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Everything posted by AkilZodiac

  1. AkilZodiac

    Great patch

    Sounds like a troll, honestly.
  2. I wish I was exaggerating. I logged in today, played a couple warzones, and unsubbed. I've been on this forum since 2010. I've been playing day 1 and have defended TOR to the death in the past. I have full BM gear at rank 64, and can't survive long enough to heal my team, or even myself. What killed me solo? Pick any DPS class you want. All of them can now.
  3. I want balance, just like you and every other PvPer here. But that isn't what 1.2 did. Bioware saw healers had too much of an advantage, so they decided to flip the table and make DPS the ones on top, with healers getting bursted down in seconds by one DPS peeler. Nerfs were needed, but 1.2 was just a complete destruction of healers. And there are a vast amount of people on this forum and in game who agree with my assessment.
  4. You've been white knighting for patch 1.2 in every thread. Having fun?
  5. Assuming I'm bad because I recognize the 1.2 healing nerfs are severe is stupid.
  6. Not by much? Yeah, okay buddy.
  7. No one competent is saying that. We're saying, which is the complete truth, that healing has become useless in a team composition now. With the amount of burst happening, you are more of an asset as a DPS than a healer. Healers have become a waste of space in PvP.
  8. Yeah, you don't see the issue because you're not a dedicated healer.
  9. ... Did you even read what he wrote? He's saying a nerf was needed, but 1.2 was way too severe.
  10. My sarcasm went right over your head, didn't it? Oh well.
  11. Because they keep making mistakes.
  12. But they DID fix it, in 1.2! Didn't you read the patch notes? :3
  13. Yeah, get a group, get organized. Wait, it's a zerg; no chance to be organized. So, just get a group! Lose a WZ as a group, get nothing! Queue again? Uh, no.
  14. That actually kind of makes me sad for the guy.
  15. Yep. The majority of my PvP guildies unsubbed today after checking out all the changes. Really poor choices on BW's part. They killed themselves with 1.2.
  16. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
  17. Lagging? Uhhh, what? xP There's no lag at all in WvWvW.
  18. No, people would stop PvPing because it's too much of a time sink and isn't worth the hassle. 3 commendations? No one is going to waste their time.
  19. Hate to break it to you, but you can't drop the 2.3 second heal to 1.3 anymore. They removed that. You weren't missing anything; it was never there.
  20. You have the personality of a dictator. In any case, that would just make people -not- PvP. It wouldn't make the situation better; it would make people quit. Bad idea.
  21. I mean, what the hell were they thinking? Nerfing healing, reducing the amount of heal boost from expertise, and increasing everyone's damage? How does that make any kind of sense?! Ugh.
  22. Most of my PvP guildies have unsubbed, including me. The healing nerfs were the nail in the coffin.
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