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Space Combat: Taspan Ambush


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Anyone else having major issues with this?


I feel like this is an internal issue with the game itself, and heres why.


I have grade 4 upgrades in all available slots. I have tried this multiple times, focusing purely on enemy ships, focusing purely on turrets, and going balls out on any and everything in sight.


--Yet the escort ship explodes in the same spot regardless--


So I ran a little experiment:


I started the mission and went afk... I sat there and didn't touch a SINGLE ship or turret, I just coasted thru the rail on auto pilot.


To my amazement:


--The escort ship STILL explodes in the SAME spot--


So no matter how well I eliminate enemy ships, OR how bad i do it, the ship will die no matter what.


My thoughts are that the sources that cause damage to myself or the escort ship, are doing so even AFTER being destroyed.

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It's not the game its you. There is a point where it gets swarmed so thats probably the point you're talking about. I have no issues with this. I am able to complete it with the ship having taken very little damage. And what else, I have grade 3 upgrades. Edited by Jaick
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There are two things to bear in mind with Taspan Ambush.


1. Thranta class warships will keep firing even after you destroy every turret hardpoint, the sensor dish, and the power generators, just at a very reduced rate.


2. There are two or three moments in the run where if you don't get it absolutely spot on, you may as well not try for the rest of the mission. The first spot is while travelling through the asteroid, one fighter will attack from the front, one will come in to your bottom right, and then immediately after that, three will come from above and tuck in right on the shuttle's tail - you MUST frag all three of the last group before they do that, or they will do too much damage. The second is the sequence immediately following that, when you exit the asteroid - you MUST get the two oncoming fighters, and immediately afterwards you have to be ready to missile-spam the Thranta class ships that will appear; if you were on the ball during the first sequence of the mission, one of these should be completely devoid of hardpoints, but the second is always a fresh ship, you have to have quick reactions to get enough missiles and blaster bolts flying to take out some of its turrets. The last is the wave of 6-8 oncoming fighters - you MUST kill those before they get more than a couple of shots off.


I'd also recommend attempting to put your ship in the way of as much of the blaster fire coming from the rear as you can - every little bit helps. With the Level 3 missile launcher and the above tactics, I can complete the mission almost every time with the shuttle around 10% health. It is a pain in the arse though.

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I've had problems with this mission as well, there seems to be one consistent point in which the escorted ship dies. And this has happened even when the escorted ship exits the asteroids with little to no damage.


And one thing I have learned from over the years, what portion of the game may bug for one person may not happen to another. So just because it hasn't happened to you doen't mean it won't happen to someone else.

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I believe the ship hits an asteroid at a predetermined point in the mission which causes it to lose about 50% armour. Just pop all the fighters the second you see them and take out the guns on the larger ships and it is easy.


You will find you finish the mission with the ship on about 25% hp every single time.


Oh and:

Edited by Okato
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I have beated the missions several times, but I can also say that is has some issues, the craft you escort seems to be programmed to loose a ton of HP right after the valley/canyon fligh through.


Even when I shot everything on sight it's pretty normal the escorted craft only has 1/3 hp left for me and I'm not that terrible at space combat.

Edited by Runealdo
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