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Future for mods/macros


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I dislike the current default UI of SWTOR. I dislike that I can't use macros to better chain my abilities. I dislike not being able to see what is a better dps rotation for my characters.


I heard that Bioware has no plans to allow addons/modding at this time. Has there been any news about when they will allow addons?


And more importantly why can't we make macros?

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Ruins immersion


promotes elitism

bioware thinks wow got it wrong



take your pick of options.


I'm not sure how changing my UI when we already have a UI will ruin immersion. And macros just make it so I have to press fewer buttons for similar results and cleans up the UI.


The modding/macro community in WoW is huge, if anything this will help the community.


Elitists will be elitists, they don't need a mod to tell them x isn't fulfilling what they feel needs to be fulfilled. Also I'd rather have people bring their A game and mods can help with that.


And for the last point I feel that how WoW handled Addons/macros is one of the big things they did very right, but I am biased.

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Ruins immersion


promotes elitism

bioware thinks wow got it wrong



take your pick of options.


Better option - "I want to play Everquest 1 again where everything was tedious and unforgiving and you had to spend 40 hours a week playing to enjoy yourself."


Actually, damn, even everquest had combat logs and macros and eventually added UI customization. I really don't get these people's logic at all. :/

Edited by Shillen
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Better option - "I want to play Everquest 1 again where everything was tedious and unforgiving and you had to spend 40 hours a week playing to enjoy yourself."


Actually, damn, even everquest had combat logs and macros and eventually added UI customization. I really don't get these people's logic at all. :/


Yeah, I don't understand the why macros and addons would be the end of the world. A majority of the players want or even demand these features. Hell we will do the addons ourselves BW

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Macros would be nice in order to use certain abilities before others such as a relic with a use or something else with an on-use effect. This would free up a few buttons because my bars are already getting pretty full.
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Yeah the breaks have been applied Metrics show that there is a huge negative response in the community and Bioware said they were going to listen to the fans; Stephen Reid said that did not mean the end of it; they are looking at way to make everyone happy but it will take time.
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This game will never last as long as WoW has if there are no addnons / macro support in the first year.


The thing is macros can already be accomplished using third party programs (aka bots and script programs) so for legit players to not have it in game would be crappy of Bioware IMO.



There are already not enough action bars and too many abilities.

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What is wrong with macros? Why do I need to "L2P" because I want to use a less cumbersome method to play the game?


If you can't learn to "Chain to get better DPS", then you're.. well... you need to learn to play. Cast the long cast-time moves first, unless there's another reason not to. Really, that's all I know off the top of my head (Playing a Sniper, and loving it!), but really, Macros make it easier for those who don't want to try.


I fully support no macros.

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Would love to customize my UI. I wouldn't mind a damage meter or other helpful mods. Macros can be good. I wouldn't mind a macro that opens up my character slot with my inventory, things like that.


Macros can, however, get out of hand. I dislike the macros that check certain variables. When you have your game down to 3 buttons and that's it, it really ruins gaming for me. Checking those variables manually is part of the game and what makes pvp and pve fun for me. The complex macro system in Rift ruined the game for me and /yawn stale combat due to macros over simplifying things is what made me quit.


Just my 2 creds.

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If you can't learn to "Chain to get better DPS", then you're.. well... you need to learn to play. Cast the long cast-time moves first, unless there's another reason not to. Really, that's all I know off the top of my head (Playing a Sniper, and loving it!), but really, Macros make it easier for those who don't want to try.


I fully support no macros.


People such as yourself who don't play at an even remotely high level don't need macros, we already know. The little example you gave is your support that we don't need macros? That is some terrible support if I ever saw it.


The people who actually care about doing well will use macros. Those who live in ignorance and are fine with being sub-par, won't.

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Would love to customize my UI. I wouldn't mind a damage meter or other helpful mods. Macros can be good. I wouldn't mind a macro that opens up my character slot with my inventory, things like that.


Macros can, however, get out of hand. I dislike the macros that check certain variables. When you have your game down to 3 buttons and that's it, it really ruins gaming for me. Checking those variables manually is part of the game and what makes pvp and pve fun for me. The complex macro system in Rift ruined the game for me and /yawn stale combat due to macros over simplifying things is what made me quit.


Just my 2 creds.


Wows macros got it right. They basically disabled any functionality that let macros make choices or play the game for you.


There are a zillion uses for them outside of that...something seemingly every single person who's against macros fails to realize.

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So, does the same excuse also apply to why they forgot to put target of target in the game? To me it seems they didn't take the time to think through things as clearly as they should have.


