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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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because it is the middle of the night when the majority is ASLEEP... just like it is the middle of the day when a majority in EU is AT WORK... it's all about the majority... no matter what time they did it there would be some people who just happen to have that as their free time... so they do it when their metrics show are the lower pop (AKA NOT PEAK) times...


the majority will always win in business...


So, there are less people online during the day then during the night in Europe?:rolleyes:

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Sorry mate but you like BW are flawed in your thinking or words, EU deserve to have our OFF peek down time the same as USA has off Peek time, (middle of the night). Our school system is not the same as USA, we have much much shorter days. And seems by the look at server loads. 10 Am Gmt+2-6pm Gmt +2 is not OFF peek. It is however the middle of the night for USA



And before the down time was canceled it would have been down 11 am -7pm for me, now please tell me that you would be ok for them to be down at that time for you and remember they have had them run over later than planned

Edited by Kaarina
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So, there are less people online during the day then during the night in Europe?:rolleyes:


dunno I don't have the metrics... but since BW is currently patching both clients at the same time that doesn't even matter... with the way they are doing it they are choosing time set for the majority


no matter what they do it will be down when some people want to play...

Edited by Liquidacid
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dunno I don't have the metrics... but since BW is currently patching both clients at the same time that doesn't even matter... with the way they are doing it they are choosing time set for the majority


no matter what they do it will be down when some people want to play...


The problem with this maintenance timewindow is that it is to close to the European prime time for the majority of Europe. If it gets extended it will cut into primetime. We Europeans have separated servers so why can't we have separated maintenance?


And i do agrea with the last statement, the servers will be down for someone at any time but it can't be that there are more people playing from lets say 3am in the nigh then there are from 11am.

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The problem with this maintenance timewindow is that it is to close to the European prime time for the majority of Europe. If it gets extended it will cut into primetime. We Europeans have separated servers so why can't we have separated maintenance?


And i do agrea with the last statement, the servers will be down for someone at any time but it can't be that there are more people playing from lets say 3am in the nigh then there are from 11am.


I'm sure at some point they will do them at separate times for EA and NA but that also causes problems of it's own simply because they use the same clients to access both... it takes a while to get things like that smoothed out so that it doesn't cause more complaints than it silences


but in the end either way they go they are going to have people complaining

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Sorry mate but you like BW are flawed in your thinking or words, EU deserve to have our OFF peek down time the same as USA has off Peek time, (middle of the night).


Until someone can give a logical and verifiable reason as to why.. I fail to see how this statement is true?? Who is going to cover the additional expence of an additional maintenance window.. Since we established the exchange rate doesn't actually mean that Europians pay more..


If the mainteance window for Europe is 8-4, and about 80% of the population is at work for that time.. What is the issue??


Oh wait?? Because everyone sleeps at night?? Wrong again.. People work at night to you know and sleep during the day..


I fail to see what is so hard about this issue.. People are just making demands for no reason..


Bioware is going to cater to most of the people and most of the people work during the day.. What is wrong with that??

Edited by MajikMyst
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I'm sure at some point they will do them at separate times for EA and NA but that also causes problems of it's own simply because they use the same clients to access both... it takes a while to get things like that smoothed out so that it doesn't cause more complaints than it silences


but in the end either way they go they are going to have people complaining


I'm sure that their current maintenence schedule takes place while having the lowest global population on their servers, so this would be the perfect time for a non-seperate maintenance period. Of course sperate maintenance periods would be much better for the customers.


But both approaches have their own risks. Seperate maintenance schedules could result in technical issues and a combined maintenance schedule could result in a potential subscriber loss.


From what I can tell - BW is not doing so well on a technical level, so this would explain their choice on this matter :rolleyes:.

Edited by GHeissi
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Bioware is going to cater to most of the people and most of the people work during the day.. What is wrong with that??


The time when MOST of the people don't play is during the night and early morning. There is much MORE people playing the game during current maintenance window than at night. You can spin it anyway you like, but you can't argue with facts.

