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Everything posted by Varteras

  1. The difference between you and I seems to be that I have read between the lines long enough during their development of this game and have been correct on nearly everything (with the exception of trinity roles) to be fairly confident. If you don't want to look at it the way I am that's perfectly fine and lord knows I won't blame you for tempering yourself. Enough disappointment has surrounded this game that people are guarded when it comes to expectations. Bioware has almost always made vague statements regarding their plans. I look at it this way. Players have been asking for full 3D space combat since the early days of development and became even more adamant about it when they found out what space combat was going to be like initially. Then within the span of a month or so they ask if players would like it in the game (which was a very lopsided poll in favor of 3D space combat), make mentions of expanding the space experience, Ohlen saying that he has tested an apparently expanded form, and Schubert saying that they have BIG plans for the space experience. To me, all of these add up to the very likely scenario that Bioware wants to give players one of the most requested additions to the game. An addition that many have said would make them either resub or stick with the game when everything else fails them. That, to me, seems like a no-brainer to do.
  2. Lol whatever you say guys. Go ahead and keep trying to shoot it down. I'll be sure to send you a private message smiley when they announce it.
  3. http://regret-gaming.net/forum/post/last/m/2216618/viewthread/2719903-pax-east-2012-info Q: Space combat is on rails currently. Will you expand the space combat features in the game? A: JO - were working on it. I tested it last week. https://twitter.com/#!/JamesOhlen April 4th - Which Star Wars fantasy excites you the most? Full 3D space battles, vehicle combat (AT-ATs), pod/speeder racing or capital ship battles. April 11th - No real front runner for the Star Wars fantasy features. All of the features are things we eventually want to get into #SW:TOR In addition to other mentions of big, BIG plans according to Damion Schubert as reported by Darth Hater. Ofcourse this won't be enough for people.
  4. There have been indications. There are sources out there. You have just chosen to look at them in a way that supports your own idea that they haven't been worked on.
  5. Plenty of people here will be sticking their foots in their mouths when full 3D space combat comes out.
  6. Did you watch the Microsoft press conference? At least Bioware got a reaction. Ofcourse, it wouldn't take much to top that terrible conference.
  7. They said new level cap with new combat techniques.
  8. Other MMOs with worse starts and far fewer people after a 6 month span have received expansions. The game does not need millions of players to be a financial success. Rift has had fewer players than TOR has at any point in time and I just received an e-mail talking about their first expansion coming up called Storm Legion. If Rift is getting an expansion you can be certain that TOR will as well. They've pumped a ton of money into this game and they are not going to just walk away from it simply because the game does not even have half the subs of WoW or because the populations have declined. MMO history has shown quite often that even decent MMOs will get second, third, and even fourth looks by players who completely unsubbed or just greatly reduced their playtime whenever a big content patch releases or an expansion comes out. Anyone remember 1.2 and the Rakghoul Outbreak days later? Server populations exploded to levels not seen since shortly after TOR's launch. To be honest it seems like people will accept nothing less than several million subs before they declare TOR a success while it seems to be perfectly acceptable to these same people that other MMOs only have a couple hundred thousand or less. I'm not a fan of everything Bioware has done with this game. Infact, I have a handful of burning criticisms about this game to the point where I really wish I could have been in the same room with the heads of development so I could have slapped them really hard for even suggesting some of the designs of this game. However, this constant doomspeak comes with the fact that those speaking it are often completely neglecting the existence of other MMOs with fewer players, worse starts, and not even a quarter of the financial backing. I mean come on... if Final Fantasy 14, probably the most critically and player despised MMO on the market, is still around even after an extremely long trial period and it hasn't even gone Free-to-Play nevermind just being completely shut down what in the world makes you believe that EA will close the door on this game?
  9. Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, and Swoop Racing. I'd play all of them. I like little games like these which give me something to do other than the standard MMO content.