I hope Mods, UI modification, and macros are released soon. If not you're going to see a lot of people put their accounts on hold and potentially never come back.

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People such as yourself who don't play at an even remotely high level don't need macros, we already know.


The people who actually care about doing well will use macros. Those who live in ignorance and are fine with being sub-par, won't.


everyone is at the same level without macros...


you build your muscle memory to click or press your commands when you need to... those who can do it better are better skilled at this exercise are they not?


clicking a macro to auto chain 5 attacks in comparison would be less skilled no?


are you saying you suck without this crutch?

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everyone is at the same level without macros...


It's also true that everyone is at the same level WITH macros. You're worried about getting beaten by someone using macros? Learn to write macros, buddy. Or better yet, let's devolve the UI even further! Why is Bioware writing all this darn code for us? Shouldn't we have to program our own graphics engine? I will not rest until every player has to program their own graphics engine!


Everyone, please stop throwing around phrases like "auto-chaining commands" and "macros make the game playable with three buttons" because it shows that you don't know the first thing about how WoW handled macros. By all means, post an example of a WoW macro that chained together more than one ability that wasn't on GCD.


The primary functions of my macros were things like:

- coupling a harm spell and a help spell on the same key

- proccing trinkets before I used abilities (If you put your trinkets on macros and you find that you have a wealth of free time now that you don't have to remember to hit your trinket every 90 seconds, take on more mobs at once, by all means)

- on my druid, combining travel form, swim form and flight form onto one key that tested if I was swimming or if I was in a flyable zone

- on my warrior, having one key that would do different things depending on if I was in zerk, def or battle stance

- on my warrior, having a key that would Intercept if I was far away, or Pummel if I was close


Notice a pattern? Macros promote spell consolidation, so that you don't have 30 spells spread out all over your UI. If you can mount a reasoned, specific argument AGAINST ability consolidation, I'm willing to listen, but I won't entertain it, because writing macros is half the fun of playing an MMO for me.


One last note: I still love WoW, but out of some weird feeling of respect to ToR, I don't want to constantly compare ToR to WoW. And I wouldn't have to, if Bioware didn't release such a half-baked UI that, from all appearances, refused to learn any lessons from WoW's UI development during the seven years that it's been out. If even a modicum of thought had gone into this UI, they'd be letting players put harm and help spells in the same slot together from DAY ONE. If you have a spell that can only affect enemies, and another that can only affect friends, there's NO REASON they can't occupy the same key.

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Pretty much every WoW class has had or has a "One-Button Macro." One way to have done this was the command line:


/run local _,a,_ = GetSpellCooldown("SkillName") if (a == 0) then CastSpellByName("SameSkillName") end


Running those lines together with every skill in your rotation makes (or made, it's been a while) the next skill in the list that wasn't on CD or GCD cast. There: Your one example has been given.


On that note, as long as there isn't a recount-style addon added into this game (which basically means no combat log), I could care less.

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Fair enough, although I should've specified that I was writing about the standard macro commands, not scripts (never dabbled in scripts). So to be more specific, I see no problem with Bioware prejudicially excluding scripts (to avoid the automation you just demonstrated) but allowing macros commands like /cast, /stopcasting, /say, /castsequence, /target, /assist, etc. When you're limited to those commands, there's no way to make the macro pause, or make it cast more than one GCD spell. For instance, if macros were introduced, I'd make one to always try to cast Recklessness on my Sorc before she casts Lightning Strike. Maybe purists would argue that I should have to keep an eye out every 90 seconds for Recklessness to come up; obviously I disagree, I prefer that much automation.


I agree about Recount or Damagemeters or what have you. It's the kind of thing that fosters the mentality where raiding groups won't allow a Juggernaut to come on as dps because they're a "weak dps class" (I'm drawing an example from these forums). It's unfair to the poor guy who just wants to dps as a Juggernaut.

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everyone is at the same level without macros...


you build your muscle memory to click or press your commands when you need to... those who can do it better are better skilled at this exercise are they not?


clicking a macro to auto chain 5 attacks in comparison would be less skilled no?


are you saying you suck without this crutch?


Marco's are skill I'll give you a few examples I use on my hunter over on wow


One macro is for my boar, and it intercepts on my focus target without me having to target anything I can set a focus and then i can intervene is need be


Another one is also really simple and saves me time, everytime i fire serpent sting i also apply hunters mark, this way if its an add fight I don't have to manually apply HM.


there are just to examples that good players would have looked into, and there are many more I use on a regular basis.

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