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Posts posted by Kalfear

  1. deus ex has been postponed :(http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2495332,00.asp


    while i have to side eye your tone a bit.. I agree that there are lots of good single player games to be found out there... That let you select the exact difficulty you want.


    Its what i plan on doing for the next few months at least anyways - catching up on single player backlog



  2. Also why not let a player gear companions to make them more powerful if that is what they want. The problem is they have taken the choice out of the players hands. Let me gear my comp in purple 208 or 216.


    see While I disagree with your other giomme gimme gimme demands.


    THIS ONE you bang on the money


    Biggest mistake they made was removing gear stats from companions

    It nstantly removed a whole sub section of the game that many players enjoyed

    Ironically enough it was removed to pacify the very same whiners complaining now about the companion adjustment

    They really do want everything handed to them on a silver platter with no effort required.


    EA should have never removed gear stats from companion gear and should not have put in new companions you can not outfit yourself


    On that part of the companion equation

    You are correct

  3. Lets be real....no one cares if companions made their game too easy .... they care that they made the game too easy for others ....and if the game was too easy for others it some how cheapens their achievements. MMO players have been a bunch of elitist dweebs like that for years.


    I think you are trying to make a point here but I certainly do not see it


    MMORPGs have always functioned on acheivements

    be it SWTOR acheivement system or just owning a rare and hard to get peice of gear in EQ (or even a pearl item in NWN on AOL back in 1991).


    The more rare a item/acheivement is,

    the more it is valued as an accomplishment


    So of course other people being just mindlessly handed acheivement that should be challenging is not popular to the player base.


    EVERYONE (including yourself) wants to be special and stand out from the pack and getting acheivements is just one of the many ways players acheive that goal


    So yes, handing it out for free DOES cheapen peoples/players enjoyment in game


    Plus the easier a game is the harder it is to maintain populations

    And SWTOR was seeing a large chunk of newly returned players closing down again and leaving until the next content update because with OP companions, the game simply was to easy.


    Not everyone wants to be spoon fed by others

    Somne players (as outragous as it might sound to you) actually want to spend time acheiveing things and goals and want to know that the acheivement stays valued by not being made meaningless by being to easy.


    Truth is if EA had uped the challenge of game from the start (and slowed down leveling somewhat)

    They would have never had the mass sub loss they experienced


    It may have taken them many many many years to understand a pretty easy concept but handing stuff out is NOT in a MMORPG titles lng term interest.


    Making content have value and worth is what they need to be shooting for as a goal


    Easier is rarely better

  4. Lot of players don't care about achievements. They want to play what they think is fun.


    nothing stopping you from doing that already


    just if you not prepared to learn your class and abilities you may find some content to challenging )and lets be clear, outside of ops and hm flashpoints the base game is the easiest MMORPG on the market today so by saying this to hard you are saying ALL MMORPGs are to hard for you)


    how is this anyone but your own fault?

  5. This, like the slot machine fiasco has devolved into an endless roundabout of bickering.


    Everyone has their points, but there isnt any coherant middle ground in sight.


    We all knew a nerf would be coming, even before eric posted it was.



    LOL it really is

    In fact I'm recognizing a ton of names who screamed bloody murder about the slot machine fix and swore up and down they were quitting then as well


    And yet here they are saying same thing here

    behaving same way here

    and once again if anyone dares to disagree with them, they call them elitists and harecore players


    LOL this whole "Everything must be handed to me on a silver platter with no effort" attitude we seeing here again (that we saw with the Slot machine fix) is just so anti productive to game.


    Reminds me of a story guildmate told me other week about a GF Lost Island HM run he had


    They queue up and get tank, healer, 2 dps (my buddy was tank) and he does first pull

    they wipe

    OK, he chalks it up to people not actually being ready (even though he ready checked)


    So verbally asks if all ready

    they say they are


    he pulls and they wipe

    he noticed he got no heals for the 2nd straight time so he asks healer why no heals

    "I'm DPS" replies the healer

    Buddy says "But you queued in as a healer"

    healer replies (and this direct quote from what he read to us in mumble)



    LOL, all these complaints about companion adjustment and how they cant mindlessly walk through all content now makes me think of that guy who queued as healer for faster pop but threw a tantrum when he was told he needed to play the role he queued as.


    Its all a giant entitlement issue


    Quote: Originally Posted by Meraxos View Post

    Grouping with random strangers in an MMO is about 1/100th as much fun as it was 10 years ago (for a variety of reasons).


