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Everything posted by Husanak

  1. I have yet to play ANY MMO what has a PvP stat that has had it turn out well. I am hopeful that Bio won't go crazy and start releasing gear with higher and higher expert stats.... almost every other MMO has proven that its a bad idea. What exactly is the issue with offering PvP gear with stats = to the end game raid gear. So what if Joe Shmuck is PvPing with his shiney raid gear.... if the PvP gear is = too it Joe is still going to get smacked around. At least he will still be willing to que up and compete... Joe might even cut back on his raid fetish so he can PvP more. (Or we can all complain that we want 40% PvP Resistances so that Joe will just never bother and we can be happy waling on noobs and waiting 3 hours for a que pop) Really though serious question why have Exp stat at all... I would rather have a selection of PvP gear with +crit +Surg +power +acc... myself.
  2. What is with all these casual gamers that are ruining games by demanding gear grinds. What ever happened to PvP because you like too you know... PvP. If you want to grind all day and all of the night go find yourself a nice Asian Free to play... if you would rather FIGHT everyone and anyone that is willing too que... then stick around. LOL The "Elite" PvP people.... so silly. As someone who PvPs for hours every day for no other reason then I like it... just hush on the I must have my Uber gears so I can smash noobs every Sat and enjoy a dead que Mon-Thur. Keep it I'll take this system where the weekend only player can hang with me if his or her skills afford it... we will both have 2000% more fun.
  3. If your not already there... by the time you get there you will be qued up against other teams of steam rolling 50s. lol The game is elderly 8 days old. This week there is going to be a whole bunch of people hitting 50... the weak after even more. Critical mass is coming.
  4. Well put. The Knight did get a nice boost in the last beta before launch... but it could perhaps still use a bump. However I think the possibilities are there in the Sent/Marauder trees.. I have been playing with a friend who has been making his Marauder really shine. I think it is a harder class to play which is unfortunate as, you pointed out its an Iconic class that many people roled first. The Smugglers are pretty much the same boat (perhaps a bit better off) they are insanely powerful if played properly. They are however not the easiest class to play in the game. Having been lucky enough to have been in a couple matches where both sides have known how to play their classes I think I am more and more leaning toward the view that the class balance is very good. What is not so balanced is the level of difficulty on each. Bio tweeked things as best they could in beta changing the level skills are aquired and tweeking trees... perhaps there is still more they could do there. Perhaps what they need to do is steel a page from some other MMOs and Tell people how hard a class is too play well when they role it. LOTRO for instance states that some of there classes are intended for "Advanced" play right at creation. This game has lots of first time (and lower XP) MMO players coming too it due too the IP... some of us are familier with Proc skills... Power meters... and Skills that are "Off Global" ect. Perhaps we should warn people they are not selecting the "Easy" mode class before they get too upset? Just a thought.
  5. Just wanted to say too... I am in Canada on a US east coast server 60-70ms pings and no real major delay most of the time... the odd spike here and there, which I mostly would think is my opponent having a terrible ping. (Bio will likely only be improving the situation and its hardly something we should be basing a balance discusion on) Force speed is a burst of speed for 2 seconds... it is hardly game breaking. Better skills include but are not limited too... lol Disappearing Act / Cloaking Screen Level 22 Ops and Smugs Force Camouflage Level 30 Marauders and Sents You see more Sorcs around right now so you see lots of Force Speed going off... really though there are better classes for breaking combat.
  6. Screen shot or it didn't happen. Honesty I have played both sides too 50 in beta and they where IDENTICAL. It is of course possible something got pooched in the live build if thats so screen shot it. and Bug report. Or else its just a cool story.
  7. You know what you are right. Its been a long time and many beta builds prior for me. Sorry the Commando and Merchancry clsses do not have an Inturupt. There are good reasons that Bio didn't extend this skill too this AC class though.
  8. Maxxacre I agree completely. The Sorc dmg wise is a one trick pony. If I get my force lightning inturpeted I run... plain and simple nothing is going to proc for me... If my opponent has figuered that out its time to disengage. lol BH/Troopers and the Smug/Op players can fake out the inturpet of a competent player much easier as they have other high dmg skills to draw on. The sorc is just waiting for that Wrath Proc... and if you lock that out of possibility its bad news.
  9. Warrior = Disruption Level 18 Inq = Jolt Level 18 Jedi Knight = Force Kick Level 18 Consolor = Mind Snap Level 18 Smuggler = Distraction Level 18 Bounty Hunter = Quell Level 18 Trooper = Riot Strike Level 18 Agent = Distraction Level 18 There ya go... Every single player in this game has one as of Level 18. I won't go through every skill tree but on top of everyone having one on a 12 second cool down they all have options to increase either duration or reduce the cool down on it. It is the most powerful PvP skill in the game that no one uses... its pretty funny really.
