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Everything posted by Darth_Terminus

  1. Understood. I've had my fill of PVP. I generally find that Warzones (Huttball in particular) detract from the story Bioware has attempted to tell for us. Frankly, it's nonsense. I've always preferred open world to it. Thanks for the input.
  2. I've been playing SWTOR since launch, and have done quite a lot in that time, much of it as a loner (by choice). Regretfully, the guilds I've been part of have always been lacking in some way, and I'm seeking to remedy that. here and now I'm keenly interested in Star Wars lore, particularly as it relates to the Sith, the Jedi, and the Force. I am posting here to see if there are other like-minded individuals out there who would like to lay the groundwork for a new guild. The guild I have in mind would be founded under the banner of the Sith Empire. The overall playing environment that I have in mind is casual PVE/RP, with character growth (both IC and OOC) as the daily goal set for each member. You don't need to do everything in a single day, just do *something*. As this guild's theme will adhere to established Old Republic lore, I intend to adopt two policies I feel are important to maintain this. The first is a naming policy. If your character name is Xtwinsaburzx or Joey-sniper, this will not be the place for you. The second is a code of conduct. Whenever possible, you should act in accordance with your character. Avoid OOC flame wars, and never harass another player for your own amusement. Post below or message me directly to discuss further. P.S. There will be Operations, Flash Points, World Bosses, and other PVE content run with some frequency. All members will be encouraged to role play during periods of downtime. Events will be scheduled if there is enough interest. Lastly, it should be noted that PVP will not play a role in this guild.
  3. Do you have any Imperial presence at all? Or just Pub?
  4. I blame the sorc/sage nerfing entirely on PvP "balance". Bioware's justification went something like this... 'A sorc/sage can self heal? Then their DPS output must be reduced accordingly.' Makes sense, for PvP... but in order to put out the DPS required by the current HM Ops a sorc/sage must be decked out in gear at least 1 tier higher than a mara/sniper. I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks it unfair to be excluded from an Ops team due solely to class imbalance. Frankly, I would gladly drop my heals as a sorc DPS in Ops if it meant I could put out the DPS a sniper can and compete on an even level.
  5. I thought this thread was to form Reign Kill Squads, my mistake!
  6. I anticipated that I might get 1 or 2 responses by the June 11th deadline, but not 3 inside of 6 hours. Nicely done with that and thanks. I'd say the chances are good that EH will be but a memory.
  7. What is the end game PVE like on Begeren Colony? I'm an east coast player who keeps west coast hours, and I'm looking to make a move when server transfers are implemented (likely on June 11th). My main is an Imperial who is geared for HM TFB and S&V, but I have two more lvl 55 toons (1 imp, 1 pub) capable of running end game content as well. If anyone could post the names of the server's best and most dedicated PVE guilds I'd appreciate it. - Zero
  8. Yeah, unfortunately that schedule conflicts with other things both in and out of game that I'm already committed to. Thanks though.
  9. Thanks for the offer. I took a look at your site, but couldn't find much about the days and times when you run your Ops. The best night for me is Monday.
  10. I have a lvl 55 Sentinel in mostly 66 gear that I'd like to run some Ops with, preferably Monday nights. Anyone need an extra man? I've completed EV (SM, HM, NiM), KP (SM, HM, NiM), EC (SM), TFB (SM), and S&V (SM) thus far on my Imp, so I know the content fairly well. Reply here or send me a PM with your guild info and I'll get back to you.
  11. Well in fairness, your guild site has days for your Ops teams plainly visible, but I saw no mention of times either. I think I looked at you guys some time back but gave up when I couldn't find that info. /shrug
  12. We would initially prefer a healer and dps with the RoHC expansion from the Imperial faction to round out a 4 person group for the new HM FPs. A few things about this proposed guild: 1. As the title states, for the most part we intend to be a late night group. FPs and Ops would likely begin at 11PM Eastern US or later. We'll start with the 4-person daily Heroics and FPs, and move up from there once we have a squad of 8. We intend to be a "Progression Ops" guild when all is said and done. My associate and I are each "prelaunch" players, and know our way around the game content fairly well. 2. As the Ebon Hawk is a RP/PVE server, we intend to adopt a theme based upon existing Star Wars lore. (Likely something to do with the planet Ziost and the Sith temple) Additionally, there will be a naming guideline in place to ensure that we are not a disruption to the community. You need not role play your characters, but do try to uphold the theme of the guild, faction, and server as a whole. 3. All individuals must maintain a mature and respectful demeanor within the game and on the official forums. We're past the days of trolling and griefing others just because we can. Such behavior will not be tolerated and is cause for removal should an individual neglect to take steps toward correcting it. A website will be developed if and when the guild is formed. Interested parties should reply here and will be contacted via the Private Messaging system, or in game if preferred and an in game name is provided.
