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Everything posted by Merwanor

  1. I love the change to companions, and I find that they have their set of unique abilities. Using Lord Scourge is very different than using Kira for instance. That I can now just forget about the boring min-maxing and gearing of companions is such a load of my mind. And I can finally use the companion I want instead of being forced to just use a healing companion for mostly all classes.
  2. Anyone thought why she can't be customized? She will probably die or something like that. If they suddently made you able to customized her, and then take that character away from you, it would just annoy people more.
  3. When the early access for this expansion launched I was initially excited to check out my new unique Nico Okarr items. I first checked out the blaster pistols and was very pleased with how they looked. Even though they where different from the ones in the trailer, they still had a unique look to them. This made me excited for the duster, as I did not think they would be lazy on this as it was a promotional item after all... But I was so wrong. I equiped the duster and my face was painted with disappointment. A freaking re-texture.... I don't understand it. They have made many armors from those CGI cutscenes that are great. Such as the Jedi Valiant armor, the Sith Eradicator armor and the Havoc Squad armor and many more. So why suddenly be so lazy with the design? Not only that, but this was to reward your faithfull subscribers..... This is the armor we got. Front Back How it should look like
  4. Had it been like this from the start it would not be as bad. And as much as I love Kotor, the addition of a voiced protagonist is what really makes the stories in this game come alive to me. The change is so jarring and just does not fit this game at all. They can keep the dialog system, but at least record the dialogue with the voice cast as it just ruins the immersion of this game. Funny as they keep saying that story is the key to this expansion, they sort of ruin it by doing this change as it does not fit in with the rest of the game at all. I understand that the cost of hiring 16 voice actors to do the same dialogue is probably fairly high, but just imagine having all dialogue in Mass Effect suddenly turn Shepard into a mute, it would be so bad.
  5. So much this, wanted to use her on my smuggler recently, but she does not shut up. So annoying.
  6. I do agree with you, but your post is a bit childish. Don't use big letters like that. No dev would take this post seriously. Been levling a few alts and the gear you get is so boring now. And since there is no outfit designer tab for weapons, a lot of weapons are pointless. You can just vendor them as they serve no purpose. Another funny thing is that they grant you a lot of commendations during levling, but you can pretty much only spend them on armor modifications, but you don't get any customizable gear from quests anymore it seems. The loot change is the worst thing they added with 4.0. I am just happy that I did get some of those armors on some of the characters before the change, but some items are lost forever it seems and it is just really sad.
  7. Please fix this, wanted to use Treek on my Smuggler but it is just way to annoying hearing her say the same line over and over and over again.
  8. I have never called my characters "toons". Always just called them characters.
  9. Ugh, sometimes I wonder what goes behind the minds of Bioware devs. First they screw up a lot of companions by changing their weapon use. Then they "fix" Corso by giving back his ability to use blaster pistols but then remove him being able to use blaster rifles.... What is going!? Why did they even change this to begin with. It was fine the way it was when it comes to companions and their use of weapons.
  10. This is such a stupid change. Good that he can now use pistols again, but why can't he use Blaster Rifles anymore. The stupid thing is he actually holds his hands as if he was holding a blaster rifle in some cutscenes, but now he can't... Why remove or change these weapon things at all. The weapons they could use before was fine. This just makes no sense to me.
  11. While I am on my ship I can't use the item viewer anymore for my companions. Only way I can do it now is to go outside of the ship and summon each person to see how an item would look on that characters. I also have no options anymore for hide helmet or unify colors for companions while in the ship.
  12. I think this whole thing sounds really messy and stupid. I have yet to start the new content so it is good to know that I should unequip the gear I have on them before I start the story. Or else it would be lost forever, which is just beyond stupid.
  13. They have added some great things with this expansion, but the forced level sync is by far the worst thing they could ever add. Hate it!
  14. So much this. And I would try my best to convince them that a Kotor 3 SP game would probably have been much more profitable and better received. Less issues and way better quality than SWTOR, even though I like SWTOR, it is just not a quality product. So much stuff is poorly done. Especially when it comes to gear and how our characters look. Countless design choices are just weird.
  15. If all their gear is just cosmetic, why would they actually make it more restrictive and stupid. I just don't get how the devs for this game thinks. They seems to just do so many weird choices with this game.
  16. My protocol droid has vanished on my JK
  17. I don't actually care about that change. I think that was a good move. If those two was the best companions, then you would pretty much have to use them without gimping yourself. I like that I can now use exactly the companion I want. I never used any other companion other than Treek or Doc on my JK as it was no way for me to do anything without a healer. Now I can use everyone, even HK-51 which I wanted to use but a DPS companion just made soloing things frustrating. What I do despise about the changes to companions is that they changed the weapons many could use. Why restrict it even further on some companions and remove options on others? Corso Riggs can't even use his iconic pistol anymore.... And Treek somehow lost her bowcaster.
  18. It is 2015 and they can't make hats without a face mask..... So freaking sad.
  19. Will we ever see the Jedi Knight armor from the character creation screen? All the other classes has gotten their armors except us. And the funny thing is that people have been asking for that exact armor ever since launch and somehow they just ignored that plea and just never added it. And before people does the mistake of thinking that we already have gotten it. No, the Jedi Valiant armor is not the one from the Character Creation screen, it is similar, but that armor is from the CGI trailers. I would love, just love to have that armor from the character creation screen.
  20. The worst part is that the new armors are terrible, they have really bad design. Except one, which is the new Jedi Knight pvp armor you can buy with Warzone commendations.... But of course the hood is totally bugged on it. When you are in fighting stance it does not follow the body and looks really stupid. Bioware have some really horrible gear designers who does not even care at all about quality. The Nico Okar duster is even just a freaking retexture. The amount of lazy is staggering and I am seriously considering to just end my time with SWTOR for good.
  21. I have yet to start the new story, just finished the previous story content. This makes me not even want to do it in the hopes of them adding voices later on. This is such a big step backwards for me. This would probably not been an issue had they had it like this to begin with. But to suddenly change it like that seems really stupid and must be very jarring.
  22. Some of the changes I like, such as the change to companions. I love that I can finally use the one I want, and I don't have to deal with chore of gearing them up. What I don't like is the change to some of their weapons such as Aric not being able to use Heavy guns anymore. I spent a lot of cash on a specific weapon for him that can not be used anymore. Their removal of lots of items and armor in the game is beyond stupid, and don't get me started on the forced level scaling. Worst idea to ever happen to an mmo.
  23. Be sure to see those armors and items appear on the cartel store soon.....
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