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Posts posted by Kalfear

  1. I have always been in favor of 2 companions


    but it wouldn't be as ideal as some thing for this title


    1) We all have memories of KotOR 1 and 2, Mass Effect 1-2-3, Jade Empire, Dragon Age 1-3 and more where our companions interacted verbally with each other.


    This game would never put that in at this late stage so that entire concept would be lost here.


    2) Much of the game (seriously like 90% of it) is already way to easy and simplistic with 1 companion.

    Having 2 companions out would really be SWTOR very own godmode version

    Which would make already damaged content (because of lack of challenge) and turn it into meaningless enounters that would get boring ultra fast.


    The game simply is not designed for 2 companions + player and no way in hell would the devs take the time and effort to redo combat encounters so they would be challenging.


    3) being able to summon 2 companions would dramatically effect the little bit of grouping there is now


    I know for myself, if I get some whiny pouter rage quitter in a flashpoint

    Depending on my mode that day

    there is a better then even chance I will replace the player with one of my outfitted companions

    If I could do 2 companions, the chances of me grouping go down drastically (except with guildies and friends of course)



    So while I would have loved this game to release with 2 companion set ups

    I think its just to set in stone now for them to ever up the usable companions

    Just not a viable option at this stage of the game

  2. Honestly the word Challenge and SWTOR do not belong in same sentance

    before or after 4.0

    SW:TOR has always been the easiest MMORPG in the genre, since release.


    In closed beta many begged EA to slow down the leveling and increase mob toughness

    Instead at launch they made it even easier and faster and simpler


    So outside of hardmode Flashpoints and HM/NiM ops, I am not grasping this so called pre 4.0 challenge you speak of.


    HOWEVER, to answer your question,

    yes its even easier now

    Companions are way over powered and the only real challenges out there are when hit by a bug or they stealth change a boss fight and you caught unaware (but that only happens once per boss and then its back to easy mode)


    Play for the story and see if there is something to hold you ingame after that

    If not, unsub until the next block of story comes out would be my suggestion


    But if you are looking for any kind of challenge (outside of HM FPs and HM Ops)

    This not the game you are looking for


    Wish it was

    Boy do I wish it was

    But it is not

  3. To be completely honest, your whole post is silly.


    I've played this game for years and I've never even heard of any truly NiM-oriented guilds. It simply never occurred to me to care. Why should I, or anyone else for that matter, care what someone else is doing in here? Why should I look up to NiM raiders? They're just people who are better at one thing than I am. I don't look up to stock brokers. I don't look up to farmers.


    The whole premise is ridiculous.


    That said, BW's approach to the NiM loot problem is crazy and if I 'were' a NiM raider, I certainly wouldn't care to wait 3 months for a fix.


    While I agree I never heard of any NiM guilds either.

    Ive met a number of players that say they are hardcore elitists (and usually some of the most inflexible players out there that if content doesnt follow a specified pattern they fail)

    And seen some uber PVP guilds (but the amount of obvious cheating done by them tarnishes any real respect someone might wanna give).


    Truth is this game doesnt have the uber hardcore guilds found in Original EQ and other pre WOW MMORPGs


    So that part I agree with you




    What I took from the OP is he was speaking about having rewards and content that makes you drive forward. Take the next step up.


    And he is 110% correct


    The BIGGEST issue facing the long term health of SW:TOR is how they give everything away rather then make people work for it.


    When you give it away you diminish the value of the item or the acheivement


    For example: Right now the ONLY mount I want is Baron Deathmarks Ranked PVP reward.

    It is ALMOST enough to get me to do PVP


    It actually got me to play and start building up a set of gear so I could join ranked


    But that ended with one Huttaball match were I spent entire match stunned, pushed, pulled, restuned ... (rinse and repeat)


    But SWTOR having the genres worst PVP is hardly a new or groundbreaking revelation


    but the rarity of the reward made the reward special and unique and thus of value to me to try and acheive it


    And IMO thats what his point about getting the best gear and rewards from NiM ops.


    Least thats how it read to me after then nonsense of gushing over other guilds (or his own guild for all we know)


    EA needs to get back to the carrot in front of the donkey

    they need to put in rewards and contnet that gets players to challenge themselves, go that extra mile, do that extra content


    It should not all be either given away or sold on the Cartel Market.