    So very true, back in EQ and other grouping game the grouping was actually a social experience


    now its just silence and nonsense in pugs mostly

  6. Brace yourselves, the end is near.....



    Bioware is going to feel the wrath of angry gamers who are fed up with them...



    Give it a few weeks and the forums are going to go from companion only threads to servers are empty threads....


    lol the pops are exactly what they been since 4.0 dropped at this time of day!



  7. Really OP cause my rep and Imp guild participations at a 2 year high right now


    care to show us your research into this matter that verify the server pop decrease?


    I know from my own experience the pop ncreased when 4.0 dropped but with in a week started to see that bleed off at a alarming rate as guildies and friends unsubbed until the next content came out.


    as (and I quote) "Great Story but to easy and fast to get through. Now I'm all done so will come back for a week when the next content is released"


    I suspect your server number claims, caused by most recent patch in your opinion, more wishful thinking then any substancial or real senario


    PS: I play on Harbinger so please stop with the incorrect claims about pop.


    Weds /Thursday pop (day and night) has always been low on Harbinger for some weird reason and thats nothing new

  8. There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


    But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


    Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer


    imaginary percentages are imaginary


    But please by all means show us your research on how you came up with such a spefic percentage!

  9. Hey folks,


    • Leveling Content – Challenge Level: Low. To complete this content, a player should have a basic understanding of game mechanics and have level-appropriate gear. Their companion’s role shouldn’t matter.
    • KotFE Chapters – Challenge Level: Low. Like leveling content, a player should have a basic understanding of game mechanics and have level-appropriate gear. Their companion’s role shouldn’t matter.
    • [Heroic 2] Missions – Challenge Level: Medium. To complete this content, a player should have a good understanding of their class and game mechanics, as well as level appropriate gear. Their companion’s role should begin to matter at this point, supplementing the player’s own Discipline. We expect some players to find these challenging initially—maybe even needing a friend’s help--but once the player earns better gear, a few levels of Influence with their companion, and has a greater understanding of the game, they should be able to solo the hardest of these missions.
    • Star Fortress – Challenge Level: Medium. These are similar to [Heroic 2] Missions. Star Fortresses should be similar to [Heroic 2] Missions. To complete this content, we expect you to have level-appropriate gear, a good understanding of your class, a companion with a few levels of Influence, as well as being in a role that supplements the player’s. We expect most players to be able to solo these with a little practice and effort on their part to gain some increased power.
    • Heroic Star Fortress – Challenge Level: High. At this point we expect players to really understand their class, their companion, and their gear. Players should have sought out gear upgrades, as well as increased their companions’ Influence level. These are meant to be challenging and difficult to do solo.
    • “The One and Only” Achievement should still be possible. As an Achievement, this is definitely intended to be extremely hard and rewarding to players. This means the Achievement can be exceptionally challenging, and similar to HM Star Fortress, you will need to be a skilled player, with moderate to high Influence level with your companion, and very good gear on your character.

    Based on these statements above, do you think that these are true after Tuesday’s changes? What content is more or less difficult than you expected? Is there something that is just flat out impossible?


    Please give us your feedback, and we simply ask you to be as constructive as possible. Include information such as:

    • Your level
    • Roughly Average Item Rating
    • Discipline
    • Companion
    • Companion role
    • Companion Influence level
    • Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?)
    • Your personal experience while playing this content

    If you have a video or other related content to go with your feedback, feel free to link that as well as it will allow us the best insight into your experiences.


    The team will be reviewing all feedback, along with supporting data, to see what / if any future adjustments need to be made. Thank you all in advance for your feedback!




    Well Eric I would say you are exactly on par with one exception


    solo mode star fortress is LOW currently, not medium


    The H2 Star Fortress did jump from medium to high with the companion adjustment so thats on par now


    HOWEVER, the standard content should not be LOW

    This is why you have these whines about to tough

    people are lulled into mindless attack spam in the storyline and think thats how it should always be, it should not.


    The standard fare should be raised to medium (also known as normal) or just under setting.


    Still miles away from any hardcore setting but this single step would make levels and content when leveling have some meaning (as currently there is none)


    and lastly, I wish you played your own game because anyone thats use GF for tacticals, HMs, OPS knows full well the storyline mode set at low does NOT prepare the players for later content. not in the slightest. If anything it escalated the problems and issues because they are not prepared and do not know their class or abilities.


    The guy at the start of this thread was correct. This isn't about challenge or skill. This is about the mind-numbing grind, .


