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Posts posted by scrynen

  1. Well, without an addon like Recount you really have no idea how much DPS you're even doing. I can only comment on PvP Concealment. Commenting on PvE DPS without good data is well... just guessing.


    If a PvE concealment build is viable, the tree posted above would probably be the spec. Basically the tree above has all the talents that dont have much use in PvE.


    I have a feeling lethality might do more stationary dps than concealment, but concealment will have more bust.

  2. This was taken from the SWTOR site.



    UI customization – You like choice. We hear you! SWTOR is all about choice. Being able to choose how you interact with an online game is something we feel is very important. We are going to be giving more control over the UI as an ongoing effort. This is a very big priority for us.



    You can all **** now. Thanks.


    Ill **** when it's fixed.

  3. This has to be the most unusable item in the game. The filters are required to look for anything! If you have multiple items, it takes forever to look. If you are looking for more of something you have or is a recipe.. You can't click on it to link to the GTN. Was this even tested? This is the worst Auction interface I have ever seen. It couldn't be any less user friendly.


    Yup, it's bad, really really bad.

  4. If anything BIoware needs to nerf the XP that you gain from warzones!


    I would lose a match and still get like 7K XP and 2K credits.


    I would say this is how we have so many level 50s in the game already.


    Bioware said that people were lvling much faster doing quests than pvp.

  5. When you mount up, the cast doesn't actually finish till a second after you're on your mount, so if you move, it cancels the cast.


    When casting kolto infusion on an IA operative, if your tactical advantage runs out after you've started the cast, then it cancels the cast.


    The IA operative acid blace tooltip is still incorrect.


    A few quests have invisible dialogue choices, I don't know if this is an issue with the quest itself, or the UI


    Casting bars sometimes cancel for no reason, even though the cast is still going through.


    If a channeled cast is interrupted, the bar doesn't go away.


    Companions get stuck for no reason at all, a lot.


    Things bought with badges/credits can't be sold back for their original amount in a limited amount of time.


    Some of the PVP daily quest don't always work on the first time.


    Ill post again if I find/think of more.

  6. This should just be under IA not operative


    Why there are 2 light side romances and not 2 dark side romances is beyond me. If anything every single empire class should have one for each.


    Edit: nm, you were talking about female romance.

  7. Just my opinion. Seems like everything that consumes TA should be instant cast. If we choose to use TA on the Heal we're not doing DPS or getting energy back. Maybe a Concealment Talent so it's not OP for Medics?


    The only problem I have with infusion atm, is that if you start casting it and TA falls off, then it cancels that cast. This needs to be fixed/changed.


    Notice I said make it a talent in Concealment. Concealment Operatives don't get Surgical Probe. I'd say an instant Heal using TA for a Concealment IA would be balanced since you're not using TA for damage or Energy.



    But we already have revitalizers

  8. Who cares?


    I'm enjoying the game...not rushing through it.


    You know, and I know this is a wild thought, but maybe he enjoyed the game in his own way...


    did you even enjoy the game....?



  9. sorry for posting in old thread but I bring news about the acid blade talent (if someone lese has not mentioned it that is), the torhead and darth hater skill calcs seem to be outdated, im just going to write what the tooltip says now when I bring up my talent tree:


    Acid blade: execute your tactical advantage to slash the target with an acid-coated blade, dealing 469 kinetic damage and poisoning the target for 6 intermal damage over 6 seconds. Requires and consumes tactical advantage.


    this means that the ability is completely changed, it now respects gcd and will break stealth.

    would like someone to confirm just to be sure or correct me if wrong.


    thank you.


    The tooltip is wrong. Darth hater and torhead are correct.


    As others have said, just a UI bug. All last build i had the old tooltip, but it worked just like it should. Which is to say, easily the best spent talent in concealment.


    Yup, it's pretty much a class defining ability.

  10. I went afk for 10-15 minutes, came back to make sure I'm not booted off, then afked for another 15 minutes about to make myself some food. But when I came back this time I found my game closed itself!!


    Now I have to wait in a 50 minute queue!


    Why did this happen?


    Because, if you didn't get kicked out, then you would be taking up the spot of someone who was actually ready to play. Derp.

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