  4. There's a very hard-hitting DoT with grenade icon in that fight that can be cleansed, makes the fight a lot easier if you do. Aside from cleanse or hitting heal station right then, it's gonna be awfully tough to "just survive" that one.


    I have never, on tank healer dps had to cleanse or be cleansed in that fight since day one of doing it at launch


    I have ran that flashpoint well over 300 times now and NEVER had to cleanse on any character

    Ran it in hard mode and never had to cleanse


    And besides that, a scoundral has 1 cleanse and its certainly not going on a dps over the tank (or in this cas the level 55 shadow who was also in same group)


    Sorry but thats complete nonsense


    And for the record, the 55 shadow, myself as a 45 scoundral survived the opening gernade with no problem. It was the 2 20 something dps that died almost instantly


    If there is any lingering effect is minimal and mostly ignored in the past until upward bolstered character (who lack the abilities they gain at higher levels to survive those attacks) entered the fray.

  5. I unsubbed for 18 months for shoulder surgery


    And then came back to find most of the complaints made in closed beta, open beta, launch were still not fixed so yuppers, can say with no lie since launch


    you dont need to have been subd for the whole time,

    you just need to know that a bug at launch is still currently not fixed


    Take for example the current bug that has players who were legacy 50 prior to acheivements being put in has been present since day 1 of acheivements. I know this because when looking through the endless bug reports on the issue they dated back to start of acheivenment. So what if I didnt personally get bug until I came back and resubbed, I can follow the virtual paper trail that shows its a now a 2 year old bug that remains unfixed to this very day.


    Game difficulty (or lack there of) was a hotty contested issue in closed beta with many many many bclosed beta testers saying they needed to make the game tougher and slow leveling speed down. There was endless reports on how leveling to fast would race people to end game (it happened), would minimize need for crafting (it happened), who cause faster burn out due to bordom (it happened and then happened again and again and again and ...). All you needed to be was in the closed beta to know this. So one gander at the forums now and the problems affecting SW:TOR and you can realistically say the problem has been around since before launch. You didnt have to be subd for all those months inbetween.


    So nope, doesnt matter if they were subd for all those months (some were, some were not) all that matters is they were around at the start so can accurately and honestly say this or that was a problem at launch.


    Sorry OP but there is a endless string of bugs and problems that EA was noticed years ago about and have failed to fix or address years later.

  6. We used to be able to give our companions any look we chose. Since KotFE came out, that is out the window. all gear was mailed back to us and they are either in scivies or in a set costume that they came with in the KotFE story. Can we get back the ability to choose how our companions are clothed?


    never happen as they shifted companion customization to the cartel market for you to buy with real money


    get use to it


    this is going to happen with the rest of the game until all customization is gone from game and only available via cartel market purchases.


    This is not a new revelation either

    from day 1 of the cartel market hitting this game, thats the direction they slowly been moving towards

  7. Not at all hyperbole. I will literally not bother to even attempt a flashpoint on any character who is under level 50 until this is fixed.


    hell until upward level sync is outright removed


    I will not do a flashpoint through GF unless with a fully premade group


    3.5 hours in Taral V (only to get so annoyed I quit group because a level 20 shadow couldnt survive the opening gernade attack of final boss, so she was screaming about how was my job to cleanse her.....my reply was "ITS A $#%@$^ GERNADE, THERE IS NOTHING TO CLEANSE, USE YOUR DEFENSIVE COOL DOWNS, USE A HEALING TERMINAL, AND JUST SURVIVE HIS OPENING VOLLEY")


    That was final straw for me.

    Will not do any GF content with PUG groups going forward


    And Im far far far from alone in feeling that way


    Bioware is EA, its not a different corp just a division of EA some people don't pretend they are different corps.


    Yup, fact is all of the original Bioware folks are long gone now.

    This version of Bioware is just EA employees transfered to that division.


    People insisting on talking about them as something seperate and different then EA are completely lost on the facts.


    Bioware stopped being Bioware the day the Doctors and all the original staff left.


    This new version of Bioware is just EA doing what EA has always done.

    Buy a company and then change everything in it

    and then wonder why the original loyalty to the original product no longer there

    We saw it with Westwood studio

    and we seen it with all the other companies EA bought out.


