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Posts posted by Lethality

  1. Question...did you seriously spend more on the keyboard and mouse than two years' subscription to TOR would cost you?


    What people spend on things is their business, not yours. If they find value and can afford it, then it's the best buy they can make.

  2. I read every word. When I quested with my buddy, and he shared all of his quest, I told him to hold up and I read every quest story. My buddy of course laughed at the idea because he already knew how weak the side quest stories really were.


    Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, Heavy Rain, LA Noire, these are my favorite games. I love me some mother *********** story lol. SWTOR does not come close to the above games IMO, but SWTOR has a very solid story. WoW was on par with something that you would find on the book self in Mrs. Sanders 2nd grade class room. The concept was cool, it was not the cartoony nature of the game that I did not like, but even the main line quests were told in 2 or less paragraphs. WoWs story was as weak as drinking water.



    I love WoW lore. I read a ton of stuff before playing the game, but the game did a terrible of job of telling the very rich story of the world.


    I completely and wholeheartedly disagree with you.


    Now you could make a case for some quests in Vanilla not being connected, but there were some amazing stories told even then.... The Battle of Darrowshire? The Tirion Fordring line? Mor'Ladim? The Scythe of Elune? I could go on!


    And they got better and better in expansions... to the point where almost everything you did was wrapped in a little mini-story that contributed to the overall end goal, wether is was the eventual march on the Black Temple, ramping up for the battle against the Lich King, or especially throughout Cataclysm.


    If you actually read the quest text and then approached it as a story, not just go into a quest hub and "knock them out" then they were very well done, and I'd say much more contextually satisfying than TOR's questing.


    The bonus here is that Blizzard tells story mostly though action and demonstration, as opposed to digital actors reading some lines to you.


    Also, like a good book, there's also room for imagination in the story of WoW... Due to the way it's presented in TOR, it feels like there's no room for imagination. And that might be the biggest issue I have with it.

  3. I read this recently & I wondered about the massive number of complaints that SWTOR has suffered & then I tried to compare those numbers of complaints to the miniscule number of complaints Mass Effect 3 has had in comparison & i wondered why Ray would jump to defend Mass Effect 3 so quickly yet remain quiet on SWTOR.


    I mean really, weren't we complaining loudly enough about the quality of the endings of the 8, 8, 8 class stories here in SWTOR too?


    Do you all think that an apology is entirely unnecessary or not?


    At the end of the day, TOR is a Lucasarts game an IP. Mass Effect is pure BioWare. I think that might have something to do with it.

  4. I tired to play WOW 3 times and never could get past lvl 20. I could not get past the pumpkin picking because I would always think "Whats the *********** point of this lol"


    When I play SWTOR I still pick pumpkins (shut down generators) but its covered in story. I never think to my self "Whats the *********** point of this" So SWOTORs story allowed to get past lvl 20 and see how brilliant MMOs really are


    With that said, 3 months from later, Im done with the story. I want endgame content damn it.


    In Biowares defense, the game is only 3 months old and we are getting a new FP and Operation. If thats the pace they keep, I dont think endgame content will be a problem. An annual expansion would be nice as well.


    It was covered in the story in WoW too. But you didn't read, did you?

  5. Personally, the story is the only thing that has made this game more engaging that the multitude of fantasy MMOs out there. MMOs have devolved to the point where they are power acquisition games. Most of the crap people are asking for on these boards are just means to get their pellets more efficiently.


    The story isn't engaging to many folks because they aren't engaging the story. So many people here see the story as an impediment to the game, when instead IT IS THE GAME. Ridiculous endgame loot grinds don't make a MMO either.


    I remember when I first started playing these games. I didn't even consider 'raiding' as that term is understood now. I used to have fun just exploring and living in another world. Just the wonder of different locales. Making my character as 'uber' as possible wasn't even a consideration. I only wanted to get more powerful so you could adventure more places.


    I play SWTOR as an online version of the PnP Star Wars RPG. I long ago stopped worrying about the endgame loot grind. I enjoy playing my 50s because I enjoy playing them. Finding things for them to do, helping others, exploring places on my own and not just looking up datacron locations.


    I feel sorry for Bioware and most other MMORPG developers. Blizzard mastered the Skinner box model of MMOs and folks now demand it. That's not what MMOs used to be about. MMOs used to be about living in another world. Not making numbers ever bigger.


    The bottom line is computer-RPGs have evolved into their own thing... and is to some extent what people expect. You can't force something down someone's throat because "that's how it should be."


    You have to respect that computer RPGs are as much about combat roles and progression as it is "story."


    RPG isn't another word for story - it covers many facets of gameplay.

  6. Dont play a story driven MMO if you dont like the story. What do you want them to do, remove the story part of the game? Without VO I would be following a lot less of the story so I think it is a great addition to the game.


    You dont like the game than dont play it. If everyone would agree with you there would be a lot less subs. Unless you are lying and you are still playing the game of course.


    VO is a separate issue all together. You don't need it to enjoy a great story... take a good old-fashioned book for example!


    Also, with the option of interactivity in a game, it's a perfect opportunity to tell a story through demonstration, not just watching digital actors outside of actual "gameplay."

  7. Actually they took the RPG out, you dont roleplay and create your character, you are told a story, Bioware claims that it is my story but it is not, its Biowares story.


    This could derail the thread topic, but I agree... the "story" is told, and we're participating in it. Which I'm actually 100% ok with, but it makes the illusion of choice frustrating and honestly a waste of time.


    I like how Blizzard tells story in WoW, through action and demonstration... yes, I don't have to answer some specific choice, and it's not about _my_ character, but in the end if it doesn't matter, than it doesn't matter.


