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Everything posted by trueanimus

  1. Btw.. anyone noticed that the gold farmers arent even bothing to spam people in trade or do mass mailings..? I mean yeah ive gotten maybe one or two in 4 months but come on. With the free 4 day pass up.. you think they would be flooding in spamming everyone... unless the game is dying and even they know it... oh yeah... lolz.. it is..!
  2. I was joking as to where the money went.. i could care less. The fact remains that NO ONE IS PLAYING THE DAMN GAME so yeah.. its more than the 5% that they say that is having problems. Almost everyone i know and have spoken to, some with WAY better systems that me.. and even my son with a brand new SUPER pc (1200$) cannot get the game running like it should. The end fact is.. the game is dying because of issues.. and if they dont fix these issues.. it wont make it past 1.2 WoW made it for almost 8 years, simply because it had content and ran smoothly. Even when the content ran a little thin, people got on and pvped and played the game BECAUSE IT RAN SMOOTHLY enough to enjoy. This game runs like a pos and until they fix that for the brand new high end systems AND even for low end systems, this game will continue to die. Its a simple fact that every one has to face.
  3. This.... combined with the FPS problems in warzones = dead game as soon as 1.2 hits.. unless they make some large changes. I tried PTServer and the game seems a lil smoother in the aspect of the inventory bug being gone etc.. but overall there is absoluetly ZERO improvement in fps for warzones etc.. especially those like the one with the ships firing at each other... they simply need to add a particle effects slider... this would be the single most effective boost for people with FPS problems... but so far.. nothing to write home about.
  4. guessing your on a server with more than 20 people on at peak times eh? the razor population SUCKS... ill be pissed if they get transfers and we dont... i want all of my toons off this low pop pos server and on to one i can actually get a group more than once a week on.
  5. been there.. done that.. and 100 other fixes.. nothing will boost my fps.. it remains the same no matter what i set things to... this is a clear indication that its the game.. not the machine. the engine they used is crap.. period.. and its so modded now they cant fix it .. or at least thats how it seems.. i, like many, will be unsubbing if they dont fix the fps issues in 1.2 4 months is plenty to get your head outta your.. +++ and get things fixed, especially with a new game that supposedly won all the awards this one has. Btw.. gotta LOVE how they dodged every single fps question at the guild conference.. that shows they really dont give a crap about the players.
  6. nah they cant and wont for a while.. the engine is still based and written on directx9c so dont expect a switch to directx 11 anytime soon.. besides.. directx 11 SUCKS for games because it has to emulate direct x 9 and 10 dll libraries... which equals MORE fps problems for people with mid range pcs. They need to add a particle effects slider and draw distance setting like in wow.. this would help a lot more.
  7. given how old wow is.. im suprized people arent playing it on cell phones too.. BUT the issue remains.. Swtor advertised a set of min requirements.. yet people with brand new rigs are having fps issues. The game engine is a 4 year old directx 9 based engine that has been recoded and modded so much they dont even have a clue where and what is broken to even TRY to fix the fps issues.. Who gives a **** about new content when a TON of people cant even do PVP and ops because of FPS issues.. right now im sitting on 6 level 50s i cant do **** with because of FPS issues... Fix the game first.. THEN worry about content and extras. period
  8. amen... This +9000! fix the damn game so people can at least play at a descent framerate then worry about content and extra crap! Last time i checked.. MMO meant more than solo play out in the middle of BFE so you could run smooth enough to move.. PVP is a freaking JOKE in this game.. 2-3 fps in some.. 12-15 fps in others.. i mean.. seriously...
  9. trust me bro.. its WAY WAY more than 5% you have to take into account the amount of people that have left since launch.. i mean the razor was very heavy when it opened.. now your happy to see 25 people on fleet at peak times. also.. there are a ton of people who just quit and gave up and NEVER posted in the forums... plus.. have you EVER seen a youtube warzone match video with proof of more than 20-25 FPS even on super uber nasa talk to mars pcs? Nope.. guess why... everyone has FPS issues... weather bioware wants to admit it or not. from the lack of communication.. im guessing they are just waiting for everyone that has problems with the game to just leave instead of actually using some of the funds to re-write the code for the engine and fix the problems!
  10. im guessing it pays for people to troll a legit post eh? im kinda curious also since i have been here 4 1/2 months and havent seen a solid FPS fix for the issues 80% of players are having... but lemme guess.. your not having these issues.. right?
