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Posts posted by Kalfear

  1. OP makes some points but falls very short on others


    Obviously the 12x xp was a gift to the entitlement generation and was a signal of poor design choices to come. Even people who took advantage of the 12x xp knew and recognized this. Only people who didnt were the entitlement generation of gamers. So its not really all that big a prediction to point out the obvious cause and effect of something as blatantly obvious as 12x xp was.


    As for RotHC. Honestly I think that expansion got a bad rep for reasons that will never make sense.

    It wasnt a bad expansion over all (thought the imperal story was heads and tails better then the rep side story and I have yet to meet anyone who seriously thought otherwise).


    The entitlement crowd didn't like it because everything wasnt just handed to them in that expansion.


    The real danger signs came when EA nerfed the ever living bejebus outta Makeb making it completely mindless and totally uninteresting (which couldnt be more obvious as populations actually dropped on Makeb after the nerf. It was so mindlessly easy that even the entitlement crowd got bored over there.


    As for 4.0 expansion, its a mixed bag


    The story is awesome. Yes its rather predictable. All Bioware games are to be honest. Their stories will never shock and amaze you like say Deus Ex Human Revolution did or even The Witcher 1,2, 3 do. Bioware stories are known for their great linear story, not flexible choices that vary the outcomes (Dragon Age Origins about the only exception to that statement for BW games). But they still a blast to play and KotFE no different thus far.


    The down side to the story is its single player content.

    This is suppose to be a MMORPG, not a single player game.

    But thats always been a black mark on SWToR since it was in closed beta

    A giant single player game that follows a linear storyline.

    This not SWG2.0 and it was never suppose to be (It was suppose to be better, hense the theme park design choice)


    The Forced Level Sync isnt as bad as it sounded on paper

    However the bolster in flashpoints is a complete failure

    Doesnt matter if its a tactical FP, a bolstered level 20 still only has the abilities of a level 20 character, which makes then ultra weak when in designed level 50-65 content.


    Was in tactical yesterday were obnoxious lvl 20 shadow (DPS of course, must be FOTM after all) was screaming bloody murder that I wasnt cleansing a gernade effect off her in Taral V final Boss. Ended up dropping group because she was simply to stupid to argue with. There is no cleanse in boss fight of Taral V, you use defensive abilities to absorb the initial assault (and utilize healing terminals in tactical mode...which she refused to do as not a healer. Not her job in her mind). Truth is she was ill prepared as a bolstered level 20 for that flashpoint and it was no one elses fault. She simply should not have been there. Now her being an obnoxious idiot, well thats completely her fault and why her name was shared on ignore lists last night and today.


    the bolster is a complete and utter failure and hurts the game more then anything.

    They should either make level brackets or just remove the pre level 50 bolster completely from sm and hm fps and ops


    But the biggest issue for people seems to be how easy the single player content is

    Cant disagree

    I personally think the content in the H2 Star Fortresses is the perfect setting for the single player normal game and would love to see the entire game set to that standard of difficulty for solo play.


    But the entitlement crowd would never accept that because once again the content is not being mindlessly handed to them.


    Other big negative imo is the removal of conquest crafting

    Its actually becoming a deal breaker for me as I try to get even a few characters through conquest each week

    PVP, GSF, GF FPs, these things are not fun because of how the game been set and designed

    but these are the only real ways to get conquest points now


    Overall I dont mind 4.0 in the grand scope of things

    But for sure, the things that were done poorly and wrongly in 4.0 were done so to extreme levels of incompetence rarely seen before in the MMORPG genre.


    They didnt go easy on any bad choices.

    They swung for the fences to make sure they screwed up completely and utterly on the bad aspects of the 4.0 design.


    Personally I justfeel EA has gone down the same road that has sunk so many MMORPG products before them

    They listen to the vocal minority rather then getting actual knowledgable, experienced people to give honest feed back thats good for the game and genre and not just good for the person making suggestions.