  10. The bolded part makes me curious. I hope this isn't just spin talk and truthfully what we'll be seeing at E3. From what I understand EA will be having a pre-E3 conference on Monday. So I guess we'll probably find out then if that is the case. I'm sure the PvPers would be thrilled considering how shafted they've felt since Day 1. More high level group content sounds to me like more Flashpoints and Operations. New social features hopefully also means guild features since that has been feeling a little light. If it is simply new emotes I'll be disappointed. New storylines? I won't hold my breath for that to mean anything more than the side stories we get from dailies, Flashpoints, and Operations.
  11. I believe he was referring to your literature. Basically saying you're way behind the recent books.
  12. Battlefront 3 won't happen. According to an article I read on Gamerant it was revealed that Lucasarts pulled the plug on not only a near complete Battlefront 3 but also scrapped the plans for a Battlefront 4 at the same time. Apparently Lucasarts went through a tremendous management shift and set unrealistic expectations for the team working on those games. When they failed to reach them management wasted no time pulling the plug. If you really want my honest opinion I think it's far more likely to see big battles like there were in Battlefront to be something that Bioware adds to The Old Republic considering one of James Ohlen's tweets about his dream for the game to be remaking epic battles like Hoth. I mean really if you think about it... it may actually be a genius business move. Battlefront fans have been yearning for another title. What better way to milk that than to put it into a subscription based MMO? Not only will they sell copies of the game for a crowd that stayed away from it so they can get their fix but they'll also have to pay a monthly fee.
  13. They don't typically announce that they are fixing bugged content unless it is a gamebreaking problem that they need to fast track a fix for. Until the patch notes for 1.3 come out I wouldn't be sitting here making claims that they won't be fixing anything. When 1.2 came out there were quite a few fixes to existing problems that they weren't telling us about when they were hyping that patch.
  14. I could counter this by saying that they didn't have to answer this question at all if it had nothing to do with 1.3
  15. As far as your performance issues I don't know what to tell you there. I'm running a decent setup though far from high end and I run with all settings at max except for shadows. The bugs are not nearly as numerous as they used to be but yes some are still lingering and a couple new ones have popped up. As far as populations, I wouldn't concern yourself too much. Recent information coming out suggests that Bioware is making moves to condense the populations into far fewer servers to create massive consistent populations.
  16. I haven't even met half of the companions yet but of the ones I have I would say that the only companion I dislike right now is Broonmark. I just don't like the way he ticks and it doesn't help that since he doesn't speak basic it's difficult for me to connect with his personality on most levels. I like a lot of the companions I've met but the ones that stick out to me are Vette, Jaesa (dark side), Mako, Kaliyo, and Kira. I don't know what it is but the female characters just seem more entertaining with better overall personalities. It's not that I don't appreciate the male companions simply because they're not female. I just really have yet to meet any male companions that I want to pal around with.
  17. The character transfers are going to target specific servers to funnel people off of their low pop servers to the servers Bioware wants them to go to. The idea of super servers was mentioned in the PCGamer interview and spoken of again in the Q&A we just got. So I don't think that this is some far off idea. Certainly not when they're making it clear that they don't want cross-server group finding because it won't be necessary. I would be willing to bet that the idea of merging to a handful of huge servers has been planned for awhile now. I don't think this is just some cute little buzzphrase they're working with. This is truthfully the first time they've been even moderately clear about what their intentions for the server populations are. Before this we got rather vague answers. I also don't think they're going to do this in steps. This may very well just be done in one shot to get it over with which is honestly their best bet to keep people happy and playing.
  18. Cross-server tech is likely something they want to avoid doing regardless of it being PvE or PvP because I would think that dramatically increasing the cap of a handful of servers and just having massive communities using tech that already exists is much easier than building new tech to allow people from different servers to play together. It would allow them to focus on other more pressing concerns. Why go through the trouble of doing so when it's not needed?
  19. I'm sure they are aware that will cause some issues and I believe that was addressed with regards to Legacy names in the Q&A though unfortunately no solid answer was given. Complain about names all you want but would you rather sit on a dead server with your snowflake name or change it and be on an overly thriving server that would have more people than even The Fatman?
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