc and merc, I am dissapointed to say that I agree. My merc feels very inadequate, the only thing I bring is dmg, and, even though I think rockets are awesome, and had planned to play as arsenal since beta last summer, I am pyro, simply because that is the only spec I feel is not completely worthless. I still play him, but only to get the daily wins so I one day may get the WH armor, which IMO is the best looking WH armor there is. My sorc bring so much more to the fight, so does my assassin.
  9. So, yesterday I was suddenly in a warzone with several healers, a civil war, and the whole match was just one long fight for the middle. They had several healers cross-healing, we had several healers cross healing, BUT, the issue again, as far as I could tell, was not the healers, it was the tanks guarding and taunting. All damage going around was very small as each side had competent tanks switching guard to focus target and applying taunts. so, my point, if you want to even the playing field, reduce guard/taunt, increase healing. TYVM. (oh, btw, there was ofc some damage going off, as there in the mix of all the tanks and healers was a sentinel on the loose that got 790k dmg, but, considering he never died and was always attacking someone, this is actually a bit low)
  10. Yesterday I was the only "healer" in 5 WZ in a row. I say "healer" because I am actually a hybrid, I usually only use two heals and the bubble, and the rest I dps. Why? Because I feel its better to throw around some shields, a few hots, and after focus on burning their players down instead of trying to heal through their dps. My merc is now pure dmg (was pure healer pre 1.2), my sorc is hybrid heal/dmg and only my operative, which is still leveling, is pure healer. but back on topic, most healers have either respecced or rerolled. 5 wz in a row as only healer, then clearly something is wrong. That is, wrong if you think all 3 roles should be viable for pvp. Once we faced a team of only burst dps, 2 concealment operatives, 2 dps PTs, some dps assassins and a maurader and rage jugg. And suddenly I understood why ppl consider bringing only burst dps to rated WZs. In that Voidstar there were 100+ deaths. If they had been more coordinated and playing more tactical we would have no chance whatsoever, fortunately they seemed like a pug and we scraped a close victory (both crossed the bridge).
  11. hm... the name implies you overcharge your blaster and send forth a short burst of blaster bolts, not that its supposed to do great burst damage... just to clarify
  12. No, I would rather cancel my subscription or retire my champion geared character than do that. I have geared him up over several months (ever since I got a computer that actually allowed me to participate in PvP) and now BW decide to piss all over me. Blame BW, not us champion geared players. We invested a lot of time to get that gear. **** you ****ings *********** BW for crapping on my merc. However, I have and I will buy the recruit gear on all my freshly dinged 50s (one recent, and three more shortly).
  13. The fact is the majority of claims to be majority actually comes from the minority. And that 99% of all statistics are made up on the spot and have no roots in reality.
  14. 1) Heard about it around the time they released the first video, so I guess, 2008? Started the game about 15 minutes into Early Access (technically I started in the Europe market research beta last summer) 2. Played it almost every day since, legacy level 35. I love the game, I still think it was better last summer, that the changes they have made simplify it too much, but I still like the game, a lot. My current problem is too few character slots per server, I guess that says it all. 3. The game took an overall step in the right direction with legacy and the event , but a few steps in the wrong direction with the nerfs, the change to expertise, the new end game desing. 4. I give it an 8, it would have been 9 except I dont enjoy PvP as much as I used to. That ofc is because of the changes made in 1.2, that dps get a bigged benefit than healing, so my merc bodyguard in champion gear now doesnt stand a chance against a dps in BM gear. It is also because as a new 50, my assassin lost 75%+ hp in 1 second (yes 1 second, but probably several abilites landed at once) against a shadow, even if my assassin was in tank stance. It is not fun to pvp with the current gear gap, its not fun to pvp when you die in 15 seconds as a healer against a marauder/sentinel even if you blow all your CDs. So, based on current level 50 pvp I would rate it a 2, only fun when I play with my brothers and friends, but, since pre50 pvp and leveling new chars is still so much fun it becomes and 8.
  15. My assassin had the perfect look from his teens until he dinged 50, a sleep black hooded robe. but suddenly, upon reaching 50 he turned into a fluffy chicken... Yuck! I suddenly understood why my brother had been playing with hide head slot, and without his chest armor for months. My BH started off on the weak side, that is, the look was perfect for a fresh BH, he looked like a rookie BH. As he progressed his armor developed and he became sturdier and sturdier and in his 40s he really looked how I picture a BH should look like. But, upon reaching 50 he suddenly turned into a hillbilly predator/insect hybrid. pre 50 armor feels very Star Wars, but the end game armors feel more like WoW. If I wanted to play WoW I would play WoW, but I dont, I want to play Star Wars, so please let my characters look like they belong in a galaxy far far away and not in Azeroth.
  16. So... your advice is to dps them when they got 99% dmg reduction up? riiiight...
  17. Wrong, with the new expertise, dmg scale more than mitigation, and almost twice as much as healing.
  18. What is a bit annoying, is that legacy is mostly for althoholics, but, since I constantly send credits down to my alts I am always poor, but I have two 50s, 3 in the 40s etc. and legacy level 35. I cant afford anything. Meanwhile, my brother who just focuses on one char and have two trading alts in the 20s have millions upon millions to spend.
  19. If find it more irritating that if I log into my BH or assassin (my two that are at the "interlude" part) after I have logged into another char previously its says stuff like: Interlude Hero of Havoc
  20. I have both a sorc (48) and assassin (50). I would happily be restricted to only kit for one of them though, if that had meant I couldnt have gotten 4 Elara Dorne in my first 6 boxes.
  21. then I blame you for my lack of hood. I made my female twilek sorceress partly because I loved how she looked with a hood, and I even ditched my sentinel to make room for her. I decided this during the last beta weekend, imagine my disappointment when early access hit and there was no hood. Having the lekku stick out the back without holes was a million times better than having no hood at all.
  22. Why implement the legacy system if they will limit us to only 8 chars pr server? And, why come with the legacy system so late. If I had known how the legacy system would pan out, I would not have made two SI, but when 1.2 released I already had a 50 assassin and a 47 sorcerer, and no way am going to delete one of those to make room for a JK. But, if I had know the first day of early access, I would have made one of each base class. And, to play one dark side and one light side, one male and one female of each base class would be awesome, so 16 characters per server is practically needed.
  23. Do anyone know if the conversation options are different for gunslinger and scoundrel? I have played both AC through Coruscant, and when I played my gunslinger I remember a Han Solo-ish quote, something about having a blaster by your side, which I dont remember having as a scoundrel.
  24. I bought 6 boxes today, got 4 Elara Dorne. Think this is BWs way to really mess with us, Elara Dorne was the one I wanted the least, next to Kira Carsen (I dont play my tropper, and wont for a long time, and dont have enough char slots to make a JK)
  25. I had a lot of fun, until a few minutes ago when I started buying companion kits. Of the 6 I bought I got 4 Elara Dorne, only got 1 trooper, so 3 wasted 1 Kira Carsen (with 8 slots I dont have room for a JK), so another wasted And one Malavi Quinn... So, whoopdiodo for RNG, 2 out of 6 I will actually use. all in all, very fun, just wish I started doing them sooner (but my computer broke), although, doing them on 5 characters, as I did some days, was a bit much I guess.
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