    1) its strange how you types keep saying its not a L2P issue but when you actually read all the posts from those compalining you quickly understand what they complaining about here is having to use interupts, knockback, stuns, defensive abilities, and other non attack spam mentalities.


    Some have even admitted outright they just want to hit attacks only while companion heals them through it


    So sorry but it most definately IS a L2P issue for most of the complainers.


    2) this game has no grind, never had any grind, still has no grind


    Anyone that applies the word grind to SWTOR simply has no clue what thye speaking about!

  11. I think "easy", "normal", "difficult" and "nightmare" would be enough. And group leaders would define the difficulty for their group. If content was harder, you would have more frequent loot chances of better gear.


    never work because they would have to change the loot tables (as you mention) and those on easy mode would scream bloody murder that they dont get the same loot


    and we all know it would only take minutes after implimentation before that happened.


    The only way to really do all content at different difficulty is to make Easy mode, standard, hard mode, nightmare servers.


    A entire server dedictated to that specific difficulty setting so everyone on server facing the same challenge.


    But short of that happening, I think they should set servers to the NORMAL setting of a single player game.


    Right now (even after adjustment) the difficulty setting of this game is set to ultra easy mode

    It is the easiest MMORPG in existance right now

    They need to up the difficulty to a nice standard normal mode setting

    nothing hardcore, but also nothing ultra easy mode

    Like life, going to either extreme is where all the problems exist

    and currently we are to the ultra easy mode extreme setting

  12. To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


    If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?


    because playing with a companion is how the game is designed to be played


    why should anyone have to give up content just for others who refuse to learn their own character?


    This game has always been about player and companion when soloed.

    that IS solo mode design


    So sorry but I dont think I should have to limit my experience to less then full game just for players who know full well they can still easily solo all the non ops/fp content but are mad they have to actually pay attention now.


    Any other silly questions?

  13. I was expecting a nerf, but you broke healing companions completely. For whatever reason the healing AI is now causing my companion to randomly stop healing me during combat, which often leads to my death. Soloing things is nigh-impossible now if my companion refuses to do their job.


    Companions have always stopped healing in combat


    pre 4.0

    after 4.0

    after the adjustment to 4.0


    NO COMPANION has ever stood there only healing


    You can turn off non healing abilities but companion will still add in some basic attacks


    its how its always worked

  14. Go inside the game and let the of us voice our opinions in peace.


    You know Roger


    I seen posts by you this past day claiming that the people happy about the adjustment are still here complaining


    yet looking at this post and others

    Seems only one complaining still is you


    OP gave his opinion in a positive and beneficial manner


    and you trolled him


    Clearly its not the people happy with the adjustment that are the problem here.


    And why should he not be allowed to make a thank you thread?

    Why are you suggesting that only people who agree with you be allowed to post?


    Think rather then telling people who are happy to go away

    Its time to say "if you really cancelling, move on"


    Just pointing out the obvious

  15. I have one (more or less related) question. Do I understand correctly that cancelling works like this:


    I still have (for example) 30 days subscription time from my last game time card left.


    I decide to click on "cancel" today.


    I still have 30 days subscription time left despite cancelling my sub now.


    I haven't dared cancelling yet, because I am worried that this would end my subscription time immediately and I will loose 30 days for which I have already paid.


    Thanks for your answer.


    Your account will stay open until the time runs out


    I have cancelled before and this has always been the practice in place

  16. I'm canceling my sub, can anyone suggest another MMO that's fun and rewarding to play?


    well if you are cancelling sub because you find game to challenging with out god mode healers


    yeah probably need to not play MMORPGs because SW:TOR is still the easiest MMORPG on market (even after companion adjustment)


    If this game was to hard for you

    well probably need to stick to easy mode single player games (just not all of them, some still to challenging even on easy mode compared to SWTOR)


    Not trying to be rude but truth is this game is the easiest MMORPG on market


    Defience and Wild Star signifigantly ramp up the difficulty early on


    Rift is easy for the old world content but when you start getting into the expansion content the difficulty is ramped up more and more for normal trash mobs


    WOW has always been ultra easy but its also old so you will run into established guilds and groups so breaking in will be harder on the social front


    And list just more challenging after that


    But some great single player games out recently


    Fall Out 4


    The Witcher 3

    Civ Beyond Earth + expansion


    Deus Ex 4 comes out in Feb


    Lots of good quality single player games to be found

  17. Suggest a way to switch companions' stats to buff them up to be more powerful for those who want that. Plus, a way to switch them back to current game normal stats after the buff has been applied. Or the buff lasts like an hour and have to restart if desired.