    Even in Mass Effect 3 with all of the outcry... the outcry is because the story is essentially the same, despite choices made along the way.


    To me, story and character progression in a computer RPG should be about things that happen organically, not canned pre-written story choices which end up feeling sterile anyway.


    So, I love the _importance_ BioWare puts on story, but especially in an MMO, I don't feel the _execution_ works.

  8. I think you should be able to use two Companions at one time, if your out soloing Really alwasy stuck having to use the same one to keep me healed its gets old stuck with the same one all the time. Or allow the player to give the Companion the skills they choose they want that person to have. is it just me they die to easy and cant heal worth a crap.


    from what iv seen so far on here someone will lock this thread like my last two ,


    You could take other real people with you.

  9. The problem is Apple are like dictators, they only allow you to do what they say on their OS and want huge royalties for it, so developers just don't bother. The amount of mac gamers is tiny and with apple dipping in to your profits it's just not worth the time or effort.


    That and you will pay 2x as much for an equivalent spec mac compared to a PC. As gamers want as much performance for their money as possible (and to build their own systems), it's just not attractive.


    Also if you REALLY want OS/x, do thing the other way around and just build a "hackintosh" :p


    You're not following.


    Apple doesn't sell things based on spec, they sell based on experience. And that is what will matter especially going forward. Hardware is becoming a non-issue, as most hardware is getting to the point where it can do most things, including and especially games.


    Blizzard talking about taking WoW to iOS, Gameloft taking Order and Chaos (full 3D MMO) from iOS to the Mac (but no Windows version)... the heat is on.

  10. Man, you're feeding the wolves. Don't waste your time. Let them say and talk what they will. You, me and lot of other guys/girls already made clear that a Mac version of the game is required. Personally I'm sick of the Mac vs PC war. We should keep this thread and the "Do you support a Mac OS X client in Star Wars the Old Republic?" thread alive so BW understands and perceives our request but we as Mac users should gladly receive the statements of the supporters and ignore the flamers.


    You're right, and of course I realize all that. But I've been here making the case since October 21, 2008 and overall since 1984. It's principle at this point.


    Since BioWare won't release at least an official FAQ on the subject, officially stating support behind the idea of future Mac development (not even asking for an official announcement) I feel that with amount of misinformed people with out-of-date understanding of the Mac market, I have to continue helping them understand.

  11. I don't support it as it wouldn't add much to the Title in the way of new customers. It would take close to a hundred thousand new customers for me to say that it would be worth making a client for the Apple Mac. Maybe, at most there would a thousand new users from having a Mac OS client. Even then you would run into problems with Mac users as most run antiquated hardware. I'm sorry you bought a mac. Old, antiquated, over priced, non-upgradeable... You once could say that the Mac was better at graphics design back when they had the power pro. Now, all the Mac has going for them is propaganda.


    Of course it would. It would be the single greatest influx of new customers of anything they could possibly do.


    1,000? Lol.


    100,000 is a no brainer... you'd see 250,000 Mac users try this out of the gate, guaranteed.


    The only thing antiquated here is your information.

  12. Blizzard does it for all of their games and they are only the leader in MMOs. Gaming on Macs is a joke. It's like going to Sturgis on a Vespa.


    They are only the leader in MMOs? What is TOR exactly? Who is TOR competing with exactly?


    And perhaps... you've never heard of Starcraft or Diablo? Two very large international gaming franchises that are in the top-10 sellers of all-time. ALL TIME. Also available for the Mac. Coincidence? I think not.


    I just find it's sad you have to come into this thread and try to somehow make up for inadequacies in your own platform of choice by trying to bring down others.


    Gaming on the Mac is alive, well, booming and growing. Get used to it.

  13. That'd be true if the engine they used was a vanilla engine build. BW/Studio created their own bastard version of it so, I wouldn't hold your breath. Lethality can, but you dont have to. :cool:


    At this point, it'd be a waste of money and time- they have things to fix and systems to flesh out before resolving man hours to a trickle dollar. When the game starts leveling out, sure, instead of laying off people.


    Too late for me, I am done with this game.


    The Mac market is huge, and growing, and BioWare has already acknowledges - at the highest levels - that they want to support it. Like it or not.



  14. I would hope that parallel and vmware fusion wouldn't be considered third party programs. Was there any actual announcements by BW or their representatives about those style of programs?


    Since there's a GM reading this posts I hope we can get a clarification on the subject of using programs to run SWTOR under a virtual windows install in OSx.


    The FACT is BioWare also doesn't support Mac users running Boot Camp. You call, you get the shut-down.

  15. Would you like to know how many were returned? :D How many 2's were sold during the same release week because consumers didnt see the "innovation"? 3 million is a drop in the bucket. Thats barely 1/3rd the subscribers to WoW, and clearly doesnt mean "market share". Theres lesser religions with more people.



    Sorry, what? We're somehow comparing 1st weekend iPad sales to... WoW subscriptions? Hmm... I think you've gone to a weird, dark place.


    Facts are facts...

  16. When Apple stops trying to hide its innovation for using year old parts behind underpaid suicidal 3rd world worker/slaves, we can talk. Disservice my arse. My job is to weigh actual value, not hype or psychological marketing.


    "The best camera on the market" (New Ipad) (Psychological)


    The truth? There has been better cameras on tablets for almost 6 months, New Ipad sales are a shadow of Ipad 2, indicating informed consumers. Look my friend, Stevie isnt rolling in his grave, hes laughing in it.


    New iPad sales are a shadow of iPad 2 sales? They sold 3 million of them in the first weekend alone... has any other tablet maker even sold 3 million? Hell, have ALL other tablets combined even sold 3 million?


    Come on, don't go down that road, it smacks of desperation.

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