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Posts posted by Kalfear

  1. CS for this title has been, at its highest point, terrible and worse


    I have never understood why MMORPG genre in general has always had such bad customer service when the genre itself is based on happy customers.


    But genre since day one on AOL in 1991 has suffered from terrible cust service


    Even though the fixes are so obvious and not all that fiscally demanding to achieve.

  2. what support dose this game have for pc controllers as for ppl with only use of one hand this will be more practical


    I been requesting this since day 1 for the old pve space missions


    EA actually answered this one and its a definite NO


    not later

    not maybe

    not possibly


    They said outright NO

  3. Rift has stayed pretty true to itself it seems

    Older then SWTOR with more expansions but stays fairly honest to its design


    They just put out a new huge expansion so think ill be heading back there myself to check it out

  4. Welp for me it is


    Closing down account when 4.0 hits.

    Was hoping they would have some common sense and make some changes to the announced conquest crafting changes but noppers from looks of things


    But honestly ever since the conquest changes its been one mistake after another announced


    Speaking for myself


    Major issues:

    -Conquest crafting changes

    -removal of stats on companion gear

    -Forced level sync

    -Still no Pazaak (just finally hit the point that its exclusion is beyond ridiculas )

    -Still no Swoop Racing (ala KotOR 1) (just finally hit the point that its exclusion is beyond ridiculas )

    -Legacy bug from when they first put in Acheivements still unfixed. (2 + years more then enough time to fix this very known bug that because I was legacy level 50 before achievement the game reads me as legacy level 1 and eliminates all achievements that require legacy level 50 from being completed)

    -Affection achievements being removed and tossed


    Moderate issues:


    -Pay 2 Win concept of buying level 60 characters

    -Pay 2 Win concept of buying 500 skill crafters

    -Cartel shop basically removing in game crafting from game (just more P2W concepts)


    Minor Issues:


    -Removal of main stat for mastery stat (sorry its just to much dumbing down for my taste)

    -Changes of how crit and surge and every works (again not a huge deal but its clearly designed to dumb down to lowest form of players)

    -Announced 1 hour of content a month just isn't enough new content with all the old content being dumbed down or removed


    (I'm sure there others I'm just forgetting about or glossing over, like some of the announced class changes)


    So for me, 4.0 has become a deal breaker

    Honestly barely even logged in since the conquest announcement made public and just letting account run out of time

    Game just become to simplistic and focusing to much on p2w concepts.

    I dont know if 4.0 will kill SWTOR

    Guess others have to make up their own mind on this one but for me,

    its a game breaker


    I suspect most folks will check out the 4.0 and if not instantly gratified and blown away a steady stream of subscribers will pack up and move on. And I think the chances of 4.0 blowing anyone away is slim to none as based on past expansions and updates, EA been underwhelming allot of folks on far to regular and occurrence.

  5. LOL wow angry troll is right!!!


    Where to start.

    Gasp your a founder????

    OMG thats so impressive can I have your autograph??

    Maybe a holo pic?


    Oh wait just remembered Im also a founder who was here day one of forums opening

    guess I forgot as non of that impresses me

    unlike yourself appearently


    As for Guild size, sorry kid, my Rep guild is actually rather small in active guilds and my imp guild would be classified moderate at best

    Dont blame your lack of ability or dedication towards something on guild size

    Couple months ago a guy who is in a guild of his own (just him and his alts) successfully won 1st place on a planet

    Let me guess, you think his guild is large as well?


    As for conquest over all

    LOL, if you thought the old way punished small guilds,

    just wait to you see the 4.0 way

    not only are you never going to win a planet

    you are never going to see the top 10 EVER AGAIN

    with the changes coming to Conquest in 4.0

    You will be screaming bloody murder when you see Conquest changes in 4.0 (not that you are not already being bloody drama person screaming about how hard done by you are.)