    There is no Bioware anymore beyond a meaningless name

    Its all EA, plain and simple.


    And anyone claiming different is either uninformed or just in denial.

  8. LOL I been waiting over TWO YEARS for them to fix a bug that Legacy 50 reads as legacy 1, if you hit legacy 50 before acheivements were put and and your account was closed down.


    Noticed it when I came back and submitted a bug report

    got reponse it wasnt a bug and to contact cust service


    Submitted report to cust service

    got reponse IT WAS A KNOWN BUG and would have to be fixed in a upcoming patch (this was over 2 years ago now) and to make sure I submit a bug report


    Furious at the double talk and run around I came to web site, hit cust service, and there was pages of people saying exact same thing for months and months before me


    and getting same result every time.


    Bug still not fixed and occationally I resubmit bug report and cust service report and get the identical form letter reponses (Same form letter reponse used when you submit bug report on Rishi datacrons STILL being bugged)


    So how do they expect people to stay subbed when they outright ignore long term issues?


    Who knows, but appearently they really do.

  9. Best wishes friend! Hope to see you in another MMO or maybe this one again if things change.


    I think a lot of folks are going to park SUB's for a bit it sounds like. The content drought just got real and the latest rewards announcement doesn't really tickle my fancy enough to plop down $120 for a Bonus Chapter I can watch on Youtube next fall instead.


    The problem is the content is fun, for 9 hours


    and then you go months with nothing new


    And as you say, paying $60--$90 dollars for what will be a 45 minute chapter just doesnt make fiscal sense


    Im heading into major surgery so parking sub (closes on 10th of this month)

    And even though loved HK 55 in story,

    Staying subd just for him and that 45 minute chapter just not reasonable thinking.


    Kinda luck about the surgery as I was "this close" to outright cancelling

    Now at least I have said I will recheck game in March or April after surgery and rehab done


    But yeah, with out some major changes to how they approach content in this game

    I will probably be following suit of so many other players I once played with here.


    Sub in for 1 month every 4-6 months

    Play the content and then unsub for another 4-6 months period.


    With out challenge in the content,

    The desire to stay and replay stuff is gone completely

  10. To add to this for people who remember EQ and the first week of the SoL expansion, it was the first MMO to reach 1million players online ... and the infamous wow would not be where it is today without the MASS exodus of EQ. but then again EQ is still alive, barely perhaps due to new management, but its still there.....


    in all I think the entire MMO spectrum is on Burnoutmode, if this game was D3 style where we had a online single player experience with a CC store and a possible common AH it might bring a new flavor to MMO's in general in the sense of it being a RPG but nothing that again Blizz hasn't done with the old D2 back in 2001 online solo play with common game wide trading... just a thought.


    Yas and no


    Yes people clearly burned out on the modern version of MMORPGs (Wow and later)

    There is a reason they all go F2P

    You burn through them in a coupel few weeks and move on so you are not interested in paying a sub and everything for such a short term game.


    But When you look at the industry

    New games still get a fairly strong showing, even if they subscription games

    The bottom falls out after the initial response when the game play, the immersion just doesnt live up to expectations.


    Now some would say lower expectations, but honestly thats what WOW did and while it worked for them, its also the reason genre in the state it is now. Because it did not work for anyone after WOW (to the level the companies thought it would)


    Personally I think players, even the special snowflake tantrum gimme gimme gimme crowd are waiting for a MMORPG to do it right finally.


    If you look back at the genre from 1991 to present day, there is stuff thats always a huge hit. And there is stuff thats always a negative.


    Its just going to take a company (cause sadly the days of independant design for MMORPGs are over) to put ego aside (number #1 game killer, developers that think they know best and ignore genre history) and put the peices togather


    Its not a complexe or difficult undertaking to hilite what works, what doesnt


    Take that, put it to a setting that will grab imagination

    And you will have a hit

    And the MMORPG genre will suddenly thrive and grow.


    But for some reason beyond all common sense and understanding

    No company has been willing to do that yet.


    SWTOR probably one of the closer games but for every step forward they would take 2 or 3 steps back as unable or unwilling to put the ego aside.


    Wildstar seemed to have allot of it done right, but they went with saturday morning cartoon graphics (which still baffles me on WHY????). And that killed them right in the gate.