    A "Buff/Nerf" button if you will.


    I would agree if they made a easy mode server for people


    but no thanks on the buff/nerf button


    Consistency matters so it needs to stay the same level of challenge for all on any specific server


    now if they wanted to make a (cant call it casual as I know casuals who would never play on a easy mode server outta self respect) ULTRA EASY MODE SERVER where everything had 1 hit point and died if you look at them funny,


    Im fine with that


    different server seperate from on im on removes the issue completely.

  18. Wrong. The community was divided on the issue. No one said it was an equal division. Jesus H. Christ when will people stop thinking in extremes and start using basic logic?


    never happen


    go look at a political thread now a adays

    its all about extremes

    hell they so extreme that when a moderate posts

    they all veiw him/her as a extreme


    This is society now a a days sadly.


    As for companion ADJUSTMENT

    Was needed.


    I saw such a huge line of players blitzing through the content and leaving. Saying they will be back when next chapter drops.


    Thats lost revenue for EA and its probably the only reason the ADJUSTMENT actually got put in.


    The game was to easy.

    To simplistic

    To unchallenging


    people blitzed through in a few hours and shut down account as been there done that it in hours


    EA had to toughen up the game to make the existing content last longer

    and part of that was the companions being adjusted

    I expect more tweeks and adjustments to make the content we have loast longer.


    Personally I have been saying since closed beta that they needed to do this from the start.


    The problem with being able to walk through content is it put extra pressure on the devs to delive 5,10,20 times as much new content as normal, or see the subscribers move on.


    Its always been a issue with SWTOR and I'm hoping they have finally acknowledged it and starting to address it.

  19. Merc DPS full 220 gear

    4928 Presence

    Influence Rank 50

    All 4 Alliance buffs active


    Lana's post nerf HPs (down 30k points): ~81k

    Lana's average heal tick: ~1300

    Lana's crit heal burst: 4462 (highest value reached)


    Fight timeline:


    I aggro champion with electro net heat seeker and then blazing bolts.


    Moment I switch to two flanking trash mobs targeting Lana to aggro/clear them, Champion immediately leaps to Lana and hits her twice for a total about 45% of her hp. Incoming heals to me stop for rest of fight as Lana turtles.


    I kill trash and switch back to champion after three more GCDs.


    Champion health has dropped by 1/4. Lana is near death approx 10% health.


    Lana attempts to heal herself back to max. I receive ZERO heals rest of fight.


    I pop all cool downs, knockback and stun just attempting to stay alive. My dps craters as I attempt to self heal until Lana can help again.


    In approx 45 seconds from fight start, I am dead and Lana had only reached 50% hp again focus healing just herself.



    After two further attempts, now using cc on champ to kill two trash first, then Heroic Moment from main fight start, was barely able to kill the champion on third try. Lana was dead, of course.



    I'd like to take this moment to thank BW for the much needed nerf from orbit. I was enjoying myself way too much pre-patch running things like the Star Fortress solo. In fact, I was wasting entirely too much time running them. Now I have all the time in the world to log off and boot up Fallout 4.


    Well great you figured out to cc the champ and clear the trash first


    now you just gotta learn to add in stuns, snares, interupts, and all the other abilities you not useing


    If you try to go toe to toe with champions in the SF,

    You very well might lose

    Its not a DPS race


    Tactics will carry you through the other areas you so struggling with still

  20. I have been upset at the comp changes with 4.02 and I overreacted in my statements about it so now I wanna ask a no hyperbole question.


    Is it still possible to solo the planet H2+'s without having to buy Treek or get a grp?




    you need to utilize all your skills and abilties


    so use your interupts

    use your stuns

    use you defensive abilities

    use your adrenal

    use unity

    use self heals

    use knockbacks

    use your relics

    use heroic moment


    H2s are very soloable in 208 or higher gear but you have to use all your abilities when needed.


    The companion change only really changed one thing for the heroic 2 SF and thats you can no longer ignore the rest of your abilities and just have the companion heal you through the damage


    If you try that, you will die to the paladins, elites, and possibly some strongs.

    When you face the final boss, use the sheilds they provided plus your skills and abilities


    H2s are now challenging

    but they are soloable

  21. Being old gives one some perspective on issues like this. Back in the 8-bit, 16-bit console days, the idea that you could complete a game without losing multiple times would seem to be ridiculous. Games used to be wickedly hard compared to now. I need to add the obligatory: We used to have to march uphill both ways in the freezing cold and snow to finish a game. (j/k)


    So can I ask? And please understand this is a question not an insult.