    And even though you really do not deserve this tidbit of advice because of your angry pouting reply


    If your guild is so small and unskilled

    Rather then try to win top 10 in conquest (and rather then demand the game give you everything)

    buy your guild ship (I personally have 75 million credits on my main so dont tell me your guild can not afford a ship, credits ultra easy to get in this game)

    And then go kill commanders in different Imp/Rep bases for framework and encryption drops


    You can upgrade your ship with those and never have to enter the weekly conquest battle


    Or is that to hard for your small guild as well?



  6. The 6 I been asking for since before Closed beta even started on game are


    - Pazaak

    - Swoop Racing ala KotOR 1

    - DAoC style RVR (PVP)

    - use multiple companions at same time

    - Tactics slots in Companions (ala Dragon Age : Origins)

    - Mentoring (ala EQ2) ...which is kinda coming with level sync but mentoring is optional and the option is the biggest part of the design. Level Sync just destroys the whole concept as its forced


    But those were the old ones

    now you can add in


    Reversal of the conquest crafting changes (since EA never takes the middle road and its all or nothing with them I am following their lead and saying full reversal of conquest crafting changes


    - Reversal of crafting changes

    -removal of p2w concepts like buying max level characters and max level crafting skills

    - Subscriber only/no cartel market server for subscribers so crafting is once agan important and usefull (on that server all the cartel market items can be put in game through rare drops and crafting schematics


    there more but already over the 6 requested

  7. Ok, so how would "optional" work exactly?



    You group with lower level player and you hit "mentor" or in this case "Level Sync" and its moves you down to that level In hit points, AC, Resists, but just like this system you retain all your skills, they just downgraded to lower level


    In other words EXACTLY how it worked in a MMO over a decade old and significantly less powerful of a engine.


    Its been done before in games (yes thats plural, EQ2 was first I saw mentoring in but far from last) that required far less system requirements


    the non optional part is just more lazy design


    And now the fanboi club can complain and defend the game blindly

  8. We really need no reason. If Bioware felt they could do it optional I am sure they would have. .


    Oh BS


    Level Sync was called Mentoring in EQ2 over a decade ago and was 100% optional


    Lets at least keep the excuses remotely realistic


    If EA can not do a system over a decade old then there is real issues in the development group of SWTOR

  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ArielaKnight


    You are going to have to deal with this.


    Really not going to have to deal with this


    mentoring has been asked for years (before game even went into closed beta it was asked for)

    but in every request it was OPTIONAL,

    not forced.


    No biggy for me as already decided to unsub over the conquest changes when 4.0 hits

    This just makes it even less likely I come back


    No clue who EA getting their ideas from this time around but once again they show poor judgement in who they listen to.

  10. Havent hit this thread in a while and really 90% gone from game already

    but saw this and so tired people correcting me when they are wrong


    Except they are not removing stats from gear.


    Your own quote from down the page


    Quote: Originally Posted by EricMusco View Post

    How does gear come into play here?

    Starting in KotFE your Companion's power and stats scale with your level, regardless of the gear they are wearing. However, you can still use gear to determine exactly how your Companions will look. (note: this is not a part of Appearance Designer)


    So yes they are removing stats from companion gear, which is what I said originally

    Doesn't get any more clear then that

  11. Is there anyway we could find out how many accounts are currently subscribers?


    I am very curious! I hear about subscriber counts from other games and now I'm dieing to know how many are subscribed to swtor!


    EA will not tell you exactly


    but when times are good they will ball park it in their investor reports, which are public info and searchable




    EA stopped ballparking it couple years ago when the subscription base crashed bad (which brought on F2P)


    What we do know is the mass majority of cartel sales are done by subscribers.

    F2P and Preferred make up a very small portion of the cartel market sales


    so regardless of how many subs there are,

    this game is very very very subscriber dependent


    I also look at the upcoming 4.0 and how its designed and its clear as day EA is trying to force the preferred and F2P players into subscribing for the content.


    We have not seen them push that hard for subs in a really long time.


