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Everything posted by Merwanor

  1. Wish I went to the forums before buying the Eradicator helmet, it is useless without voice modulation, just looks and sounds completely wrong without it. I wonder how they can release so many unfinished armors and such, like the second hood thing on the Revan and Investigators armor. Bioware seems to not have any quality control.
  2. I wish they could release the armor the smuggler has in the return CGI intro, with a normal cowboy hat without the ugly leather thing attached to it, and a real duster with black and brown colors, no freaking pink, purple or fugly colors like that.
  3. When it comes to the Eradicator set and the Valiant Jedi armor set I think it is great that many has this set, as I look at it more like a uniform of sorts. There is a reason why mostly all the sith and jedi wear these armors in the CGI trailer. I just wish they placed some of these armors on NPCs to to make it be a uniform.
  4. I agree, sad though that they now seem to focus on what all other mmo has and actually does better in many ways, raids, daily quests and pvp. Instead of focusing what is truly unique and great about this game, story and companions.
  5. Why must every quest chain end in a stupid 4 man heroic!!!! This pisses me of more than anything, I did this whole quest chain and now I can just cancel it as I never get a group for this crap. Bioware truly has no foresight when it comes to quest design. It is the same with HK-51, no one does this anymore and it is impossible to complete this quest chain.
  6. It does say something about how crappy the dye system is, if they include one color scheme option, it does not include the opposite version. Like for instance Brown White, but no White brown......
  7. This is one of the only MMO games I play where I don't talk to people. In other games where there is chat bubbles there is much more local talking. People meeting in the field and starts chatting, here most people just run past each other. I have tried to talk to people, but most don't seem to notice unless I whisper. But I want to talk publicly and not only privately. I just don't get why they can't just implement this feature, if it is a performance issue then let us decide if we want to take that performance hit.
  8. This game has loads of repeatable quests in the form of daily quests, and imo these are very boring. What I wish I could do is replay some of the great story driven quest chains in this game, like my own class story or the different planetary stories. For instance I really liked the Jedi Prisoner flashpoint quest chain, and sure I can replay all the flashpoints, but I don't get the whole story as these flashpoints was connected to a larger quest chain. If I want to see this play out again I will either have to role another character, or watch it on youtube. But I would love to do this again with my main character. I suggest making all the really important story quest chains repeatable, they don't even have to give any rewards. These quest chains would be the class stories, planetary stories and flashpoint stories. As this game incorporates what is great from SP RPGs and MP online games, it now lacks the replay value of a normal rpg, as in SP games you can always make save before doing your favorite story moments. I really wish I could replay my JKs class story from start to beginning now, as the game has much less bugs and I have much cooler looking armor. How this may be implemented: Lets say there is a terminal on the fleet, when you click on this terminal you are shown a list of all completed quest chains. It is easy to check if you have completed these as they are registered as achievements already. For instance, I have completed all my acts on my JK. Then it would look something like this. [class story, act 1] The Jedi Knight [class story, act 2] <title> [class story, act 3] <title> [planetary story, hoth] <title> [planetary story, tatooine] <title> [flashpoint story, Teral V, Malestrom Prison] The Jedi Prisoner etc etc. Lets say I start my act 1 quest chain, then as a JK I would get the quest, Attack of the Flesh Raiders Speak to Derrin Weller And from there I could continue on until I finish the last quest in act 1. I am not sure if many people want a feature like this, but I wish for this more than any content I can think of other than new story content, and since more class story missions may be far of, this is at least something.
  9. What does this game have that other MMO games does not, at least at this quality. Story and Companions.... What is end game like? Same as every other MMO on the market. Raids, flashpoint, pvp and ... daily quests.... Companions are practically useless on everything else than boring daily quests that has no story. I suggest making some shorter solo instances, or maybe solo versions of all the flashpoints would be great, but make them hard and challenging but still designed around solo play. Or even better, let us replay our class story, from the very first intro to the ending, and at the end we get a really cool looking class specific armor or something like that. And scale this to lvl 55, at least all the instanced areas. Call it heroic class story. I think they allready have a scaling system in place as the seeker droid mission was scaled depending on group size. At least give us something else than boring daily quest grinds that does not focus on what makes this game special, story and companions. This was supposed to be a solo players MMO where story was the main focus, but it has become just another boring raid mmo. Class stories is the only thing still keeping me in the game, and my main character just gatheres dust most of the time now.
