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Everything posted by Draxxen

  1. This is only for the world boss Nightmare Pilgrim. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=368844 If you're interested in a complete write up on the boss. The developers have stated that the information stating the item is required for the last boss of Explosive Content is incorrect and 100% wrong. One needs the item for Nightmare Pilgrim ONLY!
  2. Yep, its rather unfortunate these situations were not forseen by bioware, but them's the rocks. Makes the title more rare (if it's rare at all), but for the wrong reasons.
  3. Heroic quests in the leveling process can be skipped. While they are fun and rewarding, they are not entirely required to level. My recommendation is do one of two things. 1. Reroll on a more populated server/faction 2. Join a leveling guild, there are a lot of players in these type of guilds not looking to rush to endgame but rather enjoy the ride and are the type of people that will group for such content. Remember, the heroic quests are repeatable. You need to get yourself into a situation where there are likeminded individuals.
  4. Also, if the raid leader DC's, the title will not be awarded.
  5. I think you misunderstood what I was saying earlier. I honestly don't believe it is members (current members) of the top guilds that are causing sites like this to fail. There are a lot of people who are on low pop servers, in bad guilds, and your run of the mill muckrakers causing this drama. They absolutely FEED upon it. I know for a fact our GM would not tolerate trolling on our own server let alone on the general forums. This simply isn't where we get enjoyment from the game, and I honestly believe the other competing guilds are the same way. There are individuals out there with dual accounts, former members of a handful of guilds that are stirring this up. The only reason they continue to do so is they get attention and obviously are getting people's tempers flared. If the community silently ignores them, and doesn't validate anything they are doing or saying, they go away and find new targets. Continuing to focus on them makes them grow. As I stated before, pull down the current content. In its current form, this website does not work, it is too open to manipulation. Set something up for 1.2 with combat log requirements, in addition to screenshots before a kill is allowed to be posted. Require 12 people to validate a kill before it goes live (12 of the 16 who killed the boss no doubt), and require a REFERRAL to activate an account, to cut down on these phony poser accounts created just to cause drama. Or, just let this site die. But if nothing changes, this site will be nothing but a troll hangout where people fling their own ***** at each other in an attempt to overcome their own shortcomings.
  6. This debate is relatively pointless. This first tier content was utterly disappointing to everyone, and squabbling over it just makes everyone look childish. Pointing fingers left and right at everyone only validates the trolling. <CKN> formed only because the former GM was too childish to pass leadership to those who wanted to continue raiding. His choice was pathetic and forced the hand of the raiders in the guild. We should not be penalized by the community for the actions of one childish piss poor player. <CKN> strives to be a community leading raiding guild. We are doing our best to test on the PTS, post relevant meaningful breakdowns of content and encounters, and you can feel free to contact members in <Ambient> and <Methodical> to back that up, as well as anyone who frequents the PTS forums. We WELCOME healthy and active competition from other high end raiding guilds in the SWTOR community. We even have another top ranked guild <Temerity> on our own server, and its truly enjoyable to have a "rival" guild to compete against on our own server. Trolls are going to troll, feeding them only makes them hunger for more attention and do more outlandish things to make it happen. As far as the website goes, its community driven with no real restraints whatsoever. There is no way to stop guild on guild spamming/downvoting of kills. There is no way to retract a dispute. This site, while it has great aspirations, is poorly executed. Until Bioware institutes an in game achievement/timestamp system, it will be difficult at best to create a site that is both accurate and fair. If you truly wish to see this site succeed, forget about tier 1 content and instead focus on getting a system put together that uses COMBAT LOGS from 1.2 to validate kills. Require a minimum of 10 logs that match within 2 minutes of accuracy from a guild to get kill credit. This solves all the issues, as faking the combat logs would be damn near impossible, if not incredibly time consuming. I know that <CKN> would be happy to donate logs so you can start using them to create a tool, and I will go out on a limb and say that <Ambient> and <Methodical> would be willing to do the same. Feel free to contact me or any <CKN> members if you would like to make this happen.
  7. Have you played this class? Operative healers have gotten a nice little buff in 1.2. We are actually quite viable now, and have had our energy issues by and large eliminated with the PTS. It's a great time to be an op healer.
  8. The new queue system is set up to have solo players play with solo players and less likely to face premades. If you don't PVP that much, why be concerned about getting the best gear?
  9. There exists a minimum legacy level to purchase the items OR you can reach a certain legacy level and get the item for FREE. I think you may be a bit confused by this.
  10. The economy is going to change dramatically post 1.2 with the crew skills changes. It should be easier to make a solid amount of credits, with many different sinks to dump them into. So while more credits may start flowing from operations, expect them to get spent very quickly. Depending on how enterprising you are, you could make a ton of credits, and if you do operations, you'll be spending a lot too.
  11. Changes such as this are never requested by the community. However, it makes encounters easier to design around. Medpacs are the emergency, going to die, need health instantly type item. Being able to use them several times throughout the fight mitigates the encounter. This type of change was required for balance.
