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Everything posted by pairadox

  1. Thanks for once again proving, that everyone has an opinion..... and generally they arent right.
  2. Ironically, quite a few people feel their middleware and lowend ware should be running the game without problems. With vsync off, and shadows off, I have everything set to high, and I rarely drop below 40 FPS. Considering my video card came with a 300 baud external, manual connect modem, and 2 floppy disks..... Im kind of amazed.
  3. What you are seeing is a vocal minority. Very. Very Vocal. Take it for what its worth, someone elses opinion. That and 10 bucks will get you a happy meal at McDonalds.
  4. Everyone has set GW2 up to be the next messiah of gaming. I honestly dont think it can or will deliver it. I think once those expectations arent lived up to, the game will crash. GW wasnt good. It was barely mediocre at best. Its sequel does not inspire me with the same faith that you possess.
  5. duco attempted to do that. It changed nothing. Well... except that it went F2Pay.
  6. Im not by any means a technical wizard, but I do know the architecture for laptops and desk are completely different. I know this effects it, when used for high performance situations... like gaming. At least in regards to average laptop vs average desktop. I would suggest trying disable vsynch, disable shadows. Those two things, might help. /shrug Less things for your puter to process cant hurt.
  7. Slowly? Try rapidly as people stand in fire. Pull mutiple groups and lulz their way to the med center.
  8. type /who It brings the window up. Theres a search box at the top. Type the name you want in, and click search. I have no idea why the /command doesnt work. But the search box does. I checked it yesterday.
  9. Its entirely possible that you are overheating your card. Try playing with your settings and see if they continue. Check for driver updates, and window updates, and all that funky stuff. All of these can have an impact on the game.
  10. For those of you out there with middleware and low end machines, probably have some difficulty getting a decent set of frame rates. I have been asked this alot in general chat on my server, and tend to get people referred to me for some easy fixes. Here they are. 1) Hit Esc, Find your Graphics options. Go to it. 2) Find the Shadows Options. Click the drop down box. Turn them OFF. Not low, off. 3) Turn your Vertical Synch OFF. These two simple steps can and usually do skyrocket your FPS. Thats without touching any other settings. Now, if you have trouble with cutscenes, you can disable the check box for cutscenes. Its next to the bloom option. Finally, if you are running windows 7, you can free up some memory by going and right clicking on your desktop, go to personalize. The first page, will show themes. Go the bottom, where it says windows 7 basic themes. Choose one. The Aero themes are memory hogs. These are some simple fixes that dont require huge amounts of computer savvy to get your FPS up. Enjoy the game folks.
  11. Then you should probably tell people you are a dps sorc. Ya know. When your lfg. Like.... DPS Sorc LFG Storming the Castle. Works well.
  12. I will attempt to explain a view on this: 1) When the cross server LFG tool was implemented it in essence encouraged people to adopt all the wrong behaviors that made grouping fun. Dont like the instance. Leave. Feel like need rolling on everything? Go ahead, your chances of ever meeting up with these people again are miniscule. Even if you do, its not like they are on your server. Feel like raging against people, instead of even attempting to help them? By all means, enjoy it. Not like theres any real consequence for your actions. In essence, it took every negative aspect of the internet, and turned it loose on the game. And thats what people consistantly complain about.... especially when using term like "wow kids".... when ironically perhaps, the people they speak of are quite probably adults. At least legally. 2) When I logged into today, I proceeded to swap over to republic side to play my gunslinger. I was hunting for a group for ess... it took all of five minutes, if that. Upon arrival, we plowed through the instance with relative ease. Then the smuggler chest dropped. The Jedi rolled need on it. And won. My thought was why? However, rather than pitch a fit, I just quitely finished the instance. I marked the name of the player that did it, and now I can completely avoid him. I couldnt do that with an LFG tool. 3) Part of the game is engaging each other to complete group quests and flashpoints. Part of the game is actually traveling to those flashpoints, or areas. Remove those, and your remove a portion of the game. Dont like them? Why are you playing the game? The game involves a certain amount of exploration. 4) Finally, the simple fact is that the negative aspects of the LFG tool are legion. The beneifts are small. I would rather hunt for a group or partner then be forced to deal with the degredation of peoples behavior when there is no consequence for their behavior. Its that simple.
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