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I'm sure that their current maintenence schedule takes place while having the lowest global population on their servers, so this would be the perfect time for a non-seperate maintenance period. Of course sperate maintenance periods would be much better for the customers.


But both approaches have their own risks. Seperate maintenance schedules could result in technical issues and a combined maintenance schedule could result in a potential subscriber loss.


From what I can tell - BW is not doing so well on a technical level, so this would explain their choice on this matter :rolleyes:.


Technically, Bioware isn't doing all that bad.. The issue is that people seem to forget this game has been released for less than a month..


Everyone seems to have the mentality and mind set that this game is about 2 or 3 years old and has a much larger subscription base.. It isn't and it doesn't.. It took Blizzard almost a year to fix the lion's share of bugs in WOW after it was released.. Another 6 years and a few expansions to get where it is today.. This game isn't going to get there over night.. And the idea that will for 100m they should be, has no clue how the software industry works.. On the off chance that they are some genius and know a better way.. Perhaps they should open up a software company and show us some bug free software of this size and complexity..


People simply need to come to terms with the reality that things like this don't get fixed over night.. It takes time.. There are a lot of things more pressing than when Europe gets their maintenance done..


I do think this issue is important.. But I feel that some are counting their chickens before they hatch.. First things first.. This is not a first issue.. Fixing the game and adding functionality to it is more implortant to all.. Not just a small portion of the Europian demography..

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Until someone can give a logical and verifiable reason as to why.. I fail to see how this statement is true?? Who is going to cover the additional expence of an additional maintenance window.. Since we established the exchange rate doesn't actually mean that Europians pay more..


We have European servers, Why can't we have European based maintenance wich isn't dependend on US maintenance time?



If the mainteance window for Europe is 8-4, and about 80% of the population is at work for that time.. What is the issue??


FYI Europe isn't a 3rd world country where children are working. 80% is quiet a bit no?



Oh wait?? Because everyone sleeps at night?? Wrong again.. People work at night to you know and sleep during the day..


I did not know that i'm working at night! I alway's wondered what i did at that time frame. :rolleyes:


I should tell all those company's who are now open that this is actually sleep time and not work time.



I fail to see what is so hard about this issue.. People are just making demands for no reason..


Maintenance time is to close to prime time and already into prime time for 2 European time zones



Bioware is going to cater to most of the people and most of the people work during the day.. What is wrong with that??


Most of the people in the US indeed. If it doesn't bother you why not start maintenance 1 or 2 hr's earlyer?

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The time when MOST of the people don't play is during the night and early morning. There is much MORE people playing the game during current maintenance window than at night. You can spin it anyway you like, but you can't argue with facts.


This is true.. Can you name a single time that would cover both the U.S. and Europe.. Unless you care to justify the additional expence on the 2nd maintenance window..


I am not spinning here.. You are just ignoring half the planet..


As I said.. Please explain to us when it would be the best time to do maintenance cycle for both the U.S. and Europe..


Why is it that some people can't simply address the facts or the issue.. You accuse me of spinning?? What exactly am I spinning?? I am asking people to address the issue from a point of view other than their own.. Look at it from the stand point of a business and the majority.. Not from you own point of view..


A 2nd maintenance window is an additional expense and as pointed out by others, could cause technical issues.. Does any of this matter for you?? Or are you just unable to argue with facts?? Additional resources might be needed to fix these techical issues.. Who is going to pay for that?? Their might be additional maintenances because of these issues.. Who is going to pay for that??


Why are you so important that they (bioware) a company should just accept the additional hassle and expence because you say so, but can offer no reason as to why??

Edited by MajikMyst
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You know what? I don't argue with you, because I just don't care. This stupid WoW comparison will always go in the same direction.


Actually it can't..


People for some reason have this idea that for X number of dollars, software should be perfect when released.. In the history of computers.. There is no such thing as perfect software without bugs.. Yet for some reason people here seem to think bug free software is the norm.. It just isn't..


People forget about how long WOW took to get where it is.. They spam the forums about issues that are meaningless at this point in the game.. You have to grow cow before you can either milk it or send it off to market.. Well.. Give this game some time and let Bioware focus on the important stuff.. Like bugs and functionality.. Not when Europe gets their maintenance and what most of them are doing when..


