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Everything posted by lowflyingmeat

  1. Lack of any concrete data, and the sales figures they used for Battlefield 3 are horribly wrong. 13 million in cash? That's how many units were sold as of March.... I am no fan boy, but as an ex-analyst working for a major North American bank, I will wait until the next quarterly report comes out to comment.
  2. Because some consumers have complaints and do not wish to take a complacent back seat role in this Customer-Bioware relationship. It's pretty simple.
  3. Do the math, there's a deficit in subscribers versus boxes sold. I'm sure this # has changed since Feb 1st, 2012. Though you are partially right, we have no proof as of right now. We will see with their next report. "Star Wars®: The Old Republic™ has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month" (Electronic Arts 2012) References cited: Electronic Arts (2012), Q3 FY2012 report, available at [http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/1783843244x0x538997/0bdba9f2-8364-4394-9a21-563bd460d841/EA_Q3FY12_Earnings_Release_2_1_12_12.15PM.pdf]
  4. My Sith inquisitor Companion slipped me a note back at launch, "UNSUB NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE" Oh how I should have listened
  5. We're all looking for that buddy, it doesn't exist.
  6. This. Micro-transactions on top of a $14.99 subscription that yields nothing? Good bye.
  7. We are paying customers. We don't have to wait, many of us have already unsubbed. My server went from full to a light pop server. Almost all of the guilds do not even have enough people to run 8 man Ops, I can pop into the server any night and get into a partially compiled Ops group. Your logic is horrendous. "Just effing wait", right....no I will just not resub because Diablo 3 comes out May 15. Cya maybe when the expansion comes out.
  8. He's a paying customer, he has the right to complain. Considering this patch has been pushed again and again to who knows when, alot of people are getting antsy. I don't blame the guy.
  9. Don't care anymore, Diablo 3 will come out before 1.2.
  10. They waited too long. I realize the patch has bugs and needs extensive Q&A, but they need to balance the wait time. This patch was supposed to come out in March - then early April - it's already mid April. I learned my lesson, I am never going to sub beyond 1 month periods ever again.
  11. Been a sub since day 1. Sick and tired of waiting for 1.2, it's April 10th already. My sub ends 2 weeks from now, if Bioware cannot get 1.2 out by April 24th - I will be unsubbing until 1.3 comes out. I'm sick and tired of paying $14.99 for nothing, the rakghoul update was sort of a joke TBH.
  12. Yes. You heard me, you're a racist. That is if you think its completely dumb founded that a Chiss cannot be a Jedi and vice versa with the blind humans or Sith Mira luka, then you're an in game SWTOR racist. Also, until gungans or naboo are actually represented in the game - then by no means is SWTOR following the canon remotely close. FYI, human's populated Naboo approx 300 years before the Treaty of Coruscant (Major SWTOR moment). Source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Naboo http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/3,951_BBY Now time to be serious Legacy system: Why it works in both game lore and game design Lore reasons - This is war and people change sides - Have you people never heard of war brides? - Immigration - Mara Jade, wife of Luke Skywalker was the "Emperor's hand" for a long time - A species is just a species, that is just it. -Your ability to use the force is strictly dictated by Midi-chlorians (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Midi-chlorian) -"A Bounty hunter with FORCE POWERS? ****? DONT MAKE STUFF UP BIOWARE" They're not, it's already been done, Luke Skywalker's descendant http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Cade_Skywalker - Lots of things in Star wars are not explained, i.e. Yoda's race - and for a long time - the force (turns out to be a blood cell count) -Sith pureblood are not "pureblood", it's emphasized in the game so much that most of them are hybrids. There's also a sithpure blood in the Korriban academy who revels to you that many of the Sith purebloods are in fact deviating far from "Sith pureblood" ideals. Design reasons - Almost all of the races share a similar silhouette. i.e. having a Miraluk on the empire side will not confuse a Republic gamer : The game was not designed ground up for racial silhouette identification - The collected "legacy" abilities are only available in PVE and only during your 20 minute heroic timer. This essentially negates them to novelty. - This opens up the possibilities of true "Double" agent players or covert factions possibly at end game -This is a neat feature and rewards players who do not wish to engage in raiding or PVP, they still have something incredibly cool to show for it in end game -It's honestly just a "neat feature", yet people are taking it as a core-game breaking aspect. People moan and whine that a Cyborg is essentially a human with Matrix-esque shades and that Bioware should have put in more races. Well I think this is a reasonable work around and provides great content for PVE players who do not want to raid/PVP. P.S. I think this illustrates the sort of emotions most of the haters on this forum equate to http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/2/24/GungaSith-SWGS6.jpg Now time to play Mass effect 3 :-)
  13. She should be the first bi-sexual companion then
  14. They have a real Ph.D physicist that verifies all the calculations and scientific claims. Pop culture is irrelevant when it's a top grossing sitcom. Chuck Lorre and friends laugh at you.