    Not the answer you were looking for but hopefully clears some stuff up all the same :)

  12. 1.) *snip*




    Clearly you dont understand what is meant by dumbing it down or you just blindly accepted everything EA does with out question because even if you support many of these changes. Its beyond obvious the game is being dumbed down yet again.


    But no one should be surprised as EAs go to move since closed beta has been to dumb everything down


    4.0 is the release of Buy to Win concept for SW:TOR


    want a level 60? buy it


    Want gear, here we will remove the stats so you not confused or forced to even slightly think, just buy outfits off cartel market and your good to go


    Dont work well with others in MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER GAME? Here lets make all content soloable and ultra simplistic


    dont grasp the difference between aim, cunning, str and will? NP at all, now we just have 1 stat fits all for that


    Dont grasp difference between power and crit. We can dumb that down for you to


    List goes on and on and on


    You might like the game, but no one can (if they being honest or truthful) deny 4.0 is the largest dumbing down of SW:TOR yet. And SW:TOR has been dumbed down to stupidly simplistic levels in the past already

  13. I have no intention on using the automatic level 60 but I will disagree with you on a point. I am a full time paralegal major and I do not have plenty of time to play on the game, especially if I want to maintain my grade average, so not everyone that goes to college full time has plenty of time to play.


    In addition, my boyfriend is in the air force and he doesn't have plenty of time to play as well so maybe that branch is different than the army or maybe it because he is in intelligence but using those two analogies to say people that are in the service or in college have plenty of time to play is false.


    Not to be rude Scarlet but how is any of what you just said relevant to buying lvl 60s?


    You can still play the game from start to finish, just would take you longer with your ooc scheduled.

    But nothing is taken away or with held


    For some weird reason gamers have devolved into thinking they are OWED everything

    End game is their right


    There is a whole game for people who are busy in their real lives to experience, learn, understand.


    Selling level 60s just turns this game into more BUY 2 Play junk.


    Its a bad concept,

    Its a lazy concept,

    but its EAs future with this game.

    They have already gutted crafting so everything is bought off the cartel market

    now they removing leveling, but only if you sub and then double dip to buy a premade 60.

    Everything in this game is now pushed to buying from Cartel Market after you sub.


    If they want to do that they should look at Rift where everything is also for sale there BUT everything can also be earned or built in game through playing. And no sub is required.


    SW:TOR at 4.0 has just turned into a sub game that pretty much forces you to buy off cartel market (or GTN once someone else bought off cartel market)


    Its a bad design

    And it will blow up in EAs face this time around.

    Not just the prebought 60s but designing to try and force subs to spend even more

  14. Actually, not a bad idea. It's F2P, so I thought it would be worth a try. It's downloading now.


    It will be interesting to see if it is any good.


    Thanks Bran person, I had not heard of the game, but your post talking about endless customization and tweeking sounded good.


    PS - Are there any other games that you would care to recommend to the SW community?


    I redownloaded Defiance


    Completely F2P and good waste of times for a hour or 2 each day

    not much to it really beyond get guns, go shoot stuff, chase arffalls,

    but fun all the same.


    Rift as well is a great RPG that does have story and also F2P

    Has the same kinda PVP as SWTOR but on a larger scale and better

    Their housing (called Dimensions) is absolutely amazing (think Yavin but with 1000 times more customization available to you


    Also for all those SWGersa who whined so much for SWG, they should be giving Arch Age a try


    And of course Wild star goes F2P Oct 7 I think it is

  15. Implying that anyone would quit over this is very extreme, yes.


    Implying that anybody thinks this change is a great idea though? You're just completely ignoring all 55 pages of this topic that are before your post. It's firmly agreed upon that a change was necessary (almost nobody disputes that) but this change is a massive overkill and better options could have been found.


    nope read all 55 pages


    Cheering this as needed, even if later on they decide a lesser change is ok, is absolutely stupid to me.

    More damage is done by doing this nerf then leaving it as status quo was doing

    Status quo was the lesser of two evils.