  10. You have a point. I think in general people that perhaps have been around this game for a little longer in beta and such. Or have just plain grasped the concepts Bios devs have implemented. Should start threads just like this one... for those players (the nerf callsers) benefits more then Bios. I was only pointing out that these same threads existed in beta too right around the same degree... and Biowere has proven that they are very confident in the system they have created. IE.... learn how to win people.. go over the Sorc Skill tree and learn their weaknesses... I have pretty much already pointed it out... Inturpet the chain lightning and all the proc goodness their skill tree gives them based off that ONE skill goes away. Spec your own class to lower your inturupt cool downs or increase the lockouts (depending on your class). Trust me if you chain inturupt a sorcs force lightning skill nothing good happens for them.
  11. It is also a 3 second channel... have you even considered using your interupt. Every class gets one... if you have a friend you can keep that poor sorc from ever using his lightning skill. This game has the solution to every classes annoying ability (and yes every class has a few) People in general need to examine the system Bio has setup and understand how to win within it... instead of pushing them to create a carbon copy of other MMOs mostly failed PvP systems. Many people have given Bio a hard time about this being a {Insert MMO} clone. Truth is they have a very intresting PvP game setup. It appears to be rock paper at first... however it really is more complex then that with the resolve system stuns for all classes one stun break for all classes... and interupts and interruptible skills on every class. The PvP game here is deceptively complex and people will adapt. (check back in in a month or so)
  12. Honesty these threads defending or condeming the Sorc / Sage (or any of the rest for that matter) are pretty pointless really. The sorc is not OP in anyway... it is easier to play at the lower levels sure. Bio Heard ALL of this during the various beta cycles... they responded then by stating that they "completed" if you will the sage / sorc tree earlier then the rest, meaning it was where they wanted it. There response too the beta nerf calls was to buff a couple of the other classes and remove some of the clunk surrounding the cover system, ect. Honesty this isn't a game built on one on one encounters. The sorc has plenty of weaknesses I don't need too point them out. Pay attention when your fighting and learn for yourself. They don't have access to the crazy stuff they are accused off... no they don't have endless bubbles of awwsome... no they don't have 20 stuns.... they have ONE stun on a one min (50 sec speced) they have a couple slows. They do have a very well thought out skill tree from a dev perspective... People need to start making arguments about how to improve the other classes if they feel they are inferior... at that point our Devs (who are very PvP minded) will consider if anything needs to happen. They have metrics on all sorts of crazy stuff and the best feedback honesty is too just keep playing. At this point there is a whole lot of people playing that have no clue how to properly play there class... and honesty very little clue as too the nature of this game. I rarely see people using their interupt skills... and in general doing things that are just not wise with in the TOR system... any way /wall
  13. If you are a level 50 with 400 points in Exp gear... one I would say you don't understand the game mechanics... 2 you don't understand pvp mechanics if you are getting tangled with 2 or 3 enemies of ANY level with out backup. You deserve to die in that situation. A good PvP player with a level 15 toon will still beat up level 50 players that don't treat the field with respect. There is no issue.
  14. Why do people assume the Bio Devs have not thought the 30% healing reduction through. I mean really yes there was a beta phase where healing in PvP was the same as healing in PvE, it didn't work plain and simple... the current implementation is fine as it is. No a Healer should NOT be able to kite a DPS too infinity... if you can't kill someone before you go down as a healer rethink your playstyle... the issue is you not the system.
  15. Husanak

    Imperials op

    Nothing to be done. The classes are all mirrored. Does throwing rocks look cooler then throwing lightning... no, but it doesn't do any less dmg. Bio has mirrored all the classes, skills are the same animations are different that is all.
  16. Expertise is a fine stat... but it doesn't turn you into a PvP superman. lol Other Devs have made the mistake in other games of jacking PvP boost stats WAY too high and have ended up with a PvP end game gear grind that is both unfun and very contradictory too solid competitive PvP. Yes you can get yourself a 5-20% dmg bonus and mit... any more then that and we have the unfun end game pvp gear grind that I don't think anyone wants. Learn to kill people and evade and stop trying to rely on some fantastic piece of gear to make up the difference for you. Also keep in mind that our wise Bio Devs have forced you too trade some possible other stats for that Expertise... don't just assume the Expertise is the way too go. Depending on your class and playstyle you may not want to worry about stacking any expertise at all.