I don't care if maintance is done during peak time for both our parts of the world.. As long as it means bugs are getting fixed and the game is getting better.. There is no need to create more hassle and possible make things harder because someone is losing a little game time.. I lose game time too.. So does a lot of other people.. So what??

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This is true.. Can you name a single time that would cover both the U.S. and Europe.. (...) As I said.. Please explain to us when it would be the best time to do maintenance cycle for both the U.S. and Europe..


I don't want the same maintenance cycle. I want them separated.


A 2nd maintenance window is an additional expense and as pointed out by others, could cause technical issues.. Does any of this matter for you?? Or are you just unable to argue with facts?? Additional resources might be needed to fix these techical issues.. Who is going to pay for that?? Their might be additional maintenances because of these issues.. Who is going to pay for that??


Why are you so important that they (bioware) a company should just accept the additional hassle and expence because you say so, but can offer no reason as to why??


Well, let's see. Maybe because their main competitor, a company called Activision Blizzard, solved that problem years ago? Also, maybe because another of their competitors, a much smaller company called Trion Worlds, solved that at the release? I guess it's hard then for a company like Electronic Arts, with HALF A BILLION DOLLARS income every year to give us another maintenance window, separated from the US - is this seriously what you're trying to tell us?


PS. Just as a side note:

Since we established the exchange rate doesn't actually mean that Europians pay more..



Edited by Khelien
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I don't want the same maintenance cycle. I want them separated.


Justify the additional cost and possible hassle.. Otherwise what is the point?? It really doesn't matter what any of us want.. I am sure a lot of people would like the game for free.. That doesn't mean they are going to get it..


Unless you can address the problems of the issue.. What more is there to say??


That is the problem with this issue.. Nobody seems to actually want to address the issue from a monetary stand point.. Not to mention the risks involved.. Somehow Bioware is just supposed to eat that cost for you??


Just a side note..


I hereby deputize you as the forum spelling police.. Grats!!


PS. Just as a side not:


Oh.. That is NOTE...


Your demoted.. Sorry.. :p


Yes.. I got it before you edited.. Nice try..

Edited by MajikMyst
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okay so lemme get this straight...bioware, an american company (austin texas) should just give the euros what they want? sorry but I dont think thats going to happen...and besides they could change the hours but it would just be the same for americans then...both parties cant be happy. might as well pick the side you live in


WoW does it. And does it well.

Here is what they say about their weekly maintenance:

This Wednesday all European realms will be restarted between 05:00 and 07:00 Paris time. An in-game notice will be given 15 minutes prior to the restarts.


Firstly, its when most of us are either asleep or some of us have played it all morning and are thinking of bed.

Secondly, its TWO HOURS. Just 2.

It's hard to complain about this though without sounding like there is nothing more to life than SWTOR. But it still grates.

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I think they should either split up their server maintenance so its done during night time in both the US and the EU, OR they should switch it around a bit so that every other maintenance would be done during the night in the EU, but day in the US.


that way it would be fair, and not always unfair to the EU like it is now.

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I think they should either split up their server maintenance so its done during night time in both the US and the EU, OR they should switch it around a bit so that every other maintenance would be done during the night in the EU, but day in the US.


that way it would be fair, and not always unfair to the EU like it is now.




I would love to hear US ppl, that come here saying that we are complaining for nothing, if they could not login at day time XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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"We are second class customers and many of us are sick of it.


BW don't care nor are they taking any notice of the amount of daytime hours we lose to their preferential treatment maintenance hours they grant the NA region.


All regions they market their game in should be accommodated with over night maintenance."


Posted by Xerda


This is how most of the europeans feels, still waiting for an answer.

I still got faith but is over in.....3days, so you know what to do and how to do it bio/ea, lets work

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I agree but it will not persuade me to stop posting in this thread. This now has over 2000 posts yet nothing from BioWare. Not surprised, but they could at least say 'we aren't changing it sorry' but instead they pull the old ignore. This issue could very well be one of several nails in a coffin for them.

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