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Everything posted by BMBender

  1. Working as Intended; I hope not, Thanks to this un thought out system I've gotten 8 EIGHT pieces I already had while people within the raids got JACK. GIVE US A PASS OPTION EDIT: the whole reason to run OPS NMode is to gear up newer 50's, with this borked up system you get a RNG on top of a RNG. I want a job as an internal tester, easy money apparently.
  2. The enrage timers are more forgiving in EV than say MP or ESS I think is what he means Dantragk. If dps did their Illum/Belsav mod dailies they should have less of an issue. I'd agree with you that taral V or false emp are easier than EV however
  3. It's easy to understand PUG's are bad about taking avoidable damage which means they need a lot more sloppy seconds for heals. If your group's is not brain dead, CMedic is all the heals you need for any HM. If you feel you can only get through content with a sage your problably doing it wrong.
  4. After Maxo rooper SLine goes off a cliff. I SBared most of the drivel after awhile.
  5. they takem $ they can be inconvenienced with no sympathy from me:) EDIT : Most MMo's actually have seperate maint times for EU/US for this reason. I guess all that voice acting cut into the alowable manhours for maintence personel
  6. same but that was my OCD kicking in. Quite a few I was forced to solo due to popultaion spreads
  7. Another contributive factor is HM are a once/day thing, that kinda limits how often you see HM groups running. I'm not saying that should be changed just saying it's a factor.
  8. one major difference is the event you described is it's not against the EULA unless the offender repeatedly does it to the same individual. Not a parallel issue. Nor does said activity have a extended term impact on the game world.
  9. I'll bump that for a $ EDIT on a side note I've a guildi who has pretty much made the game unplayble looking for his sound file, they hated it so bad.
  10. I thought that was just commandoes? I had assumed it was malfunctioning drop pods, I keep wanting to scream SPACE MARINES ATTACCK!!!
  11. yup said I was still for what purpose? what is the end result you are looking for? Say you get an accurate post on every server for every hour for the next 24, and do what with it? If people are nerd raging now about percieved imbalance they gonna do it anyway irregarless of what a data selection shows, for or against? If they didn't care they won't start caring. BW doesn't need the data sample so whats the point?
  12. not trolling was asking a legitimate question IE WHAT IS THE GOAL, we already know there is faction imbalance across several servers I'm sure BW is aware of it as well. How is a random sample in the middle of the day (EastCoast) and no-where near prime time accomplishing anything? Now I'm arguminitive
  13. Just curious what is the intention of this thread? BW won't need it they have the're own internal metrics on server/faction pop. Nor will the community "self adjust" without a carrot. therefore again what purpose served?
  14. /facepalm I want so bad to say it I really really do...must.....resist
  15. yea there are options not good ones mainly cause no one uses em. People are to simple to do anything other than wait for an auto dungeon apparently. it's a custom channel, varies by server, BW never saw fit to make an official one you forgot #4 Roll emp so there is actually someone around who's on the same content as you, least thats how is on my server.
  16. Wow I gotta say then if that mentality represents a noticealbe % of swtor's pop base, it's pretty pathetic. If thats the case gold farmers are only a symptom, there's a deeper problem....
  17. ok I can see your point about the speeders but raids? lol I'm not a member of a serious raid guild in this game but I remember the metality. If a members unable to support their weeklies within the game the're not much of a raider. If they stumble over the $ portion they'll stumble on the content as well. And non raiders generally arn't needing a whole lot of late lvl epics therefore their repair bill will be in line with the content they are running. My point is I just don't see casuals or those with heavy work/school loads dumping alot into gold farmers. Nor do I see HC raiders or PVPers sinking a lot into it. $ grants no specific benifit in this game. IF epic gear was boe or if there were a point to crafting post 50 gear I could see the market but right now I just don't. EDIT I'm NOT saying BW shouldn't be taking this extremely seriously and not 1-4 day bans either more like IP bans. Just in the current game state I don't see them(goldfarmers) pullling record profits
  18. the're cropping up on a lot of servers, thing is I'm not sure why, with the crap crafting post 50 there's no economy really other than a few cash sinks ,speeders raid repairs ect there isn't lot to spend money on so why the gold farming? I just don't see em being able to do a booming buisiness seems marginal to me at best. have some1 higher lvl drag you through just your class quests
  19. Solution: temp ban players who while flaged; cammo in an npc spawn camp on a pve server waiting for cross faction Aoe's see what I did there? EDIT you (and BW apprently) also need to re-read the rule-set thats in the tool tip for pve servers, that whole consentual thing...or else dictionaries have changed lately...
  20. blocking out a time slot of 4 hours for FE is rather unreasonble tbh. Generaly speaking 4 hrs of FE = alot of wipes and no PUGS gonna stick around for that EVER. If you enjoy PUGing (an nothing wrong if you do) may I suggest finding a teamate to pug run with consitently? Even if only 2 people are on the same page as far as communication/coordination within a PUG it can have a rather large impact in smoothing a run.
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