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Everything posted by Calitri

  1. What is this losing ALL the time you speak of as a republic?
  2. I'm waiting for the exp boost thru wz's myself before I make another alt, I did all the world/side quests on Imperial and Republic. And I have no intention of doing it again past the capital worlds.... That and server transfers, the thought of leveling up without a cybertech feeding armor and mods seems somewhat painful.
  3. On my Sorcerer I get just under 4k for my biggest crit heals, over 5k without the truama debuff.
  4. I love expertise it's the best thing ever, I love expertise so much I think it should be on every piece of gear in the game. Even the green stuff that drops in the level 1 areas.
  5. If they can't even figure out keep groups together after a wz, i'm actually kinda freightened at how inept a cross server que would be implemented.
  6. I actually enjoy the coast, the possibility that the match isn't over until someone hits 0 has insipred some good matches that i've been in. Where as Alderaan, as soon as it's mathematically impossible to win without holding all 3 nodes and most of the team will just retreat to the one node they have and wait till 0.
  7. A choice in warzones not being in from the get go is yet another example of biowares half assed devolpment, for something that should be standard in any MMO these days. Yet still neglected by Bioware still 6 months after release.
  8. I would think getting insta popped by BM/WH geared players would be enough incentive since they have no mitigation against that 20 something percent damage buff from expertise. But that's just me I guess.
  9. If i keep getting rotated into a bad PuG group and my servers on the low side for pop, this is who i'm going to be playing with all night. And sometimes i'm just not really in the mood to do a dozen matches, so I can get the bad imperial pug 3 tmes to get the daily done. I think it will lower overall participitation per player, who stop once thier daily is done. But in terms of players, I think the idea of win or lose your done in 6 matches. Will increase in participants overall and if you wanna keep going for the weekly, well that's your call.
  10. Nerf Mauraders/Sentinels....... I can't out heal thier damage when I have 3 bad mauraders on my Commando healing.
  11. As a fellow Commando, your all a disgrace to our class. Please cease and decist immediatley.
  12. Aside from the Maurader/Sentinel perhaps with the many commands to choose from. If you need a macro to heal or DPS in this game, you really should consider learning how to breathe thru your nose.
  13. I'm not implying either should be "better", the only thing i'd like to see is gear coming out of PvP be better for PvP and vice versa and have stats reflecting such. And in my opinion it's stupid to require 2 diffrent sets of gear to play the same game. And one of the biggest flaws in the current standard MMO formula.
  14. I would just change the rulesets of every server, where all the questing areas are just PvE areas. And add PvP objectives/areas to each world that isn't 1 faction only. I know there's a big F anything that reminds them of WoW crowd out there, but get off your SW:G disgruntled/ex WoW player pedestle and hear me out. Some things the game did right, like eastern wastes and wintergrasp, think of this. One of the biggest complaints about this game is the absolute lack of open world PvP. Currently there's what? 8 planets where both the republic and empire can run into each other. Add open world objectives every few hours on each world, give 50's an incentive to participate in each with bolster for the lower levels who happen to be passing thru for the area. And walla you go from having your PvP options in the game go from waiting to get a que up from one of 4 wz's, while staring at something in fleet. To going out into the world and competing in the open world for the rolling events. I don't know about you, but that would make me keep playing for sure after GW2 comes out for sure. Though i'm not going to hold my breath on anything like this getting done lol.
  15. Just put a baseline expertise on everything, PvEers can PvP. Thus making more players to kill which PvPers should find appealing, and well since BM/WH can do PvE already. Everybody wins! Sure it will be harder for PvPers to kill stuff in their BM/WH gear, but how many posts are on forums boasting that PvPers get our gear by going up against an adaptive AI rather than a script? So we should enjoy the challenge of the disadvantage of the gear in a op enviroment against a script right? And also in my opinion closes the division between PvP playerbase and the PvE playerbase. Right now unless you have a large abundence of time, you either do one or the other. Currently the only thing I do in the game is log on 1 of my 2 50's and do warzones, it'd be kinda nice to check out the otherside of the game. Nothing wrong with being able to do both with either set of gear, as long as the set bonuses and stats reflect the advantage on the enviroment they originated from.
  16. Calitri

    Deserter Penalty

    Your not going to see it until they actually implement rated.
  17. Been in tons of matches where the nodes will change, I like the way alderaan is set up now. It prevents teams with hordes of healers, like mine do tend to be on the republic side. To just sit there and survive and cap, healing got nerfed sure. But if i'm in an area with another healer or 2 who knows what we're doing, hardly anyone will die. You should need to dominate an area to cap a node.
  18. If it's a match where my team team put effort into attempting to win, i'll click on whoever I thought was the biggest factor. If it's a complete dismal failure where everyones trying to just gank the first red they see, who happens to be nowhere near an objective. I'm just waiting to click exit as soon as the tab pops up.
  19. We went from a alot of servers being heavy to full, to a majority being light or standard. The ToR subscription holocaust has already happened and just like Iran, the fanboys will deny it's existence.
  20. I wouldn't say that, back when I was into raiding in EQ, WoW and Rift. The better raiders were generally pretty into PvP when they were not raiding, and your typical raider these days from what I see on averege is about 3 hours a day. 3 days a week. It's not like the days of EQ where you were considered a casual raider because you raided 4-5 hours a day 4 days a week. That's alot of time thru the week to PvP.
  21. If they just designed the gear to look like the ones the vendors that sell you the gear are wearing, I think it would all be just fine. Unfortunatley for example the sentinel recruit/champ gear looks like someone pulled out an iron man picture without the helmet and called it a day.
  22. Calitri

    Uneven WZs

    Remove auto que after finshing a WZ, excuse solved.
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