    And there is posts cheering this nerf saying its over due


    I'm not going to argue with them because they have no clue how much time, effort, dedication it took to pull off a 8-10-15 character chain through crafting


    I would easily spend 3-5 hours a day just setting up crafting queue's

    and when I was running ops/Flash points/what ever I would be simultaneously sending companions out on missions (which is far more distracting then anyone who never done it could understand)


    Whats the difference between 8 characters crafting and 8 players pvping non stop for same amount of hours each week?

    The points actually come out very similar truth be told.

    Only difference is 1 person can not play 8 characters at once in pvp

    But still had to level those characters

    Still had to raise companion affection for max returns

    Still had to buy the HK units (I did the quest 4 times and that was enough of that)


    As for people quitting over this

    I know a few and doubt we alone in this

    So yes, people will be quitting game over this nerf

    how much remains to be seen


    As for comparison to slot machines, what a crock

    Slot machines were a IWIN button

    Crafting for Conquest with multiple characters actually required dedication, design, determination, and attention

    The two do not remotely compare.


    Its a terrible nerf that should never happen.

    A reduction of halving it is as far a nerf that should occur to balance it out

    but the all out gutting is complete BS

    This change will all but gut conquest participation except for the die hard PVPers

    And if they were real pvpers of any note, they wouldn't be playing SWTOR PVP to begin with


    So once again EA panders to the very lowest of the low!

  16. thats it for this topic? sadface


    This has been the hottest topic since before game even went into closed beta


    There have literally been 1000s of threads on this topic (Pazaak and swoop racing) some going to 100+ pages deep


    I think people just resigned that the devs, for what ever reason (that they have never stated, contrary to other claims), have just tired of asking asking asking with no response at all.


    Pazaak and swoop racing (from SWTOR 1) should have been in game from the get go at original release.


    Everyone seems to understand this but the devs.

  17. Comments from the Devs stated that they were not interested in adding that kind of racing. Felt that racing alone against the clock was not compelling enough. I agree.

    But latency is a major issue preventing them from adding the kind of racing that they've tried to implement.


    thats nice


    like most things they are wrong


    They also said there would never be housing in this game, your space ship is your house


    how that turn out?


    And PS:


    I been here since day one of forums and have NEVER seen them say what you say they did


    so would love to see a link to a official quote from them

  18. You can't explain that to them. They have all the answers. They been keeping track of every server. Some Guilds can really go to town but that isn't everyone. They just assume since they think it is so it must be so.


    yup, I'm not going to argue with people cheering the nerf with out having a clue on the dedication or time it takes to do these runs.


    They will never agree because they want their play style to be the dominant one.


    Me, just cancelling account when 4.0 drops if the changes go into effect.


    I can wait a few months until EA reverses the change to try and attract back the lost subscribers (like they always do)


    I will not be forced into the sub par PVP of this game

    Will not play GSF with out joy stick control

    the flash point change long over due (by years) but that alone (or combined with 1 hour a month of new single player story line) is not enough to fill the huge gap left by all the gutted content .


    But hey, they might not wanna wait to many months before revising attitude cause when Fall Out 4 and Deus Ex 4 drop and are playable, SW:TOR will have a hard time competing with those single player games that will take 100+ hours each (think I have 250 hours into New Vegas and Deus Ex : Human Revolution easily matches that time played.). 1 hour a month of ultra easy single player content in SW:TOR will not even remotely compare.

  19. The game engine is perfectly capable of creating Swoop racing, the issue lies in latency as it is the server which holds the ultimate player positions. Whereas you may appear to have crossed the finish line already, due to latency the server may still think your character is a couple of feet before the line. This is fine for most things, as the server eventually 'catches up', but in racing this is an unacceptable margin of error.


    naaaa its never been a latency issue because if they did KOTOR1 swoop racing it would be in its own instance by yourself


    and no one ever lags out in their own instances


    Just bring KOTOR 1 swoop racing into game and have players times as the goal

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