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The option to NOT "finish" crew missions in warfronts?


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Can we please get the option NOT to have our companions pop into a WF to complete a mission when we're in the heat of battle?


Nothing is more annoying then being in a hot pvp fight and having the window pop open and block a large section of my screen until I stop fighting to close or accept.


Warfronts are short... PLEASE put the completed missions on hold until we're done!



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Better yet, have an option so the finished missions don't pop-up and just flash somewhere... similar to the "Pending" message at the top right of the screen.


Sometimes those things just come in at the worst times, and with the longer missions it's hard to judge where I'll be or what I'll be doing when one completes.

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just have it automaticaly deposit into your inventory. I mean you can only accept it anyways and not like you will turn it down. Its a pop-up thats not needed. And a uto-mission starter also so we can que up 3-5 in a row would be nice.
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