    Should there be no risk of loss in the game? Do you believe the game would be more fun that way?


    I agree,


    Im pushing 50 and been around since the computer gameing industry started (still love those old C64 games, actually just rebought some on GOG.com )


    And its true, in the old days, games didnt have the graphics and sounds and all that so developers really relied on substance and challenge.


    I would pay real money to watch any person who claims SW:TOR is a grind or challenging currently try to play the original Might and Magic. (just replayed it as well, what a great blast from past but dang you do not see difficulty like that in games anymore, period)


    Or Original EQ if we speaking MMORPGs


    As graphics and music and sounds got better, quality and substance diminished.

    I think thats why when a game thats deep, well designed, and carries all of the older qualities combined with all the new qualities become such massive hits instantly.


    Games like Mass Effect,1,2,3

    The Witcher 2 and 3

    Civ series

    and more


    Players see the best of all ages togather and it draws everyone in


    SW:TOR is a new era game.

    Very low on challenge and accomplishment

    relying very much on the bells and whistles to distract players from traditional game play standards


    Not only SWTOR though, the whole genre started down the dumb and dumber road with WOW.


    WOW was called a MMORPG on Training Wheels when it launched because of how simplistic and easy mode it was (and is)

    Other companies saw WOW success and decided less challenge and more color splashes and loud noises the way to go.

    The art of distraction rather then designing a really deep and compelling game.


    Rift suffered same problem at their release but to Trions credit they now realize this flaw and are slowly coming back around to content > Bells and Whistles and their recent content been much more challenging then their original release content.


    And for that they have salvaged a failing game and made it self sufficient again.


    SWTOR has great story but its always suffered at makeing the content to easy. To fast to chew up and move on from.


    And sadly, clearly the new age players can not adapt when that is altered in the slightest


    As I say below, The problem is not with the game content difficulty (in terms of H2 SF content)

    The problem is now and always has been with players who think god mode should be the standard mode for any game. Rather then adapt and learn to use certain skills and abilities to their own advantage they scream bloody murder that they not elitists or hardcore players.


    Never fully grasping that SW:TOR (as it is today) is the EASIEST MMORPG on the market currently.

    If you find the solo content of SW:TOR to challenging, you will literally be unable to advance in other MMORPGs (should you attempt them, which kinda explains why so many screamed bloody murder about WildStar challenges).


    And they would have massive feet stomping fits if they tried any RPG or MMORPG from 1991-1999 era


    Solo'd it on my Tactics Vanguard, in 188-200 gear (with a couple pieces of 208), no augments, with a rank 11 Lana last night. I died 6 times and had to make several uses of my heroic moment and unity, often having to wait for it to come off cooldown before proceeding. The Ephmeris battle killed me 3 times, I died twice more in the reactors with the Exarch, and got pushed off a ledge once. Once I had enough photocell capacitors in my inventory, I ignored the mobs, siphoned the Exarch, hit my Hold the Line and clicked on the console. After the reactors, the battle with the Exarch was a joke... never got below 50% health.


    As a player who PVP'd almost exlusively for several years, did very little high end PVE content, and now only casually plays solo PVE content, I was able to solo the Star Fortress heroic in crap gear with a low influence companion. It was incredibly difficult and took a long time, but was doable.


    shhhhh reality and honesty not allowed here!


    Dont you know this is a burn at the stake thread :D




    Its funny cause I guarentee you used a skill that all the people whining have never used


    Very handy skill every class has but I guara dang tee you those complaining have never once used it (yes yes now the floods of "I use it all the time" will start in, despite never being mentioned EVER in any posts)


    H2 SF should be hard but as one thats run it many many many times. The proper utilization of interupts, stuns, knowckbacks, heroic moment, unity, adrenals, med pack, and defensive abilities/relics/self heals make the encounter very much easier over all.


    But thing is the people whining here dont want to use those skills and abilities

    They just want their companion to heal through it all while they mash attack buttons


    The problem is not with the content

    The problem is with the players

    This issue just the next extention of all the makeb whining about being to tough and on and on and on


    Glad you were able to figure it out :D (thats not sarcasm, its really good to see someone willing to figure these fights out when facing some adversity rather then coming here to scream bloody murder, like is happening now.)

    It only gets easier when you pay attention to the fights and figure out the tactics and mechanics of it .

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