    Saw SWG do it before launch and onwards

    Saw Mythic do it in DAoC where they took a product getting rave reveiws and praise and gutting it so completely it chased away its player base almost over night

    Saw Origin do it with Ultima Online for so many years that when they finally clued in, it was way way way to late to reverse any of the damage done.

    ect ect ect


    Biggest issue I see facing MMORPG genre in general is the developers seemingly undieing loyalty to any sycophant fanboi feeding their precious little egos rather then stepping away and finding feedback from experienced and honest sources and people not scared to damage the devs little ego if it means suggesting whats best for the game.


    But thats not a SWTOR only issue

    Thats not a EA only issue

    Thats not even a MMORPG genre only issue

    Its a ongoing issue in the gaming industry since the dawn of times


    BS and false platitudes will get more notice the hoensty and realistic feedback

  2. So I been trying to be a good soldier and doing the content offered for conquest rather then my old crafting routine that was removed


    And frankly speaking its killing the game for me


    I was surprised how much I liked the storyline in 4.0

    Still not a fan of the inability to stat out companions (expecially with how OP they are now) but can live with that


    The level sync wasnt terrible altho the upward bolster is killing flashpoints as these players lack the class understanding or the abilities to handle the content (and as a healer primarily its impossible to keep them alive in many situations, not that they understand that anyways. Just had some 35 moron flavor of the week Shadow talk down to me because she didnt have the gear or understanding to handle Taral V tactical. 1.5 hours wasted on this group because they were in content they had no bussiness being in if not bolstered upwards)


    Last week did the heroics to conquest mark so that was ok


    This week however its all about the flashpoints and so far 13 people have ended up on my ignore lists because of terrible pug groups


    And thats really squeezing all the enjoyment there was from the storyline

    I do not want to group with these people

    But I cant do conquest if I do not group with them

    So I'm screwed if I do or dont


    So I end up entering starfighter because its easy conquest points

    Not fair to my team because I suck at it and offer nothing productive to the match

    But I want my conquest so they suffer because of it


    Wont do PVP as its just a assassin/shadow dps spam fest


    Point is PVP sucks, Starfighter not my thing, Tacticals are quickly becoming unplayable with all the bad GF queues.

    If you put in heroics every week I would do those

    but you do not


    So the terrible crafting conquest changes are now sucking the enjoyment from other areas of the game


    Reverse the conquest crafting changes or even just let us craft to weekly mark only

    But forcing PVP, GSF, and bad groups in GF is just going to drive more players away then you will bring in with new storylines.


    Im not as disappointed in the changes as originally thought I would be

    Except for conquest crafting

    Thats quickly becoming a breaking point

  3. The game has been ultra easy mode since before release


    During closed beta was a number of people begging devs to make the combat more challenging (and slow XP down)


    Instead they made release even easier then closed beta was and sped the xp up


    And its been that way ever since


    If you feel challenged in this game outside of a Hardmode OP and some HM Flashpoints

    The problem is not that you are casual

    The problem is you are terrible at these style of games


    Somehow since WOW entered the market,

    People think Casual means unskilled

    It doesnt

    Just like hardcore players, Casuals have talented players and unskilled players


    Its the unskilled that think this game presents a challenge outside of hm ops and some hm flashpoints


    This game has always been about the setting

    Not the difficulty

    Not the challenge

    Not even the feeling of accomplishment


    Its about the setting


    And sadly that will not change. So if you are looking for challenges, they are few and far between in modern (WOW and after) MMORPGs.


    With WOW the market shifted to pandering to the lowest common denominator type of player

    Free this, free that, no one need work at anything because its all given away for free.


    Personally speaking, I think the level of difficulty you encounter (with out uber energy sheilds aand other goodies specific to star Forest content) in H2 Star Fortress runs is the almost perfect guideline for what solo content should feel like difficulty wise.


    Not so tough you can not do it

    But tough enough that you are forced to think, use your character skills, and stop racing around in god mode (as it is now). Difficulty where you shouldnt die, but if you get lazy or sloopy you will.


    But that will never happen as the unskilled would scream bloody murder that content is not handed to them with out challenge.

  4. If it was mind-numbingly casual it wouldn't require an investment. It already requires a cash investment, which makes it non-casual.



