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Everything posted by JSykes

  1. JSykes

    Stay on the boat!

    Good for you, the rest of us are out of here. Bioware has proven yet again they can't run a MMO.
  2. It's unprofessional to say the update comes out on X date, then 12 hours prior say no, it's not coming out until a later date, then come back in again and say ok its coming out tomorrow. I'm betting it'll be delayed again, it's Bioware, they can't do anything right.
  3. As a FYI, seeing a low level without a Legacy name doesn't mean they're new, they can either be from a different server going to a new server for a new legacy name, more people, etc OR be like me and have Legacy name off on the alts so people don't know it's me.
  4. Oh look at that... rescheduled to the day subscriptions renew, what a *********** shock
  5. I can think of 10 things far, far more important that TOR needs then weather.
  6. Don't worry, we don't want you lowbies in ours.
  7. Valor rank 34 on my Assassin... I have 3 pieces of gear, Chest, Legs and Head.... from the Centurion vendor, not a single item from the bags, while my Juggernaut has 2 pieces of Champion that were not downgrades, yet, I have a guildie who I **** you not is valor rank 9, and just hit 50 this week and he has 5 pieces of Champion gear. His weekly had 3 different pieces, and he got 2 pieces from 3 bags he got via dailies. This RNG is so messed up it isn't funny, but I *guess* it's better then a straight commendation system. At least with the random bags you have a chance at getting gear without having to save up for it...
  8. No, it's not the end of the MMO genre. If anything MMOs are getting more and more popular, what will be the end is the whole philosophy of World of Warcraft plays like this, this and this, so let's create our MMO around that and add some superficial feature and call it innovative and revolutionary. What the MMO market really needs is that Indie Developer who doesn't care about becoming super rich, but want to create a good game to come onto the scene and create something that is truly new. Problem is, they either can't do it due to lack of funding, lack of manpower or the technology isn't there yet for their ideas. Until something truly new comes along, not the same formula that was created over a decade ago and perfected I daresay by Blizzard with World of Warcraft, the MMO market will be filled with this garbage. Each passing day I get the feeling GW2 will be the same non-sense as TOR.
  9. Keep saying that, saw this in Rift "don't let the door hit you in the..... on the way out!" and 2 months later you guys were crying and pleading for merges. Keep telling everyone to quit, you'll be on a server with 200 people total during primetime real fast.
  10. Dude, didn't you know, when you go car shopping, you don't compare the 2012 Ford Focus to the 2012 Honda Accord, you compare it to the 1976 Honda Accord because it's not fair to compare to compared it as they both stand when the Accord has almost 30 years to be better then the new focus's.
  11. JSykes

    Level 50 PvP Brackets

    When they said the patch was delayed until they say it's not anymore?
  12. It lessens you? Are kidding buahahaha. It's a MMO, me stealing a objective in no way shows I am a immoral person. It's a frakking game, if you don't do it, someone else will do it to you. That's how you get ahead in life, if you don't screw the guy on your right, the guy on your left will screw you. Get out there, steal those objectives, but it's not even stealing because until you right click it, it doesn't belong to you as I have no way of know if you are just fighting mobs or not.
  13. Yes, and it can't be done. Far smarter people have tried and failed. It's not putting out anything. And we're talking people who have taken apart TOR's code to the letter, and they can't get it. P.S - Warriors/Knights bad lol, think it's not knowing how to play the class if you think that.
  14. Sorry, that's just the way it works. Have your companion go in, destroy objective, then engage, and if its one of those quests that you can't be in combat to do... just do it to someone else. If you try to be the nice guy you'll get nowhere. If you can't beat em, join em.
  15. They got rid of aggressive because exactly what was described. In Beta to test it out I took my companion to Alderaan when I was 35, parked myself there, set the G15 to push and hold Channel Hatred every 20 seconds, came back to almost a full level. As far as gray mobs giving XP, nope. And to the guy with the ten second rule, if it takes you longer then 10 seconds to kill a non silver mob with you and your companion focusing on it... well, you should probably upgrade you and your companions gear.
  16. Your doing it wrong. Immortal + Quinn is sure fire way to level, and Immortal + Jaesa is the faceroll way to level, but has an increased risk of death as opposed to Quinn. I hit 50 almost a month ago, and in that time, every Juggernaut in my guild has asked me how I did it so fast, they're having trouble. Once I told them go Quinn + Immortal and stack defense gear, I have yet to hear a complaint from them, and more often then not I get a thank you whisper, they're blowing through the content now. While every spec should be balanced exactly the same, you have to take into account there is 3 specs per advanced class, with 8 advanced class and balancing content around that is a challenge, so obviously one spec will be better then another. TL;DR - Juggernaut isn't broken. L2Immortal.
  17. You missed Shield Specialization, 4% additional shield chance far outweighs the gains of any talent in vengeance for tanking, you also missed Crushing Blow and backhand, 2 much needed skills for the stun and quick sunder application, and you missed Sonic Barrier, while debatable as to it's usefulness, absorbed damage of any amount is far more valuable to a tank then a dps increase, as your job is to survive and keep the mob pissed at you, not pull big numbers.
  18. Prblem is, there is already a huge Emp v Rep population imbalance, this would only increase said disparity as you can be sure that more republic folk would swap empire then empire to republic, and when there is already a almost 3 to 1 ration, it just would end ugly. They'd have to sort out the imbalance first before thinking of something like this.
  19. Not really anymore, On the European servers I get 150-180 MS which is what I used to get on Eastern WoW servers back before all the network upgrades that have been done over the past few years. This day in age, unless you're playing halfway across the globe, latency isn't too to bad. But it will be noticeable, yes.
  20. That's how things work. You have somethings that work well, others that are completely pointless, instead of making the pointless things worthwhile, just nerf the good stuff to a pointless level, it's so much easier. Bioware's (and most MMO Devs) favorite word is Nerf.
  21. Won't work, the highest you can go is quests that are +6 to your level if I remember right. You have to be at least 44 to finish the story.
  22. No, I only speak for a guild that had over 200 people logged in 2 weeks ago, and barely breaking 75 these days. Your games a pile of dog **** and was such a waste of money, so get over it.
  23. That's why server pops drop each day, and less and less people are logging in, and my guild has more people offline for 7+ days then it did 2 weeks ago. Face it, the game sucks, they didn't listen to us in Beta, and are still arrogant in the face of mass cancellations. You can stay all you want, but you'll be crying for server merges in 8 days.
  24. Sorry, but once I'm gone, I'm gone. I keep going back to WoW because it's a excellent game with a few bad ideas, the main problem is the content delivery speed, if WoW had content patches each month, even just a new instance, I'd never have left. TOR is just a WoW wanna-be with clunky, delayed combat, laggy PvP even with sub 20ms pings and high end hardware (talking both frame rate and actual latency), and the sheer fact there is no choice, you're going to do x, y and z in that order, over and over and over, there is no options, whereas leveling up in WoW you at least have some options in where you go to make it less tedious.
  25. Heh, March. Def. not sticking around that long, oh well. Going to miss you TOR, woulda been nice to play you with all features in at launch having been fully functional, but, your Bioware, you do things half a**ed, good luck, have fun.
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