  12. Operative DPS is still competitive. We had an op dps in for our story mode 1st boss kill. None of the classes DPS is so low compared to others that they are not viable. Operative DPS have a lot of mobility in raids, which is very helpful. Your op leader needs to be doing some more research before shutting the door on you as a player. If he does, you need to find a new op. IMO
  13. Guildchat is covered, but I'm happy to jump on ookini's stream and give you some C love
  14. The loot was a pair of boots for any class (Which ended up yielding an item with no stats), an implant and a pair of bracers. We are unsure if the loot tables are complete, as 3 items for 16 players seems rather low. It's PTS, so the loot is the furthest thing from our minds.
  15. Feel free to continue the discussion on this thread, about this encounter, its tuning, mechanics and everything else that has been touched on thus far. It is truly refreshing to see such active POSITIVE discussion about the future of operations in SWTOR. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far, let's keep the discussion going. The Toth & Zorn feedback / Q & A thread is now posted, feel free to check it out and get some more community participation going there as well. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3548423#post3548423 This new content is extremely exciting, and I encourage all of those fortunate enough to be on the PTS on copied characters to step into the new operation and get some feedback up on the forums so the devs know what we think of it.
  16. There will be a write-up on the first boss in the new operation tomorrow, stay tuned!
  17. I don't believe anyone would consider the boss to be required whatsoever. The buff only lasts 5 hours total from the time you kill NP onward. Most PVP'ers I know like to PVP all day long, and it would just be a fun buff to have to really push you over the top in rated warzones.
  18. I agree with this. Nothing about being casual/hardcore is a statement of ability, just a matter of time invested, or scheduling, depending on how you look at it. Now if you could get a fully endgame geared PUG with exceptional players, its no different than a raiding guild group other than the time spent playing with the other people. That being said, the knowledge shared amongst guildmembers and the comfort level and trust gained being in the guild, is often the 10% you need to kill a boss/complete an encounter. I fully believe that this can be taken into account, that level of coordination and communication required to get a boss down. So, again, there's nothing wrong with casual playstyle, in fact some of the people I enjoy grouping with and have completed harder content with only have a few hours at most per day to play. I've also met people with more playtime than most others who just don't know their class and role, and have terrible awareness.
  19. I truly believe (and hope) that 1.2 is going to bring back a good number of players for this content. Based on what I've seen of it so far, this update is a huge overhaul and shows the commitment level Bioware has to this game and ensuring that it stands the test of time.
  20. The idea seems to be to Reverse Engineer gear to craft an augmented version, which will help keep the crew skills community thriving and profitable.
  21. This is exactly what I am speaking to, and with a boss outside the main storyline, it is an opportunity to create a truly challenging encounter that could be rarely defeated, and discussed as "that impossible boss" that most guilds don't even want to spend the time on because the chances of success are so low. It doesn't even need to have the most amazing gear ever on it, perhaps something vanity like a title or pet or different skinned existing mount. That is the type of boss/encounter that hardcore and "elitist" type raiders LOVE (like myself).
  22. Getting back on topic, in response to DralenBrand's post. I understand the desire to participate in all content at every level, such as operations and flashpoints. However, not everything can be crafted in a way to please the die hard raiders and those with a more limited commitment/time level. To me, a world boss should feel like an EPIC battle on a grand scale, with its defeat happening rarely, and the entire server getting excited when it does, not an everyday event like the completion of an operation. I know this does close off the opportunity to participate in such an event to a large number of people, however, Nightmare Pilgrim is a tangent off the storyline, not a main element and shouldn't be subject to the same rules as an operations/story boss. This is my personal opinion of this type of boss and encounter, and I feel it should be extraordinarily difficult to complete, which is why I called for more mechanics and damage, to make the encounter harder.
  23. First off, thanks to everyone for the praise, constructive feedback, as well as the frustrated comments. It shows how interested everyone is in the content, and how much they want to be participating in how the future of OUR game that WE play is being crafted. I encourage everyone to continue posting on this thread, as apparently the dev team is watching what we post with great interest. There have been some really good responses here from multiple viewpoints, my own, a hardcore raider that wants bleeding edge content and has had an opportunity to test, more casual raiders, who want to see content but don't have the desire to play hardcore, frustrated individuals who haven't yet had an opportunity to test at the endgame level on PTS, and forum junkies who devour all the posts that are flying across the PTS server right now, theorycrafting on what the future of the game holds. To all of you I say...KEEP POSTING! I would say try to take the time, put some extra thought into what you are writing (which a lot of posters have), so the discussion can continue to flow and more perspectives can be visible. Bioware is a large company that wants this game to be successful. Many of us have played THAT OTHER GAME and remember a time when it was truly enjoyable. SWTOR can be that game for everyone if we let the devs know what we want out of encounters, PVP, PVE leveling, balance, achievements and more.
  24. Actually I've talked to several PVP'ers on my own server of Iron Citadel, and they're salivating at the idea of an amazing buff being available during rated warzones. What PVP'er wouldn't be? They tend to be some of the greatest min-maxer's out there, at least at the competitive level. A 5 hour buff that gives +50 to all main stats that persists through death is worth getting if it gives a competitive edge to them.
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