    *shakes head*

    *Reads again*

    *guzzles a pot of coffee*

    *tries a 3rd reading*


    Ill take 10 of what hes on!

    Cause what hes saying just not going to make any sense until I can get down to his level of thinking!

  5. I am with you. I cancelled as well. The game play is just too easy now. No fun in a push button game that takes no skill to play.


    I will say I found the Star Fortresss H2 to be almost perfect tuning for what single player normal mode should be


    so I been running the h2 Star Fortress missions solo for gaming enjoyment


    but yes, rest of game is mindlessly easy

    but lets be honest


    This game was ultra easy and well past point to mindlessly idiotic in challenge from day 1


    Hell there was a signifigant portion of the closed beta demanding it be tougher (and closed beta was harder then retail version turned out to be)


    SW:TOR, outside of Ops and Hardmode Flashpoints has never had a difficulty rating higher then obnoxiously easy content


    Its just not a difficult or challenging game

    Is why I still take breaks to play Civ games, return to Rift every once in while (also easy but much harder when compared to SW:TOR).


    Difficulty and challenge has never truly been a selling point of SW:TOR

  6. Still posting as of today.


    You know, people like you amaze me

    Absolutely amaze me

    Its like no matter how hard you try you can not get your mind around the concept of a cut off date


    So instead you come her and make idiotic posts about someone still being able to post after they have decided to cancel sub


    You do realize hitting cancel sub does not stop the sub that exact moment


    Its really not a hard concept to grasp

    actually pretty easy one

    do you need more explaination so you can understand the concept and reality of how subscriptions work?

    Perhaps we can get someone to teach you how to tie your shoelaces as well?

  7. Let me first say the storyline is amazing and great.

    So despite it being a single player storyline, keep working on the story.


    Here are my suggestions for whats missing or needs tinkering


    1) Difficulty: Since this is a single player update, and will be in the future I think you should offer a traditional ssingle player option, easy/normal/hard/insane mode choice.


    The game is already doing the easy mode setting so just add in changes to difficulty settings. The harder the difficulty would mean harder mobs. more mobs, less xp per mob, better drop rates per mob.


    Simple change that would drastically change 4.0 to the positive side of the bracket regarding difficulty of content


    2) Levels speed: As in #1, higher the difficulty, lower the paid out xp. Which slows down the xp gain so maybe you not level 65 (from level 60) by act 3.


    3) More filler content: This should be on all difficulty settings. the content is ate up so fast that it makes what should be a impressive update (size wise) over really fast.


    4) Acheivements on Zakuul and even the space port (in story, trying not to post spoilers): Where is the acheivements for the areas? Why is there no 100,000 kills acheivement? Exploration acheivement? ect.


    5) Pazaak already!


    6) Swoop Bike Racing ala KotOR1 already!


    7) reverse many of the conquest changes: crafting and making heroics weeklies rather then dailies. Even if you only allowed to craft TO weekly mark, not over. 1 invasion force and 1 war supply per legacy per week is beyond idiotic


    More to come

  8. People just don't learn how to play their roles anymore, because everything is getting too easy.

    And then as soon as it gets a little challengeing, people are overwhelmed. I was in a flashpoint yesterday via GF, and it

    was all dd's.....but still people didn't feel the need to heal themselves up before fights. Plus the tank didn't even know what that was.

    On the other hand you can't blame them, when you have companions that can do most of the content alone :)

    I would like if players took their time again and wait and discuss strategies before just pulling everything.


    LOL maybe???


    The game has been to casual since closed beta

    its never had any real challenge or skill to it

    its the setting that is the winner and the draw.


    Many many many others have said it in the past

    If not for the Star Wars title,

    This game would not have survived 2 years

    Which isnt a great compliment to any of us who subscribe still


    But its not false.

    This game has always been ultra easy mode with the exception of hard mode and nightmare mode content

    And the hard modes have been signifigantly reduced in 4.0

    and the nightmare mode mostly removed


    SW:TOR has never been about challenge, skill, tactics

    And thats not a new claim

    thats just a very very very old truth

  9. Yeah, I don't understand why people feel the need to post that they are cancelling their subscriptions. Who cares? I sure don't but I do think it is childish and funny, kind of like General chat is most days. At least it amuses me. :p


    Then do not read the threads


    You like the guy that watches Twilight movies and then complains for years about the twilight movies being so terrible.