    Rift had a huge opening response (as did SWTOR), the subscription was not a issue and scared no one away. But the easy mode game play in both games at launch really did them in. When you have players at end game 2 weeks into launch, you know you are in trouble as no one can pump out content that fast.


    Anyways, I dont think the MMORPG genre on burnout as we still see huge numbers for new subcription based MMORPGs.


    The people are there, its the current products that are failing to hold players

    most of that has to do with to easy and to fast

    you eat it up and move on and suddenly the game has lost its opening day subscribers


    The genre just needs someone to step up and make the proper game

    It will sell huge and hold its base long term

    But these devs and companies need to stop shooting themselves in their own foot by trying to recreate WOW success off the WOW model.

    It doesnt work

    Its ONLY ever worked for WOW

    Everyone else that tried it failed to meet market expectations


    They need to look at the whole genre through out history and take the good, remove the bad, and bring MMORPGs back into being a virtual world alive and thriving.


    right now they really nothing more then single player games set on ultra easy mode


    Thats fine for a Single Player RPG

    But MMORPGs are something completely different


    Anyways, I would like The Harbinger server (I transferred off PoT5) to myself for two hours on Tuesday, December 8th from 2-4 PM Eastern time to check out the new expansion and to familiarize myself with the game again. I do better when I'm not distracted by general chats, group requests, fans private messaging etc etc.


    I trust you will respect this small request as I feel I've earned the right to ask this of my fellow players.


    Thank you and it's great to be back!


    -Sir Copperfield


    Tuesday December 8th. 2-4 PM Eastern Time.


    SWTOR is a PG game and based on your posting history EA would simply be to afraid of the "mess" you would leave the server in and thus your request has been denied.


    Might we request the Sims in hopefully a fully sanitized hot tub!

  12. Garza needs to learn how to use a holo comm. :p


    LOL so do the jedi masters, sith leaders, Imperial Intellegence, Oh and travelling to those 20 different space stations as a smuggler was fun as well :p


    Master Hyperspeed

    Build Lightsabers


    Cant use a holo phone on a encrypted line! :D


    But my 5 things are


    1) NO PAZAAK or SWOOP RACING (ala KotOR1)


    2) 2 year old bugs still not fixed and when you send in a bug report they say its not a bug and to contact cust service, So you send in report to cust service and they reply that its a known bug and needs to be fixed in a upcoming patch and to submit a bug report. (and I WISH WISH WISH I was even exagerating on any of that statement)


    3) No repeatable crafting for conquest each week. Conquest (except for the rare crafting week) is dead now with same guild basically being given a free win each week because of horrible changes. (This is why my account ends in 6 days FTR)


    4) Everything is easymode now. Send your companion in and go afk for coffee. You companion will win. There is no special feeling of accomplishment or acheivement. Use to love running dailies and weeklies. Now I just do the few conquest ones as its all so freaking dull and boring being so mindlessly easy. Last night I did the Maken Heroics solo on a 61 level guardian in level 45 gear and a influence 2 companion. Didnt even remotely come close to dieing, not even remotely. Where is the excitement and challenge? Do the modern era gamer really want everything just handed to them mindlessly??? Come on, have a little self respect.


    5) PVP (including GSF). The GSF NEEDS joystick compatability. The PVP needs to move outta crappy warzones and into open world planets (but with massively reduced stuns and no PVP gear) and have capturable outposts and compounds (which should be claimable and upgradable by guilds....for a cost ). Basically put DAoC PVP (but with massively reduced stuns) into SW:TOR. The current PVP model bites dead penquin ..... (yeah we will leave it at that)

  13. This is the biggest reason why I don't see pazaak happening is due to online gambling. But the point is would it meet the definition of online gambling? If you're playing against other players it would be for credits which is virtual currency and not real life currency. But does gambling with virtual currency even count as gambling?


    So you never attended the casino events in SWTOR????


    Never bought a Cartel pack for real money????


    Gambling has been alive and well in SWTOR for years


    The whole gambling excuse has been disproven 100 times over now


    Stop beating the dead horse

  14. Hmm. I think you and the OP are talking at cross-purposes here. Sure, you *start* tanking to help out your guild, but if you continue, it should be because you like doing it. They aren't, as you say, obliged to provide entertainment, but playing with them shouldn't devolve into a continuous stream of painful experiences because you discover that you don't like tanking. In that way, this item ties in with number 10, Don't do it if it isn't fun.


