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Everything posted by Merwanor

  1. I just can't RP in this game without chat bubbles, it just does not work. How fun is it to look at the corner all the time to understand what is going on. Which is sad since this game has major RP potential because we can actually talk to people on the opposite faction. And of course the face changer thing should have been free, but it wont be because EA and Bioware is a business that cares only for cash, so it will never happen.
  2. The fact that obvious colors like this are not available, and that they will probably be insanely expensive when they do become available, proves how terrible the dye system really is. A feature like this should be simple and a joy to use, not a hassle and an annoyance. Why did this have to become a commercial feature and not just a simple and free customization option for players.
  3. The big issue for me is that mostly all the gear you get looks terrible, almost all the good looking gear is from the CM. And with cutscenes and such, how you look is more important in this game. Mismatching gear is not that big an issue in other games, but in this it makes things looks silly. But yeah, most of the gear you get from quests are pointless. Good thing you can almost always choose planetary coms.
  4. I wish I could make all my companions shut up in combat. Especially healers as they talk and talk and talk constantly. The best part about Treek is that she is overpowered on low levels. I could solo The Black Talon and all heroic 2+ quests on Dromund Kaas with no problems on my BH.
  5. A friend of mine wont play the game on his main character because he hates playing his AC, which is a gunslinger. He hates being a boring turret. He chose the class because it sounded cool to wield two guns and be a gunslinger. But he did not know he would be stuck as a turret throughout the whole game. Which is sad since I would love to play the game with him more, and re-rolling is not an option, as he has done to much stuff on that character and it is to much work to level another smuggler. You really don't get the full feel of a class until you reach max level and get all the skills and you get to try out the class in PvP and PvE. I also have a few alts I would love to change my AC on, so this should be an option. I really don't see how anyone can be against an option like this to be honest.
  6. I hope there wont be anymore stuff with the Dread Masters in the future, that theme is just terrible when it comes to gear. At least for Rep characters.To be honest, I hate when they design gear based on a theme from raids, it is almost always ugly. Instead of gear based on Theme > faction > class. It should be based on Class > faction > theme.
  7. The features I want the most is more story in some way, and more companion story would be awesome. But Bioware does not have a big budget for this game anymore I think, so it wont happen. One thing they could do, is at least make us able to replay our class stories, that would be awesome.
  8. Me and a friend of mine did the Oricon quests for the first time last night, I am a Guardian and he is a Gunslinger. Sure I did not have any PvP gear on, but I have all level 66 modded gear. A Sith operative comes out of stealth and stuns me and kills me in less than 5 seconds. I could not do anything, as I was dead before I could even hit my resolute skill. He did 9k damage with one of his skills.... Sure he probably had much better gear than me, but how on earth is that balanced? My friend died a few seconds after me and we both had no chance, it was like a raid boss ganked us. Everytime I see an operative in PvP, I either just stand still and let him kill me or I run, because everytime I even try to fight them, I get stun locked to death. The amount of CC in this game is just staggering, even mobs has an abundance of CC. I think every fight I do I get some kind of loss in control of my character. I wish all classes had different skills for PvP and PvE, so that buffs or nerfs for PvP and PvE would not screw up the game. As it is an unending circle of buffs and nerfs when you have to balance two aspects of a game that has nothing to do with eachother.
  9. They pretty much never fix flaws with gear or issues of a cosmetic nature. For isntance, the starting lighstaber everyone except Sith Inquisitor gets, has been bugged ever since the game came out. The lightsaber blade is not in line with the hilt if you look at it from above or from one of the sides. Darth Malaks armor has an issue with the collar armor, it bugs out totally during cutscenes... The saber throw skill is bugged as it throws a random colored saber isntead of the saber you use... I have reported lots of cosmetic and graphical issues with the game, but none has ever been fixed.
  10. I stay away from the fleet now because of these annoying snowballs.... And the terrible music that plays over... and over... and over again...
  11. Meh, what a boring patch. And still no freaking fix for the saber throw graphics... I want to throw my saber, not some random colored one.
  12. I find it hilarious when people complain about a voice for a Jedi lacks emotion.... The first phrase in the Jedi code is.... There is no emotion, there is peace.... This is also why I never felt so put off by the more static parts of acting by Hayden in the prequels. Because they are trained to not show emotion, but when he does, he really does show emotion... They are like animals! and I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!! But haters gonna hate....
  13. This is my number 1 wanted feature, even more than a hood toggle. Some way to replay my class story from start to finish with every dialogue and such. But I wonder how they could do it, especially how they would handle companions. I guess they could just lock companions out of all the dialogue that comes before the character is aquired or something like that. Will they add this feature, doubtful... We will have a year of mostly CM updates and new stuff for the boring GSF feature.