    Rather then just walking away from the first one and moving on.


    If you dont like cancellation threads, dont read them

    Its really not that hard a concept to grasp


    As fo the real world, cancellation posts actually d two important things

    1) they let subscribers post a official like notification as to why they are dissatisfied with the product

    2) it allows developers, if they care to, to have ready access to more honest feedback about the game.


    And it you cant understand that

    maybe gaming and really life in general just not what you prepared for yet

    as its not a hard concept to grasp.


    But at least your amused

    I suspect you could slap your own forehead and be equally amused

    but what ever

  10. Loved the story but OP is right


    1 evening is all it takes to start and finish the story and content


    What I see happening is people will sub for 1 month

    do the content on multiple characters

    unsub and wait for next content release



    EA seems to be completely unable to design MMO content that engages you for 20-30 hours of play every 4-6 months


    and thats where they suffer over and over and over

  11. Um... I played 6 hours last night and only got to the beginning of chapter 4. HOW exactly did you finish all 9 chapters in 6 hours?


    Not to bew rude but I did every side mission, went out of way to kill mobs (in case there was a kill acheivement), explored every nook and cranny of every map


    I did it in 6 hours by playing the game


    cant explain why you only at chapter 4

    I have guildies that say they finished in 4 hours (but I suspect they skipped side missions and space barred some cut scenes (which I did not do once)

  12. I agree it was great but to short. Then again I also realize what I want would be 40 hours of content every 3 months and swtor has neither the resources or drive to do that. They removed the filler cause it was not heroic but fetch quests, random side quests, and gathering are what makes many RPGs much longer.


    It varies I played around six hours last night and got to chapter seven. Part of it is class choice. There is some mobs so it takes longer for some then others. I did do all the bonus quests (six or seven) I found.


    If this is what bioware can and plans to do I think they will continue like Star Trek online. Where every 3-4 months story comes out and people flock back. Not end of world but way it is. To fill content as much as people play they would need basically a full sequel with 13-14 planets multiple acts, etc and I don't see that happening anytime soon. Especially since voice actor union just went on strike.


    yeah I did every side quest and went out of my way to clear areas, even if not in direct line to path marker.


    6 hours for all 9 chapters

    I know this cause I popped a brand new purple stim at start of it so being exact on time played was easy to monitor on that.

    Some people in my guild were saying 4 hours from start to finish but I think they didnt do side quests or intentionally kill everything they could.


    yeah 40 hours every 3 months not reasonable but 2-3 hours per chapter I do not think unreasonable

    With the changes to conquest crafting (for me specifically)

    There just no content to do once I run this 6-7 times this month


    And again according to how EA explained this, its suppose to be 1 chapter per month so this initial content drop was originally planned to keep us busy for 9 months.


    In reality it suppose to keep us busy til April which is still 7ish months time period.


    Great content

    Can not say how great and awesome story is

    but its to easy and to short

    and thats why this is not going to hold people playing long term but rather make them sub month here and there when new content drops.


    And honestly, even though I love the story line

    If they were dropping this 1 chapter per month

    I do not think I would stay subbed for it as 45 minutes a month just not realistic expectation to occupy players.

  13. The good:


    Just finished the storyline from start to finish for the 4.0 expansion and wow was that a great story. Far far far better then I thought we would get.


    Excellent job on the story

    Thats how the game should have been from day 1.

    The home planet felt more like I excepted Coruscant to be then Coruscant has ever felt to me.

    I am looking forward to taking multiple characters through all 9 chapters


    The bad:

    I just finished all 9 chapter on my first character

    You advertised this as 1 chapter a month but 9 chapter took 6 hours only to complete.