  13. Not sure if anyone's ever proposed this before, but I think it would be pretty handy to be able to import friends off the list of another of a player's characters. I am thinking that the entire list can be imported, or perhaps just a check/radio button selection option if the person want to add a few. It would sure save a lot of hassle whether the list is long or the names have a special character in them.
  14. This, and speeders. Not every speeder has a display model to look at. Also, being able to zoom in and out while in the preview window would be a nice addition as well.
  15. I'd rather see the removal of PvP specific gear entirely along with the elimination of the expertise stat. This is coming from someone whose main is in full augmented WH gear as well.
  16. Well either that, or also add a turret repair objective
  17. I'd be happy with a turret disable feature added to Alderaan Civil War to spice things up after the dreaded 'point of no return'. Tired of banging your head against the same wall that has stymied you for 15 minutes already? Me too. Let's add a means to disable a turret without capturing it, to provide another means of turning the tide of battle.
  18. I've been toying with this idea as well. The problem I am seeing with lvl 50 PvP is not so much the inadequacy of the Recruit gear, and more the overgeared premade teams of 4 and sometimes 6 (i am assuming that some guilds are queuing 2 teams of 3 simultaneously) completely squashing the random collection of individually queuing players on the other team. The premade teams are a blight on PUG games. I suggest placing premade groups of four into their own WZs against other premade groups of equal size. Don't want to wait for a 4 person minimum group queue to pop? Break up your group and compete in separate WZ instances. Additionally, no WZ team should be populated with two groups with the same guild tag, effectively preventing guilds from sneaking 5-6 players into a single public WZ.
  19. I would also like to see pazaak added to the game. Being able to play against npcs or other players in cantinas (or actual casinos/pazaak dens) would fantastic. I spent a good deal of time playing in KOTOR, and this would be a great social activity one could do while waiting for PvP or crew mission results.
  20. As a convenience, perhaps we can set it up so that the game auto-subscribes us to certain daily and weekly missions (eg. PvP or PvE), or at the very least have these be accessible from our ship's terminal where we currently get the space missions from. So many times players are caught without these due to not having visited the fleet in some time.
  21. Shouldn't Corellia Commendations drop from mobs inside the Black Hole zone? We get loads of Belsavis Comms while running the dailies there, why not here as well? Just a thought.
  22. You'd be right. I want a guild that is RP themed, but that's not *all* they do. If there's plenty of us online, let's get some dailies or hard modes done as a group - or maybe practice some PvP in some out of the way area of the game world - leave the fleet bar behind for pity's sake. I think I'll begin scouring the lower pop servers starting tomorrow.
  23. It seems that the issue with uneven team population has been a thorn in the dev's side since the beginning. Why not just have the game add players in increments? Each team needs say, a minimum of 4 players to get started. A few minutes later 2 more Imperials, and 1 more Pub queue up, only one from each side is added, until another Pub also joins the queue to even things up. Then those two can be added as well. Frankly, I am a little sick of being put into a Wz with 3 other players of my faction only to find out that we haven't got a chance at winning against a full team of 8. Players quitting is another issue entirely, but at least let things start off balanced.
  24. I'm currently located on the Ebon Hawk server, but I've had a terrible time finding appropriately aligned and named Sith characters to form a RP themed guild or 'cult' if you will. If one of the lower population RP servers (presuming these will be destinations) has an existing guild with a similar theme, or like minded players to myself, I'll be headed there. I'm not overly attached to my current haunt.
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