  14. SWTOR for leveling alts, as it has better story telling because of voiced dialogue and cutscenes. But other than that, WoW is better on mostly everything else. Especially on end game content. But then again, WoW is a very successful MMO, while SWTOR is a big failure in comparison. Had it become more popular in the beginning, this game would probably have been a much better game than WoW. But right now, the devs really don't care much about the game it seems, and they are just trying to keep it alive by flashing goodies through the CM and boring PvP crap (GSF). If I did not have any more alts to level, I would have dropped this game a long time ago. SWTOR is probably the best evidence of a lost opportunity, as it has so much potential. But the devs stopped caring for what truly makes the game unique, story and companions.
  15. And what I would like to see is everything OP mentioned would not be comming... Though a new planet and a new race would be nice, but I would much rather have Togruta. GSF is a big disappointment, I wanted PvE space combat, not boring unbalanced PvP crap. This is of course not official, so I don't believe that this is how updates will be in the future, but I hope it will not be like this.
  16. If they give us a new planet, I want it to be more like Tatooine and Hoth, open and big. Makeb is one of the most annoying planets, since you can't go anywhere without having to fight loads of enemies over and over again. There are to many enemies scattered about the planet. If we do get a new race, it will probably be Togruta which is fine, but I also want Nautolan. Since I do not raid, I have no connection or any care for the story with the dread masters. What I do want is more story about the war. Of course I wish they made more class stories, but I doubt that will ever happen. Man I wish this game became really successful, Then we would have had a real expansion with lots of content, not just daily quest grinds and annoying raids.
  17. I remember I bought the CE mostly for this CE store that was said to be regularly updated.... Well after the whole ME3 ending debacle and all the lies by the SWTOR marketing department, I have learned one thing.... Never trust anything Bioware says or shows. Be it trailers or any announcements, don't trust them.
  18. While you are at it, can you please fix the saber throw? I want to throw my blue lightsaber on my Jedi Knight and not some random colored one, or the white one I magically throw most of the time. Can't you developers just spend a day where you just check all the cosmetic issues with skills and effects. For instance the Guardian Strike and the floating lightsaber issue with the skill.
  19. Saber Throw has been bugged for a long time now, the color of the thrown lightsaber is white and on occasion even red or some random color. Guardian Slash has been bugged ever since release, where on occasion the lightsaber floats out of the wielders hand when you sue it. Devs does not care at all about issues with animation or anything cosmetic. They only care about money and the cartel market. And there is no point in reporting it on the bug forum as nothing is ever done anyways.
  20. One of my prime issues with this game is the annoying weapon restrictions for classes. For instance, as a Jedi Guardian I can only use one lightsaber, not even a double bladed lightsaber. Or as a bounty hunter I am forced to use pistols, even when I would much rather use a carbine or an assault rifle like Boba Fett does. I suggest a more open class system where all classes has more choices in what weapons they use. Jedi Guardian / Sith Juggernaut Single lightsaber / Double bladed lighsaber Jedi Sentinel / Sith Maurauder - Masters of the lightsaber are apparently only masters if the use two of them..... Single Lightsaber / Dual lightsabers Jedi Sage / Sith Sorcerer - I wish I did not have to walk around with my lightsaber drawn all the time, like emperor palpatine and yoda in the movies. Main hand focus / offhand lightsaber - lightsaber only drawn and used when you use the lightsaber skills, focus is invisible maybe. Main hand lighsaber / offhand focus - such as it is now. Jedi Shadow / Sith Assassin Single Lightsaber / Dual short lighstabers (like the offhand Ahsoka Tano has) / Double bladed lightsaber Is it not weird that the supposed stealth jedi class is carrying the biggest and most clunky lightsaber? can't you be an assassin with a single lightsaber? Commando / Mercenary Dual pistols / Assult cannon Both classes should have these weapon choices. Vanguard / Powertech Single Pistol / Assult Rifle / shotgun Again, both classes should have these options to choose from. Now the last two classes are more tricky, Smuggler and Imps are fine with the weapon choices they have I think. But operative should be able to use a blaster pistol, maybe make shotgun a real weapon and not just an offhand. Balance will probably be an issue, but balance will always be an issue, it is a pointless goal to make all classes balanced because it is not possible, it has never been done in an MMO. At least in any MMO I have played.
  21. This feature has been asked for since day one, and there has been no development. At one point the devs said that this was in some sort of development, but then all news from it stopped when the cartel market came out. The devs don't care anymore about such things, now they only care about money from the CM.
  22. To be able to replay my class story is my number 1 wanted feature, but I wonder how they would do it as much of the class stories involves meeting and getting new companions. I guess you could go to a mission terminal and acquire the quest to start chapter 1,2 or 3. And when you do you have to return to the planet you start on and all companions are disabled while you have the quest active or something. Would be difficult, and I doubt this will ever happen with the minuscule budget that Bioware seems to have for this game. They can't even make a hood toggle, this is beyond their abilities I think.
  23. This is something that has annoyed me greatly, all weapons and lightsabers are just so big and clunky. But it is Bioware, so it is no shocker. Just look at the weapons in the Dragon Age series, all weapons looks like LARPing weapons because of their size.
  24. I would gladly pay for more class stories, it is the one thing that makes this game unique. And it is just sad that the developers and EA made end game boring and like every other MMO.
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