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Everything posted by jannickj

  1. thanks for posting the video. but you're dead wrong. he saw at least 1. ROTJ. and i do believe he also V as it seems he knew exactly what star wars was when he was asked to voice the characters. he even says he went to the theater with his mom to show her who he voiced.
  2. wrong. the only real canon is the movies. according to the inventor of the star wars universe at least. the rest is just what each individual wants it to be.
  3. hi. im looking for the best free and easy to use recording software. as there are some points in swtor that id like to save for future entertainment. can anyone suggest a recording software that meets my demands?
  4. okay. thanks. so not even cybertech is worth anything in the long run? cus it seems pretty popular. btw. whats the supperior thing about biochem? just curious
  5. first of. which crafting skill is best?? i keep hearing that armormech and armstech are no match for the weapons you find. so... which crafting skill is best/worth the while? second. is slicing any good? i mean, in the end, does it really pay off?
  6. not to mention palpatine cheating death by going "the exorcist" on clone bodies-.-
  7. there! RIGHT THERE! "thought bomb".... thats why the only EU i need is what GL and Bioware tells me -.-
  8. examples? leia getting up in vaders face with no fear. and killing a trooper with a wounded arm. padme stood up to a giant tiger/rat/cat-thing and she no politician can tell her whats best for her people. theyll get slammed. both are spoiled little princesses with lots of fighting spirit.
  9. if you're five years old -.- padme and leia are pretty ******. they NEVER back down
  10. haha. my thoughts exactly. never experinced any battering. and only once have i seen a guy being muted by everyone for being annoying. and IF they were the idiots. why didn't you just leave in the first place? find another guild... btw. what is that website where you can see server populations?
  11. kotor had the story. kotor2 had the extra options(like create/breakdown and such) swg had many players swfu had gameplay SWTOR had has a little bit of everything. even more in some departments. what do you prefer?
  12. well... the prequels would make her like it. no matter what. escpecially episode 3 is a bit of a chick flick. but the "i am your father!" part can only be a surprise if she havent seen the prequels.
  13. actually im 20. going to see epi1 on friday and wanted to show my friend im going with the clip. just found it btw. thanks anyway people
  14. im looking for an online video i once saw. it starts with obi wan and qui gon on the space station at the star of episode one. its shows them talking about short negotiations and in the end obi wan says he was right about the short negotiations and it then freeze-frames on qui gons serious face. please help me find it.
  15. exactly. and i can find at least 20 reasons in 2 minutes that proves star wars is supperior.
  16. sorry for double post. but i just hate trekkies...
  17. http://www.youtube.com/user/Jandjproductionscrew#p/c/5B4AD0AC8B4FFAEA/1/nj-Zo32TIDo there you go. this is the trailer. dark and "grown-up"
  18. right... not buying it. now 3D versions. that sucks. even though its impossible to stop.
  19. well... nothing beats kotor. not even swtor... sadly. and thats coming from a fanboy of swtor. but star wars starfighter is extremely fun. and EVERY fan should try outcast and academy. lore-wise it sucks. but its an OK story with a great gameplay. and a pretty nice view on the post-rotj side of star wars. even though i dont recon that.
  20. if he was invincible wouldnt it be a bit boring? hes more cunning than anyone else in my eyes but thats it. wouldnt be my favorite jedi if he was invincible. thats one of the reasons i hate post-rotj. luke becomes superman... he was much more likeable as a part-crybaby with daddy issues, part-heroic bådass. like in IV-V-VI
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