    Thats 45 minutes a month of gameplay (not 45 minutes of storyline, 45 minutes of actual game play with numberous breaks and afks)


    WAY WAY WAY to short yet again

    To easy, just not challenging in any manner or way




    Here Is what I see happening

    People return, get through the content multiple times in their first month back

    Cancell subscription until next storyline update in April


    That doesn't really help the game but thats what I see happening (and is exactly what I also will be doing myself)

    If you want to hold people in game you have to keep them busy and engaged

    PVP and GSF is not engaging

    Running dailies and weeklies over and over is not engaging

    The storyline is engaging but 9 chapters is at most 6 hours of content


    Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where you are coming up short.

  14. In a Sp game you're forced to solo everything in this game it's a choice to go solo. Despite what some people like to claim it isn't impossible to get groups for things. While I was leveling my Guardian I ran almost all of Taris with the same group.


    who cares if it is or inst impossible to get groups.


    Outside of Ops and Warzones you DO NOT HAVE TO GROUP!


    Everything can be soloed and in 4.0 you can add flashpoints to the soloable list


    This game is very much a single player experience so again I say


    Why wouldn't you compare it to a single player game?


    I know I have been soloing EVERYTHING expect Long Shots/AC in Section X for over a year now


    Yavin/Rishi (solo except Rishi flashpoints/ops and Yavin ops/walker boss)

    Oricon, solo but ops

    CZ, solo (including FPs)

    Makeb Solo (except for big droid fight in its own instance)

    everything below that, all soloed


    4.0 is completely soloable

    Ziost is soloable except for big world boss fight in its own instance and the other world boss near it in playable world


    So tell me, what is all this group content you think there is (outside of ops, Some flashpoints, and some world bosses)


    Cause I been here since day 1 and certainly not seen it

  15. Seriously!? You're comparing Single player RPGs to an MMORPG? :confused:


    I didnt read his post


    but seriously you think this completely soloable game shouldnt be compared to single player games?


    90% of the game experience is single player experience

    so why would you not compare them?


    Your objection makes about as much sense as what people saying the OP wrote

  16. its another revan. Not a expansion in the tradition sense it's more of an addon. It's doesn't redefine the game enough to be considered an expansion. The only expanded one aspect of the game. The story. There is nothing new to ops or pvp. There's no new game engine. There's a few tweaks and that's it.


    A true expansion would open up new worlds or wz's or ops. Mabey new races with their own storyline. It's another band aide on a gunshot wound. Remember this is just my opinion and I hope I'm wrong.


    I do not think 4.0 will bomb (as in the new storyline content)


    I do think the changes to the core game however (conquest crafting, removal of companion gear stats, removal of affection, forced Level Sync) will cause 4.0 to not have as good of a postive effect as EA planned it would.


    I know Tuesday Morning I hit the cancel button myself and let my last month tick off.


    I will come back when they reverse some of the more significant changes (Conquest crafting, companion gear stats, forced level sync for example) but until then my account will be shut down completely.


    So not a bomb

    but also not as positive as they hopped for


    it they just added the storyline content and stopped taking so much out of game, it probably would have been a huge and massive success.

  17. So changed mind and reupping on a month by month basis but the cord is at a all time shortness for tolerance of EA


    So below my original post and if they still apply or why they do not


    1) Still no Swoop racing (ala KotOR1) or Pazaak.

    I have no interest in slot machines but with the inclusion of the Casino event EA showed their long time "no gambling" excuse to be a lie.


    Still applicable. Pazaak and swoop racing (ala KotOR1) should have been in game at launch with out any question what so ever.


    2) Legacy bug still not fixed

    I was legacy 50 before I left game the first time. When I returned I found my Legacy was bugged (in regards to prerequisite achievements that require legacy 50). I wrote bug reports, contacted cust service, did everything I was suppose to do. Even saw I was clearly not alone in this and was a common problem. That was roughly 18 months ago (or more). Still not fixed, still get the run around when I ask about it. Welp, time ran out for them to fix this regarding me.


    Still applicable and even more raw as now I am bugged at getting the Rishi Datacrons (another bug thats been around since day one of rishi) and EA gave me cut and paste DUPLICATE ANSWERS for this bug to cust service report. Exact word for word response as the ones I got over 18 months ago for the Legacy Bug.