    Steve I would counter, and I have seen this play out true for 25 years now, that if you are one of those that ONLY engages in guild activities that directly benefit yourself


    You will quickly find yourself left out of guild activities


    When you join a guild you have to understand that you join for everyone and not just yourself

    Otherwise do not join because if you think you can only take take take and never give.

    You might get away with it short term but people will catch on and you will be left on outside wondering why no one ever wants to play with you or invite you along.


    I will admit its gotten much worse in last decade with the selfish attitude of many players

    And maybe for them those advertised over general chat guilds a good fit


    But when I think of guilds I think of community with in a community

    And you can not just take from any community for long


    Sometimes we all have to make sacrafices for the greater good

    Gaming no different


    I hate SWTOR PVP,

    Seriously its the worst PVP I have ever seen in 25 years, bar none

    Absolute Garbage


    Yet I have four different characters over Valor 70 and 7 over valor 50 because over the last number of years guildmates needed help or partner so I bit the bullet and joined a night here, a night there


    because I knew somewhere down the road I also would need help in something and people would be much more willing to help.


    And those that do not

    Well they usually end up sitting in a chat channel alone wondering why no one wants to play with them anymore (or they moved on because they were not being included in ops groups and everything)


    Sorry but in this regard gaming no different then Life

    You have to give to receive


    So saying you will only do something you enjoy (IE Beneficial to yourself) is completely wrong headed and honestly rather selfish.

    Its more of the (what I call) GIMME GIMME GIMME mentality that has infected modern day MMORPGs


    And is not at all helpful in any manner or way.


    PS: When I say you, its a generalized term not meaning you specifically

  15. Founder, Beta Tester. My sub runs out on the 18th. I just canceled it.


    Nice announcement for subs. This is my opinion of it.


    Founder and closed beta tester as well


    Sub runs out in 7 days


    But to be fair not because of the announcement


    My final straw was Yavin Rishi Conquest week when the guild EVERYONE said would win Yavin Rishi, won Yavin Rishi (yes both of them) with out any real challenge because Conquest all about PVP now. And PVP so crappy its not worth doing.


    I will look at game again in March or April after some real life medical issues done.


    But the recent announcement simply wasnt good enough to get me to stay sub'd until then.


    Love HK 55 in the story but hes not worth $10-$15 dollars to stay sub'd in January

    And a 30 minute chapter with him certainly not worth the $60-$90 spent for a 6 month sub period


    Once again EA massively over sold and under delivered.

    Like they been doing since day one

  16. those numbers are too small of a subjective pool to give any indication of any patterns. Regardless, its common sense that subs will decline till mid january/early february. The content is easily clearable in a month, thus no reason to resub for a while.


    Yup to many outside variables to take his numbers at face value


    But hes not wrong all the same


    4.0 Brought back a ton of accounts to see the content


    Mass majority of those that returned were already gone before the companion adjustment went in


    when the adjustment went in, really wasnt any noticable pop drop on Harbinger (same names queued for same GF content and same normal activity on fleet for Ops and all that). Those that were leaving were speaking more about bordom then anything else


    After the companion "fix", no change. No rush of returning and about same trickle effect leaving


    4.0 brought back a ton of players for the short term but only a month later they were mostly gone as seen the content, finished it, left again.


    And honestly I think yesterdays "Subscriber rewards" speaks louder then anything else.

    EA made a 6 month reward because they are desperate to get players to stay subscribed.

    They saw the quick decline after 4.0 bump and this was their answer to it.


    Wont work though. a 30 minute chapter for spending $60-$90 on subscription simply is not worth the price tag

    Even though people loved HK 55 in the storyline.


    Said it in closed beta

    Said it last (how ever many years since launch)

    Say it now


    If EA truly wanted to retain subscribers (but its to late to do all this now as we saw with companions, the special snowflake tantrum gimme gimme gimme crowd runs the show here now)

    they need to slow down the levelings speed so players have a target goal to acheive.

