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Please anything but Huttball


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You get a ton of Huttball if you roll imperial. This happens because there are generally twice as many imps as republics. I'm going to assume you fight a lot of other imperials in huttball? Thats because imps can fight each other (same for republic) in huttball, and since there are 2x-3x the amount of extra imps you're gonna be fighting a lot of imps in huttball.
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Actually, it was all about even(in terms of which game you played) until the last patch. Since then, its Huttball all the bloody time.


The only way Bioware can fix this, is to actually allow players to select their choice of warzone instead of making decisions for us all the time.

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It gets as old explaining WHY youre getting so much huttball for us in these forums, as you are getting tired of playing it.


Everyone and their brother rolled Empire. As a consequence, you could be sitting in ques for hours on end waiting to play the other warzones, while the rebels could pretty much insta-que into them without huttball.


With huttball, you usually get into a game in a matter of minuites. If you want to PVP and youre Empire, Huttball is the only thing letting you do so at a reasonable rate. If you want to play other warzones, you should roll a rebel, where you will see much less huttball because of the reasons above.

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It gets as old explaining WHY youre getting so much huttball for us in these forums, as you are getting tired of playing it.


Everyone and their brother rolled Empire. As a consequence, you could be sitting in ques for hours on end waiting to play the other warzones, while the rebels could pretty much insta-que into them without huttball.


With huttball, you usually get into a game in a matter of minuites. If you want to PVP and youre Empire, Huttball is the only thing letting you do so at a reasonable rate. If you want to play other warzones, you should roll a rebel, where you will see much less huttball because of the reasons above.




I am on the republic side and almost never see hutball. Maybe 1 in 10 or less than that games. I have also never faced my own faction in a game. No hard proof, but doing a check by class in the "who" feature shows that usually there are 5-6 times as many empire as republic on my server most times.

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Wish they would allow us to faction change. My whole guild would do it. I enjoy playing imperial but would be willing to change to help balance the sides out. Yeah not going to reroll at this point either when i'm not even sure i'll be playing another month if they don't fix some of these issues or at least inform people that they are working on them...and by then well...it won't *********** matter anyways because i'll be playing something else ;)
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You get a ton of Huttball if you roll imperial. This happens because there are generally twice as many imps as republics. I'm going to assume you fight a lot of other imperials in huttball? Thats because imps can fight each other (same for republic) in huttball, and since there are 2x-3x the amount of extra imps you're gonna be fighting a lot of imps in huttball.


Wow! i thought huttball was only Imp VS Imp (or republic vs republic)... no joke.

I dont think ive even faced a republic in huttball ever...

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Most players go Imp, thus there are a lot of Imp's looking for matches. Huttball allows same faction matches thus Imp vs. Imp is common.....


If you go Republic you get very few huttball matches (my experience is about 1 out of 5 or so). Be prepare for every other one to be Voidstar though...

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