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Everything posted by jannickj

  1. as the title says. i only played males so far so i wondered if female characters can romance their female companions.
  2. actually this is my first time... but hey, works for me. even though after reading your little wikipedia thing... i didnt really do that... did you? read it?
  3. well i've been following this discussion and all i got from it was that either you like the warcraft3 styled graphics or the ME meets KOTOR styled graphics. i say lets democracy win this fight. especially because im on the winning site... warcraft sucks... ha!
  4. you find used stuff on the ground and throw it on your companion? isnt it obvious?
  5. can someone please just make a poll???? like: how are swtor's graphics compared to wow's? 1: worse 2: a lot worse 3: same 4: better 5: a lot better 6: swtor graphics kicks wows *** all over the F-ing curve!!!
  6. yes. totally worth it. wouldn't be the same if side-quests werent. people need to adjust to being as pampered as you get from bioware. its just awesome.
  7. i am a total bioware/star wars/swtor fanboy. and i love everything about this game. but this is exactly what disappointed me a little aswell. ive been busting my *** to make my companions like me so i could experience more "personal story" in the game. but all you get from the others is exp points... and ofcourse you get to sleep with them(WITHOUT CUTSCENES!! unlike mass effect)... only big thing i'd change about the game right now. MORE companion story and quests.
  8. only time it happened to me was when there were over 220 players on the empire station. and ONLY when i ran in to about 50 people in ONE crowded area on the station... get a better pc or faster internet...
  9. hey. anything i cant do better myself is perfect for me. no bugs really bother me and im entertained pretty much all the time... not even a fan of mmorpgs. but anything star wars and anything bioware is like bacon for me. it just dosent get better
  10. not a fan i quess... its another universe... and many things have different styles where it looks a lot older than in the movies. especially when playing kotor. game is perfect. deal with it.
  11. voice over is as perfect as it gets... did you expect a game for blind people? or simply people that absolutely cant read?
  12. haha! i just love this guy. if i hadn't known you'd get your own ship 2 years ago i would probably be over-ecstatic as well xD
  13. this game isnt meant for pvp... its like space-missions. its just frosting. wich i like since i dont do much pvp. more in it for the story.
  14. just a little suggestion for those feeling the game gets a little boring in the long run. play 2 characters at the time. 1 republic and 1 empire. and only 1 force user and 1 no-forcer. ofcourse this is only for the story interested. the ones who just runs through the game and wanna reach 50 as fast as possible might not be interested in this idea. but it works extremely well for me. its like playing 2 different games at ones. and as there are only two stories its easy to keep track with.
  15. never tried swg... sorry. [dont reply]
  16. get an i7 and a GTX540. i max out graphics and only once have i been below 50. mostly its 70-90
  17. And for the record, I pre-ordered a digital copy, as I didn't trust Bioware to get me a physical copy when promised, which looks like it was a good idea. I guess I should be glad I'll be able to play it at least on release day and not have to wait 5+ days for my physical copy to arrive? i got the physical yesterday. and all that BS about not getting in. well. pre-order sooner or wait in line.
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