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LFD needed very much


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Before LFD in WoW, I was one of the few DK's on my server who had the reputation of a good tank, and I got groups because of it. After LFD, I can't tell you how many people would drop group instantly at the sight of me, even though I was wearing full purple tank gear, appropriately gemmed and specced. With LFD, you really don't know what you're going to get. After one too many horrid groups, I stopped using it altogether, and started making my own groups again. I would rather maintain a friend list, get to know people, and hand make my groups, since you are much more likely to get a good one going.


Sry i dont understand that, if you were tank why people quit your group, because with tank in the group the que time is always 5-10 min shorter.

I started WOW a bit after TBC released. My first real 5 man insta was lvl 62 ramparts normal. Why, because in lower lvl there was almost impossible to find 5 man group. From lvl 15-60 i got only boosted. Is it normal that player got his 1 st insta experience on lvl 60?

Atm we have lot of players in same area, what about after 6 months, there is maybe only few.

Instances are the best way to learn how to play your class, it was really fun to lvl only in instances, i like action and fun. Im not going to pay 14 euros month to stay 30 min in Fleet and spam " /LFM 1 tank 1 healer".

And about you reputation, you can built it up makeing raid groups in your server. Its very good way to show your social skills.

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The only major problem that exists currently is that the LFG Tool that is, in fact, present in SWTOR needs to be made more obvious. What LFG Tool, are you asking? I'm talking about the LFG functions in the Social Window. Here is how to properly use them:


Step 1) Open the Social Window.

Step 2) Click the box that flags you as LFG and set a note saying why you're LFG.

Step 3) Search for 'LFG' in the box at the top. This will present a list of everyone who is flagged as LFG, no matter where they are - in fleet, on a planet, or anywhere else.

Step 4) Whisper any who seem suitable as groupmates and ask them if they would like to group. If they say yes, invite them. Because you've done step 2, you may even receive whispers asking you if you want to group with them. Reply as you see fit.

Step 5) Periodically repeat steps 3 and 4 until your group is complete.


Note that this entire process can be done from anywhere, whilst doing anything, as long as you're not already in a group doing something else.


Many posts here obviously indicate the poster is entirely ignorant of the fact you can do the above, in game, right now. This is why I say the only major problem there is with this is that it needs to be made more obvious you can.

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