    I'm not cancelling SW:TOR but this unacceptable practice has caused me to blacklist all future EA games and products to the $10.00 or less bargin bin. Doesnt matter how good a game looks, EA business practices make any EA product untested, unreliable, not worth more then $10.00. So their incompetence has cost them a customer in that regards.


    3) Forced Level Sync.

    I have long asked for EQ2 style mentoring. But in a optional form. You group up, you hit mentor and that drops you to your groupmates level. Easy, simplistic, dynamic. Instead EA is bringing out forced level sync to planet so leveling really is meaningless because you will always be level 12 on starter planets and ect. Sometimes you are not interested in dropping down and just need to run through for something. Do not like this change. It should be a huge win, instead its a negative.


    Turns out this wasnt a issue after all

    well mostly not a issue

    The downward level sync really made no difference other then allowing us to group with lowbie players and redo lowbie content for xp


    The downside is the upward level sync completely ruined PUGing through GF.

    So now I only do tacticals and HM content with guild and freinds, no exception

    2 runs of Taral V tactical taking over 3 hours each time and both times the 25 and under players bolstered to 65 lavking the skills/abilities to survive the final boss initial damage barage just ruined it for me. Not willing to keep putting that amount of time into a fairly simplistic tactical flashpoint because EA has artifically boosted players who have no reason to be there.


    4) Removal of companion stats.

    I like min maxing my companions and fooling around with stats on them. Now its just cosmetic and that's just not interesting.


    5) Removal of companion affection

    Fact they taking affection and achievements associated to affection (earned or not) out of game really sucks to me. Its a bad move. A lazy move.


    Still a issue but on hold as companions so Over Powered right now, that needs to be addressed and adjusted downwards a fair amount.


    Right now I'm far more annoyed with not being able to change outfits on the new storyline companions like Lana and senya


    6) Pay 2 Win

    To many pay 2 win concepts coming into game now.

    If I wanted to play a p2w game I would have played a p2w game

    EA greed is now negatively effecting the game imo


    Not doing GF Pugs really kinda eliminates this as 99.9% of both imp and rep guild are subscribers who dont just go buy what they need/want. Most do the content to earn what they want/need.

    So while still a horrid concept for any MMORPG

    Surrounding yourself with a better class of player does allieviate some of the issue


    7) Wasted cartel coins because of changes to conquest crafting

    As I said above I set up my account to do conquest. 19 character designed to process 10 characters through conquest each week

    Part of that was buying HK units with Cartel coins for most of the alternate helpers (because of mission bonus)

    Well the change to conquest crafting basically eliminates 13 of those 19 characters as they were never made to be actively played. They were crafters.

    So that's 13+350 cartel coins (think that was how much they cost er alt) wasted on something they removed AFTER I bought them.

    Regardless how you feel about conquest crafting, removing a play style after people spent 1000s of cartel coins is NOT cool.

    To me its a brand or form of stealing if we being honest.


    Still annoying to me

    Still dirty pool by EA

    But in grand scope of things now something to dwell on.

    If I was actually buying cartel coins I would be more upset on this

    but I just spend subscriber coins so easy to push to side


    8) Mats through PVP or Ops.

    I do not like SW:TOR PVP/GSF

    I have no interest in progression ops (been there done that already)

    But once again we back to being forced into these play styles to do crafting.

    Sorry not doing it anymore


    Still not fan of this but havent seen the rumored PVP mat yet or seen a recipe that needs it.

    As for Dark MAtter Catalysts, price dropping and fairly easy to get right now so not forced into OPs


    9) Rather then Appearance tab where you carry around multiple sets of armor (and stats) away from your backpack they went with Costume tab that does allow multiple appearances but stat gear (dps, heal set, tank set, pvp set) must still take up space in back pack.

    Its simply bad design


    Still want this


    10) Being forced to drop a 100% stronghold to get a 0% stronghold that's new

    NOT COOL, should have dropped stronghold conquest bonus to 20% each for 100% or left at 25% each for 125%.


    Still annoyed over this but finally took yavin to 100% so got my 100% bonus back


    11) Game content, even at level, is just to easy and boring to replay as no challenge or difficulty

    I dont even play single player games at high difficulty levels, usually easy and normal at most, and this game has just gone from ultra easy at launch to insanely stupidly simplistic and easy now.

