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500000 Credits to remove level 50 mods from gear, rediculous.


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I am someone who is OCD about appearance, I need to look good to play my character, right now I look like a clown and the level 50 gear's mods I want to move out of gear costs me 25-29k per mod (so roughly 70-90k per piece of armor.)


This is rediculous, at 45 it was 5k, now its suddenly 100k.



What if someone mistakenly puts the wrong mod into something without realising it, then he has to pay 100k to correct that mistake?



This needs changed, money isn't easy to get like other games, especially with the slicing nerf, punishing people for wanting to look good is bad too.





Please make the price for unmodding at level 50 More Reasonable.

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Money isn't easy to get?


100k a day from dailies alone.


You be trippin'.


What Dailies?



And do you know what else you spend things on?


Your a smuggler, your gear isn't all sorts of different like bounty hunter gear is.

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What Dailies?



And do you know what else you spend things on?


Your a smuggler, your gear isn't all sorts of different like bounty hunter gear is.


The dailies on Belsavis and Ilum.


I spend credits on lots of things. Lots.


I also play a Vanguard @ 50, not a Smuggler. This just happened to be the only avatar I liked.

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What Dailies?



And do you know what else you spend things on?


Your a smuggler, your gear isn't all sorts of different like bounty hunter gear is.


500k is nothing can make that in less then a day if you really wanted too... I don't understand why people complain about money in this game it's so easy to get...

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The dailies on Belsavis and Ilum.


I spend credits on lots of things. Lots.


I also play a Vanguard @ 50, not a Smuggler. This just happened to be the only avatar I liked.


Vanguard is easy.


You get level 40 PVP gear and your set.



Level 40 Bounty Hunter PVP gear looks NOTHING like a bounty hunter should use its like trooper armor. LOL

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Vanguard is easy.


You get level 40 PVP gear and your set.



Level 40 Bounty Hunter PVP gear looks NOTHING like a bounty hunter should use its like trooper armor. LOL



There are no words that I can use on this forum to describe just how inane this is.


Because, y'know, every single person has the same sense of aesthetics as you and will do exactly what you imagine.


How silly of me to even contemplate otherwise.

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There are no words that I can use on this forum to describe just how inane this is.


Because, y'know, every single person has the same sense of aesthetics as you and will do exactly what you imagine.


How silly of me to even contemplate otherwise.


Dodging the problem and flaming me won't really matter, since its stupid that it takes more to pull out ONE mod from a piece of gear then to respec your traits.

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and sad thing, once you start earning your armor sets or PvP sets, all that money you spent on the orange custom gear will be wasted, as the custom gear is sub par in every way.


Only for PvP. Custom gear has just as much potential as the best PvE raid gear, you just need to know how the system works.


The PvP issue is clearly an oversight and will probably be fixed soon.

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Vanguard is easy.


You get level 40 PVP gear and your set.



Level 40 Bounty Hunter PVP gear looks NOTHING like a bounty hunter should use its like trooper armor. LOL


Actually, if you were to base a Bounty Hunter's "look" off the movies (all we really can do, right?) the level 40 PvP gear looks /exactly/ like Boba/Jengo Fett.

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What's funny is this guy is a troll. He has ignored the reasonable responses that have been posted. one bing that dailies can solve his money woes. And second, that you can replace mods without extraction for no cost.


Problem solved and have a good day.

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Money isn't easy to get?


100k a day from dailies alone.


You be trippin'.


fyi the bh class quest line is bugged and wont send you to illum for dailies unless you choose the ls ending. atm im forced to keep slicing as an income for crafting

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Sigh these kind of topics is what ruins games.


Its far too easy to earn money, but yet you complain.


Let me guess, you want taking mods out to be free so you don't have to do anything.


So people who like to do things like dailies to afford modding now officially have nothing to do and end up getting bored as hell.

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The dailies on Belsavis and Ilum.


I spend credits on lots of things. Lots.


I also play a Vanguard @ 50, not a Smuggler. This just happened to be the only avatar I liked.


Vanguard is such a good game. I hear all the time, now new people come from wow and are supriseed how a challenging game which forces grouping, that is an open world no instances is fun. Death penalty isnt too sever, you do lose exp but you can not lose lvls.

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seems like bioware doesn't understand MMO economics.


Oh well give it awhile you'll be able to visit susan and get credits from her too. Only reason people buy credits/gold is because devs make it so you need so much of it to function and players who don't play often feel swamped.


No sir, the reason people buy credits/gold is because they are impatient and can not wait to earn the money the way the game provides you and want everything now, now now..


Also one reason maybe this price is high is to make you have to choose what mods you wanna use. And not change them like your underwear. Of course the word "choice" is a nasty topic around MMo players.


If you add a mod by accident and have to pay "500,000 credits" to remove it. I bet you wont make the same mistake twice!

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