  15. People take economics 101 and they think they can replace Ben Bernake. Wait. Really bad example. They think they can replace the pricing/marketing staff at Amazon.
  16. This guy speaks the truth. Considering Amazon is one of the biggest retailers in America, they have the leverage and strings to pull with EA to acquire these copies at a different price. Even if that's not the case, they can afford a few hundred to go at a loss if they can draw in flocks. You know how much free PR they get when gaming sites scream out "OMG AMAZON IS SELLING SWTOR FOR 40$$$$ <FOAM AT MOUTH>" ? Alot. But then while you're checking out, you decide to buy that $100 Monster cable HDMI or some ****, Amazon just made an easy $95 from that sale to offset the SWTOR sale.
  17. "OH MY GOD LOOK, THIS FRYING PAN IS FOR $1 ON BLACK FRIDAY, **** THEY'RE GONNA STOP USING STOVES!!!!" It's called Amazon Gold box sale. P.S. Modern Warfare 3 went for $39.99 here in Canada at Futureshop (Owned by Best Buy USA). OH GOD THAT MEANS MW3 MUST BE FAILING. gosh darn you guys are silly as ****. As someone who works in the marketing industry, it's just called price skimming tactics. They will always sell the game at a high price (i.e. Digital collectors edition!) cause they know early adopters will buy it at WHATEVER price. But they know a large bulk of people are very price sensitive and will snatch it if the price drops. In regards to this, Amazon is using SWTOR as a "Hot sell item" tool to ATTRACT buyers to purchase in the FIRST place. While you're picking up your gold box SWTOR copy, you might buy X,Y,Z.
  18. I had great times ganking people by the boats in Classic WoW, that involved alot of swimming and etc. To be honest, I still had alot more fun on WoW than SWTOR to date. Of course swimming wouldnt make too much sense in SWTOR, but it'd be cool if I could gank people waiting for the trains on coreilla or something. But little touches like that made WoW all that more interesting.
  19. Some people play this game in what most people call "Healthy moderation". It takes at least 4 days of /played to reach 50 (Thats the fastest I've done without killing myself in boredom). Casuals keep the lights on at Bioware. A typical single player game lasts about 20-40 hours, lets just say 30. I use that because I beat Mass effect 2 on hard (Full completion) in about 31 hours. 4 days = 96 hours A typical single player game = 31 hours. It took me about 2.5 weeks playing in about 6 shifts of 5 hours or so. Dude, I don't want to spend a month and more leveling up a toon. I know it's a MMORPG but some people don't give a crap about the leveling process. PLEASE - NO "This is a story/PVE based MMORPG" argument. This MMORPG has to cater to EVERYONE. It's the sad business fact. Why do you think Mass effect 3 has three diff modes (arcade action, roleplaying, and then easymode story telling). World of warcraft, the most financially successful MMORPG to date has an incredibly fast leveling process compared to day 1 launch.
  20. It's called marketing and consumer recall. What's easier to use as leverage to both existing and previous customers? "Weekly patches and we had a giant content push, patch 1.2, in march - two months after release" Or "We have a buncha weekly patches"
  21. yup, i play ahealer and it still takes forever
  22. Chill out for a second, maybe you explained things better he would have understood your dilemma. So you say you cannot buy an authentication key chain fob ($4)? Well then that sucks, but that's also your problem for buying the game out of market. You cannot seriously go complain and moan when you're part of the grey market. It's like buying/importing a car that is not sold in your country, you totally took that risk and I'm just sorry. Make a ticket in game and complain then, maybe it will somehow reach head office. As for your dilemma now, go get it on eBay http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Star-Wars-Old-Republic-Collectors-Edition-Security-Key-RSA-Collectors-NEW-/170788377005?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27c3c7d1ad#ht_594wt_1139
  23. Yeah I would have, I knew from the get out the textures were ****. It doesn't take an amazing eye to spot these details, anyone who plays actual PC games can tell immediately the textures are crap. The textures in Mass Effect 2/3 are better and that's a 360 port. Yes I realize its a MMORPG and they've stated "performance" issues, but why not just allow the users who want to test their machines to do so? What is there to hide?
  24. you're silly if you think paid industry professionals don't know how to make a game, who have been doing game design for longer than you have probably been alive. sure, that doesn't equate to quality. But if you had any analytic or even the slightest grasp of what their marketing/promotion campaign was saying...you'd realize they have long ago abandoned your "Classic MMORPG Grind model". That is, SWTOR is trying to innovate. Though I would agree they have failed on some parts, but give SWTOR another examination once patch 1.2 comes out.
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