  11. lol... but seriously judging by how they read the numbers... They can lie like wow does and say they have 12 million subs (but they only have about 3-4 million active players.. They count subs where people havent activly played or paid in YEARS... Case in point.. they lost 6 MILLION subs when cata hit because the china service provider was holding out for more money, because they said that wow was eating up most of thier bandwidth. WoW china didnt launch again until June of 2011... so for all that time.. they advertised 12 million + players.. when they had only half to start with.. and thats not counting the other 600,000 they lost 1st quarter cata was out or the 500k or 380k after that.. they still advertise 12 mil + so im guessing SWTOR would have about 500k (or less) subs now judging by low server pop... or they could like and say they have 2-3 mil now.. who knows
  12. OMG yes pls.. PLEASE add a multi server LFG tool.. I have 6 level 50s on The razor and with such low population im only able to get a group for HMs maybe once per week during prime time. 50 on fleet, and 3-4 people per planet is insanly low population. PLEASE add this ASAP!
  13. 1 main server (not an expansion server) doing great... meanwhile back in the real world... Expansion server The Razor last night prime time had a max of 50 on imp fleet, 16 in EV, and 3-4 per planet.. face it.. either they merge servers soon or offer a multi toon server move (since i have 6 level 50s now) or a LOT of people will leave.. on the razor you cant even get a group for HMs and ops are out of the question.. not to mention PVP ques are like 4-5 hours at least.. and this is during prime time!!
  14. fix the fps issues.. THEN worry about events and stuff like this... over 1/2 of the player base has already left because they cant even pvp!
  15. think about those of us who cant pvp or do more than EV (because kraggas palace is a lag fest) because of the FPS issues due to bad coding and particle effects problems.. right now im sitting on 5 level 50s and a 49 and absolutely nothing to do with them... unsub incoming if 1.2 doesn't fix the fps issues.
  16. if they do merge servers.. there will prob be a name option for the second john smith (as an example) when they log in sort of like wow has when you name change / faction change... oh wait this is bioware.. nevermind... they wont think of it and it will cause fps issues! lolz
  17. LoLz and for realz? bwahahahaha.... log on to the razor.. right now in imp fleet we have 20 people on... pvp hasnt popped for at least 6 hours (since i logged in) and there is NO groups forming... and you say the game population is growing?? BWahahahahahha
  18. have to agree there... if 1.2 doesnt fix a ton of stuff. the game will go f2play soon... right now in peak hours on the razor.. we see maybe 20-50 on fleet.. and thats being generous. The fact is that people have left because if you play 1 main toon (like most) pvp isnt an option when you get 5-15 fps.. and ops are so laggy because of the fog and effects. simply put.. the game is dying and 1.2 will be the deciding factor for a ton of people.. it better be good.. or this pos will be flushed.
  19. see.. thats what bioware doesnt understand i think... they expect us all to run out and get a new NASA system to run the game on so they dont have to fix issues with fps etc. ... people dont have the money and people like me and my friends will NOT be upgrading again for at least a while.. because we simply cant afford to cram money into a new system to run one game.. especially when everything else on the market runs WAY better than this POS.
  20. pvp is dead because most people get 5-15 fps in pvp.. even at low settings. Nothings more fun than getting ***** by a group of people when you cant even turn around or run away. simply put.. 1.2 better fix a TON of issues.. or the game will be officially dead the week after.
  21. like many.. 1.2 wil be the deciding factor for me and my wife and some of our friends. Most of our 400 people that came from wow with us have already left and went back.. yet we are here because pandas really dont appeal to us. 1.2 better fix the fps and play issues first and foremost... anything after that.. content, addons, legacy etc.. is a bonus. IF it doesnt.. we will all be unsubbing and going back to wow.. at least its stable and runs full speed... and you can do more than just solo quest.
  22. oh btw.. last time i check MMORPG meant massivly multiplayer online role playing game... soo wheres the masses? btw.. it also meant doing something other than playing solo so you could get good fps... WHERES THE BEEF!? er i mean PEOPLE!!
  23. to quote american dad... swing low, chop low, chad lowe... aim low and your gonna go low.. nuff said.. the game is dead swish... killed the fish (fish named wanda) GAME OVER MAN>>> GAME OVER!!!!
  24. swtor is already dead. I personally have 6 level 50s i cant do pvp or ops with (other than a really laggy EV) because of the fps issues. When you can log on and wait in a pvp que for more than 8 hours on a weekend.. yeah the game is pretty damn dead if you ask me. 1.2 better solve a lot of problems.. if not there wont be anyone left on most of the servers.
  25. dont forget about the masses of people that have left due to fps issues bioware seems to love to ignore... almost my enture guild (400+ people) have left and went back to wow/rift.. only here because i have 6 level 50s i cant do any warzones or ops with and im praying they fix the fps in 1.2.. if not .. im going back to wow to play a panda i guess... and i HATE PANDAS!!!
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