    They need increase challenge levels so those goals and acheivements carry a sentimental value and worth to them

    They need to add in time fillers and time sinks like Pazaak, Swoop Racing, Bejerik (sp?)

    They need to get real PVP (again original DAOC got it right minus the stun fest)

    They need to add in locations players think of when they think of Star Wars and Knights of the Old Republic (Dant, Onderon, Dxun, Telos, wookie homeworld,... and since this game no longer tied to cannon they gould add in Endor)


    They need to improve existing side games like adding joystick control to GSF and the pve based one no one plays

    They need to allow crafting to actually have a use in game (to late for that one now Id say, cartel market saw to that)


    They need to FIX YEARS OLD BUGS !!!!!!!


    Truth is this game made so many mistakes, HUGE GLARING MISTAKES that is kinda surprising its still doing as well as it is.


    But its also clear that all those mistakes are finally catching up to them

    So now they desperate and trying to bribe players to pay $60-$90 for a 30 minutes of easy mode content that ultimately will have no barring or effect on game.


    OP sample size is far to small and far to limited to draw any real con****ions from

    But common sense and experience in the MMORPG genre really all that is needed to be able to see the downward slide that is happening and why.

  17. Do you guys think anything new/meaningful will happen to pvp in the next year? (open world pvp work, new wz's ect...)


    Do you guys think any new end game content will be added in the next year? (I don't mean fluff crap that will be completed in the first hr 1/2 of play, Im talking about new OPs, planets..ect.... not stay subbed for 6months to earn a hr of play as a robot type stuff)


    So what do you guys think, in the next year will we get any meaningful end game content?




    PVP is and always has been a small demographic of the existing player base and its simply not big enough for EA to program for


    The conquest change of forcing people into GSF and PVP is probably the last real incentive PVP will get

  18. After logging many hours in Anarchy Online, Earth & Beyond, EVE Online, Dark Age of Camelot, The Matrix Online, City of Heroes, DC Universe, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, and a few others, here are the things I've learned. Reminding myself of these things helps me to stay content while playing the games I love...


    Well I been at it for 25 years now so lets see what you learned :D


    1. Different people play for different reasons.


    True but there is massive overlap of certain play styles and to be honest PVP and Raid players make up the smallest percentages normally in MMORPGs (even in games with good PVP content)


    2. People will hate the things you love.

    Its becoming worse and worse as time goes on. Back in 1991 when the genre launched it wasnt like this but developers (really since WOW to now) have played such a nasty trick of pitting one play style against the other that the seperation gaps have grown considerably and created much more toxic enviroments in MMORPGs then there was back in day.


    3. People will love the things you hate.


    See answer to #2


    4. You can't convince people to change their minds about #2 or #3.


    See #2 answer


    5. The forums for any MMO are mostly populated by people who are unhappy (some reasonably so, some not).


    See this is what Blizzard brought to the table with WOW and its just magnified since then.

    The earlier forums of MMORPGs were not a hot bed of ignorance and anger (well SWG had its moments to be sure if being honest, maybe its a Star wars thing in that regard)

    If you go back and read what ever was being used as official forums back in day, the anger and obnoxiousness and mean spirited nonsense was not there.

    And the forums were more about love of any one game then anything else.

    There really nasty and unhappy forum thing never really started in earnest until WOW entered the picture.

    And WOW didnt just create bad eviroments on their forems, the wow kiddies would goto all the other game forums and spread the ignorance and bad behaviour there.

    What you see here now a days can be DIRECTLY followed back to creation of WOW population and posters.

    It wasnt nearly as bad in game that came before WOW


    6. Never spend time in an MMO doing something that you don't want to do (e.g. don't tank because your guild needs a tank - tank because you LOVE tanking).


    Completely and utterly false

    Helping out your guild (depending on guild of course) will always have advantages and benefits and if they need a tank, roll atank and help out. A few hours helping them will normally be returned with 100s of hours in enjoyment and them helping you.

    And if thats not the case

    Find a better guild

    In layman terms, you get out of the product what you put in

    As in Life

    So if you join a guild thinking its up to them to entertain you at all times and you are not willing to put anything back in, chances are you are going to end up ostrasized or even removed from that guild activities.


