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Posts posted by scrynen

  1. There are a few tasks with written text. And I have seen a few quests that were short enough to make you go "huh?", so I can kind of see the point there. But to say that there are a lot of them, or that it is really 'gratuitous'? The merchants are fully voiced, so why wouldn't quest givers be as well?


    I didn't say they were gratuitous; I said I could see how people could feel that they were.

  2. People complaining that the game has too much story, and people complaining that the game doesn't have enough story. The internet makes my brain hurt :(


    I am not complaining that there is not enough story.


    I could just see why certain people would think that the voice overs are gratuitous for some quests.

  3. Dubious. Troll. I've been to 45 twice in BETA as a smuggler and, no, it doesn't boil down to fetch quests. You obviously haven't been to Voss. Yes, you've got the experience 'dude'.



    "What's the Lord of the Rings about?


    Oh, some dude goes 'hey can you drop a ring in a volcano?' Then they go and kill some stuff, fight some bosses, and drop the ring off. Its basically like a madlib for every other story ever."


    Dude are you kidding me? There are so many freaking fetch quests it's ridiculous. So many Npcs that you talk to once to get the quest and once to turn it in and that's it.

  4. I'm just saying, I could see how the voiceovers would seem gratuitous for those quests.


    Have you even played the game yet? :/ Sounds like you're quoting a classic MMo stereo type. And you're just talking about the mechanics of a quest, does that have to do with the story? You realise Legend of Zelda, The Elder Scrolls, Metal Gear, Metroid, etc.. are all full of 'fetch quests' cleverly disguised as a story..? Hey, the Lord of the Rings is one big fetch quest.


    I guess the entirety of English literature is, therefore, flawed, and a WoW clone - but WoW is, of course, better than life.


    Dude I am 40. It starts out good, but it slowly devolves into that.

  5. Currently I'm a level 17 Imperial Agent. I don't know whether it's my level, or I picked a bad server, but it seems like the whole server is empty! I am currently on Balmorra and the highest number of people on Balmorra today is 17! And only about 5 people actually are social lol. Even in the Imperial Fleet it is empty! This means that it's very hard to find people to do flashpoints with, I always get kicked out of battlegrounds because there's not enough people, and I can never find people to do group quests!


    Now, I don't know if it's because most people in my server aren't my level or whatever, but it's just annoying. Although, I guess the good thing about this is that I don't have any server queues. (Which I've been hearing lots of complaints about)


    As for the server I'm on, I forgot the name. But it's a PvE server and the population status is "standard".


    Is anyone else having a problem like this where their servers are just empty? D:


    It's gonna feel that way for a while, even if your on a full server. Once you get to planets like Tatooine and Hoth it feels a little better, but still pretty empty.

  6. Yeah, glad I'm not the only one.


    They don't have one for PvE so they shouldn't have one for PvP. I like spending about an hour average getting a group for PvE, it's just fun. Talking etc.


    Great game, love it to bits.


    You get a group together, you queue. No one else is getting a group together at that time. You wait. Eventually the group falls apart.

  7. I know the Jedi Consular Boss Vivicar does a one shot ability...you must interrupt every cd or you get rickrolled. Use max stim and hp pots to beat them. Some elites I have to do 2 or 3 times to get it because I'm being lazy.


    Yeah, certain mobs should be that hard imo. Especially story bosses.

  8. Instant gratification culture + strong feelings of anticipation = high risk of disappointment.


    I've seen a few legitimate complaints, but the majority seem like the hot air from mouth breathers with an exaggerated sense of self-entitlement.


    Average game that made itself out to be some sort of innovative masterpiece for years = disappointment.

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