  17. Sorc and Sages do better then the other classes against unorganized opponents. It is one of the more forgiving classes to play OK... its not any easier to play extremely well then the other classes... and a well played Smug/OP will kill a Sorc/Sage with no backup... a good melee burst from a Sent / Marauder can also do one in quick too if their not paying attention. There are a few tweaks that the game could use... honesty the Sage / Sorc isn't really the issue. Seeing as only 4 people can que together there will always be some disorganization in most warzones. A well played Sorc will role those not ready for them. However against people that know what there doing its just another class... can role very well with a team... will get smoked hard with out one. (with out a bubble up the sorc will go down fast... in order to get that massive crit rate ect they are not stacking defense... they do not have a shield they are wearing light armour... and contrary to seemingly popular belief the bubble is not Spamable... attack a sorc when the bubble JUST went up... so they can't recast for awhile)
  18. Well it was a joke. lol Lighten up its just pvp. Honesty if it stings its only, that it seems there are people expecting too be able to play this game by only hitting heal skills. In almost every other MMO I have played there are PvE raids / dungeons ect that can only be completed with a really really good dedicated healer. (as in gear spec and playstyle... often this class would never dream of using a DPS cool down, as the dmg cycles are just too tight to even dream of it) What that has meant is that come PvP time the devs attempts to balance the game have been a nightmare... as any team that rolled with one or god forbid two of those uber healer spec toons would be an unstoppable killing machine. Then you end up with people constantly fighting over class nerfs... you have PvE players constantly yelling that the PvP nerfs are killing their PvE game ect ect. Bio has tried to head those things off by basicly taking the concept of a dedicated healer and killing it. There is no dedicated heal class in TOR... there are 3 OFT healing classes.... thats right there is no main heal class. As much as people have given Bio a hard time about not breaking new ground in this game... I think this might be there best "hidden" design change too the MMO structure. PvP players will adapt and it will be interesting too see where it ends up balance wise in a month or two. (Can't think of anything else snarky to put on the end of this one) See ya in game.
  19. Again people need some time to understand what Bio has tried to build here. This is not a classic heal tank type game. EVERY healer class in this game also has access to almost the same dmg potential as the DPS classes. The idea being that you are not intended to be able to play 90% heal defense. A well played commando will be able to take down an attacking DPS player by using a good DPS / Heal role. There are people still trying to play the "Healer" role in this game and Bio has basicly done away with it. There are no pure healers in this game. The commando is not intended to be a a toon that runs around doing nothing but healing. In a pitched one on one I would expect the commando to do well by kiting and doing DMG... stopping to cast 1.5-3 second heals when they get themselves into a good position from which too do it. Having too think ahead a few seconds while playing... I know crazy concept right. Why isn't this game just more mouse turn and button mash. lol
  20. Commandos are not meant to be able to run 100% of the time firing off ranged attacks and instant cast heals. This is a game of rock paper scissor. If you are playing an Oft healing class like the commando you will be forced to stand still to heal making you a good target for a melee class. (ranged classes would be shooting at you moving or not). Against a group of all ranged pulling up the rear and casting some heals will not be a problem. If the group your attacking has a melee class that focuses on the healers (Which is what they should be doing) yes they may be a good challenge. There are a couple insta cast heals in the game... they are skill tree heals you must spec. (trading dmg of course). They are weaker heals in general volume wise. (as they should be). The game is working as its designed, I think the BW balance guys have put some very good thought into it. One Tank + One Healer is powerful but not Overpowered. Keep in mind we are only really into the first few days of the game. Give people some time to understand the mechanics... yes the heal classes in general are weak vs melee as they can't kite heal. Knowing that... stay away from the melee class, when possible, have your friends focus the melee guys first when needed.
  21. Lightening just stands out more. The jedi animations are more subtle and for many newer players (we pretty much are all even if we where in beta for months) if you are in the middle of a 10 toon pile up and you get stunned the chances of you noticing the purple lightning you are getting hit with is high. I think many people mistake the source of the stun. The Sorcs / Sage stun is a 4 seconds stun... it doesn't break on dmg so it is pretty powerful, it is on a 1 Min cool down. (You can shave 10 seconds off by using 2 tier 2 skill points in the shared skill tree). After a bunch of rounds of beta and some PvP now on the live servers... I wouldn't say the Sorc / Sage is OP at all... it is however likely one of the easiest most forgiving classes to play. The bubble absorbs ALL dmg and gives players lots of time to react. Still bubble down they are very fragile. Bio wares choice to make every skill the sorc has a massive purple light show, and give the mirror class barely noticed animations that often blend into the battle... is what has cause peoples odd misconceptions nothing more. Would have been nice if they had given the sorc a more varied set of animations.
  22. Perhaps 6 months down the road Bio should open a Newby server or two as well... those people will also be paying their $15 and shouldn't have to catch up at all right. If Bio did take your suggestion and create a server with capped level amounts... there are 2 major issues anyway; 1) no one new would ever join the server... catching up to friends or the herd as you see it would be impossible. 2) There are still people that would be able to log in more then the next guy and there would still be level gaps for some anyway. The way the bolster works pretty much any player above level 20 is going to be effective anyway. If you are level 20 don't expect too rule the dmg score board... go and capture objectives, focus fire, heal friendlies, setup camp at a goal line (if your a cover using class, so the enemy can't use you as a leap pad). I don't think ruining the experience for people with more free time then you is a good solution. If you do feel strongly about this point... then make a more sensable suggestion. Perhaps you want to advocate for big bumps in Rest XP bonus points. This is something that could help you catch those guys that play "20 hours a day". Its a system that is in place and could be tweeked. (even if I don't agree its needed, it is something that is doable and would not effect people that will never see the rest XP bar.)
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