    7. There is nothing wrong with playing an MMO completely solo, if you have fun doing it.


    Nothing wrong with it unless you thing the entire game needs to be designed for you to solo

    MMORPG are normally group orientated content and when you sign up you need to be prepared that normally half the game content will require groups.

    If you not prepared to accept that, then there most definately is stuff wrong with only soloing

    And that comes from a player that solos most everything in Post WOW MMORPGs


    8. Hide or leave your game's "General Chat" channel forever and never look back.


    Sadly true in SWTOR, true in WOW.

    General not as bad in Rift or Defience or Aion

    Truth is it depends on the game and the "community of players" playing the game

    But yes in sW:TOR, hide general and never look back


    9. If you join a guild, join a guild with people like you (hardcore raider, parent with interruptions, filthy casual, etc.)


    Id go a step further and say if a guild is advertising on fleet for memebers (or over any chat) DONT JOIN

    They only interested in numbers

    Join guilds that you meet in play and have fun with their memebers (course this requires you to actually interact with other players).

    Worst thing ever regarding guilds is to join a guild that has no community with in it.


    10. Games are entertainment; if you're not having fun - stop playing.



  19. No. If Dantooine was destroyed, in future Leia Organa wouldn't be able to misdirect Tarkin towards it, would she? There were hard fighting but nothing like planets destruction.


    This game is no longer tied to cannon for the movies and lore


    It is completely non cannon and seperate now allowing EA to go any direction they wish


    Hell next race could be Turian or Asari for that matter

  20. December 2011 we had 208 servers world wide.



    less than 4 years later we have 19 servers world wide. http://www.swtor.com/server-status, some of these are complete ghost towns, and could be shut down. If we get real about it, this game could support maybe 5-10 populated servers. given our currently trajectory will this game last another 1-2 years?


    I don't even remember a honeymoon period with this game. its just been epic fail and backflip one after the other. they never really got it right for significant periods of time. Its sad because its star wars , and to see it butchered worse than Sony's effort with Galaxies (8 year effort) is astounding.


    2015 SWTOR has....

    Story = Singular.

    PVP = stale (same maps)

    Ops = no new ones.

    World sync = Cleverly disguised time sink.

    KOTFE = Excellent. but to short, and linear. no replayability once both "choices" have been played.

    Class Balance = No (has there ever been a time?)


    I love star wars, but gaming wise. I feel like they are ruining it. its frustrating and sad....




    "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened"


    I feel you Obi. :(


    Considering the first MMO ever made (1991) is still in existance (under dif name)

    The second "The Realms" is still available

    Dark Sun Online still available

    Meridian 59 still available

    UO still available

    EQ Still Available

    (are you seeing a patern here?)


    SW:TOR will never NOT be available

    It might hit a point where its not updated and expansions not made for it

    but it will never fully close down


    because the day it shuts down (like SWG) you will have a fan made, non profit version (like SWG has) pop up for those who wish to continue playing it.


    MMORPGs never actually die

    They just stop being popular and reported about

    SWTOR will be no different

  21. And this is why the Devs should never listen to the special snowflake tantrum crowd


    Its not over tuned and is very much soloable


    Your gear is fine

    your companion influence is low (20 is suggested but people have done at 10, 8 is under both of them)

    and since your companion is influence 8 I think its very safe bet your alliance ratinging IS NOT 10 or higher (so you miss out on those 4 extra attacks you can gather)

    Grab the buff at the strat of the heroic for extra everything


    As for fight you complaining about, the ambush mobs can literally be single AOEd (2 if really unlucky I guess, either way no big deal) to death from any class, and you as a Sorc have the electrical AOE


    If the fights really challenging you (which they should not and if they are its NOT a game balance issue)


    Pop the sheild they drop in plentiful and that will stop almost all damage from attacks in that stage and against exart at end.


    And if all that is still not working for you, use your heroic moment abilities (you should have at least one)


    And if thats STILL not working for, find someone to join you because you simply not good enough at your class to figure out the fight


    Actually not trying to be rude but you people NEED to stop blaming the ultra easy mode setting of SWTOR as beiong to challenging and to hard.


    Numberous other sorcs and counsellors have gone through the SF H2 with out a hitch or problem

    They have same skills, same abilities, same gear


    The ONLY difference is the player controlling the character

    So STOP blaming the game and learn to adapt and work through issues to acheive success.

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