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Posts posted by scrynen

  1. As of right now Operatives will do more damage then their Smuggler counterpart because all Ops/Smug abilities are based off the main hand weapon instead of using the scattergun/vibroknife. So Operatives who have a blaster rifle will have a higher base damage which results in higher burst.


    So first place to start would be to make the high burst abilities that are meant to use scattergun/vibroknife actually be based off that. Would normalize the different factions.

    While they're at it. Fix the Operative Flash Bang. Its 60 second CD while Smuggler Flash Grenade is 90 seconds.


    Blaster rifle doesn't have more base damage than a blaster pistol.

  2. Yesterday got almost 1shooted by a Scoundrel. Had my expertise to 350, his 430. Was in the tank stance with 36% mitigation(thats 18% with -50%buff).

    4000 stunned few sec




    4100 stunned few sec


    +couple of

    Dead. Stunlocked and instagibed.

    True balance.



    I know i can force shroud + trinket + vanish and so? But im like 20-30% hp left. Cant fight, only run with forcespeed.


    The hiddenstrike knockdown fills up the resolve bar. You weren't stunlocked.


    Unfortunately they probably will. I wouldn't be surprised a bit if they neutered the class.


    We still have our awesome pvp heals then

  3. actually if talented, dirty kick for scoundrels increase movement speed, and same with disappearing act when used.


    30% for 4 seconds, WATCH OUT!!!!!!!


    This game is completely ****ed up. Stealth archtypes are just *********** faceroll classes on swtor. Get sorcs to the party and we probably have the most unbalanced pvp mmo ever.


    I just hope the devs watch this faceroll movies or this game will last 1 month.


    I know right, I totally hope they make their balancing decisions based on how much damage lvl 50s in full pvp gear do to non lvl 50s!!!!!!

  4. I really find it hard to believe anything you say. I was genuinely interested in your post till you threw out there "Kung Fu Panda" You have, absolutely no credibility to diss WoW, or to even state your opinion on it, or comparing it to the great game SWtoR is, using that sentence. Because not only is WoW a game for actually playing, its a way to immerse yourself. And like i've told plenty of other ignorant people like you. Panderan in WoW Came before Kung Fu Panda came out.




    No, blizzard jus made em up to get the lil kids to play cuz swtor is gunna steal all der matur adults.

  5. Are you high? This is the first mmo with so much dialogue. Perhaps it's not FOR YOU.




    Good luck recruiting for raiding guilds without a realm forum. Once people hit 50 and realize raiding is a waste of time with such poor tools and broken UI they'll jump ship. Welcome to LOTRO 2.0 (f2p in case you didn't know).


    Just don't even bother, only time is going to change this type of people's opinion.

  6. Fact of the matter is... No game starts out "Amazing". They all have their bugs, they all have room to grow. Its what Bioware decides from here that really counts. If I were unhappy with the game ( which Im not btw ) I would at least wait tell the next January update... but hey Im just rational like that I guess.


    Is the January update gonna make it so I actually get to play on the planets instead of going from one phased hallway to another?

  7. the planets are only like that at first.. belsavis is a completely different story tons of places to go, I still have to go back to some planets and open up the maps from alderaan and beyond.


    You still just end up going from hallway to hallway. The planets may be big, but all you end up doing on them is walking through them to the next phased hallway.

  8. I don't even think they really need that much. With 500k people playing paying around $15 a month, Bioware can make around $7 million a month. For those of you trying to claim that Bioware needs the numbers to stay in business, there is your proof as to why they don't.


    Yeah, it's not like they use any of that 7 million to keep the game stable or to add new content or to pay customer service. No they just make a 7 million dollar profit every month!

  9. Stopped reading at fanboy....your a fanboy too. The simple fact your here posting on forums calling people fanboy, makes you a fanboy. Else you'd just ignore it altogether.




    Every new MMO that comes out now is like that.

  10. Hey atleast we have space combat everyone!


    Traveling through space is an exciting part of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ experience. Not only will you navigate the stars to visit new planets, but you can also choose to undertake critical missions in the depths of space where you'll maneuver through chaotic asteroid fields, blast enemy fighters, and engage in epic, large-scale fleet battles reminiscent of those from the classic Star Wars™ films.


    In keeping with the original Star Wars films, the Space Combat system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is designed to make travel times literally fly-by, while combat runs and space battles put you in the pilot's seat for a fast-paced and highly cinematic experience. Like Luke Skywalker in the original assault on the Death Star, you'll also discover that even a lone starship can change the course of galactic history.


    Holy crap that sounds so cool, I can't wait for Swtor to come out. So when are they lifting this NDA?

  11. I have about 3x the abiltiies I had in wow and I use them all


    my hands dance across my keyboard in a way they never did on my rogue.


    saber throw > Force leap > Force Smash > Pommel Strike > chilling scream > savage kick >ravage >impale > forcescream > ravage > forcepush > saberthrow > forceleap > forcesmash


    Try doing that... and feel like a GOD cutting apart the enemy.


    I bet you're awful lol.

  12. Not sure if serious...


    The UI is fine. Compared to some other MMOs it's a godsend. Sure, it could be better, but I'm pretty sure Bioware will fix that up eventually.


    ahahahahahaha. Tell me one MMO that has a worse UI than Swtor.


    I just dont see it that way. The simplicity of the UI is its greatest asset. Trust me, you dont need all those addons that WoW has you hooked on. This UI is clean and very functional.


    Note: To the one that mentioned the chat box. The chat box can be moved.


    Simplicity may be good for you, but it's bad for a UI. A UI should be customizable.

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