    And new content designed to be soloed completely doesn't sound to be changing that.

    I would lover to see some areas in world that require groups. Traditional MMORPG content. Doesn't mean everything else needs to be made harder but at least have some open world content that challenges those interested in the challenge (other then ops or hard mode flash points)


    Waiting to see how this plays out with the companion adjustment

    Also has been a rather large vocal responce over the easy mode game play so hopefull EA figures it out and at least gets game to the standard easy mode setting of other games (but I would much prefer the standard normal setting)


    12) SW:TOR PVP

    Its crap, plain and simple. If they put in DAOC RVR I would be there with bells on. But the current version of PVP is a joke, plain and simple.


    Nothing changed here. Tried a couple matches and after healing a million points in 2 consecutive matchs, standing in the midst of the battle I read, "*character name* was a healer????"


    Yeah, EA can keep their crappy PVP


    13) GSF and the other flight combat not having joystick support

    I am not good at flight sims but on a joystick some of the difficulty (that I encounter from flying with a keyboard) is lessened.

    GSF and the other flight content should be joystick supported.

    Only makes sense.


    Well I been doing fair amount of GSF for conquest points (and want some of those decorations only obtainable with fleet coms)


    Getting half way decent when its the 3 stations claim and defense

    Still such to high heaven in the Free for all fights


    Joystick would solve much of the free for all issues

    But what I find is even if you lose in GSF its easily shruged off as bad mechanics, bad game play, so doesnt matter over all


    14) Rishi, Yavin, Ziost was and is TERRIBLE

    Terrible expansions easily eat up and spit out


    Still crap

    Have not stepped foot there othere then the Talis companion quest

    just wasted content really


    15) Lack of communication and interaction by community manager on general forum.

    The inaction speaks volumes


    Still a problem but ill let my lack of financial support in all future EA product speak on that front


    Truth is I enjoy the people in my guilds for most part and when push comes to shove.

    They are really only reason I keep playing this game

    But as I said, EA is on such a short cord now with me that I have no doubt they will screw up yet again in some massive way.


    99% of my complaints could be solved by simply ensuring quality testing by experienced MMORPG players (pre dating WOW players), even moderate leveled cust service, and even moderate leveled interaction on the forums answering some questions in a timely and accurate way.


    But sadly I really do not think any of those things will happen any time soon.

    If ever

  18. Got my rewards so thank you


    Much appreciated that it did not take over a month this time


    But still hitting the cancel account button on the 20th until the conquest crafting changes are reversed or at least reduced some what.


    Sooner you put crafting back into conquest

    Sooner myself and others will return


    Making a complete game changing reversal so long after people spent 1000s of hours setting up accounts (and paying cartel coins to get HK units) is completely unacceptable.


    So good job on fixing your reward screw up

    but you still have a huge gaping problem with conquest come the 19th

  19. No they don't, as any screen shot of there un-subscription would also have personal info on. As such asking for it is against the code of conduct. Besides even if they did there is nothing to stop them re-subbing the next day so it would become meaning less for the intention you want it for.


    Plus why does anyone need to prove anything to that guy.


    Clearly has a massively overblown sense of entitlement regarding himself.


    Not that I would agree anymore of request if done by someone with a known name or recognized reputation.

    but at least it wouldn't be some no name nobody demanding things.

  20. There have been many games that have tried to force people into PvP, it does not happen.

    You can not force PvP on players that do not like to PvP.

    No matter how hard you try, or what restrictions you place on the game are you going to make sombody PvP.


    I play on a PvE server for a very specific reason, PvP sucks. I do not PvP, I do not like PvP, and no amount of coercion will ever make me PvP.


    Thusly you have just made all top level gear unavailable to me. Was this really your intention?


    People that do not like PvP will NEVER PvP period.


    This new crafting idea will FAIL, and it will Fail badly.


    Not to mention that the PVP in this game is beyond terrible


    You are right, forced PVP has never had any success

    And many a game with substantially better PVP experience then experienced here has tried

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