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Everything posted by Krewel

  1. More threads like this, please. If anything, it emphasizes the ridiculousness of the original thread concerning the CM as content ... or some biodrone defenders' pulling out dictionary definitions of the word "content." "Why I consider entering my security key to be content, in my own opinion" etc.
  2. My goodness gracious Glad I left this cesspool. Going from LI to "tactical" is pathetic. What is even more pathetic is the dated design of this game and how incompetent the devs are - I'm not saying that "tactical" (oh god, I hate this word, talk about the greatest euphemism in the MMO industry) FPs were designed because of the lack of cross server technology and, in effect, lack of tanks and healers, but it was one of the main incentives. Instead of this MMO actually keeping up with the standards of today's MMOs, they had to come up with a half-cocked solution and appealed to the lowest common denominator. What's worse, "tactical" also means lack of imagination and brilliant mechanics - bosses are simple as they come, meaning it's all generic now ... and boring. Hurray for blandness that is SWTOR!
  3. rofl, it takes less time to log back in after crashing than spending the time to prevent the game from crashing
  4. It's also a nice little slap in the face every time you run it for the ultimate achievement. Completing the FP 25 times means crashing 25 times ... thank you, game, thank you for rewarding me for my effort. Oh, and one more thing - completing the achievement for BT means crashing 50 times because you have to kill LS and DS bosses 25 times each. On top of that, you have to do Esseles 25 times as well ... meaning 75 crashes in total. If I ever achieve this without going insane, I'm signing up for shark wrestling.
  5. Goddamn Just imagine the achievements - 25 times SM (or tactical), 25 times HM for one FP, and then rinse and repeat for the other ... ._.
  6. I have one name to drop here for you ... *beckons OP to come closer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Kephess lives
  7. Noob Riku, I am now Kuat Battle Marshal, and don't you forget it #yoloswagfagtryhard Never ever going into KDY again, must've run it 100+ times for all of the achievements. Every single time the FP lagged (dem calculations are hard, yo). Worst FP ever ... that's why I've only done it 100+ times.
  8. If they plan another FP with random scenarios, they really need to implement it better from the technical standpoint. I've played KDY about 50 times so far (crazy for achievements) and each time the FP lagged for everyone in the group. The game can't handle these random calculations or something.
  9. Well, at least the engine can handle large numbers and sieges are actually working which is more than we can say for SWTOR.
  10. I still remember that video promoting patch 1.2 ... he said that the difference between SWTOR and other MMOs is that the SWTOR team stays the same throughout the development stages talk about irony ...
  11. All I have to say is ... I'm jealous of the game engine
  12. Actually, WoW is the only MMO in which general chat isn't brimming with endless and pointless discussions about other MMOs. Sadly, in all other MMOs, including SWTOR, general chat revolves around the comparisons with WoW ... so sick and tired of this. Inferiority complex is strong!
  13. There's literally no difference in performance between Low and Medium, at least not for me. That's always a sign for lousy game engine
  14. Achievement hunting, especially flashpoints 25 times ...
  15. LoL random crappy scenarios causing lag every single time. I guess we won't be seeing this new and exciting form of dynamic fp content in the future. This will probably be put in the trash bin along with class stories and Ilum 1.0
  16. I have a feeling I'll hate KDY more than killing 500 bormu on Balmorra after completing the achievements for it. They require at least 40 runs through this derp-fest
  17. Yeah, this is what happens when more than 10 people play the same FP lol As usual, we have to wait until people get bored with the new FP, and all the problems will go away.
  18. Yeah, I'd really like to know what Bioware devs are doing when designing NiM. It takes them so long to produce this "new difficulty" they could design a whole new Ops in the meantime. In WoW there are now four levels of difficulty and they always come out simultaneously and the difference between Normal and Heroic is not simply in one new mechanic or quantitative increase of hp and damage ... Why in god's name did it take so many months (was it 6 months?) to release EC NiM only to realize the first boss, for instance, has a "mechanic" which involves players using a medpack at the beginning. So far they really haven't justified this awful delay between HM and NiM. Six months of waiting for EC NiM to use a medpack on the first boss ... I mean, ***
  19. Your definition of thriving needs some ... well, adjustment. WoW is actually thriving, despite the sub losses, they've earned more with their cash shop than SWTOR.
  20. In MoP they've added more content in one year than SWTOR in two years, and they've certainly exceeded the draught of Cataclysm patch cycles. You never saw any signs because you don't want to see them. Makeb expansion would be in WoW merely a patch ...
  21. This year will be just as difficult to maintain a raiding community as it was "in the year of EC". I've realized by now that you can't convince a player to be serious and dedicated in an MMO if he/she does not want to, there has to be self-initiative (and since this isn't a job there is no external pressure), but self-initiative in this case has to spring from the game itself. "In the year of EC" and beyond I was forced to discard my Empire guild(s) and switch to Republic ... so many raiders leaving on a monthly basis a raider has no choice but to switch allegiances on a regular basis. I really don't have the energy to witness another mass exodus of raiders and the road map doesn't convince me that it won't repeat Someone should make a thread in this section on how to "convince" the remaining raiders to stay in the game. Maybe there's some psychological trick we could use. In our guild we're "forcing" people to become achievement hunters and when you go down the road of achievements, there is no end, it's a wonderful snare that keeps people occupied
  22. Only by adding artificial barriers like attunements and specific gear requirements can the most difficult content last long enough to have some proper longevity. Enabling people immediate access to all content from day one is a bad idea in any MMO, imo. However, attunements and gear requirements also bakcfire in the long run (imagine a recruit in your guild going through the attunement and gearing phase every time you get a new player).
  23. This FP is good for one thing (besides the usual accumulation of achievement points) ... I can finally listen to audio books while doing something brainless. I mean, just sitting in my room and staring at the wall won't do, but a little bit of manual activity coupled with attentive listening does wonders for the brain. http://www.audible.com - should be complementary acivity for most of the stuff in this game Thank you for re-kindling my passion for novels. Hmm, listening to Star Wars novels while playing Star Wars ... now that's just metaphysical.
  24. If Blizzard can't please hardcore raiders, then Bioware certainly can't please anyone ... just sayin' lol Right now SWTOR is simply too "unfocused", everything is half-cocked, including their new brainchild GSF. Just the fact that they're splitting DF and DP NiM into two separate patches speaks volumes about their capacity (or lack thereof) for multi-tasking. On top of that, there's also this latest trend of "tactical" flashpoints in which derp reigns supreme and in which tanks and healers are going the way of the dodo. SWTOR seems to be all over the place, trying to focus on so many thing but in the end delivering a mediocre MMO across the board.
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