  10. This is the worst designed quest chain in the game and any mmo I have played, it forces you to group to get the part from the heroic flashpoint, and without lots of other people it is immensely tedious and not fun at all. The thing is that I have asked friends if they would bother to do this quest, but none wants to as it is just boring and not worth the effort. What I just don't get is why they force you to group on this quest chain, when the reward is something you use mostly when you quest solo. I would not be surprised that mostly only those who got it on release when lots of people did this are the only people with this companion as I can't see anyone actually bother to do this quest chain anymore. I suggest to at least make the scanning thing, a part of the new seeker droid system.
  11. I hate it when developer remove stuff from the game, especially cool looking armors.
  12. You really think they would fix something like this? After over a year they have yet to give people a hood toggle, and it is still one of the top forum posts on the JK forum.... Even though I agree that this would make it look much better, it will never happen.
  13. I hate the Taxi system om Makeb, it is immersion breaking. I was truly disappointed when I could not get a good scenic route to get a good look at the planet. And when these Taxi systems use Speeders it is the only thing that truly feels like Star Wars. Our speeders are stupid and slow and is no fun to ride, I suggest a system where you could press space and skip the trip.
  14. The game is great when you have story based quests, but end game is just all about grinding raids, boring daily quests and pointless warzone pvp. I wish they had focused on what makes this game special, which is the story based content. And imo the only real story based content is Makeb so far. It is sad to know that there will probably never be more class stories.
  15. The dye system is terrible, worst dye system I have ever seen in a game so far. And the immensely greedy implementation of this system says a lot about the people making this stuff, I find it truly shameful. There is something wrong in a game when some of the most expensive items are freaking color dyes..... Because of gambling packs, some of the normal colors like Black are priced as high as 4 mill credits on my server... And not only that, but the color items are mostly all two colors. What if I just want the primary part of my armor to be Black, nope that is not possible.... How anyone can design something like this is beyond me. That being said, I do have to say that it is still better than no dye system, but why not make it user friendly instead of pissing people of with poorly design and greedy features like gambling. Bioware is acting like Ferengi..... Yes, i used a Star Trek reference on a Star Wars forum
  16. Probably the most boring pack so far, just more boring "speeders" and no new armors.
  17. When Bioware can't even get "speeders" to function as a speeder, how on earth can they get mounts right.... Just calling our galactic segways "speeders" is insulting.
  18. A new digital expansion is the only thing that will keep me subbed at least.
  19. Nothing for me to look forward to, this game was supposed to be all about story, now it is just another game like all others. Where end game is all about boring raids, boring daily quest grinds or boring warzone PvP.... After my current sub is done, I will not return until there is another Makeb type expansion, as there is nothing other than story in this game that is unique compared to other MMOs.
  20. Since it was not a part of 2.1 patch, which was all about customization and looks, I doubt we will ever see a hood toggle. It is a lost cause. It just means that there is only a few armors that my JK can use in this game, which is sad as there are some cool looking armors that is ruined by the hood being up all the time.
  21. Sorry, but role playing without chat bubbles is just plain awkward. Which is sad, as this game has such potential when it comes to role playing.
  22. I like this race, perfect fit for my new male sith assassin, the voice just fits the race perfectly. Looks freaking evil with those teeth to Maybe not the most wanted race, but a new race is better than none.
  23. 1 SWG My first MMO, and I have many fond memories of this game, but it did get old later when other games came out. 2 WoW Spent way to much time in this game, it shameful, still enjoy it from time to time, but the first years was of course amazing. 3 SWTOR This is the perfect example of a flawed gem, as this game has such potential, but I fear it will never truly reach it. Only game since WoW that gave me a great MMO feeling of wonder, my run from 1-50 on my main was amazing but also flawed, I so wish I could replay the story now with better looking gear. But even so, the Jedi Knight story and the False Emperor flashpoint gave me some great closure to the Kotor story line, and I feel I have gotten my moneys worth, even though it could have been much better. 4 Warhammer I really liked this game, as it had the feeling of war, and the look of gear was class specific which was awesome at that time and done correctly compared to how SWTOR was on launch. And especially when my WoW characters all looked like idiots in clown outfits at that time. Unfortunately, it failed hard, and it was impossible to do most of the public quests. 5 Champions Online I had a blast playing this on launch, but none of my friends played so it got boring after a while because being alone in an MMO is never fun. Honorable Mentions: Eve online is a great game, I know it is a good game, I just can't seem to get into it. I have tried many times but I always end up alone and not knowing what to do. And I hate loosing stuff, so dying in the game is to stressful. It just is not my thing. City of Heroes was also a great hero MMO, but I felt it was very repetitive and I never truly got into it, thus Champions online was more inviting to me, even though it is also very repetitive.
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