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Posts posted by scrynen

  1. Only a couple of days in and this guy is asking for a nerf already. Wait until the majority of players have hit 50 before saying a class needs the bat.


    Its not OP at all. We have high burst, but no knock backs or gap closers. Also we can''t stunlock, the knockdown from the hiddenstrike talent fills up the opponents resolve bar.

  2. I love this spell so much


    It takes a meh backstab and makes it a huge damage dealer.


    I no longer have to clunkily put on corrosive dart to proc tactical opportunity



  3. I blame you for rushing to max level. Stop and smell the roses a little, sheesh. :rolleyes:


    /faceplam. Just because he didn't play the game your way doesn't mean he played it wrong. People like you so need to get over yourself.


    Anyway, the best way to kill elites as concealment is to have one of your companions tank and just dps as hard as you can with off heals if you companion gets below 50% health. Also, make use of dart, and make sure to turn off your companions aoe skills when CCing mobs.

  4. Sixty thousand people can complain that leveling is too SLOW, and they won't budge an inch.


    If you can get five people to complain that leveling is too FAST, they'll nerf it.


    Conclusion: Get your 50's now while you can.


    This is so untrue it hurts. I can't think of any game that ever made leveling slower.

  5. I'm glad you find it funny. I'm here to entertain and inform.


    Would you quit if there was no dual spec system? I'd quit if TOR devolved into WoW.


    It's a game. A game that should be fun and immersive.


    I daresay gameplay is one of the lesser bullet points of TOR. When the xpac comes ill be focused on whether it has a good story for all the classes, not whether the end raids have fat loots or whether it 'advances' the genre in new and innovative ways. I will want it to have a good immersive story. If it doesn't then I could simply just go back to playing EQ.


    I don't care about dual spec, but if the respec cost doesn't cap, then I probably won't be playing after my free month.

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